BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
ci-testFix unittests for python 3.5mathieui7 years
keepalive-logpoezio/core/handlers: More explicit logging for whitespace keepalivesMaxime “pep” Buquet5 years
maindoc: improve documentation of the configuration fileFlorian Schmaus2 years
new-tabsnew tabs: apply reviewmathieui7 years
no-resourceRemove the resource option from the configuration.Emmanuel Gil Peyrot8 years
pubsubRevert "Remove the pubsub-related stuff from the main branch"mathieui11 years
roezioroezio: migrate poezio/xdg.pyMaxime “pep” Buquet3 years
self-pingRemove DelayedEvent.repetive (sic) member which is not usedFlorent Le Coz10 years
slixUse the update script to switch to mastermathieui10 years
slots_testTest to use slots instead of namedtuplesmathieui12 years
test-ciinstall sphinx in the venvmathieui6 years
v0.12-fixesRelease poezio 0.12.1mathieui7 years
v0.8-fixesBump version and setup.pymathieui11 years
xdg-desktop-portalMake /upload work in FlatpakEmmanuel Gil Peyrot3 years