path: root/tests/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-09-01Remove sys.version_info checks for python2 and clean some imports.Emmanuel Gil Peyrot
2014-07-17Rename to slixmppFlorent Le Coz
2012-03-19Fix unicode issues in test cases for Py3+ introduced by issue #150.Lance Stout
2012-02-17Updated XEP-0009 to handle unicode stringsCorrel Roush
2011-12-20XEP-0009: Updated tests to work in python 3Correl Roush
2011-12-20XEP-0009: Added value conversion unit testsCorrel Roush
2011-02-07Fixed failing tests from new XEP-0009 pluginLance Stout
2011-01-13Introduced new XEP-0009 into develop.Dann Martens