Atom stanza? Should stanzas for plugins go in sleekxmpp.stanza or sleekxmpp.plugins.stanza? sleekxmpp.stanza __all__ out of date? stanza.error could be cleaned up, use _delSubText, etc stanza.htmlim could use _delSubText, etc. Why not msg['html']['body'] instead of msg['html']['html']? Unify timeout values - maybe xmlstream.stanzabase.TIMEOUT? Need to use registerStanzaPlugin in rootstanza instead of the manual steps Is exceptions.XMPPError raised anywhere? grep says no, is it still needed? Extra tostring method in xmlstream. Maybe modify the tostring/ packages to accept a stream and top namespace instead of assuming a stanza object? Change ElementBase __str__ to pass its stream object to new function instead of extending ToString. Move tostring and tostring26 to be a single package with import switch in a that selects appropriate file to import. Remove thread remains from handler classes. Clarify what is meant by 'instream' for a handler. Allow for XPath matching to use basic [@att="value"] filter. <- eek? Alternative is to use xml mask, but those are longer. ElementBase sub_items not subitem? Only import cElementTree in stanzabase, everything else reference that. Would make using lxml instead of cElementTree easier if needed. *XMPP needs to use JID class instead of lots of fields. BaseXMPP set_jid, makeIqQuery, getjidresource, getjidbare not needed Is BaseXMPP.send used anywhere? Make top level examples folder, put, there. Maybe even the disco browser too. __getitem__ should be in BaseXMPP. get too, or remove it? xmlstreammod in ComponentXMPP can be removed, just use XMLStream. Why CamelCase and underscore_names? Document semantics. Make the common classes available using Need to unit test stanzabase/elementbase. Heavily. conn_tests and sleekxmpp/tests and sleekxmpp/xmlstresm/test.* -> convert to either unit tests, or at least put in same place Update - github url, version # scheduler needs unit tests stream:features handler should use new state machine -- PEP8 - all files Need to use spaces Docstrings are lacking. Need to document attributes and return values. Organize imports Use absolute, not relative imports Fix one-liner if statements Line length limit of 79 characters -- Plugins --- xep_0004 Need more unit tests --- xep_0009 Need stanza objects Need unit tests --- xep_0045 Need to use stanza objects A few TODO comments for checking roles and using defaults Need unit tests --- xep_0050 Need unit tests Need stanza objects - use new xep_0004 --- xep_0060 Need unit tests Need to use existing stanza objects --- xep_0078 Is it useful still? Need stanza objects/unit tests --- xep_0086 Is there a way to automate setting error codes? Seems like this should be part of the error stanza by default Use stanza objects --- xep_0092 Stanza objects Unit tests --- xep_0199 Stanza objects Unit tests Clean commented code Use the new scheduler -- Documentation Document the Zen/Tao/Whatever of SleekXMPP to explain design goals and decisions Write architecture description XMPP:TDG needs to be rewritten. Need to update docs that reference old JID attributes of sleekxmpp objects Page describing new JID class Message page needs updating Iq page needs to be written Make guides to go with and Page on xmlstream.matchers Page on xmlstream.handlers, especially waiters Page on using xmlstream.scheduler