from . sleektest import * class TestErrorStanzas(SleekTest): def testSetup(self): """Test setting initial values in error stanza.""" msg = self.Message() msg.enable('error') self.checkMessage(msg, """ """) def testCondition(self): """Test modifying the error condition.""" msg = self.Message() msg['error']['condition'] = 'item-not-found' self.checkMessage(msg, """ """) self.failUnless(msg['error']['condition'] == 'item-not-found', "Error condition doesn't match.") del msg['error']['condition'] self.checkMessage(msg, """ """) def testDelCondition(self): """Test that deleting error conditions doesn't remove extra elements.""" msg = self.Message() msg['error']['text'] = 'Error!' msg['error']['condition'] = 'internal-server-error' del msg['error']['condition'] self.checkMessage(msg, """ Error! """) suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestErrorStanzas)