""" SleekXMPP: The Sleek XMPP Library Copyright (C) 2010 Nathanael C. Fritz, Lance J.T. Stout This file is part of SleekXMPP. See the file license.txt for copying permission. """ import unittest import socket try: import queue except ImportError: import Queue as queue from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET from sleekxmpp import ClientXMPP from sleekxmpp import Message, Iq from sleekxmpp.stanza.presence import Presence from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.matcher.stanzapath import StanzaPath from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase import registerStanzaPlugin class TestSocket(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.socket = socket.socket(*args, **kwargs) self.recv_queue = queue.Queue() self.send_queue = queue.Queue() def __getattr__(self, name): """Pass requests through to actual socket""" # Override a few methods to prevent actual socket connections overrides = {'connect': lambda *args: None, 'close': lambda *args: None, 'shutdown': lambda *args: None} return overrides.get(name, getattr(self.socket, name)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Testing Interface def nextSent(self, timeout=None): """Get the next stanza that has been 'sent'""" args = {'block': False} if timeout is not None: args = {'block': True, 'timeout': timeout} try: return self.send_queue.get(**args) except: return None def recvData(self, data): """Add data to the receiving queue""" self.recv_queue.put(data) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Socket Interface def recv(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.read(block=True) def send(self, data): self.send_queue.put(data) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File Socket def makefile(self, mode='r', bufsize=-1): """File socket version to use with ElementTree""" return self def read(self, size=4096, block=True, timeout=None): """Implement the file socket interface""" if timeout is not None: block = True try: return self.recv_queue.get(block, timeout) except: return None class SleekTest(unittest.TestCase): """ A SleekXMPP specific TestCase class that provides methods for comparing message, iq, and presence stanzas. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Shortcut methods for creating stanza objects def Message(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a message stanza.""" return Message(None, *args, **kwargs) def Iq(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create an iq stanza.""" return Iq(None, *args, **kwargs) def Presence(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a presence stanza.""" return Presence(None, *args, **kwargs) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Methods for comparing stanza objects to XML strings def checkMessage(self, msg, xml_string, use_values=True): """ Create and compare several message stanza objects to a correct XML string. If use_values is False, the test using getValues() and setValues() will not be used. """ self.fix_namespaces(msg.xml, 'jabber:client') debug = "Given Stanza:\n%s\n" % ET.tostring(msg.xml) xml = ET.fromstring(xml_string) self.fix_namespaces(xml, 'jabber:client') debug += "XML String:\n%s\n" % ET.tostring(xml) msg2 = self.Message(xml) debug += "Constructed Stanza:\n%s\n" % ET.tostring(msg2.xml) if use_values: # Ugly, but need to make sure the type attribute is set. msg['type'] = msg['type'] if xml.attrib.get('type', None) is None: xml.attrib['type'] = 'normal' values = msg2.getStanzaValues() msg3 = self.Message() msg3.setStanzaValues(values) debug += "Second Constructed Stanza:\n%s\n" % ET.tostring(msg3.xml) debug = "Three methods for creating stanza do not match:\n" + debug self.failUnless(self.compare([xml, msg.xml, msg2.xml, msg3.xml]), debug) else: debug = "Two methods for creating stanza do not match:\n" + debug self.failUnless(self.compare([xml, msg.xml, msg2.xml]), debug) def checkIq(self, iq, xml_string, use_values=True): """ Create and compare several iq stanza objects to a correct XML string. If use_values is False, the test using getValues() and setValues() will not be used. """ self.fix_namespaces(iq.xml, 'jabber:client') debug = "Given Stanza:\n%s\n" % ET.tostring(iq.xml) xml = ET.fromstring(xml_string) self.fix_namespaces(xml, 'jabber:client') debug += "XML String:\n%s\n" % ET.tostring(xml) iq2 = self.Iq(xml) debug += "Constructed Stanza:\n%s\n" % ET.tostring(iq2.xml) if use_values: values = iq.getStanzaValues() iq3 = self.Iq() iq3.setStanzaValues(values) debug += "Second Constructed Stanza:\n%s\n" % ET.tostring(iq3.xml) debug = "Three methods for creating stanza do not match:\n" + debug self.failUnless(self.compare([xml, iq.xml, iq2.xml, iq3.xml]), debug) else: debug = "Two methods for creating stanza do not match:\n" + debug self.failUnless(self.compare([xml, iq.xml, iq2.xml]), debug) def checkPresence(self, pres, xml_string, use_values=True): """ Create and compare several presence stanza objects to a correct XML string. If use_values is False, the test using getValues() and setValues() will not be used. """ self.fix_namespaces(pres.xml, 'jabber:client') debug = "Given Stanza:\n%s\n" % ET.tostring(pres.xml) xml = ET.fromstring(xml_string) self.fix_namespaces(xml, 'jabber:client') debug += "XML String:\n%s\n" % ET.tostring(xml) pres2 = self.Presence(xml) debug += "Constructed Stanza:\n%s\n" % ET.tostring(pres2.xml) # Ugly, but 'priority' has a default value and need to make # sure it is set pres['priority'] = pres['priority'] pres2['priority'] = pres2['priority'] if use_values: values = pres.getStanzaValues() pres3 = self.Presence() pres3.setStanzaValues(values) debug += "Second Constructed Stanza:\n%s\n" % ET.tostring(pres3.xml) debug = "Three methods for creating stanza do not match:\n" + debug self.failUnless(self.compare([xml, pres.xml, pres2.xml, pres3.xml]), debug) else: debug = "Two methods for creating stanza do not match:\n" + debug self.failUnless(self.compare([xml, pres.xml, pres2.xml]), debug) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Methods for simulating stanza streams. def streamStart(self, mode='client', skip=True): if mode == 'client': self.xmpp = ClientXMPP('tester@localhost', 'test') self.xmpp.setSocket(TestSocket()) self.xmpp.state.set('reconnect', False) self.xmpp.state.set('is client', True) self.xmpp.state.set('connected', True) # Must have the stream header ready for xmpp.process() to work self.xmpp.socket.recvData(self.xmpp.stream_header) self.xmpp.connectTCP = lambda a, b, c, d: True self.xmpp.startTLS = lambda: True self.xmpp.process(threaded=True) if skip: # Clear startup stanzas self.xmpp.socket.nextSent(timeout=0.1) def streamRecv(self, data): data = str(data) self.xmpp.socket.recvData(data) def streamSendMessage(self, data, use_values=True, timeout=.5): if isinstance(data, str): data = self.Message(xml=ET.fromstring(data)) sent = self.xmpp.socket.nextSent(timeout=1) self.checkMessage(data, sent, use_values) def streamSendIq(self, data, use_values=True, timeout=.5): if isinstance(data, str): data = self.Iq(xml=ET.fromstring(data)) sent = self.xmpp.socket.nextSent(timeout) self.checkIq(data, sent, use_values) def streamSendPresence(self, data, use_values=True, timeout=.5): if isinstance(data, str): data = self.Presence(xml=ET.fromstring(data)) sent = self.xmpp.socket.nextSent(timeout) self.checkPresence(data, sent, use_values) def streamClose(self): if self.xmpp is not None: self.xmpp.disconnect() self.xmpp.socket.recvData(self.xmpp.stream_footer) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # XML Comparison and Cleanup def fix_namespaces(self, xml, ns): """ Assign a namespace to an element and any children that don't have a namespace. """ if xml.tag.startswith('{'): return xml.tag = '{%s}%s' % (ns, xml.tag) for child in xml.getchildren(): self.fix_namespaces(child, ns) def compare(self, xml1, xml2=None): """ Compare XML objects. If given a list of XML objects, then all of the elements in the list will be compared. """ # Compare multiple objects if type(xml1) is list: xmls = xml1 xml1 = xmls[0] for xml in xmls[1:]: xml2 = xml if not self.compare(xml1, xml2): return False return True # Step 1: Check tags if xml1.tag != xml2.tag: return False # Step 2: Check attributes if xml1.attrib != xml2.attrib: return False # Step 3: Recursively check children for child in xml1: child2s = xml2.findall("%s" % child.tag) if child2s is None: return False for child2 in child2s: if self.compare(child, child2): break else: return False # Everything matches return True