""" slixmpp.xmlstream.xmlstream ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module provides the module for creating and interacting with generic XML streams, along with the necessary eventing infrastructure. Part of Slixmpp: The Slick XMPP Library :copyright: (c) 2011 Nathanael C. Fritz :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details """ from typing import Optional import functools import logging import socket as Socket import ssl import weakref import uuid import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from slixmpp.xmlstream.asyncio import asyncio from slixmpp.xmlstream import tostring from slixmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase import StanzaBase, ElementBase from slixmpp.xmlstream.resolver import resolve, default_resolver #: The time in seconds to wait before timing out waiting for response stanzas. RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = 30 log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class NotConnectedError(Exception): """ Raised when we try to send something over the wire but we are not connected. """ class XMLStream(asyncio.BaseProtocol): """ An XML stream connection manager and event dispatcher. The XMLStream class abstracts away the issues of establishing a connection with a server and sending and receiving XML "stanzas". A stanza is a complete XML element that is a direct child of a root document element. Two streams are used, one for each communication direction, over the same socket. Once the connection is closed, both streams should be complete and valid XML documents. Three types of events are provided to manage the stream: :Stream: Triggered based on received stanzas, similar in concept to events in a SAX XML parser. :Custom: Triggered manually. :Scheduled: Triggered based on time delays. Typically, stanzas are first processed by a stream event handler which will then trigger custom events to continue further processing, especially since custom event handlers may run in individual threads. :param socket: Use an existing socket for the stream. Defaults to ``None`` to generate a new socket. :param string host: The name of the target server. :param int port: The port to use for the connection. Defaults to 0. """ def __init__(self, host='', port=0): # The asyncio.Transport object provided by the connection_made() # callback when we are connected self.transport = None # The socket that is used internally by the transport object self.socket = None self.connect_loop_wait = 0 self.parser = None self.xml_depth = 0 self.xml_root = None self.force_starttls = None self.disable_starttls = None # A dict of {name: handle} self.scheduled_events = {} self.ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context() self.ssl_context.check_hostname = False self.ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE # The event to trigger when the create_connection() succeeds. It can # be "connected" or "tls_success" depending on the step we are at. self.event_when_connected = "connected" #: The list of accepted ciphers, in OpenSSL Format. #: It might be useful to override it for improved security #: over the python defaults. self.ciphers = None #: Path to a file containing certificates for verifying the #: server SSL certificate. A non-``None`` value will trigger #: certificate checking. #: #: .. note:: #: #: On Mac OS X, certificates in the system keyring will #: be consulted, even if they are not in the provided file. self.ca_certs = None #: Path to a file containing a client certificate to use for #: authenticating via SASL EXTERNAL. If set, there must also #: be a corresponding `:attr:keyfile` value. self.certfile = None #: Path to a file containing the private key for the selected #: client certificate to use for authenticating via SASL EXTERNAL. self.keyfile = None self._der_cert = None # The asyncio event loop self._loop = None #: The default port to return when querying DNS records. self.default_port = int(port) #: The domain to try when querying DNS records. self.default_domain = '' #: The expected name of the server, for validation. self._expected_server_name = '' self._service_name = '' #: The desired, or actual, address of the connected server. self.address = (host, int(port)) #: Enable connecting to the server directly over SSL, in #: particular when the service provides two ports: one for #: non-SSL traffic and another for SSL traffic. self.use_ssl = False #: If set to ``True``, attempt to connect through an HTTP #: proxy based on the settings in :attr:`proxy_config`. self.use_proxy = False #: If set to ``True``, attempt to use IPv6. self.use_ipv6 = True #: If set to ``True``, allow using the ``dnspython`` DNS library #: if available. If set to ``False``, the builtin DNS resolver #: will be used, even if ``dnspython`` is installed. self.use_aiodns = True #: Use CDATA for escaping instead of XML entities. Defaults #: to ``False``. self.use_cdata = False #: An optional dictionary of proxy settings. It may provide: #: :host: The host offering proxy services. #: :port: The port for the proxy service. #: :username: Optional username for accessing the proxy. #: :password: Optional password for accessing the proxy. self.proxy_config = {} #: The default namespace of the stream content, not of the #: stream wrapper itself. self.default_ns = '' self.default_lang = None self.peer_default_lang = None #: The namespace of the enveloping stream element. self.stream_ns = '' #: The default opening tag for the stream element. self.stream_header = "" #: The default closing tag for the stream element. self.stream_footer = "" #: If ``True``, periodically send a whitespace character over the #: wire to keep the connection alive. Mainly useful for connections #: traversing NAT. self.whitespace_keepalive = True #: The default interval between keepalive signals when #: :attr:`whitespace_keepalive` is enabled. self.whitespace_keepalive_interval = 300 #: Flag for controlling if the session can be considered ended #: if the connection is terminated. self.end_session_on_disconnect = True #: A mapping of XML namespaces to well-known prefixes. self.namespace_map = {StanzaBase.xml_ns: 'xml'} self.__root_stanza = [] self.__handlers = [] self.__event_handlers = {} self.__filters = {'in': [], 'out': [], 'out_sync': []} self._id = 0 #: We use an ID prefix to ensure that all ID values are unique. self._id_prefix = '%s-' % uuid.uuid4() # Current connection attempt (Future) self._current_connection_attempt = None #: A list of DNS results that have not yet been tried. self.dns_answers = None #: The service name to check with DNS SRV records. For #: example, setting this to ``'xmpp-client'`` would query the #: ``_xmpp-client._tcp`` service. self.dns_service = None #: The reason why we are disconnecting from the server self.disconnect_reason = None #: An asyncio Future being done when the stream is disconnected. self.disconnected = asyncio.Future() self.add_event_handler('disconnected', self._remove_schedules) self.add_event_handler('session_start', self._start_keepalive) @property def loop(self): if self._loop is None: self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() return self._loop @loop.setter def loop(self, value): self._loop = value def new_id(self): """Generate and return a new stream ID in hexadecimal form. Many stanzas, handlers, or matchers may require unique ID values. Using this method ensures that all new ID values are unique in this stream. """ self._id += 1 return self.get_id() def get_id(self): """Return the current unique stream ID in hexadecimal form.""" return "%s%X" % (self._id_prefix, self._id) def connect(self, host='', port=0, use_ssl=False, force_starttls=True, disable_starttls=False): """Create a new socket and connect to the server. :param host: The name of the desired server for the connection. :param port: Port to connect to on the server. :param use_ssl: Flag indicating if SSL should be used by connecting directly to a port using SSL. If it is False, the connection will be upgraded to SSL/TLS later, using STARTTLS. Only use this value for old servers that have specific port for SSL/TLS TODO fix the comment :param force_starttls: If True, the connection will be aborted if the server does not initiate a STARTTLS negotiation. If None, the connection will be upgraded to TLS only if the server initiate the STARTTLS negotiation, otherwise it will connect in clear. If False it will never upgrade to TLS, even if the server provides it. Use this for example if you’re on localhost """ self.disconnect_reason = None self.cancel_connection_attempt() if host and port: self.address = (host, int(port)) try: Socket.inet_aton(self.address[0]) except (Socket.error, ssl.SSLError): self.default_domain = self.address[0] # Respect previous TLS usage. if use_ssl is not None: self.use_ssl = use_ssl if force_starttls is not None: self.force_starttls = force_starttls if disable_starttls is not None: self.disable_starttls = disable_starttls self.event("connecting") self._current_connection_attempt = asyncio.ensure_future( self._connect_routine(), loop=self.loop, ) async def _connect_routine(self): self.event_when_connected = "connected" record = await self.pick_dns_answer(self.default_domain) if record is not None: host, address, dns_port = record port = dns_port if dns_port else self.address[1] self.address = (address, port) self._service_name = host else: # No DNS records left, stop iterating # and try (host, port) as a last resort self.dns_answers = None if self.use_ssl: ssl_context = self.get_ssl_context() else: ssl_context = None await asyncio.sleep(self.connect_loop_wait, loop=self.loop) if self._current_connection_attempt is None: return try: await self.loop.create_connection(lambda: self, self.address[0], self.address[1], ssl=ssl_context, server_hostname=self.default_domain if self.use_ssl else None) self.connect_loop_wait = 0 except Socket.gaierror as e: self.event('connection_failed', 'No DNS record available for %s' % self.default_domain) except OSError as e: log.debug('Connection failed: %s', e) self.event("connection_failed", e) if self._current_connection_attempt is None: return self.connect_loop_wait = self.connect_loop_wait * 2 + 1 self._current_connection_attempt = asyncio.ensure_future( self._connect_routine(), loop=self.loop, ) def process(self, *, forever=True, timeout=None): """Process all the available XMPP events (receiving or sending data on the socket(s), calling various registered callbacks, calling expired timers, handling signal events, etc). If timeout is None, this function will run forever. If timeout is a number, this function will return after the given time in seconds. """ if timeout is None: if forever: self.loop.run_forever() else: self.loop.run_until_complete(self.disconnected) else: tasks = [asyncio.sleep(timeout, loop=self.loop)] if not forever: tasks.append(self.disconnected) self.loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks, loop=self.loop)) def init_parser(self): """init the XML parser. The parser must always be reset for each new connexion """ self.xml_depth = 0 self.xml_root = None self.parser = ET.XMLPullParser(("start", "end")) def connection_made(self, transport): """Called when the TCP connection has been established with the server """ self.event(self.event_when_connected) self.transport = transport self.socket = self.transport.get_extra_info( "ssl_object", default=self.transport.get_extra_info("socket") ) self.init_parser() self.send_raw(self.stream_header) self.dns_answers = None def data_received(self, data): """Called when incoming data is received on the socket. We feed that data to the parser and the see if this produced any XML event. This could trigger one or more event (a stanza is received, the stream is opened, etc). """ if self.parser is None: log.warning('Received data before the connection is established: %r', data) return self.parser.feed(data) try: for event, xml in self.parser.read_events(): if event == 'start': if self.xml_depth == 0: # We have received the start of the root element. self.xml_root = xml log.debug('RECV: %s', tostring(self.xml_root, xmlns=self.default_ns, stream=self, top_level=True, open_only=True)) self.start_stream_handler(self.xml_root) self.xml_depth += 1 if event == 'end': self.xml_depth -= 1 if self.xml_depth == 0: # The stream's root element has closed, # terminating the stream. self.end_session_on_disconnect = True log.debug("End of stream received") self.disconnect_reason = "End of stream" self.abort() elif self.xml_depth == 1: # A stanza is an XML element that is a direct child of # the root element, hence the check of depth == 1 self._spawn_event(xml) if self.xml_root is not None: # Keep the root element empty of children to # save on memory use. self.xml_root.clear() except ET.ParseError: log.error('Parse error: %r', data) # Due to cyclic dependencies, this can’t be imported at the module # level. from slixmpp.stanza.stream_error import StreamError error = StreamError() error['condition'] = 'not-well-formed' error['text'] = 'Server sent: %r' % data self.send(error) self.disconnect() def is_connected(self): return self.transport is not None def eof_received(self): """When the TCP connection is properly closed by the remote end """ self.event("eof_received") def connection_lost(self, exception): """On any kind of disconnection, initiated by us or not. This signals the closure of the TCP connection """ log.info("connection_lost: %s", (exception,)) self.event("disconnected", self.disconnect_reason or exception and exception.strerror) if self.end_session_on_disconnect: self.event('session_end') # All these objects are associated with one TCP connection. Since # we are not connected anymore, destroy them self.parser = None self.transport = None self.socket = None def cancel_connection_attempt(self): """ Immediately cancel the current create_connection() Future. This is useful when a client using slixmpp tries to connect on flaky networks, where sometimes a connection just gets lost and it needs to reconnect while the attempt is still ongoing. """ if self._current_connection_attempt: self._current_connection_attempt.cancel() self._current_connection_attempt = None def disconnect(self, wait: float = 2.0, reason: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Close the XML stream and wait for an acknowldgement from the server for at most `wait` seconds. After the given number of seconds has passed without a response from the server, or when the server successfully responds with a closure of its own stream, abort() is called. If wait is 0.0, this will call abort() directly without closing the stream. Does nothing if we are not connected. :param wait: Time to wait for a response from the server. """ # Compat: docs/getting_started/sendlogout.rst has been promoting # `disconnect(wait=True)` for ages. This doesn't mean anything to the # schedule call below. It would fortunately be converted to `1` later # down the call chain. Praise the implicit casts lord. if wait == True: wait = 2.0 self.disconnect_reason = reason self.cancel_connection_attempt() if self.transport: if wait > 0.0: self.send_raw(self.stream_footer) self.schedule('Disconnect wait', wait, self.abort, repeat=False) def abort(self): """ Forcibly close the connection """ self.cancel_connection_attempt() if self.transport: self.transport.close() self.transport.abort() self.event("killed") self.disconnected.set_result(True) self.disconnected = asyncio.Future() def reconnect(self, wait=2.0, reason="Reconnecting"): """Calls disconnect(), and once we are disconnected (after the timeout, or when the server acknowledgement is received), call connect() """ log.debug("reconnecting...") self.disconnect(wait, reason) self.add_event_handler('disconnected', lambda event: self.connect(), disposable=True) def configure_socket(self): """Set timeout and other options for self.socket. Meant to be overridden. """ pass def configure_dns(self, resolver, domain=None, port=None): """ Configure and set options for a :class:`~dns.resolver.Resolver` instance, and other DNS related tasks. For example, you can also check :meth:`~socket.socket.getaddrinfo` to see if you need to call out to ``libresolv.so.2`` to run ``res_init()``. Meant to be overridden. :param resolver: A :class:`~dns.resolver.Resolver` instance or ``None`` if ``dnspython`` is not installed. :param domain: The initial domain under consideration. :param port: The initial port under consideration. """ pass def get_ssl_context(self): """ Get SSL context. """ if self.ciphers is not None: self.ssl_context.set_ciphers(self.ciphers) if self.keyfile and self.certfile: try: self.ssl_context.load_cert_chain(self.certfile, self.keyfile) except (ssl.SSLError, OSError): log.debug('Error loading the cert chain:', exc_info=True) else: log.debug('Loaded cert file %s and key file %s', self.certfile, self.keyfile) if self.ca_certs is not None: self.ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED self.ssl_context.load_verify_locations(cafile=self.ca_certs) return self.ssl_context async def start_tls(self): """Perform handshakes for TLS. If the handshake is successful, the XML stream will need to be restarted. """ self.event_when_connected = "tls_success" ssl_context = self.get_ssl_context() try: if hasattr(self.loop, 'start_tls'): transp = await self.loop.start_tls(self.transport, self, ssl_context) # Python < 3.7 else: transp, _ = await self.loop.create_connection( lambda: self, ssl=self.ssl_context, sock=self.socket, server_hostname=self.default_domain ) except ssl.SSLError as e: log.debug('SSL: Unable to connect', exc_info=True) log.error('CERT: Invalid certificate trust chain.') if not self.event_handled('ssl_invalid_chain'): self.disconnect() else: self.event('ssl_invalid_chain', e) return False der_cert = transp.get_extra_info("ssl_object").getpeercert(True) pem_cert = ssl.DER_cert_to_PEM_cert(der_cert) self.event('ssl_cert', pem_cert) # If we use the builtin start_tls, the connection_made() protocol # method is not called automatically if hasattr(self.loop, 'start_tls'): self.connection_made(transp) return True def _start_keepalive(self, event): """Begin sending whitespace periodically to keep the connection alive. May be disabled by setting:: self.whitespace_keepalive = False The keepalive interval can be set using:: self.whitespace_keepalive_interval = 300 """ self.schedule('Whitespace Keepalive', self.whitespace_keepalive_interval, self.send_raw, args=(' ',), repeat=True) def _remove_schedules(self, event): """Remove some schedules that become pointless when disconnected""" self.cancel_schedule('Whitespace Keepalive') self.cancel_schedule('Disconnect wait') def start_stream_handler(self, xml): """Perform any initialization actions, such as handshakes, once the stream header has been sent. Meant to be overridden. """ pass def register_stanza(self, stanza_class): """Add a stanza object class as a known root stanza. A root stanza is one that appears as a direct child of the stream's root element. Stanzas that appear as substanzas of a root stanza do not need to be registered here. That is done using register_stanza_plugin() from slixmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase. Stanzas that are not registered will not be converted into stanza objects, but may still be processed using handlers and matchers. :param stanza_class: The top-level stanza object's class. """ self.__root_stanza.append(stanza_class) def remove_stanza(self, stanza_class): """Remove a stanza from being a known root stanza. A root stanza is one that appears as a direct child of the stream's root element. Stanzas that are not registered will not be converted into stanza objects, but may still be processed using handlers and matchers. """ self.__root_stanza.remove(stanza_class) def add_filter(self, mode, handler, order=None): """Add a filter for incoming or outgoing stanzas. These filters are applied before incoming stanzas are passed to any handlers, and before outgoing stanzas are put in the send queue. Each filter must accept a single stanza, and return either a stanza or ``None``. If the filter returns ``None``, then the stanza will be dropped from being processed for events or from being sent. :param mode: One of ``'in'`` or ``'out'``. :param handler: The filter function. :param int order: The position to insert the filter in the list of active filters. """ if order: self.__filters[mode].insert(order, handler) else: self.__filters[mode].append(handler) def del_filter(self, mode, handler): """Remove an incoming or outgoing filter.""" self.__filters[mode].remove(handler) def register_handler(self, handler, before=None, after=None): """Add a stream event handler that will be executed when a matching stanza is received. :param handler: The :class:`~slixmpp.xmlstream.handler.base.BaseHandler` derived object to execute. """ if handler.stream is None: self.__handlers.append(handler) handler.stream = weakref.ref(self) def remove_handler(self, name): """Remove any stream event handlers with the given name. :param name: The name of the handler. """ idx = 0 for handler in self.__handlers: if handler.name == name: self.__handlers.pop(idx) return True idx += 1 return False async def get_dns_records(self, domain, port=None): """Get the DNS records for a domain. :param domain: The domain in question. :param port: If the results don't include a port, use this one. """ if port is None: port = self.default_port resolver = default_resolver(loop=self.loop) self.configure_dns(resolver, domain=domain, port=port) result = await resolve(domain, port, service=self.dns_service, resolver=resolver, use_ipv6=self.use_ipv6, use_aiodns=self.use_aiodns, loop=self.loop) return result async def pick_dns_answer(self, domain, port=None): """Pick a server and port from DNS answers. Gets DNS answers if none available. Removes used answer from available answers. :param domain: The domain in question. :param port: If the results don't include a port, use this one. """ if self.dns_answers is None: dns_records = await self.get_dns_records(domain, port) self.dns_answers = iter(dns_records) try: return next(self.dns_answers) except StopIteration: return def add_event_handler(self, name, pointer, disposable=False): """Add a custom event handler that will be executed whenever its event is manually triggered. :param name: The name of the event that will trigger this handler. :param pointer: The function to execute. :param disposable: If set to ``True``, the handler will be discarded after one use. Defaults to ``False``. """ if not name in self.__event_handlers: self.__event_handlers[name] = [] self.__event_handlers[name].append((pointer, disposable)) def del_event_handler(self, name, pointer): """Remove a function as a handler for an event. :param name: The name of the event. :param pointer: The function to remove as a handler. """ if not name in self.__event_handlers: return # Need to keep handlers that do not use # the given function pointer def filter_pointers(handler): return handler[0] != pointer self.__event_handlers[name] = list(filter( filter_pointers, self.__event_handlers[name])) def event_handled(self, name): """Returns the number of registered handlers for an event. :param name: The name of the event to check. """ return len(self.__event_handlers.get(name, [])) def event(self, name, data={}): """Manually trigger a custom event. :param name: The name of the event to trigger. :param data: Data that will be passed to each event handler. Defaults to an empty dictionary, but is usually a stanza object. """ log.debug("Event triggered: %s", name) handlers = self.__event_handlers.get(name, []) for handler in handlers: handler_callback, disposable = handler old_exception = getattr(data, 'exception', None) # If the callback is a coroutine, schedule it instead of # running it directly if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(handler_callback): async def handler_callback_routine(cb): try: await cb(data) except Exception as e: if old_exception: old_exception(e) else: self.exception(e) asyncio.ensure_future( handler_callback_routine(handler_callback), loop=self.loop, ) else: try: handler_callback(data) except Exception as e: if old_exception: old_exception(e) else: self.exception(e) if disposable: # If the handler is disposable, we will go ahead and # remove it now instead of waiting for it to be # processed in the queue. try: self.__event_handlers[name].remove(handler) except ValueError: pass def schedule(self, name, seconds, callback, args=tuple(), kwargs={}, repeat=False): """Schedule a callback function to execute after a given delay. :param name: A unique name for the scheduled callback. :param seconds: The time in seconds to wait before executing. :param callback: A pointer to the function to execute. :param args: A tuple of arguments to pass to the function. :param kwargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the function. :param repeat: Flag indicating if the scheduled event should be reset and repeat after executing. """ if name in self.scheduled_events: raise ValueError( "There is already a scheduled event of name: %s" % name) if seconds is None: seconds = RESPONSE_TIMEOUT cb = functools.partial(callback, *args, **kwargs) if repeat: handle = self.loop.call_later(seconds, self._execute_and_reschedule, name, cb, seconds) else: handle = self.loop.call_later(seconds, self._execute_and_unschedule, name, cb) # Save that handle, so we can just cancel this scheduled event by # canceling scheduled_events[name] self.scheduled_events[name] = handle def cancel_schedule(self, name): try: handle = self.scheduled_events.pop(name) handle.cancel() except KeyError: log.debug("Tried to cancel unscheduled event: %s" % (name,)) def _safe_cb_run(self, name, cb): log.debug('Scheduled event: %s', name) try: cb() except Exception as e: self.exception(e) def _execute_and_reschedule(self, name, cb, seconds): """Simple method that calls the given callback, and then schedule itself to be called after the given number of seconds. """ self._safe_cb_run(name, cb) handle = self.loop.call_later(seconds, self._execute_and_reschedule, name, cb, seconds) self.scheduled_events[name] = handle def _execute_and_unschedule(self, name, cb): """ Execute the callback and remove the handler for it. """ self._safe_cb_run(name, cb) del self.scheduled_events[name] def incoming_filter(self, xml): """Filter incoming XML objects before they are processed. Possible uses include remapping namespaces, or correcting elements from sources with incorrect behavior. Meant to be overridden. """ return xml def send(self, data, use_filters=True): """A wrapper for :meth:`send_raw()` for sending stanza objects. May optionally block until an expected response is received. :param data: The :class:`~slixmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase.ElementBase` stanza to send on the stream. :param bool use_filters: Indicates if outgoing filters should be applied to the given stanza data. Disabling filters is useful when resending stanzas. Defaults to ``True``. """ if isinstance(data, ElementBase): if use_filters: for filter in self.__filters['out']: data = filter(data) if data is None: return if isinstance(data, ElementBase): if use_filters: for filter in self.__filters['out_sync']: data = filter(data) if data is None: return str_data = tostring(data.xml, xmlns=self.default_ns, stream=self, top_level=True) self.send_raw(str_data) else: self.send_raw(data) def send_xml(self, data): """Send an XML object on the stream :param data: The :class:`~xml.etree.ElementTree.Element` XML object to send on the stream. """ return self.send(tostring(data)) def send_raw(self, data): """Send raw data across the stream. :param string data: Any bytes or utf-8 string value. """ log.debug("SEND: %s", data) if not self.transport: raise NotConnectedError() if isinstance(data, str): data = data.encode('utf-8') self.transport.write(data) def _build_stanza(self, xml, default_ns=None): """Create a stanza object from a given XML object. If a specialized stanza type is not found for the XML, then a generic :class:`~slixmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase.StanzaBase` stanza will be returned. :param xml: The :class:`~xml.etree.ElementTree.Element` XML object to convert into a stanza object. :param default_ns: Optional default namespace to use instead of the stream's current default namespace. """ if default_ns is None: default_ns = self.default_ns stanza_type = StanzaBase for stanza_class in self.__root_stanza: if xml.tag == "{%s}%s" % (default_ns, stanza_class.name) or \ xml.tag == stanza_class.tag_name(): stanza_type = stanza_class break stanza = stanza_type(self, xml) if stanza['lang'] is None and self.peer_default_lang: stanza['lang'] = self.peer_default_lang return stanza def _spawn_event(self, xml): """ Analyze incoming XML stanzas and convert them into stanza objects if applicable and queue stream events to be processed by matching handlers. :param xml: The :class:`~slixmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase.ElementBase` stanza to analyze. """ # Apply any preprocessing filters. xml = self.incoming_filter(xml) # Convert the raw XML object into a stanza object. If no registered # stanza type applies, a generic StanzaBase stanza will be used. stanza = self._build_stanza(xml) for filter in self.__filters['in']: if stanza is not None: stanza = filter(stanza) if stanza is None: return log.debug("RECV: %s", stanza) # Match the stanza against registered handlers. Handlers marked # to run "in stream" will be executed immediately; the rest will # be queued. handled = False matched_handlers = [h for h in self.__handlers if h.match(stanza)] for handler in matched_handlers: handler.prerun(stanza) try: handler.run(stanza) except Exception as e: stanza.exception(e) if handler.check_delete(): self.__handlers.remove(handler) handled = True # Some stanzas require responses, such as Iq queries. A default # handler will be executed immediately for this case. if not handled: stanza.unhandled() def exception(self, exception): """Process an unknown exception. Meant to be overridden. :param exception: An unhandled exception object. """ pass