""" A module that monkey patches the standard asyncio module to add an idle_call() method to the main loop. This method is used to execute a callback whenever the loop is not busy handling anything else. This means that it is a callback with lower priority than IO, timer, or even call_soon() ones. These callback are called only once each. """ import asyncio from asyncio import events from functools import wraps import collections def idle_call(self, callback): if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(callback): raise TypeError("coroutines cannot be used with idle_call()") handle = events.Handle(callback, [], self) self._idle.append(handle) def my_run_once(self): if self._idle: self._ready.append(events.Handle(lambda: None, (), self)) real_run_once(self) if self._idle: handle = self._idle.popleft() handle._run() cls = asyncio.get_event_loop().__class__ cls._idle = collections.deque() cls.idle_call = idle_call real_run_once = cls._run_once cls._run_once = my_run_once def future_wrapper(func): """ Make sure the result of a function call is an asyncio.Future() object. """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): result = func(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, asyncio.Future): return result future = asyncio.Future() future.set_result(result) return future return wrapper