""" Slixmpp: The Slick XMPP Library Copyright (C) 2020 Mathieu Pasquet This file is part of Slixmpp. See the file LICENSE for copying permission. """ from typing import ( Iterable, Optional, Tuple, ) from slixmpp import JID, Message from slixmpp.plugins import BasePlugin from slixmpp.plugins.xep_0439 import stanza from slixmpp.xmlstream.matcher import StanzaPath from slixmpp.xmlstream.handler import Callback class XEP_0439(BasePlugin): '''XEP-0439: Quick Response''' name = 'xep_0439' description = 'Quick Response' dependencies = set() stanza = stanza namespace = stanza.NS def plugin_init(self) -> None: stanza.register_plugins() self.xmpp.register_handler(Callback( 'Action received', StanzaPath('message/action'), self._handle_action, )) self.xmpp.register_handler(Callback( 'Response received', StanzaPath('message/response'), self._handle_response, )) self.xmpp.register_handler(Callback( 'ActionSelected received', StanzaPath('message/action_selected'), self._handle_action_selected, )) def plugin_send(self): self.xmpp.remove_handler('Action received') self.xmpp.remove_handler('Response received') self.xmpp.remove_handler('ActionSelected received') def _handle_response(self, msg: Message): self.xmpp.event('responses_received', msg) def _handle_action(self, msg: Message): self.xmpp.event('action_received', msg) def _handle_action_selected(self, msg: Message): self.xmpp.event('action_selected', msg) def ask_for_response(self, mto: JID, body: str, responses: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]], mtype: str = 'chat', lang: Optional[str] = None, *, mfrom: Optional[JID] = None): """ Send a message with a set of responses. :param JID mto: The JID of the entity which will receive the message :param str body: The message body of the question :param Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] responses: A set of tuples containing (value, label) for each response :param str mtype: The message type :param str lang: The lang of the message (if not use, the default for this session will be used. """ if lang is None: lang = self.xmpp.default_lang msg = self.xmpp.make_message(mto=mto, mfrom=mfrom, mtype=mtype) msg['body|%s' % lang] = body values = set() for value, label in responses: if value in values: raise ValueError("Duplicate values") values.add(value) elem = stanza.Response() elem['lang'] = lang elem['value'] = value elem['label'] = label msg.append(elem) msg.send() def ask_for_actions(self, mto: JID, body: str, actions: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]], mtype: str = 'chat', lang: Optional[str] = None, *, mfrom: Optional[JID] = None): """ Send a message with a set of actions. :param JID mto: The JID of the entity which will receive the message :param str body: The message body of the question :param Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] actions: A set of tuples containing (action, label) for each action :param str mtype: The message type :param str lang: The lang of the message (if not use, the default for this session will be used. """ if lang is None: lang = self.xmpp.default_lang msg = self.xmpp.make_message(mto=mto, mfrom=mfrom, mtype=mtype) msg['body|%s' % lang] = body ids = set() for id, label in actions: if id in ids: raise ValueError("Duplicate ids") ids.add(id) elem = stanza.Action() elem['lang'] = lang elem['id'] = id elem['label'] = label msg.append(elem) msg.send()