""" Slixmpp: The Slick XMPP Library Implementation of xeps for Internet of Things http://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Tech_pages/IoT_systems Copyright (C) 2013 Sustainable Innovation, Joachim.lindborg@sust.se, bjorn.westrom@consoden.se This file is part of Slixmpp. See the file LICENSE for copying permission. """ import datetime class Device(object): """ Example implementation of a device control object. The device object may by any custom implementation to support specific devices, but it must implement the functions: has_control_field set_control_fields """ def __init__(self, nodeId): self.nodeId = nodeId self.control_fields = {} def has_control_field(self, field, typename): """ Returns true if the supplied field name exists and the type matches for control in this device. Arguments: field -- The field name typename -- The expected type """ if field in self.control_fields and self.control_fields[field]["type"] == typename: return True return False def set_control_fields(self, fields, session, callback): """ Starts a control setting procedure. Verifies the fields, sets the data and (if needed) and calls the callback. Arguments: fields -- List of control fields in tuple format: (name, typename, value) session -- Session id, only used in the callback as identifier callback -- Callback function to call when control set is complete. The callback function must support the following arguments: session -- Session id, as supplied in the request_fields call nodeId -- Identifier for this device result -- The current result status of the readout. Valid values are: "error" - Set fields failed. "ok" - All fields were set. error_field -- [optional] Only applies when result == "error" The field name that failed (usually means it is missing) error_msg -- [optional] Only applies when result == "error". Error details when a request failed. """ if len(fields) > 0: # Check availiability for name, typename, value in fields: if not self.has_control_field(name, typename): self._send_control_reject(session, name, "NotFound", callback) return False for name, typename, value in fields: self._set_field_value(name, value) callback(session, result="ok", nodeId=self.nodeId) return True def _send_control_reject(self, session, field, message, callback): """ Sends a reject to the caller Arguments: session -- Session id, see definition in set_control_fields function callback -- Callback function, see definition in set_control_fields function """ callback(session, result="error", nodeId=self.nodeId, error_field=field, error_msg=message) def _add_control_field(self, name, typename, value): """ Adds a control field to the device Arguments: name -- Name of the field typename -- Type of the field, one of: (boolean, color, string, date, dateTime, double, duration, int, long, time) value -- Field value """ self.control_fields[name] = {"type": typename, "value": value} def _set_field_value(self, name, value): """ Set the value of a control field Arguments: name -- Name of the field value -- New value for the field """ if name in self.control_fields: self.control_fields[name]["value"] = value def _get_field_value(self, name): """ Get the value of a control field. Only used for unit testing. Arguments: name -- Name of the field """ if name in self.control_fields: return self.control_fields[name]["value"] return None