# Slixmpp: The Slick XMPP Library # Copyright (C) 2012 Nathanael C. Fritz, Lance J.T. Stout # This file is part of Slixmpp. # See the file LICENSE for copying permission. import logging from typing import Optional, Callable, List from slixmpp import JID from slixmpp.xmlstream import register_stanza_plugin, ElementBase from slixmpp.plugins.base import BasePlugin, register_plugin from slixmpp.plugins.xep_0004.stanza import Form log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class XEP_0223(BasePlugin): """ XEP-0223: Persistent Storage of Private Data via PubSub """ name = 'xep_0223' description = 'XEP-0223: Persistent Storage of Private Data via PubSub' dependencies = {'xep_0163', 'xep_0060', 'xep_0004'} profile = {'pubsub#persist_items': True, 'pubsub#access_model': 'whitelist'} def configure(self, node, ifrom=None, callback=None, timeout=None): """ Update a node's configuration to match the public storage profile. """ # TODO: that cannot possibly work, why is this here? config = self.xmpp['xep_0004'].Form() config['type'] = 'submit' for field, value in self.profile.items(): config.add_field(var=field, value=value) return self.xmpp['xep_0060'].set_node_config(None, node, config, ifrom=ifrom, callback=callback, timeout=timeout) def store(self, stanza: ElementBase, node: Optional[str] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, ifrom: Optional[JID] = None, options: Optional[Form] = None, callback: Optional[Callable] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, timeout_callback: Optional[Callable] = None): """ Store private data via PEP. This is just a (very) thin wrapper around the XEP-0060 publish() method to set the defaults expected by PEP. :param stanza: The private content to store. :param node: The node to publish the content to. If not specified, the stanza's namespace will be used. :param id: Optionally specify the ID of the item. :param options: Publish options to use, which will be modified to fit the persistent storage option profile. """ if not options: options = self.xmpp['xep_0004'].stanza.Form() options['type'] = 'submit' options.add_field( var='FORM_TYPE', ftype='hidden', value='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#publish-options') fields = options['fields'] for field, value in self.profile.items(): if field not in fields: options.add_field(var=field) options.get_fields()[field]['value'] = value return self.xmpp['xep_0163'].publish(stanza, node, options=options, ifrom=ifrom, callback=callback, timeout=timeout, timeout_callback=timeout_callback) def retrieve(self, node: str, id: Optional[str] = None, item_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, ifrom: Optional[JID] = None, callback: Optional[Callable] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, timeout_callback: Optional[Callable] = None): """ Retrieve private data via PEP. This is just a (very) thin wrapper around the XEP-0060 publish() method to set the defaults expected by PEP. :param node: The node to retrieve content from. :param id: Optionally specify the ID of the item. :param item_ids: Specify a group of IDs. If id is also specified, it will be included in item_ids. :param ifrom: Specify the sender's JID. :param timeout: The length of time (in seconds) to wait for a response before exiting the send call if blocking is used. Defaults to slixmpp.xmlstream.RESPONSE_TIMEOUT :param callback: Optional reference to a stream handler function. Will be executed when a reply stanza is received. """ if item_ids is None: item_ids = [] if id is not None: item_ids.append(id) return self.xmpp['xep_0060'].get_items(None, node, item_ids=item_ids, ifrom=ifrom, callback=callback, timeout=timeout, timeout_callback=timeout_callback) register_plugin(XEP_0223)