# Slixmpp: The Slick XMPP Library # Copyright (C) 2011 Nathanael C. Fritz, Lance J.T. Stout # This file is part of Slixmpp. # See the file LICENSE for copying permission. import logging import hashlib import base64 from asyncio import Future from slixmpp import __version__ from slixmpp.stanza import StreamFeatures, Presence, Iq from slixmpp.xmlstream import register_stanza_plugin, JID from slixmpp.xmlstream.handler import Callback from slixmpp.xmlstream.matcher import StanzaPath from slixmpp.util import MemoryCache from slixmpp import asyncio from slixmpp.exceptions import XMPPError, IqError, IqTimeout from slixmpp.plugins import BasePlugin from slixmpp.plugins.xep_0115 import stanza, StaticCaps log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class XEP_0115(BasePlugin): """ XEP-0115: Entity Capabilities """ name = 'xep_0115' description = 'XEP-0115: Entity Capabilities' dependencies = {'xep_0030', 'xep_0128', 'xep_0004'} stanza = stanza default_config = { 'hash': 'sha-1', 'caps_node': None, 'broadcast': True, 'cache': None, } def plugin_init(self): self.hashes = {'sha-1': hashlib.sha1, 'sha1': hashlib.sha1, 'md5': hashlib.md5} if self.caps_node is None: self.caps_node = 'http://slixmpp.com/ver/%s' % __version__ if self.cache is None: self.cache = MemoryCache() register_stanza_plugin(Presence, stanza.Capabilities) register_stanza_plugin(StreamFeatures, stanza.Capabilities) self._disco_ops = ['cache_caps', 'get_caps', 'assign_verstring', 'get_verstring', 'supports', 'has_identity'] self.xmpp.register_handler( Callback('Entity Capabilites', StanzaPath('presence/caps'), self._handle_caps)) self.xmpp.add_filter('out', self._filter_add_caps) self.xmpp.add_event_handler('entity_caps', self._process_caps) if not self.xmpp.is_component: self.xmpp.register_feature('caps', self._handle_caps_feature, restart=False, order=10010) disco = self.xmpp['xep_0030'] self.static = StaticCaps(self.xmpp, disco.static) for op in self._disco_ops: self.api.register(getattr(self.static, op), op, default=True) for op in ('supports', 'has_identity'): self.xmpp['xep_0030'].api.register(getattr(self.static, op), op) self._run_node_handler = disco._run_node_handler disco.cache_caps = self.cache_caps disco.update_caps = self.update_caps disco.assign_verstring = self.assign_verstring disco.get_verstring = self.get_verstring def plugin_end(self): self.xmpp['xep_0030'].del_feature(feature=stanza.Capabilities.namespace) self.xmpp.del_filter('out', self._filter_add_caps) self.xmpp.del_event_handler('entity_caps', self._process_caps) self.xmpp.remove_handler('Entity Capabilities') if not self.xmpp.is_component: self.xmpp.unregister_feature('caps', 10010) for op in ('supports', 'has_identity'): self.xmpp['xep_0030'].restore_defaults(op) def session_bind(self, jid): self.xmpp['xep_0030'].add_feature(stanza.Capabilities.namespace) async def _filter_add_caps(self, stanza): if not isinstance(stanza, Presence) or not self.broadcast: return stanza if stanza['type'] not in ('available', 'chat', 'away', 'dnd', 'xa'): return stanza ver = await self.get_verstring(stanza['from']) if ver: stanza['caps']['node'] = self.caps_node stanza['caps']['hash'] = self.hash stanza['caps']['ver'] = ver return stanza def _handle_caps(self, presence): if not self.xmpp.is_component: if presence['from'] == self.xmpp.boundjid: return self.xmpp.event('entity_caps', presence) def _handle_caps_feature(self, features): # We already have a method to process presence with # caps, so wrap things up and use that. p = Presence() p['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.domain p.append(features['caps']) self.xmpp.features.add('caps') self.xmpp.event('entity_caps', p) async def _process_caps(self, pres): if not pres['caps']['hash']: log.debug("Received unsupported legacy caps: %s, %s, %s", pres['caps']['node'], pres['caps']['ver'], pres['caps']['ext']) self.xmpp.event('entity_caps_legacy', pres) return ver = pres['caps']['ver'] existing_verstring = await self.get_verstring(pres['from'].full) if str(existing_verstring) == str(ver): return existing_caps = await self.get_caps(verstring=ver) if existing_caps is not None: await self.assign_verstring(pres['from'], ver) return ifrom = pres['to'] if self.xmpp.is_component else None if pres['caps']['hash'] not in self.hashes: try: log.debug("Unknown caps hash: %s", pres['caps']['hash']) self.xmpp['xep_0030'].get_info(jid=pres['from'], ifrom=ifrom) return except XMPPError: return log.debug("New caps verification string: %s", ver) try: node = '%s#%s' % (pres['caps']['node'], ver) caps = await self.xmpp['xep_0030'].get_info(pres['from'], node, coroutine=True, ifrom=ifrom) if isinstance(caps, Iq): caps = caps['disco_info'] if await self._validate_caps(caps, pres['caps']['hash'], pres['caps']['ver']): await self.assign_verstring(pres['from'], pres['caps']['ver']) except XMPPError: log.debug("Could not retrieve disco#info results for caps for %s", node) async def _validate_caps(self, caps, hash, check_verstring): # Check Identities full_ids = caps.get_identities(dedupe=False) deduped_ids = caps.get_identities() if len(full_ids) != len(deduped_ids): log.debug("Duplicate disco identities found, invalid for caps") return False # Check Features full_features = caps.get_features(dedupe=False) deduped_features = caps.get_features() if len(full_features) != len(deduped_features): log.debug("Duplicate disco features found, invalid for caps") return False # Check Forms form_types = [] deduped_form_types = set() for stanza in caps['substanzas']: if not isinstance(stanza, self.xmpp['xep_0004'].stanza.Form): log.debug("Non form extension found, ignoring for caps") caps.xml.remove(stanza.xml) continue if 'FORM_TYPE' in stanza.get_fields(): f_type = tuple(stanza.get_fields()['FORM_TYPE']['value']) form_types.append(f_type) deduped_form_types.add(f_type) if len(form_types) != len(deduped_form_types): log.debug("Duplicated FORM_TYPE values, " + \ "invalid for caps") return False if len(f_type) > 1: deduped_type = set(f_type) if len(f_type) != len(deduped_type): log.debug("Extra FORM_TYPE data, invalid for caps") return False if stanza.get_fields()['FORM_TYPE']['type'] != 'hidden': log.debug("Field FORM_TYPE type not 'hidden', " + \ "ignoring form for caps") caps.xml.remove(stanza.xml) else: log.debug("No FORM_TYPE found, ignoring form for caps") caps.xml.remove(stanza.xml) verstring = self.generate_verstring(caps, hash) if verstring != check_verstring: log.debug("Verification strings do not match: %s, %s" % ( verstring, check_verstring)) return False await self.cache_caps(verstring, caps) return True def generate_verstring(self, info, hash): hash = self.hashes.get(hash, None) if hash is None: return None S = '' # Convert None to '' in the identities def clean_identity(id): return map(lambda i: i or '', id) identities = map(clean_identity, info['identities']) identities = sorted(('/'.join(i) for i in identities)) features = sorted(info['features']) S += '<'.join(identities) + '<' S += '<'.join(features) + '<' form_types = {} for stanza in info['substanzas']: if isinstance(stanza, self.xmpp['xep_0004'].stanza.Form): if 'FORM_TYPE' in stanza.get_fields(): f_type = stanza['values']['FORM_TYPE'] if len(f_type): f_type = f_type[0] if f_type not in form_types: form_types[f_type] = [] form_types[f_type].append(stanza) sorted_forms = sorted(form_types.keys()) for f_type in sorted_forms: for form in form_types[f_type]: S += '%s<' % f_type fields = sorted(form.get_fields().keys()) fields.remove('FORM_TYPE') for field in fields: S += '%s<' % field vals = form.get_fields()[field].get_value(convert=False) if vals is None: S += '<' else: if not isinstance(vals, list): vals = [vals] S += '<'.join(sorted(vals)) + '<' binary = hash(S.encode('utf8')).digest() return base64.b64encode(binary).decode('utf-8') async def update_caps(self, jid=None, node=None, preserve=False): try: info = await self.xmpp['xep_0030'].get_info(jid, node, local=True) if isinstance(info, Iq): info = info['disco_info'] ver = self.generate_verstring(info, self.hash) await self.xmpp['xep_0030'].set_info( jid=jid, node='%s#%s' % (self.caps_node, ver), info=info ) await self.cache_caps(ver, info) await self.assign_verstring(jid, ver) if self.xmpp.sessionstarted and self.broadcast: if self.xmpp.is_component or preserve: for contact in self.xmpp.roster[jid]: self.xmpp.roster[jid][contact].send_last_presence() else: self.xmpp.roster[jid].send_last_presence() except XMPPError: return def get_verstring(self, jid=None) -> Future: """Get the stored verstring for a JID. .. versionchanged:: 1.8.0 This function now returns a Future. """ if jid in ('', None): jid = self.xmpp.boundjid.full if isinstance(jid, JID): jid = jid.full return self.api['get_verstring'](jid) def assign_verstring(self, jid=None, verstring=None) -> Future: """Assign a vertification string to a jid. .. versionchanged:: 1.8.0 This function now returns a Future. """ if jid in (None, ''): jid = self.xmpp.boundjid.full if isinstance(jid, JID): jid = jid.full return self.api['assign_verstring'](jid, args={ 'verstring': verstring }) def cache_caps(self, verstring=None, info=None) -> Future: """Add caps to the cache. .. versionchanged:: 1.8.0 This function now returns a Future. """ data = {'verstring': verstring, 'info': info} return self.api['cache_caps'](args=data) async def get_caps(self, jid=None, verstring=None): """Get caps for a JID. .. versionchanged:: 1.8.0 This function is now a coroutine. """ if verstring is None: if jid is not None: verstring = await self.get_verstring(jid) else: return None if isinstance(jid, JID): jid = jid.full data = {'verstring': verstring} return await self.api['get_caps'](jid, args=data)