'''Pure asyncio implementation of RFC 1928 - SOCKS Protocol Version 5.''' import asyncio import enum import logging import socket import struct from slixmpp.stringprep import punycode, StringprepError log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ProtocolMismatch(Exception): '''We only implement SOCKS5, no other version or protocol.''' class ProtocolError(Exception): '''Some protocol error.''' class MethodMismatch(Exception): '''The server answered with a method we didn’t ask for.''' class MethodUnacceptable(Exception): '''None of our methods is supported by the server.''' class AddressTypeUnacceptable(Exception): '''The address type (ATYP) field isn’t one of IPv4, IPv6 or domain name.''' class ReplyError(Exception): '''The server answered with an error.''' possible_values = ( "succeeded", "general SOCKS server failure", "connection not allowed by ruleset", "Network unreachable", "Host unreachable", "Connection refused", "TTL expired", "Command not supported", "Address type not supported", "Unknown error") def __init__(self, result): if result < 9: Exception.__init__(self, self.possible_values[result]) else: Exception.__init__(self, self.possible_values[9]) class Method(enum.IntEnum): '''Known methods for a SOCKS5 session.''' none = 0 gssapi = 1 password = 2 # Methods 3 to 127 are reserved by IANA. # Methods 128 to 254 are reserved for private use. unacceptable = 255 not_yet_selected = -1 class Command(enum.IntEnum): '''Existing commands for requests.''' connect = 1 bind = 2 udp_associate = 3 class AddressType(enum.IntEnum): '''Existing address types.''' ipv4 = 1 domain = 3 ipv6 = 4 class Socks5Protocol(asyncio.Protocol): '''This implements SOCKS5 as an asyncio protocol.''' def __init__(self, dest_addr, dest_port, event): self.methods = {Method.none} self.selected_method = Method.not_yet_selected self.transport = None self.dest = (dest_addr, dest_port) self.connected = asyncio.Future() self.event = event self.paused = asyncio.Future() self.paused.set_result(None) def register_method(self, method): '''Register a SOCKS5 method.''' self.methods.add(method) def unregister_method(self, method): '''Unregister a SOCKS5 method.''' self.methods.remove(method) def connection_made(self, transport): '''Called when the connection to the SOCKS5 server is established.''' log.debug('SOCKS5 connection established.') self.transport = transport self._send_methods() def data_received(self, data): '''Called when we received some data from the SOCKS5 server.''' log.debug('SOCKS5 message received.') # If we are already connected, this is a data packet. if self.connected.done(): return self.event('socks5_data', data) # Every SOCKS5 message starts with the protocol version. if data[0] != 5: raise ProtocolMismatch() # Then select the correct handler for the data we just received. if self.selected_method == Method.not_yet_selected: self._handle_method(data) else: self._handle_connect(data) def connection_lost(self, exc): log.debug('SOCKS5 connection closed.') self.event('socks5_closed', exc) def pause_writing(self): self.paused = asyncio.Future() def resume_writing(self): self.paused.set_result(None) async def write(self, data): await self.paused self.transport.write(data) def _send_methods(self): '''Send the methods request, first thing a client should do.''' # Create the buffer for our request. request = bytearray(len(self.methods) + 2) # Protocol version. request[0] = 5 # Number of methods to send. request[1] = len(self.methods) # List every method we support. for i, method in enumerate(self.methods): request[i + 2] = method # Send the request. self.transport.write(request) def _send_request(self, command): '''Send a request, should be done after having negociated a method.''' # Encode the destination address to embed it in our request. # We need to do that first because its length is variable. address, port = self.dest addr = self._encode_addr(address) # Create the buffer for our request. request = bytearray(5 + len(addr)) # Protocol version. request[0] = 5 # Specify the command we want to use. request[1] = command # request[2] is reserved, keeping it at 0. # Add our destination address and port. request[3:3+len(addr)] = addr request[-2:] = struct.pack('>H', port) # Send the request. log.debug('SOCKS5 message sent.') self.transport.write(request) def _handle_method(self, data): '''Handle a method reply from the server.''' if len(data) != 2: raise ProtocolError() selected_method = data[1] if selected_method not in self.methods: raise MethodMismatch() if selected_method == Method.unacceptable: raise MethodUnacceptable() self.selected_method = selected_method self._send_request(Command.connect) def _handle_connect(self, data): '''Handle a connect reply from the server.''' try: addr, port = self._parse_result(data) except ReplyError as exception: self.connected.set_exception(exception) self.connected.set_result((addr, port)) self.event('socks5_connected', (addr, port)) def _parse_result(self, data): '''Parse a reply from the server.''' result = data[1] if result != 0: raise ReplyError(result) addr = self._parse_addr(data[3:-2]) port = struct.unpack('>H', data[-2:])[0] return (addr, port) @staticmethod def _parse_addr(addr): '''Parse an address (IP or domain) from a bytestream.''' addr_type = addr[0] if addr_type == AddressType.ipv6: try: return socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, addr[1:]) except ValueError as e: raise AddressTypeUnacceptable(e) if addr_type == AddressType.ipv4: try: return socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, addr[1:]) except ValueError as e: raise AddressTypeUnacceptable(e) if addr_type == AddressType.domain: length = addr[1] address = addr[2:] if length != len(address): raise Exception('Size mismatch') return address.decode() raise AddressTypeUnacceptable(addr_type) @staticmethod def _encode_addr(addr): '''Encode an address (IP or domain) into a bytestream.''' try: ipv6 = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, addr) return b'\x04' + ipv6 except OSError: pass try: ipv4 = socket.inet_aton(addr) return b'\x01' + ipv4 except OSError: pass try: domain = punycode(addr) return b'\x03' + bytes([len(domain)]) + domain except StringprepError: pass raise Exception('Err…')