""" Slixmpp: The Slick XMPP Library Copyright (C) 2011 Nathanael C. Fritz, Dann Martens (TOMOTON). This file is part of Slixmpp. See the file LICENSE for copying permission. """ import logging from slixmpp import Iq from slixmpp.xmlstream import ET, register_stanza_plugin from slixmpp.xmlstream.handler import Callback from slixmpp.xmlstream.matcher import MatchXPath from slixmpp.plugins import BasePlugin from slixmpp.plugins.xep_0009 import stanza from slixmpp.plugins.xep_0009.stanza.RPC import RPCQuery, MethodCall, MethodResponse log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class XEP_0009(BasePlugin): name = 'xep_0009' description = 'XEP-0009: Jabber-RPC' dependencies = set(['xep_0030']) stanza = stanza def plugin_init(self): register_stanza_plugin(Iq, RPCQuery) register_stanza_plugin(RPCQuery, MethodCall) register_stanza_plugin(RPCQuery, MethodResponse) self.xmpp.register_handler( Callback('RPC Call', MatchXPath('{%s}iq/{%s}query/{%s}methodCall' % (self.xmpp.default_ns, RPCQuery.namespace, RPCQuery.namespace)), self._handle_method_call) ) self.xmpp.register_handler( Callback('RPC Call', MatchXPath('{%s}iq/{%s}query/{%s}methodResponse' % (self.xmpp.default_ns, RPCQuery.namespace, RPCQuery.namespace)), self._handle_method_response) ) self.xmpp.register_handler( Callback('RPC Call', MatchXPath('{%s}iq/{%s}error' % (self.xmpp.default_ns, self.xmpp.default_ns)), self._handle_error) ) self.xmpp.add_event_handler('jabber_rpc_method_call', self._on_jabber_rpc_method_call) self.xmpp.add_event_handler('jabber_rpc_method_response', self._on_jabber_rpc_method_response) self.xmpp.add_event_handler('jabber_rpc_method_fault', self._on_jabber_rpc_method_fault) self.xmpp.add_event_handler('jabber_rpc_error', self._on_jabber_rpc_error) self.xmpp.add_event_handler('error', self._handle_error) #self.activeCalls = [] self.xmpp['xep_0030'].add_feature('jabber:iq:rpc') self.xmpp['xep_0030'].add_identity('automation','rpc') def make_iq_method_call(self, pto, pmethod, params): iq = self.xmpp.makeIqSet() iq.attrib['to'] = pto iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full iq.enable('rpc_query') iq['rpc_query']['method_call']['method_name'] = pmethod iq['rpc_query']['method_call']['params'] = params return iq def make_iq_method_response(self, pid, pto, params): iq = self.xmpp.makeIqResult(pid) iq.attrib['to'] = pto iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full iq.enable('rpc_query') iq['rpc_query']['method_response']['params'] = params return iq def make_iq_method_response_fault(self, pid, pto, params): iq = self.xmpp.makeIqResult(pid) iq.attrib['to'] = pto iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full iq.enable('rpc_query') iq['rpc_query']['method_response']['params'] = None iq['rpc_query']['method_response']['fault'] = params return iq # def make_iq_method_error(self, pto, pid, pmethod, params, code, type, condition): # iq = self.xmpp.makeIqError(pid) # iq.attrib['to'] = pto # iq.attrib['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full # iq['error']['code'] = code # iq['error']['type'] = type # iq['error']['condition'] = condition # iq['rpc_query']['method_call']['method_name'] = pmethod # iq['rpc_query']['method_call']['params'] = params # return iq def _item_not_found(self, iq): payload = iq.get_payload() iq.reply().error().set_payload(payload) iq['error']['code'] = '404' iq['error']['type'] = 'cancel' iq['error']['condition'] = 'item-not-found' return iq def _undefined_condition(self, iq): payload = iq.get_payload() iq.reply().error().set_payload(payload) iq['error']['code'] = '500' iq['error']['type'] = 'cancel' iq['error']['condition'] = 'undefined-condition' return iq def _forbidden(self, iq): payload = iq.get_payload() iq.reply().error().set_payload(payload) iq['error']['code'] = '403' iq['error']['type'] = 'auth' iq['error']['condition'] = 'forbidden' return iq def _recipient_unvailable(self, iq): payload = iq.get_payload() iq.reply().error().set_payload(payload) iq['error']['code'] = '404' iq['error']['type'] = 'wait' iq['error']['condition'] = 'recipient-unavailable' return iq def _handle_method_call(self, iq): type = iq['type'] if type == 'set': log.debug("Incoming Jabber-RPC call from %s", iq['from']) self.xmpp.event('jabber_rpc_method_call', iq) else: if type == 'error' and ['rpc_query'] is None: self.handle_error(iq) else: log.debug("Incoming Jabber-RPC error from %s", iq['from']) self.xmpp.event('jabber_rpc_error', iq) def _handle_method_response(self, iq): if iq['rpc_query']['method_response']['fault'] is not None: log.debug("Incoming Jabber-RPC fault from %s", iq['from']) #self._on_jabber_rpc_method_fault(iq) self.xmpp.event('jabber_rpc_method_fault', iq) else: log.debug("Incoming Jabber-RPC response from %s", iq['from']) self.xmpp.event('jabber_rpc_method_response', iq) def _handle_error(self, iq): print("['XEP-0009']._handle_error -> ERROR! Iq is '%s'" % iq) print("#######################") print("### NOT IMPLEMENTED ###") print("#######################") def _on_jabber_rpc_method_call(self, iq, forwarded=False): """ A default handler for Jabber-RPC method call. If another handler is registered, this one will defer and not run. If this handler is called by your own custom handler with forwarded set to True, then it will run as normal. """ if not forwarded and self.xmpp.event_handled('jabber_rpc_method_call') > 1: return # Reply with error by default error = self.client.plugin['xep_0009']._item_not_found(iq) error.send() def _on_jabber_rpc_method_response(self, iq, forwarded=False): """ A default handler for Jabber-RPC method response. If another handler is registered, this one will defer and not run. If this handler is called by your own custom handler with forwarded set to True, then it will run as normal. """ if not forwarded and self.xmpp.event_handled('jabber_rpc_method_response') > 1: return error = self.client.plugin['xep_0009']._recpient_unavailable(iq) error.send() def _on_jabber_rpc_method_fault(self, iq, forwarded=False): """ A default handler for Jabber-RPC fault response. If another handler is registered, this one will defer and not run. If this handler is called by your own custom handler with forwarded set to True, then it will run as normal. """ if not forwarded and self.xmpp.event_handled('jabber_rpc_method_fault') > 1: return error = self.client.plugin['xep_0009']._recpient_unavailable(iq) error.send() def _on_jabber_rpc_error(self, iq, forwarded=False): """ A default handler for Jabber-RPC error response. If another handler is registered, this one will defer and not run. If this handler is called by your own custom handler with forwarded set to True, then it will run as normal. """ if not forwarded and self.xmpp.event_handled('jabber_rpc_error') > 1: return error = self.client.plugin['xep_0009']._recpient_unavailable(iq, iq.get_payload()) error.send() def _send_fault(self, iq, fault_xml): # fault = self.make_iq_method_response_fault(iq['id'], iq['from'], fault_xml) fault.send() def _send_error(self, iq): print("['XEP-0009']._send_error -> ERROR! Iq is '%s'" % iq) print("#######################") print("### NOT IMPLEMENTED ###") print("#######################") def _extract_method(self, stanza): xml = ET.fromstring("%s" % stanza) return xml.find("./methodCall/methodName").text