# Slixmpp: The Slick XMPP Library # Copyright (C) 2010 Nathanael C. Fritz # This file is part of Slixmpp. # See the file LICENSE for copying permission. import logging from os import getenv logging.getLogger(__name__).addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) # Use defusedxml if wanted # Since enabling it can have adverse consequences for the programs using # slixmpp, do not enable it by default. if getenv('SLIXMPP_ENABLE_DEFUSEDXML', default='false').lower() == 'true': try: import defusedxml defusedxml.defuse_stdlib() except ImportError: pass from slixmpp.stanza import Message, Presence, Iq from slixmpp.jid import JID, InvalidJID from slixmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase import ET, ElementBase, register_stanza_plugin from slixmpp.xmlstream.handler import * from slixmpp.xmlstream import XMLStream from slixmpp.xmlstream.matcher import * from slixmpp.basexmpp import BaseXMPP from slixmpp.clientxmpp import ClientXMPP from slixmpp.componentxmpp import ComponentXMPP from slixmpp.version import __version__, __version_info__