""" SleekXMPP: The Sleek XMPP Library Copyright (C) 2010 Nathanael C. Fritz This file is part of SleekXMPP. See the file license.txt for copying permission. """ from __future__ import with_statement, unicode_literals try: import queue except ImportError: import Queue as queue from . import statemachine from . stanzabase import StanzaBase from xml.etree import cElementTree from xml.parsers import expat import logging import random import socket import threading import time import traceback import types import xml.sax.saxutils from . import scheduler HANDLER_THREADS = 1 ssl_support = True #try: import ssl #except ImportError: # ssl_support = False import sys if sys.version_info < (3, 0): #monkey patch broken filesocket object from . import filesocket #socket._fileobject = filesocket.filesocket class RestartStream(Exception): pass class CloseStream(Exception): pass stanza_extensions = {} RECONNECT_MAX_DELAY = 3600 RECONNECT_QUIESCE_FACTOR = 1.6180339887498948 # Phi RECONNECT_QUIESCE_JITTER = 0.11962656472 # molar Planck constant times c, joule meter/mole class XMLStream(object): "A connection manager with XML events." def __init__(self, socket=None, host='', port=0, escape_quotes=False): global ssl_support self.ssl_support = ssl_support self.escape_quotes = escape_quotes self.state = statemachine.StateMachine(('disconnected','connected')) self.should_reconnect = True self.setSocket(socket) self.address = (host, int(port)) self.__thread = {} self.__root_stanza = [] self.__stanza = {} self.__stanza_extension = {} self.__handlers = [] self.__tls_socket = None self.filesocket = None self.use_ssl = False self.use_tls = False self.ca_certs=None self.stream_header = "" self.stream_footer = "" self.eventqueue = queue.Queue() self.sendqueue = queue.PriorityQueue() self.scheduler = scheduler.Scheduler(self.eventqueue) self.namespace_map = {} self.run = True def setSocket(self, socket): "Set the socket" self.socket = socket if socket is not None: with self.state.transition_ctx('disconnected','connected') as locked: if not locked: raise Exception('Already connected') # ElementTree.iterparse requires a file. 0 buffer files have to be binary self.filesocket = socket.makefile('rb', 0) def setFileSocket(self, filesocket): self.filesocket = filesocket def connect(self, host='', port=0, use_ssl=None, use_tls=None): "Establish a socket connection to the given XMPP server." if not self.state.transition('disconnected','connected', func=self.connectTCP, args=[host, port, use_ssl, use_tls] ): if self.state['connected']: logging.debug('Already connected') else: logging.warning("Connection failed" ) return False logging.debug('Connection complete.') return True # TODO currently a caller can't distinguish between "connection failed" and # "we're already trying to connect from another thread" def connectTCP(self, host='', port=0, use_ssl=None, use_tls=None, reattempt=True): "Connect and create socket" # Note that this is thread-safe by merit of being called solely from connect() which # holds the state lock. delay = 1.0 # reconnection delay while self.run: logging.debug('connecting....') try: if host and port: self.address = (host, int(port)) if use_ssl is not None: self.use_ssl = use_ssl if use_tls is not None: # TODO this variable doesn't seem to be used for anything! self.use_tls = use_tls if sys.version_info < (3, 0): self.socket = filesocket.Socket26(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) else: self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket.settimeout(None) #10) if self.use_ssl and self.ssl_support: logging.debug("Socket Wrapped for SSL") self.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(self.socket,ca_certs=self.ca_certs) self.socket.connect(self.address) self.filesocket = self.socket.makefile('rb', 0) return True except socket.error as serr: logging.exception("Socket Error #%s: %s", serr.errno, serr.strerror) if not reattempt: return False except: logging.exception("Connection error") if not reattempt: return False # quiesce if rconnection fails: # This algorithm based loosely on Twisted internet.protocol # http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/browser/trunk/twisted/internet/protocol.py#L310 delay = min(delay * RECONNECT_QUIESCE_FACTOR, RECONNECT_MAX_DELAY) delay = random.normalvariate(delay, delay * RECONNECT_QUIESCE_JITTER) logging.debug('Waiting %fs until next reconnect attempt...', delay) time.sleep(delay) def connectUnix(self, filepath): "Connect to Unix file and create socket" def startTLS(self): "Handshakes for TLS" if self.ssl_support: logging.info("Negotiating TLS") # self.realsocket = self.socket # NOT USED self.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(self.socket, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1, do_handshake_on_connect=False, ca_certs=self.ca_certs) self.socket.do_handshake() if sys.version_info < (3,0): from . filesocket import filesocket self.filesocket = filesocket(self.socket) else: self.filesocket = self.socket.makefile('rb', 0) logging.debug("TLS negotitation successful") return True else: logging.warning("Tried to enable TLS, but ssl module not found.") return False raise RestartStream() def process(self, threaded=True): self.scheduler.process(threaded=True) self.run = True for t in range(0, HANDLER_THREADS): th = threading.Thread(name='eventhandle%s' % t, target=self._eventRunner) th.setDaemon(True) self.__thread['eventhandle%s' % t] = th th.start() th = threading.Thread(name='sendthread', target=self._sendThread) th.setDaemon(True) self.__thread['sendthread'] = th th.start() if threaded: th = threading.Thread(name='process', target=self._process) th.setDaemon(True) self.__thread['process'] = th th.start() else: self._process() def schedule(self, name, seconds, callback, args=None, kwargs=None, repeat=False): self.scheduler.add(name, seconds, callback, args, kwargs, repeat, qpointer=self.eventqueue) def _process(self): "Start processing the socket." logging.debug('Process thread starting...') while self.run: if not self.state.ensure('connected',wait=2): continue try: self.sendPriorityRaw(self.stream_header) while self.run and self.__readXML(): pass except socket.timeout: logging.debug('socket rcv timeout') pass except CloseStream: # TODO warn that the listener thread is exiting!!! pass except RestartStream: logging.debug("Restarting stream...") continue # DON'T re-initialize the stream -- this exception is sent # specifically when we've initialized TLS and need to re-send the header. except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): logging.debug("System interrupt detected") self.shutdown() self.eventqueue.put(('quit', None, None)) except cElementTree.XMLParserError: logging.warn('XML RCV parsing error!', exc_info=1) # don't restart the stream on an XML parse error. except: logging.exception('Unexpected error in RCV thread') if self.should_reconnect: self.disconnect(reconnect=True) logging.debug('Quitting Process thread') def __readXML(self): "Parses the incoming stream, adding to xmlin queue as it goes" #build cElementTree object from expat was we go #self.filesocket = self.socket.makefile('rb', 0) #print self.filesocket.read(1024) #self.filesocket._sock.recv(1024) edepth = 0 root = None for (event, xmlobj) in cElementTree.iterparse(self.filesocket, (b'end', b'start')): if edepth == 0: # and xmlobj.tag.split('}', 1)[-1] == self.basetag: if event == b'start': root = xmlobj logging.debug('handling start stream') self.start_stream_handler(root) if event == b'end': edepth += -1 if edepth == 0 and event == b'end': # what is this case exactly? Premature EOF? logging.debug("Ending readXML loop") return False elif edepth == 1: #self.xmlin.put(xmlobj) self.__spawnEvent(xmlobj) if root: root.clear() if event == b'start': edepth += 1 logging.debug("Exiting readXML loop") return False def _sendThread(self): logging.debug('send thread starting...') while self.run: if not self.state.ensure('connected',wait=2): continue data = None try: data = self.sendqueue.get(True,5)[1] logging.debug("SEND: %s" % data) self.socket.sendall(data.encode('utf-8')) except queue.Empty: # logging.debug('Nothing on send queue') pass except socket.timeout: # this is to prevent a thread blocked indefinitely logging.debug('timeout sending packet data') except: logging.warning("Failed to send %s" % data) logging.exception("Socket error in SEND thread") # TODO it's somewhat unsafe for the sender thread to assume it can just # re-intitialize the connection, since the receiver thread could be doing # the same thing concurrently. Oops! The safer option would be to throw # some sort of event that could be handled by a common thread or the reader # thread to perform reconnect and then re-initialize the handler threads as well. if self.should_reconnect: self.disconnect(reconnect=True) def sendRaw(self, data): self.sendqueue.put((1, data)) return True def sendPriorityRaw(self, data): self.sendqueue.put((0, data)) return True def disconnect(self, reconnect=False): with self.state.transition_ctx('connected','disconnected') as locked: if not locked: logging.warning("Already disconnected.") return logging.debug("Disconnecting...") self.sendRaw(self.stream_footer) time.sleep(5) #send end of stream #wait for end of stream back try: # self.socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) self.socket.close() except socket.error as (errno,strerror): logging.exception("Error while disconnecting. Socket Error #%s: %s" % (errno, strerror)) try: self.filesocket.close() except socket.error as (errno,strerror): logging.exception("Error closing filesocket.") if reconnect: self.connect() def shutdown(self): ''' Disconnects and shuts down all event threads. ''' self.disconnect() self.run = False self.scheduler.run = False def incoming_filter(self, xmlobj): return xmlobj def __spawnEvent(self, xmlobj): "watching xmlOut and processes handlers" #convert XML into Stanza # TODO surround this log statement with an if, it's expensive logging.debug("RECV: %s" % cElementTree.tostring(xmlobj)) xmlobj = self.incoming_filter(xmlobj) stanza = None for stanza_class in self.__root_stanza: if xmlobj.tag == "{%s}%s" % (self.default_ns, stanza_class.name): #if self.__root_stanza[stanza_class].match(xmlobj): stanza = stanza_class(self, xmlobj) break if stanza is None: stanza = StanzaBase(self, xmlobj) unhandled = True # TODO inefficient linear search; performance might be improved by hashtable lookup for handler in self.__handlers: if handler.match(stanza): # logging.debug('matched stanza to handler %s', handler.name) handler.prerun(stanza) self.eventqueue.put(('stanza', handler, stanza)) if handler.checkDelete(): # logging.debug('deleting callback %s', handler.name) self.__handlers.pop(self.__handlers.index(handler)) unhandled = False if unhandled: stanza.unhandled() #loop through handlers and test match #spawn threads as necessary, call handlers, sending Stanza def _eventRunner(self): logging.debug("Loading event runner") while self.run: try: event = self.eventqueue.get(True, timeout=5) except queue.Empty: # logging.debug('Nothing on event queue') event = None if event is not None: etype = event[0] handler = event[1] args = event[2:] #etype, handler, *args = event #python 3.x way if etype == 'stanza': try: handler.run(args[0]) except Exception as e: logging.exception("Exception in event handler") args[0].exception(e) elif etype == 'sched': try: #handler(*args[0]) handler.run(*args) except: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) elif etype == 'quit': logging.debug("Quitting eventRunner thread") return False def registerHandler(self, handler, before=None, after=None): "Add handler with matcher class and parameters." self.__handlers.append(handler) def removeHandler(self, name): "Removes the handler." idx = 0 for handler in self.__handlers: if handler.name == name: self.__handlers.pop(idx) return idx += 1 def registerStanza(self, stanza_class): "Adds stanza. If root stanzas build stanzas sent in events while non-root stanzas build substanza objects." self.__root_stanza.append(stanza_class) def registerStanzaExtension(self, stanza_class, stanza_extension): if stanza_class not in stanza_extensions: stanza_extensions[stanza_class] = [stanza_extension] else: stanza_extensions[stanza_class].append(stanza_extension) def removeStanza(self, stanza_class, root=False): "Removes the stanza's registration." if root: del self.__root_stanza[stanza_class] else: del self.__stanza[stanza_class] def removeStanzaExtension(self, stanza_class, stanza_extension): stanza_extension[stanza_class].pop(stanza_extension) def tostring(self, xml, xmlns='', stringbuffer=''): newoutput = [stringbuffer] #TODO respect ET mapped namespaces itag = xml.tag.split('}', 1)[-1] if '}' in xml.tag: ixmlns = xml.tag.split('}', 1)[0][1:] else: ixmlns = '' nsbuffer = '' if xmlns != ixmlns and ixmlns != '': if ixmlns in self.namespace_map: if self.namespace_map[ixmlns] != '': itag = "%s:%s" % (self.namespace_map[ixmlns], itag) else: nsbuffer = """ xmlns="%s\"""" % ixmlns newoutput.append("<%s" % itag) newoutput.append(nsbuffer) for attrib in xml.attrib: newoutput.append(""" %s="%s\"""" % (attrib, self.xmlesc(xml.attrib[attrib]))) if len(xml) or xml.text or xml.tail: newoutput.append(">") if xml.text: newoutput.append(self.xmlesc(xml.text)) if len(xml): for child in xml.getchildren(): newoutput.append(self.tostring(child, ixmlns)) newoutput.append("" % (itag, )) if xml.tail: newoutput.append(self.xmlesc(xml.tail)) elif xml.text: newoutput.append(">%s" % (self.xmlesc(xml.text), itag)) else: newoutput.append(" />") return ''.join(newoutput) def xmlesc(self, text): text = list(text) cc = 0 matches = ('&', '<', '"', '>', "'") for c in text: if c in matches: if c == '&': text[cc] = '&' elif c == '<': text[cc] = '<' elif c == '>': text[cc] = '>' elif c == "'": text[cc] = ''' elif self.escape_quotes: text[cc] = '"' cc += 1 return ''.join(text) def start_stream_handler(self, xml): """Meant to be overridden""" logging.warn("No start stream handler has been implemented.")