class ToString(object): def __str__(self, xml=None, xmlns='', stringbuffer=''): if xml is None: xml = self.xml newoutput = [stringbuffer] #TODO respect ET mapped namespaces itag = xml.tag.split('}', 1)[-1] if '}' in xml.tag: ixmlns = xml.tag.split('}', 1)[0][1:] else: ixmlns = '' nsbuffer = '' if xmlns != ixmlns and ixmlns != '' and ixmlns != self.namespace: if is not None and ixmlns in if[ixmlns] != '': itag = "%s:%s" % ([ixmlns], itag) else: nsbuffer = """ xmlns="%s\"""" % ixmlns if ixmlns not in ('', xmlns, self.namespace): nsbuffer = """ xmlns="%s\"""" % ixmlns newoutput.append("<%s" % itag) newoutput.append(nsbuffer) for attrib in xml.attrib: if '{' not in attrib: newoutput.append(""" %s="%s\"""" % (attrib, self.xmlesc(xml.attrib[attrib]))) if len(xml) or xml.text or xml.tail: newoutput.append(">") if xml.text: newoutput.append(self.xmlesc(xml.text)) if len(xml): for child in xml.getchildren(): newoutput.append(self.__str__(child, ixmlns)) newoutput.append("</%s>" % (itag, )) if xml.tail: newoutput.append(self.xmlesc(xml.tail)) elif xml.text: newoutput.append(">%s</%s>" % (self.xmlesc(xml.text), itag)) else: newoutput.append(" />") return ''.join(newoutput) def xmlesc(self, text): text = list(text) cc = 0 matches = ('&', '<', '"', '>', "'") for c in text: if c in matches: if c == '&': text[cc] = '&' elif c == '<': text[cc] = '<' elif c == '>': text[cc] = '>' elif c == "'": text[cc] = ''' else: text[cc] = '"' cc += 1 return ''.join(text)