""" SleekXMPP: The Sleek XMPP Library Copyright (C) 2010 Nathanael C. Fritz This file is part of SleekXMPP. See the file license.txt for copying permission. """ from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET import logging import traceback import sys import weakref if sys.version_info < (3,0): from . import tostring26 as tostring else: from . import tostring xmltester = type(ET.Element('xml')) class JID(object): def __init__(self, jid): self.jid = jid def __getattr__(self, name): if name == 'resource': return self.jid.split('/', 1)[-1] elif name == 'user': if '@' in self.jid: return self.jid.split('@', 1)[0] else: return '' elif name == 'server': return self.jid.split('@', 1)[-1].split('/', 1)[0] elif name == 'full': return self.jid elif name == 'bare': return self.jid.split('/', 1)[0] def __str__(self): return self.jid class ElementBase(tostring.ToString): name = 'stanza' plugin_attrib = 'plugin' namespace = 'jabber:client' interfaces = set(('type', 'to', 'from', 'id', 'payload')) types = set(('get', 'set', 'error', None, 'unavailable', 'normal', 'chat')) sub_interfaces = tuple() plugin_attrib_map = {} plugin_tag_map = {} subitem = None def __init__(self, xml=None, parent=None): if parent is None: self.parent = None else: self.parent = weakref.ref(parent) self.xml = xml self.plugins = {} self.iterables = [] self.idx = 0 if not self.setup(xml): for child in self.xml.getchildren(): if child.tag in self.plugin_tag_map: self.plugins[self.plugin_tag_map[child.tag].plugin_attrib] = self.plugin_tag_map[child.tag](xml=child, parent=self) if self.subitem is not None: for sub in self.subitem: if child.tag == "{%s}%s" % (sub.namespace, sub.name): self.iterables.append(sub(xml=child, parent=self)) break @property def attrib(self): #backwards compatibility return self def __iter__(self): self.idx = 0 return self def __bool__(self): return True def __next__(self): self.idx += 1 if self.idx > len(self.iterables): self.idx = 0 raise StopIteration return self.iterables[self.idx - 1] def next(self): return self.__next__() def __len__(self): return len(self.iterables) def append(self, item): if not isinstance(item, ElementBase): if type(item) == xmltester: return self.appendxml(item) else: raise TypeError self.xml.append(item.xml) self.iterables.append(item) return self def pop(self, idx=0): aff = self.iterables.pop(idx) self.xml.remove(aff.xml) return aff def get(self, key, defaultvalue=None): value = self[key] if value is None or value == '': return defaultvalue return value def keys(self): out = [] out += [x for x in self.interfaces] out += [x for x in self.plugins] if self.iterables: out.append('substanzas') return tuple(out) def match(self, matchstring): if isinstance(matchstring, str): nodes = matchstring.split('/') else: nodes = matchstring tagargs = nodes[0].split('@') if tagargs[0] not in (self.plugins, self.plugin_attrib): return False founditerable = False for iterable in self.iterables: if nodes[1:] == []: break founditerable = iterable.match(nodes[1:]) if founditerable: break; for evals in tagargs[1:]: x,y = evals.split('=') if self[x] != y: return False if not founditerable and len(nodes) > 1: next = nodes[1].split('@')[0] if next in self.plugins: return self.plugins[next].match(nodes[1:]) else: return False return True def find(self, xpath): # for backwards compatiblity, expose elementtree interface return self.xml.find(xpath) def findall(self, xpath): return self.xml.findall(xpath) def setup(self, xml=None): if self.xml is None: self.xml = xml if self.xml is None: for ename in self.name.split('/'): new = ET.Element("{%(namespace)s}%(name)s" % {'name': self.name, 'namespace': self.namespace}) if self.xml is None: self.xml = new else: self.xml.append(new) if self.parent is not None: self.parent().xml.append(self.xml) return True #had to generate XML else: return False def enable(self, attrib): self.initPlugin(attrib) return self def initPlugin(self, attrib): if attrib not in self.plugins: self.plugins[attrib] = self.plugin_attrib_map[attrib](parent=self) def __getitem__(self, attrib): if attrib == 'substanzas': return self.iterables elif attrib in self.interfaces: if hasattr(self, "get%s" % attrib.title()): return getattr(self, "get%s" % attrib.title())() else: if attrib in self.sub_interfaces: return self._getSubText(attrib) else: return self._getAttr(attrib) elif attrib in self.plugin_attrib_map: if attrib not in self.plugins: self.initPlugin(attrib) return self.plugins[attrib] else: return '' def __setitem__(self, attrib, value): if attrib in self.interfaces: if value is not None: if hasattr(self, "set%s" % attrib.title()): getattr(self, "set%s" % attrib.title())(value,) else: if attrib in self.sub_interfaces: return self._setSubText(attrib, text=value) else: self._setAttr(attrib, value) else: self.__delitem__(attrib) elif attrib in self.plugin_attrib_map: if attrib not in self.plugins: self.initPlugin(attrib) self.initPlugin(attrib) self.plugins[attrib][attrib] = value return self def __delitem__(self, attrib): if attrib.lower() in self.interfaces: if hasattr(self, "del%s" % attrib.title()): getattr(self, "del%s" % attrib.title())() else: if attrib in self.sub_interfaces: return self._delSub(attrib) else: self._delAttr(attrib) elif attrib in self.plugin_attrib_map: if attrib in self.plugins: del self.plugins[attrib] return self def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, ElementBase): return False values = self.getValues() for key in other: if key not in values or values[key] != other[key]: return False return True def _setAttr(self, name, value): if value is None or value == '': self.__delitem__(name) else: self.xml.attrib[name] = value def _delAttr(self, name): if name in self.xml.attrib: del self.xml.attrib[name] def _getAttr(self, name): return self.xml.attrib.get(name, '') def _getSubText(self, name): stanza = self.xml.find("{%s}%s" % (self.namespace, name)) if stanza is None or stanza.text is None: return '' else: return stanza.text def _setSubText(self, name, attrib={}, text=None): if text is None or text == '': return self.__delitem__(name) stanza = self.xml.find("{%s}%s" % (self.namespace, name)) if stanza is None: #self.xml.append(ET.Element("{%s}%s" % (self.namespace, name), attrib)) stanza = ET.Element("{%s}%s" % (self.namespace, name)) self.xml.append(stanza) stanza.text = text return stanza def _delSub(self, name): for child in self.xml.getchildren(): if child.tag == "{%s}%s" % (self.namespace, name): self.xml.remove(child) def getValues(self): out = {} for interface in self.interfaces: out[interface] = self[interface] for pluginkey in self.plugins: out[pluginkey] = self.plugins[pluginkey].getValues() if self.iterables: iterables = [] for stanza in self.iterables: iterables.append(stanza.getValues()) iterables[-1].update({'__childtag__': "{%s}%s" % (stanza.namespace, stanza.name)}) out['substanzas'] = iterables return out def setValues(self, attrib): for interface in attrib: if interface == 'substanzas': for subdict in attrib['substanzas']: if '__childtag__' in subdict: for subclass in self.subitem: if subdict['__childtag__'] == "{%s}%s" % (subclass.namespace, subclass.name): sub = subclass(parent=self) sub.setValues(subdict) self.iterables.append(sub) break elif interface in self.interfaces: self[interface] = attrib[interface] elif interface in self.plugin_attrib_map and interface not in self.plugins: self.initPlugin(interface) if interface in self.plugins: self.plugins[interface].setValues(attrib[interface]) return self def appendxml(self, xml): self.xml.append(xml) return self #def __del__(self): #prevents garbage collection of reference cycle # if self.parent is not None: # self.parent.xml.remove(self.xml) class StanzaBase(ElementBase): name = 'stanza' namespace = 'jabber:client' interfaces = set(('type', 'to', 'from', 'id', 'payload')) types = set(('get', 'set', 'error', None, 'unavailable', 'normal', 'chat')) sub_interfaces = tuple() def __init__(self, stream=None, xml=None, stype=None, sto=None, sfrom=None, sid=None): self.stream = stream if stream is not None: self.namespace = stream.default_ns ElementBase.__init__(self, xml) if stype is not None: self['type'] = stype if sto is not None: self['to'] = sto if sfrom is not None: self['from'] = sfrom self.tag = "{%s}%s" % (self.namespace, self.name) def setType(self, value): if value in self.types: self.xml.attrib['type'] = value return self def getPayload(self): return self.xml.getchildren() def setPayload(self, value): self.xml.append(value) return self def delPayload(self): self.clear() return self def clear(self): for child in self.xml.getchildren(): self.xml.remove(child) for plugin in list(self.plugins.keys()): del self.plugins[plugin] return self def reply(self): self['from'], self['to'] = self['to'], self['from'] self.clear() return self def error(self): self['type'] = 'error' return self def getTo(self): return JID(self._getAttr('to')) def setTo(self, value): return self._setAttr('to', str(value)) def getFrom(self): return JID(self._getAttr('from')) def setFrom(self, value): return self._setAttr('from', str(value)) def unhandled(self): pass def exception(self, e): logging.error(traceback.format_tb(e)) def send(self, priority=5, init=False): self.stream.sendRaw(self.__str__(), priority, init)