""" SleekXMPP: The Sleek XMPP Library Copyright (C) 2010 Nathanael C. Fritz This file is part of SleekXMPP. See the file LICENSE for copying permission. """ import time import threading import logging try: import queue except ImportError: import Queue as queue log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Task(object): """ A scheduled task that will be executed by the scheduler after a given time interval has passed. Attributes: name -- The name of the task. seconds -- The number of seconds to wait before executing. callback -- The function to execute. args -- The arguments to pass to the callback. kwargs -- The keyword arguments to pass to the callback. repeat -- Indicates if the task should repeat. Defaults to False. qpointer -- A pointer to an event queue for queuing callback execution instead of executing immediately. Methods: run -- Either queue or execute the callback. reset -- Reset the task's timer. """ def __init__(self, name, seconds, callback, args=None, kwargs=None, repeat=False, qpointer=None): """ Create a new task. Arguments: name -- The name of the task. seconds -- The number of seconds to wait before executing. callback -- The function to execute. args -- The arguments to pass to the callback. kwargs -- The keyword arguments to pass to the callback. repeat -- Indicates if the task should repeat. Defaults to False. qpointer -- A pointer to an event queue for queuing callback execution instead of executing immediately. """ self.name = name self.seconds = seconds self.callback = callback self.args = args or tuple() self.kwargs = kwargs or {} self.repeat = repeat self.next = time.time() + self.seconds self.qpointer = qpointer def run(self): """ Execute the task's callback. If an event queue was supplied, place the callback in the queue; otherwise, execute the callback immediately. """ if self.qpointer is not None: self.qpointer.put(('schedule', self.callback, self.args)) else: self.callback(*self.args, **self.kwargs) self.reset() return self.repeat def reset(self): """ Reset the task's timer so that it will repeat. """ self.next = time.time() + self.seconds class Scheduler(object): """ A threaded scheduler that allows for updates mid-execution unlike the scheduler in the standard library. http://docs.python.org/library/sched.html#module-sched Attributes: addq -- A queue storing added tasks. schedule -- A list of tasks in order of execution times. thread -- If threaded, the thread processing the schedule. run -- Indicates if the scheduler is running. parentqueue -- A parent event queue in control of this scheduler. Methods: add -- Add a new task to the schedule. process -- Process and schedule tasks. quit -- Stop the scheduler. """ def __init__(self, parentqueue=None, parentstop=None): """ Create a new scheduler. Arguments: parentqueue -- A separate event queue controlling this scheduler. """ self.addq = queue.Queue() self.schedule = [] self.thread = None self.run = False self.parentqueue = parentqueue self.parentstop = parentstop def process(self, threaded=True): """ Begin accepting and processing scheduled tasks. Arguments: threaded -- Indicates if the scheduler should execute in its own thread. Defaults to True. """ if threaded: self.thread = threading.Thread(name='sheduler_process', target=self._process) self.thread.start() else: self._process() def _process(self): """Process scheduled tasks.""" self.run = True try: while self.run and (self.parentstop is None or not self.parentstop.isSet()): wait = 1 updated = False if self.schedule: wait = self.schedule[0].next - time.time() try: if wait <= 0.0: newtask = self.addq.get(False) else: if wait >= 3.0: wait = 3.0 newtask = self.addq.get(True, wait) except queue.Empty: cleanup = [] for task in self.schedule: if time.time() >= task.next: updated = True if not task.run(): cleanup.append(task) else: break for task in cleanup: x = self.schedule.pop(self.schedule.index(task)) else: updated = True self.schedule.append(newtask) finally: if updated: self.schedule = sorted(self.schedule, key=lambda task: task.next) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.run = False if self.parentstop is not None: log.debug("stopping parent") self.parentstop.set() except SystemExit: self.run = False if self.parentstop is not None: self.parentstop.set() log.debug("Quitting Scheduler thread") if self.parentqueue is not None: self.parentqueue.put(('quit', None, None)) def add(self, name, seconds, callback, args=None, kwargs=None, repeat=False, qpointer=None): """ Schedule a new task. Arguments: name -- The name of the task. seconds -- The number of seconds to wait before executing. callback -- The function to execute. args -- The arguments to pass to the callback. kwargs -- The keyword arguments to pass to the callback. repeat -- Indicates if the task should repeat. Defaults to False. qpointer -- A pointer to an event queue for queuing callback execution instead of executing immediately. """ self.addq.put(Task(name, seconds, callback, args, kwargs, repeat, qpointer)) def quit(self): """Shutdown the scheduler.""" self.run = False