""" SleekXMPP: The Sleek XMPP Library Copyright (C) 2010 Nathanael C. Fritz This file is part of SleekXMPP. See the file LICENSE for copying permission. """ class BaseHandler(object): """ Base class for stream handlers. Stream handlers are matched with incoming stanzas so that the stanza may be processed in some way. Stanzas may be matched with multiple handlers. Handler execution may take place in two phases. The first is during the stream processing itself. The second is after stream processing and during SleekXMPP's main event loop. The prerun method is used for execution during stream processing, and the run method is used during the main event loop. Attributes: name -- The name of the handler. stream -- The stream this handler is assigned to. Methods: match -- Compare a stanza with the handler's matcher. prerun -- Handler execution during stream processing. run -- Handler execution during the main event loop. check_delete -- Indicate if the handler may be removed from use. """ def __init__(self, name, matcher, stream=None): """ Create a new stream handler. Arguments: name -- The name of the handler. matcher -- A matcher object from xmlstream.matcher that will be used to determine if a stanza should be accepted by this handler. stream -- The XMLStream instance the handler should monitor. """ self.name = name self.stream = stream self._destroy = False self._payload = None self._matcher = matcher if stream is not None: stream.registerHandler(self) def match(self, xml): """ Compare a stanza or XML object with the handler's matcher. Arguments xml -- An XML or stanza object. """ return self._matcher.match(xml) def prerun(self, payload): """ Prepare the handler for execution while the XML stream is being processed. Arguments: payload -- A stanza object. """ self._payload = payload def run(self, payload): """ Execute the handler after XML stream processing and during the main event loop. Arguments: payload -- A stanza object. """ self._payload = payload def check_delete(self): """ Check if the handler should be removed from the list of stream handlers. """ return self._destroy # To comply with PEP8, method names now use underscores. # Deprecated method names are re-mapped for backwards compatibility. BaseHandler.checkDelete = BaseHandler.check_delete