""" SleekXMPP: The Sleek XMPP Library Copyright (C) 2010 Nathanael C. Fritz This file is part of SleekXMPP. See the file LICENSE for copying permission. """ from sleekxmpp.stanza import Iq from sleekxmpp.xmlstream import JID from sleekxmpp.xmlstream import ET, ElementBase, register_stanza_plugin class Roster(ElementBase): """ Example roster stanzas: <iq type="set"> <query xmlns="jabber:iq:roster"> <item jid="user@example.com" subscription="both" name="User"> <group>Friends</group> </item> </query> </iq> Stanza Inteface: items -- A dictionary of roster entries contained in the stanza. Methods: get_items -- Return a dictionary of roster entries. set_items -- Add <item> elements. del_items -- Remove all <item> elements. """ namespace = 'jabber:iq:roster' name = 'query' plugin_attrib = 'roster' interfaces = set(('items',)) def set_items(self, items): """ Set the roster entries in the <roster> stanza. Uses a dictionary using JIDs as keys, where each entry is itself a dictionary that contains: name -- An alias or nickname for the JID. subscription -- The subscription type. Can be one of 'to', 'from', 'both', 'none', or 'remove'. groups -- A list of group names to which the JID has been assigned. Arguments: items -- A dictionary of roster entries. """ self.del_items() for jid in items: ijid = str(jid) item = ET.Element('{jabber:iq:roster}item', {'jid': ijid}) if 'subscription' in items[jid]: item.attrib['subscription'] = items[jid]['subscription'] if 'name' in items[jid]: name = items[jid]['name'] if name is not None: item.attrib['name'] = name if 'groups' in items[jid]: for group in items[jid]['groups']: groupxml = ET.Element('{jabber:iq:roster}group') groupxml.text = group item.append(groupxml) self.xml.append(item) return self def get_items(self): """ Return a dictionary of roster entries. Each item is keyed using its JID, and contains: name -- An assigned alias or nickname for the JID. subscription -- The subscription type. Can be one of 'to', 'from', 'both', 'none', or 'remove'. groups -- A list of group names to which the JID has been assigned. """ items = {} itemsxml = self.xml.findall('{jabber:iq:roster}item') if itemsxml is not None: for itemxml in itemsxml: item = {} item['name'] = itemxml.get('name', '') item['subscription'] = itemxml.get('subscription', '') item['groups'] = [] groupsxml = itemxml.findall('{jabber:iq:roster}group') if groupsxml is not None: for groupxml in groupsxml: item['groups'].append(groupxml.text) items[itemxml.get('jid')] = item return items def del_items(self): """ Remove all <item> elements from the roster stanza. """ for child in self.xml.getchildren(): self.xml.remove(child) register_stanza_plugin(Iq, Roster) # To comply with PEP8, method names now use underscores. # Deprecated method names are re-mapped for backwards compatibility. Roster.setItems = Roster.set_items Roster.getItems = Roster.get_items Roster.delItems = Roster.del_items