""" SleekXMPP: The Sleek XMPP Library Copyright (C) 2010 Nathanael C. Fritz This file is part of SleekXMPP. See the file LICENSE for copying permission. """ from .. xmlstream.stanzabase import StanzaBase from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET from . error import Error from .. xmlstream.handler.waiter import Waiter from .. xmlstream.matcher.id import MatcherId from . rootstanza import RootStanza class Iq(RootStanza): interfaces = set(('type', 'to', 'from', 'id','query')) types = set(('get', 'result', 'set', 'error')) name = 'iq' plugin_attrib = name namespace = 'jabber:client' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): StanzaBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) if self['id'] == '': if self.stream is not None: self['id'] = self.stream.getNewId() else: self['id'] = '0' def unhandled(self): if self['type'] in ('get', 'set'): self.reply() self['error']['condition'] = 'feature-not-implemented' self['error']['text'] = 'No handlers registered for this request.' self.send() def setPayload(self, value): self.clear() StanzaBase.setPayload(self, value) return self def setQuery(self, value): query = self.xml.find("{%s}query" % value) if query is None and value: self.clear() query = ET.Element("{%s}query" % value) self.xml.append(query) return self def getQuery(self): for child in self.xml.getchildren(): if child.tag.endswith('query'): ns =child.tag.split('}')[0] if '{' in ns: ns = ns[1:] return ns return '' def reply(self): self['type'] = 'result' StanzaBase.reply(self) return self def delQuery(self): for child in self.getchildren(): if child.tag.endswith('query'): self.xml.remove(child) return self def send(self, block=True, timeout=10): if block and self['type'] in ('get', 'set'): waitfor = Waiter('IqWait_%s' % self['id'], MatcherId(self['id'])) self.stream.registerHandler(waitfor) StanzaBase.send(self) return waitfor.wait(timeout) else: return StanzaBase.send(self)