""" SleekXMPP: The Sleek XMPP Library Copyright (C) 2011 Nathanael C. Fritz This file is part of SleekXMPP. See the file LICENSE for copying permission. """ import logging from sleekxmpp.xmlstream import JID from sleekxmpp.plugins.base import base_plugin from sleekxmpp.plugins.xep_0060 import stanza log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class xep_0060(base_plugin): """ XEP-0060 Publish Subscribe """ def plugin_init(self): self.xep = '0060' self.description = 'Publish-Subscribe' self.stanza = stanza def create_node(self, jid, node, config=None, ntype=None, ifrom=None, block=True, callback=None, timeout=None): """ Create and configure a new pubsub node. A server MAY use a different name for the node than the one provided, so be sure to check the result stanza for a server assigned name. If no configuration form is provided, the node will be created using the server's default configuration. To get the default configuration use get_node_config(). Arguments: jid -- The JID of the pubsub service. node -- Optional name of the node to create. If no name is provided, the server MAY generate a node ID for you. The server can also assign a different name than the one you provide; check the result stanza to see if the server assigned a name. config -- Optional XEP-0004 data form of configuration settings. ntype -- The type of node to create. Servers typically default to using 'leaf' if no type is provided. ifrom -- Specify the sender's JID. block -- Specify if the send call will block until a response is received, or a timeout occurs. Defaults to True. timeout -- The length of time (in seconds) to wait for a response before exiting the send call if blocking is used. Defaults to sleekxmpp.xmlstream.RESPONSE_TIMEOUT callback -- Optional reference to a stream handler function. Will be executed when a reply stanza is received. """ iq = self.xmpp.Iq(sto=jid, sfrom=ifrom, stype='set') iq['pubsub']['create']['node'] = node if config is not None: form_type = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_config' if 'FORM_TYPE' in config['fields']: config.field['FORM_TYPE']['value'] = form_type else: config.add_field(var='FORM_TYPE', ftype='hidden', value=form_type) if ntype: if 'pubsub#node_type' in config['fields']: config.field['pubsub#node_type']['value'] = ntype else: config.add_field(var='pubsub#node_type', value=ntype) iq['pubsub']['configure'].append(config) return iq.send(block=block, callback=callback, timeout=timeout) def subscribe(self, jid, node, bare=True, subscribee=None, options=None, ifrom=None, block=True, callback=None, timeout=None): """ Subscribe to updates from a pubsub node. The rules for determining the JID that is subscribing to the node are: 1. If subscribee is given, use that as provided. 2. If ifrom was given, use the bare or full version based on bare. 3. Otherwise, use self.xmpp.boundjid based on bare. Arguments: jid -- The pubsub service JID. node -- The node to subscribe to. bare -- Indicates if the subscribee is a bare or full JID. Defaults to True for a bare JID. subscribee -- The JID that is subscribing to the node. options -- ifrom -- Specify the sender's JID. block -- Specify if the send call will block until a response is received, or a timeout occurs. Defaults to True. timeout -- The length of time (in seconds) to wait for a response before exiting the send call if blocking is used. Defaults to sleekxmpp.xmlstream.RESPONSE_TIMEOUT callback -- Optional reference to a stream handler function. Will be executed when a reply stanza is received. """ iq = self.xmpp.Iq(sto=jid, sfrom=ifrom, stype='set') iq['pubsub']['subscribe']['node'] = node if subscribee is None: if ifrom: if bare: subscribee = JID(ifrom).bare else: subscribee = ifrom else: if bare: subscribee = self.xmpp.boundjid.bare else: subscribee = self.xmpp.boundjid iq['pubsub']['subscribe']['jid'] = subscribee return iq.send(block=block, callback=callback, timeout=timeout) def unsubscribe(self, jid, node, subid=None, bare=True, subscribee=None, ifrom=None, block=True, callback=None, timeout=None): """ Unubscribe from updates from a pubsub node. The rules for determining the JID that is unsubscribing from the node are: 1. If subscribee is given, use that as provided. 2. If ifrom was given, use the bare or full version based on bare. 3. Otherwise, use self.xmpp.boundjid based on bare. Arguments: jid -- The pubsub service JID. node -- The node to subscribe to. subid -- The specific subscription, if multiple subscriptions exist for this JID/node combination. bare -- Indicates if the subscribee is a bare or full JID. Defaults to True for a bare JID. subscribee -- The JID that is subscribing to the node. ifrom -- Specify the sender's JID. block -- Specify if the send call will block until a response is received, or a timeout occurs. Defaults to True. timeout -- The length of time (in seconds) to wait for a response before exiting the send call if blocking is used. Defaults to sleekxmpp.xmlstream.RESPONSE_TIMEOUT callback -- Optional reference to a stream handler function. Will be executed when a reply stanza is received. """ iq = self.xmpp.Iq(sto=jid, sfrom=ifrom, stype='set') iq['pubsub']['unsubscribe']['node'] = node if subscribee is None: if ifrom: if bare: subscribee = JID(ifrom).bare else: subscribee = ifrom else: if bare: subscribee = self.xmpp.boundjid.bare else: subscribee = self.xmpp.boundjid iq['pubsub']['unsubscribe']['jid'] = subscribee iq['pubsub']['unsubscribe']['subid'] = subid return iq.send(block=block, callback=callback, timeout=timeout) def get_subscription_options(self): pass def set_subscription_options(self): pass def get_node_config(self, jid, node=None, ifrom=None, block=None, callback=None, timeout=None): """ Retrieve the configuration for a node, or the pubsub service's default configuration for new nodes. Arguments: jid -- The JID of the pubsub service. node -- The node to retrieve the configuration for. If None, the default configuration for new nodes will be requested. Defaults to None. ifrom -- Specify the sender's JID. block -- Specify if the send call will block until a response is received, or a timeout occurs. Defaults to True. timeout -- The length of time (in seconds) to wait for a response before exiting the send call if blocking is used. Defaults to sleekxmpp.xmlstream.RESPONSE_TIMEOUT callback -- Optional reference to a stream handler function. Will be executed when a reply stanza is received. """ iq = self.xmpp.Iq(sto=jid, sfrom=ifrom, stype='get') if node is None: iq['pubsub_owner']['default'] else: iq['pubsub_owner']['configure']['node'] = node return iq.send(block=block, callback=callback, timeout=timeout) def get_node_subscriptions(self, jid, node, ifrom=None, block=True, callback=None, timeout=None): """ Retrieve the subscriptions associated with a given node. Arguments: jid -- The JID of the pubsub service. node -- The node to retrieve subscriptions from. ifrom -- Specify the sender's JID. block -- Specify if the send call will block until a response is received, or a timeout occurs. Defaults to True. timeout -- The length of time (in seconds) to wait for a response before exiting the send call if blocking is used. Defaults to sleekxmpp.xmlstream.RESPONSE_TIMEOUT callback -- Optional reference to a stream handler function. Will be executed when a reply stanza is received. """ iq = self.xmpp.Iq(sto=jid, sfrom=ifrom, stype='get') iq['pubsub_owner']['subscriptions']['node'] = node return iq.send(block=block, callback=callback, timeout=timeout) def get_node_affiliations(self, jid, node, ifrom=None, block=True, callback=None, timeout=None): """ Retrieve the affiliations associated with a given node. Arguments: jid -- The JID of the pubsub service. node -- The node to retrieve affiliations from. ifrom -- Specify the sender's JID. block -- Specify if the send call will block until a response is received, or a timeout occurs. Defaults to True. timeout -- The length of time (in seconds) to wait for a response before exiting the send call if blocking is used. Defaults to sleekxmpp.xmlstream.RESPONSE_TIMEOUT callback -- Optional reference to a stream handler function. Will be executed when a reply stanza is received. """ iq = self.xmpp.Iq(sto=jid, sfrom=ifrom, stype='get') iq['pubsub_owner']['affiliations']['node'] = node return iq.send(block=block, callback=callback, timeout=timeout) def delete_node(self, jid, node, ifrom=None, block=True, callback=None, timeout=None): """ Delete a a pubsub node. Arguments: jid -- The JID of the pubsub service. node -- The node to delete. ifrom -- Specify the sender's JID. block -- Specify if the send call will block until a response is received, or a timeout occurs. Defaults to True. timeout -- The length of time (in seconds) to wait for a response before exiting the send call if blocking is used. Defaults to sleekxmpp.xmlstream.RESPONSE_TIMEOUT callback -- Optional reference to a stream handler function. Will be executed when a reply stanza is received. """ iq = self.xmpp.Iq(sto=jid, sfrom=ifrom, stype='get') iq['pubsub_owner']['delete']['node'] = node return iq.send(block=block, callback=callback, timeout=timeout) def set_node_config(self, jid, node, config, ifrom=None, block=True, callback=None, timeout=None): iq = self.xmpp.Iq(sto=jid, sfrom=ifrom, stype='set') iq['pubsub_owner']['configure']['node'] = node iq['pubsub_owner']['configure']['config'] = config return iq.send(block=block, callback=callback, timeout=timeout) def publish(self, jid, node, items=[], ifrom=None, block=True, callback=None, timeout=None): iq = self.xmpp.Iq(sto=jid, sfrom=ifrom, stype='set') iq['pubsub']['publish']['node'] = node for id, payload in items: item = stanza.pubsub.Item() if id is not None: item['id'] = id item['payload'] = payload iq['pubsub']['publish'].append(item) return iq.send(block=block, callback=callback, timeout=timeout) def retract(self, jid, node, item, ifrom=None, block=True, callback=None, timeout=None): iq = self.xmpp.Iq(sto=jid, sfrom=ifrom, stype='set') iq['pubsub']['retract']['node'] = node item = stanza.pubsub.Item() item['id'] = item iq['pubsub']['retract'].append(item) return iq.send(block=block, callback=callback, timeout=timeout) def purge(self, jid, node, ifrom=None, block=True, callback=None, timeout=None): iq = self.xmpp.Iq(sto=jid, sfrom=ifrom, stype='set') iq['pubsub']['purge']['node'] = node return iq.send(block=block, callback=callback, timeout=timeout) def get_nodes(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0040'].get_items(*args, **kwargs) def get_item(self): pass def get_items(self, jid, node, ifrom=None, block=True, callback=None, timeout=None, iterator=False): return self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0030'].get_items(jid, node, ifrom=ifrom, block=block, callback=callback, timeout=timeout, iterator=iterator) def modify_affiliation(self, jid, node, affiliation, user_jid=None, ifrom=None, block=True, callback=None, timeout=None): iq = self.xmpp.Iq(sto=jid, sfrom=ifrom, stype='set') iq['pubsub_owner']['affiliations'] aff = stanza.pubsub.Affiliation() aff['node'] = node if user_jid is not None: aff['jid'] = user_jid aff['affiliation'] = affiliation iq['pubsub_owner']['affiliations'].append(aff) return iq.send(block=block, callback=callback, timeout=timeout) def modify_subscription(self): pass def purge(self): pass