from . import base import logging from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class jobs(base.base_plugin): def plugin_init(self): self.xep = 'pubsubjob' self.description = "Job distribution over Pubsub" def post_init(self): pass #TODO add event def createJobNode(self, host, jid, node, config=None): pass def createJob(self, host, node, jobid=None, payload=None): return self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0060'].setItem(host, node, ((jobid, payload),)) def claimJob(self, host, node, jobid, ifrom=None): return self._setState(host, node, jobid, ET.Element('{}claimed')) def unclaimJob(self, host, node, jobid): return self._setState(host, node, jobid, ET.Element('{}unclaimed')) def finishJob(self, host, node, jobid, payload=None): finished = ET.Element('{}finished') if payload is not None: finished.append(payload) return self._setState(host, node, jobid, finished) def _setState(self, host, node, jobid, state, ifrom=None): iq = self.xmpp.Iq() iq['to'] = host if ifrom: iq['from'] = ifrom iq['type'] = 'set' iq['psstate']['node'] = node iq['psstate']['item'] = jobid iq['psstate']['payload'] = state result = iq.send() if result is None or type(result) == bool or result['type'] != 'result': log.error("Unable to change %s:%s to %s", node, jobid, state) return False return True