""" SleekXMPP: The Sleek XMPP Library Copyright (C) 2011 Nathanael C. Fritz This file is part of SleekXMPP. See the file LICENSE for copying permission. """ import logging from sleekxmpp.xmlstream import RestartStream from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.matcher import * from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.handler import * from sleekxmpp.plugins.base import base_plugin from sleekxmpp.features.feature_mechanisms import stanza log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class feature_mechanisms(base_plugin): def plugin_init(self): self.name = 'SASL Mechanisms' self.rfc = '6120' self.description = "SASL Stream Feature" self.stanza = stanza self.xmpp.register_stanza(stanza.Success) self.xmpp.register_stanza(stanza.Failure) self.xmpp.register_stanza(stanza.Auth) self._mechanism_handlers = {} self._mechanism_priorities = [] self.xmpp.register_handler( Callback('SASL Success', MatchXPath(stanza.Success.tag_name()), self._handle_success, instream=True, once=True)) self.xmpp.register_handler( Callback('SASL Failure', MatchXPath(stanza.Failure.tag_name()), self._handle_fail, instream=True, once=True)) self.xmpp.register_feature('mechanisms', self._handle_sasl_auth, restart=True, order=self.config.get('order', 100)) def register(self, name, handler, priority=0): """ Register a handler for a SASL authentication mechanism. Arguments: name -- The name of the mechanism (all caps) handler -- The function that will perform the authentication. The function must return True if it is able to carry out the authentication, False if a required condition is not met. priority -- An integer value indicating the preferred ordering for the mechanism. High values will be attempted first. """ self._mechanism_handlers[name] = handler self._mechanism_priorities.append((priority, name)) self._mechanism_priorities.sort(reverse=True) def remove(self, name): """ Remove support for a given SASL authentication mechanism. Arguments: name -- The name of the mechanism to remove (all caps) """ if name in self._mechanism_handlers: del self._mechanism_handlers[name] p = self._mechanism_priorities self._mechanism_priorities = [i for i in p if i[1] != name] def _handle_sasl_auth(self, features): """ Handle authenticating using SASL. Arguments: features -- The stream features stanza. """ if 'mechanisms' in self.xmpp.features: # SASL authentication has already succeeded, but the # server has incorrectly offered it again. return False for priority, mech in self._mechanism_priorities: if mech in features['mechanisms']: log.debug('Attempt to use SASL %s' % mech) if self._mechanism_handlers[mech](): break else: log.error("No appropriate login method.") self.xmpp.event("no_auth", direct=True) self.xmpp.disconnect() return True def _handle_success(self, stanza): """SASL authentication succeeded. Restart the stream.""" self.xmpp.authenticated = True self.xmpp.features.add('mechanisms') raise RestartStream() def _handle_fail(self, stanza): """SASL authentication failed. Disconnect and shutdown.""" log.info("Authentication failed.") self.xmpp.event("failed_auth", direct=True) self.xmpp.disconnect() log.debug("Starting SASL Auth") return True