# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ sleekxmpp.clientxmpp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module provides XMPP functionality that is specific to external server component connections. Part of SleekXMPP: The Sleek XMPP Library :copyright: (c) 2011 Nathanael C. Fritz :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details """ from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import sys import hashlib from sleekxmpp.basexmpp import BaseXMPP from sleekxmpp.xmlstream import XMLStream from sleekxmpp.xmlstream import ET from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.matcher import MatchXPath from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.handler import Callback log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ComponentXMPP(BaseXMPP): """ SleekXMPP's basic XMPP server component. Use only for good, not for evil. :param jid: The JID of the component. :param secret: The secret or password for the component. :param host: The server accepting the component. :param port: The port used to connect to the server. :param plugin_config: A dictionary of plugin configurations. :param plugin_whitelist: A list of approved plugins that will be loaded when calling :meth:`~sleekxmpp.basexmpp.BaseXMPP.register_plugins()`. :param use_jc_ns: Indicates if the ``'jabber:client'`` namespace should be used instead of the standard ``'jabber:component:accept'`` namespace. Defaults to ``False``. """ def __init__(self, jid, secret, host=None, port=None, plugin_config={}, plugin_whitelist=[], use_jc_ns=False): if use_jc_ns: default_ns = 'jabber:client' else: default_ns = 'jabber:component:accept' BaseXMPP.__init__(self, jid, default_ns) self.auto_authorize = None self.stream_header = "<stream:stream %s %s to='%s'>" % ( 'xmlns="jabber:component:accept"', 'xmlns:stream="%s"' % self.stream_ns, jid) self.stream_footer = "</stream:stream>" self.server_host = host self.server_port = port self.secret = secret self.plugin_config = plugin_config self.plugin_whitelist = plugin_whitelist self.is_component = True self.register_handler( Callback('Handshake', MatchXPath('{jabber:component:accept}handshake'), self._handle_handshake)) self.add_event_handler('presence_probe', self._handle_probe) def connect(self, host=None, port=None, use_ssl=False, use_tls=True, reattempt=True): """Connect to the server. Setting ``reattempt`` to ``True`` will cause connection attempts to be made every second until a successful connection is established. :param host: The name of the desired server for the connection. Defaults to :attr:`server_host`. :param port: Port to connect to on the server. Defauts to :attr:`server_port`. :param use_ssl: Flag indicating if SSL should be used by connecting directly to a port using SSL. :param use_tls: Flag indicating if TLS should be used, allowing for connecting to a port without using SSL immediately and later upgrading the connection. :param reattempt: Flag indicating if the socket should reconnect after disconnections. """ if host is None: host = self.server_host if port is None: port = self.server_port log.debug("Connecting to %s:%s", host, port) return XMLStream.connect(self, host=host, port=port, use_ssl=use_ssl, use_tls=use_tls, reattempt=reattempt) def incoming_filter(self, xml): """ Pre-process incoming XML stanzas by converting any ``'jabber:client'`` namespaced elements to the component's default namespace. :param xml: The XML stanza to pre-process. """ if xml.tag.startswith('{jabber:client}'): xml.tag = xml.tag.replace('jabber:client', self.default_ns) # The incoming_filter call is only made on top level stanza # elements. So we manually continue filtering on sub-elements. for sub in xml: self.incoming_filter(sub) return xml def start_stream_handler(self, xml): """ Once the streams are established, attempt to handshake with the server to be accepted as a component. :param xml: The incoming stream's root element. """ BaseXMPP.start_stream_handler(self, xml) # Construct a hash of the stream ID and the component secret. sid = xml.get('id', '') pre_hash = '%s%s' % (sid, self.secret) if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): # Handle Unicode byte encoding in Python 3. pre_hash = bytes(pre_hash, 'utf-8') handshake = ET.Element('{jabber:component:accept}handshake') handshake.text = hashlib.sha1(pre_hash).hexdigest().lower() self.send_xml(handshake, now=True) def _handle_handshake(self, xml): """The handshake has been accepted. :param xml: The reply handshake stanza. """ self.session_started_event.set() self.event("session_start") def _handle_probe(self, presence): pto = presence['to'].bare pfrom = presence['from'].bare self.roster[pto][pfrom].handle_probe(presence)