#!/usr/bin/python2.5 """ SleekXMPP: The Sleek XMPP Library Copyright (C) 2010 Nathanael C. Fritz This file is part of SleekXMPP. See the file license.txt for copying permission. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals from . basexmpp import basexmpp from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET from . xmlstream.xmlstream import XMLStream from . xmlstream.xmlstream import RestartStream from . xmlstream.matcher.xmlmask import MatchXMLMask from . xmlstream.matcher.xpath import MatchXPath from . xmlstream.matcher.many import MatchMany from . xmlstream.handler.callback import Callback from . xmlstream.stanzabase import StanzaBase from . xmlstream import xmlstream as xmlstreammod from . stanza.message import Message from . stanza.iq import Iq import time import logging import base64 import sys import random import copy from . import plugins #from . import stanza srvsupport = True try: import dns.resolver import dns.rdatatype except ImportError: srvsupport = False #class PresenceStanzaType(object): # # def fromXML(self, xml): # self.ptype = xml.get('type') class ClientXMPP(basexmpp, XMLStream): """SleekXMPP's client class. Use only for good, not evil.""" def __init__(self, jid, password, ssl=False, plugin_config = {}, plugin_whitelist=[], escape_quotes=True): global srvsupport XMLStream.__init__(self) self.default_ns = 'jabber:client' basexmpp.__init__(self) self.plugin_config = plugin_config self.escape_quotes = escape_quotes self.set_jid(jid) self.server = None self.port = 5222 # not used if DNS SRV is used self.plugin_whitelist = plugin_whitelist self.auto_reconnect = True self.srvsupport = srvsupport self.password = password self.registered_features = [] self.stream_header = """""" % (self.domain,self.default_ns) self.stream_footer = "" #self.map_namespace('http://etherx.jabber.org/streams', 'stream') #self.map_namespace('jabber:client', '') self.features = [] #TODO: Use stream state here self.authenticated = False self.sessionstarted = False self.bound = False self.bindfail = False self.registerHandler(Callback('Stream Features', MatchXPath('{http://etherx.jabber.org/streams}features'), self._handleStreamFeatures, thread=True)) self.registerHandler(Callback('Roster Update', MatchXPath('{%s}iq/{jabber:iq:roster}query' % self.default_ns), self._handleRoster, thread=True)) #self.registerHandler(Callback('Roster Update', MatchXMLMask("" % self.default_ns), self._handlePresenceSubscribe, thread=True)) self.registerFeature("", self.handler_starttls, True) self.registerFeature("", self.handler_sasl_auth, True) self.registerFeature("", self.handler_bind_resource) self.registerFeature("", self.handler_start_session) #self.registerStanzaExtension('PresenceStanza', PresenceStanzaType) #self.register_plugins() def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self.plugin: return self.plugin[key] else: logging.warning("""Plugin "%s" is not loaded.""" % key) return False def get(self, key, default): return self.plugin.get(key, default) def connect(self, host=None, port=None): """Connect to the Jabber Server. Attempts SRV lookup, and if it fails, uses the JID server.""" if self.state['connected']: return True if host: self.server = host if port is None: port = self.port else: if not self.srvsupport: logging.debug("Did not supply (address, port) to connect to and no SRV support is installed (http://www.dnspython.org). Continuing to attempt connection, using domain from JID.") else: logging.debug("Since no address is supplied, attempting SRV lookup.") try: answers = dns.resolver.query("_xmpp-client._tcp.%s" % self.domain, dns.rdatatype.SRV ) except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN: logging.debug("No appropriate SRV record found. Using JID server name.") else: # pick a random answer, weighted by priority # there are less verbose ways of doing this (random.choice() with answer * priority), but I chose this way anyway # suggestions are welcome addresses = {} intmax = 0 priorities = [] for answer in answers: intmax += answer.priority addresses[intmax] = (answer.target.to_text()[:-1], answer.port) priorities.append(intmax) # sure, I could just do priorities = addresses.keys()\n priorities.sort() picked = random.randint(0, intmax) for priority in priorities: if picked <= priority: (host,port) = addresses[priority] break # if SRV lookup was successful, we aren't using a particular server. self.server = None if not host: # if all else fails take server from JID. (host,port) = (self.domain, self.port) self.server = None logging.debug('Attempting connection to %s:%d', host, port ) #TODO option to not use TLS? result = XMLStream.connect(self, host, port, use_tls=True) if result: self.event("connected") else: logging.warning("Failed to connect") self.event("disconnected") return result # overriding reconnect and disconnect so that we can get some events # should events be part of or required by xmlstream? Maybe that would be cleaner def reconnect(self): logging.info("Reconnecting") self.event("disconnected") self.authenticated = False self.sessionstarted = False XMLStream.reconnect(self) def disconnect(self, init=True, close=False, reconnect=False): self.event("disconnected") self.authenticated = False self.sessionstarted = False XMLStream.disconnect(self, reconnect) def registerFeature(self, mask, pointer, breaker = False): """Register a stream feature.""" self.registered_features.append((MatchXMLMask(mask), pointer, breaker)) def updateRoster(self, jid, name=None, subscription=None, groups=[]): """Add or change a roster item.""" iq = self.Iq().setValues({'type': 'set'}) iq['roster'] = {jid: {'name': name, 'subscription': subscription, 'groups': groups}} #self.send(iq, self.Iq().setValues({'id': iq['id']})) r = iq.send() return r['type'] == 'result' def getRoster(self): """Request the roster be sent.""" iq = self.Iq().setValues({'type': 'get'}).enable('roster').send() self._handleRoster(iq, request=True) def _handleStreamFeatures(self, features): logging.debug('handling stream features') self.features = [] for sub in features.xml: self.features.append(sub.tag) for subelement in features.xml: for feature in self.registered_features: if feature[0].match(subelement): #if self.maskcmp(subelement, feature[0], True): # This calls the feature handler & optionally breaks if feature[1](subelement) and feature[2]: #if breaker, don't continue return True def handler_starttls(self, xml): logging.debug( 'TLS start handler; SSL support: %s', self.ssl_support ) if not self.authenticated and self.ssl_support: _stanza = "" if not self.event_handlers.get(_stanza,None): # don't add handler > once self.add_handler( _stanza, self.handler_tls_start, instream=True ) self.sendXML(xml) return True else: logging.warning("The module tlslite is required in to some servers, and has not been found.") return False def handler_tls_start(self, xml): logging.debug("Starting TLS") if self.startTLS(): raise RestartStream() def handler_sasl_auth(self, xml): if '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls}starttls' in self.features: return False logging.debug("Starting SASL Auth") self.add_handler("", self.handler_auth_success, instream=True) self.add_handler("", self.handler_auth_fail, instream=True) sasl_mechs = xml.findall('{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl}mechanism') if len(sasl_mechs): for sasl_mech in sasl_mechs: self.features.append("sasl:%s" % sasl_mech.text) if 'sasl:PLAIN' in self.features: if sys.version_info < (3,0): self.send("""%s""" % base64.b64encode(b'\x00' + bytes(self.username) + b'\x00' + bytes(self.password)).decode('utf-8')) else: self.send("""%s""" % base64.b64encode(b'\x00' + bytes(self.username, 'utf-8') + b'\x00' + bytes(self.password, 'utf-8')).decode('utf-8')) else: logging.error("No appropriate login method.") self.disconnect() #if 'sasl:DIGEST-MD5' in self.features: # self._auth_digestmd5() return True def handler_auth_success(self, xml): logging.debug("Authentication successful.") self.authenticated = True self.features = [] raise RestartStream() def handler_auth_fail(self, xml): logging.warning("Authentication failed.") self.disconnect() self.event("failed_auth") def handler_bind_resource(self, xml): logging.debug("Requesting resource: %s" % self.resource) iq = self.Iq(stype='set') res = ET.Element('resource') res.text = self.resource xml.append(res) iq.append(xml) response = iq.send() #response = self.send(iq, self.Iq(sid=iq['id'])) self.set_jid(response.xml.find('{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind}bind/{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind}jid').text) self.bound = True logging.info("Node set to: %s" % self.fulljid) if "{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session}session" not in self.features or self.bindfail: logging.debug("Established Session") self.sessionstarted = True self.event("session_start") def handler_start_session(self, xml): if self.authenticated and self.bound: iq = self.makeIqSet(xml) response = iq.send() logging.debug("Established Session") self.sessionstarted = True self.event("session_start") else: #bind probably hasn't happened yet self.bindfail = True def _handleRoster(self, iq, request=False): if iq['type'] == 'set' or (iq['type'] == 'result' and request): for jid in iq['roster']['items']: if not jid in self.roster: self.roster[jid] = {'groups': [], 'name': '', 'subscription': 'none', 'presence': {}, 'in_roster': True} self.roster[jid].update(iq['roster']['items'][jid]) if iq['type'] == 'set': self.send(self.Iq().setValues({'type': 'result', 'id': iq['id']}).enable('roster')) self.event("roster_update", iq)