.. _differences: Differences from SleekXMPP ========================== **Python 3.4+ only** slixmpp will only work on python 3.4 and above. **Stanza copies** The same stanza object is given through all the handlers; a handler that edits the stanza object should make its own copy. **Replies** Because stanzas are not copied anymore, :meth:`Stanza.reply() <.StanzaBase.reply>` calls (for :class:`IQs <.Iq>`, :class:`Messages <.Message>`, etc) now return a new object instead of editing the stanza object in-place. **Block and threaded arguments** All the functions that had a ``threaded=`` or ``block=`` argument do not have it anymore. Also, :meth:`.Iq.send` **does not block anymore**. **Coroutine facilities** **See** :ref:`using_asyncio` If an event handler is a coroutine, it will be called asynchronously in the event loop instead of inside the event caller. A CoroutineCallback class has been added to create coroutine stream handlers, which will be also handled in the event loop. The :class:`~.slixmpp.stanza.Iq` object’s :meth:`~.slixmpp.stanza.Iq.send` method now takes a *coroutine* parameter which, if set to ``True``, will return a coroutine which will (asyncio-)block until the reply is received. Many plugins (WIP) calls which retrieve information also accept this ``coroutine`` parameter. **Architectural differences** slixmpp does not have an event queue anymore, and instead processes handlers directly after receiving the XML stanza. .. note:: If you find something that doesn’t work but should, please report it.