.. module:: slixmpp.xmlstream.tostring

.. _tostring:

XML Serialization

Since the XML layer of Slixmpp is based on :mod:`~xml.etree.ElementTree`,
why not just use the built-in :func:`~xml.etree.ElementTree.tostring`
method? The answer is that using that method produces ugly results when
using namespaces. The :func:`tostring()` method used here intelligently
hides namespaces when able and does not introduce excessive namespace

    >>> from slixmpp.xmlstream.tostring import tostring
    >>> from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
    >>> xml = ET.fromstring('<foo xmlns="bar"><baz /></foo>')
    >>> ET.tostring(xml)
    '<ns0:foo xmlns:ns0="bar"><ns0:baz /></foo>'
    >>> tostring(xml)
    '<foo xmlns="bar"><baz /></foo>'

As a side effect of this namespace hiding, using :func:`tostring()` may
produce unexpected results depending on how the :func:`tostring()` method
is invoked. For example, when sending XML on the wire, the main XMPP
stanzas with their namespace of ``jabber:client`` will not include the
namespace because that is already declared by the stream header. But, if
you create a :class:`~slixmpp.stanza.message.Message` instance and dump
it to the terminal, the ``jabber:client`` namespace will appear.

.. autofunction:: slixmpp.xmlstream.tostring

Escaping Special Characters

In order to prevent errors when sending arbitrary text as the textual
content of an XML element, certain characters must be escaped. These
are: ``&``, ``<``, ``>``, ``"``, and ``'``. The default escaping
mechanism is to replace those characters with their equivalent escape
entities: ``&amp;``, ``&lt;``, ``&gt;``, ``&apos;``, and ``&quot;``.

In the future, the use of CDATA sections may be allowed to reduce the
size of escaped text or for when other XMPP processing agents do not
undertand these entities.

    autofunction:: xml_escape