XEP-0065: SOCKS5 Bytestreams ============================ .. module:: slixmpp.plugins.xep_0065 .. autoclass:: XEP_0065 :members: :exclude-members: session_bind, plugin_init, plugin_end Internal API methods -------------------- The internal API is used here to authorize or pre-authorize streams. .. glossary:: authorized_sid (0065 version) - **jid**: :class:`~.JID` receiving the stream initiation. - **node**: stream id - **ifrom**: who the stream is from. - **args**: :class:`~.Iq` of the stream request. - **returns**: ``True`` if the stream should be accepted, ``False`` otherwise. Check if the stream should be accepted. Uses the information setup by :term:`preauthorize_sid (0065 version)` by default. authorized (0065 version) - **jid**: :class:`~.JID` receiving the stream initiation. - **node**: stream id - **ifrom**: who the stream is from. - **args**: :class:`~.Iq` of the stream request. - **returns**: ``True`` if the stream should be accepted, ``False`` otherwise. A fallback handler (run after :term:`authorized_sid (0065 version)`) to check if a stream should be accepted. Uses the ``auto_accept`` parameter by default. preauthorize_sid (0065 version) - **jid**: :class:`~.JID` receiving the stream initiation. - **node**: stream id - **ifrom**: who the stream will be from. - **args**: Unused. Register a stream id to be accepted automatically (called from other plugins such as XEP-0095). Stanza elements --------------- .. automodule:: slixmpp.plugins.xep_0065.stanza :members: :undoc-members: