path: root/slixmpp/xmlstream/
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1 files changed, 314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/slixmpp/xmlstream/ b/slixmpp/xmlstream/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..778f7dc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slixmpp/xmlstream/
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+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+ slixmpp.xmlstream.dns
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ :copyright: (c) 2012 Nathanael C. Fritz
+ :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details
+from slixmpp.xmlstream.asyncio import asyncio
+import socket
+import logging
+import random
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+#: Global flag indicating the availability of the ``aiodns`` package.
+#: Installing ``aiodns`` can be done via:
+#: .. code-block:: sh
+#: pip install aiodns
+ import aiodns
+except ImportError as e:
+ log.debug("Could not find aiodns package. " + \
+ "Not all features will be available")
+def default_resolver(loop):
+ """Return a basic DNS resolver object.
+ :returns: A :class:`aiodns.DNSResolver` object if aiodns
+ is available. Otherwise, ``None``.
+ """
+ return aiodns.DNSResolver(loop=loop,
+ tries=1,
+ timeout=1.0)
+ return None
+def resolve(host, port=None, service=None, proto='tcp',
+ resolver=None, use_ipv6=True, use_aiodns=True, loop=None):
+ """Peform DNS resolution for a given hostname.
+ Resolution may perform SRV record lookups if a service and protocol
+ are specified. The returned addresses will be sorted according to
+ the SRV priorities and weights.
+ If no resolver is provided, the aiodns resolver will be used if
+ available. Otherwise the built-in socket facilities will be used,
+ but those do not provide SRV support.
+ If SRV records were used, queries to resolve alternative hosts will
+ be made as needed instead of all at once.
+ :param host: The hostname to resolve.
+ :param port: A default port to connect with. SRV records may
+ dictate use of a different port.
+ :param service: Optional SRV service name without leading underscore.
+ :param proto: Optional SRV protocol name without leading underscore.
+ :param resolver: Optionally provide a DNS resolver object that has
+ been custom configured.
+ :param use_ipv6: Optionally control the use of IPv6 in situations
+ where it is either not available, or performance
+ is degraded. Defaults to ``True``.
+ :param use_aiodns: Optionally control if aiodns is used to make
+ the DNS queries instead of the built-in DNS
+ library.
+ :type host: string
+ :type port: int
+ :type service: string
+ :type proto: string
+ :type resolver: :class:`aiodns.DNSResolver`
+ :type use_ipv6: bool
+ :type use_aiodns: bool
+ :return: An iterable of IP address, port pairs in the order
+ dictated by SRV priorities and weights, if applicable.
+ """
+ if not use_aiodns:
+ log.debug("DNS: Not using aiodns, but aiodns is installed.")
+ else:
+ log.debug("DNS: Not using aiodns.")
+ if not use_ipv6:
+ log.debug("DNS: Use of IPv6 has been disabled.")
+ if resolver is None and AIODNS_AVAILABLE and use_aiodns:
+ resolver = aiodns.DNSResolver(loop=loop)
+ # An IPv6 literal is allowed to be enclosed in square brackets, but
+ # the brackets must be stripped in order to process the literal;
+ # otherwise, things break.
+ host = host.strip('[]')
+ try:
+ # If `host` is an IPv4 literal, we can return it immediately.
+ ipv4 = socket.inet_aton(host)
+ return [(host, host, port)]
+ except socket.error:
+ pass
+ if use_ipv6:
+ try:
+ # Likewise, If `host` is an IPv6 literal, we can return
+ # it immediately.
+ if hasattr(socket, 'inet_pton'):
+ ipv6 = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, host)
+ return [(host, host, port)]
+ except (socket.error, ValueError):
+ pass
+ # If no service was provided, then we can just do A/AAAA lookups on the
+ # provided host. Otherwise we need to get an ordered list of hosts to
+ # resolve based on SRV records.
+ if not service:
+ hosts = [(host, port)]
+ else:
+ hosts = yield from get_SRV(host, port, service, proto,
+ resolver=resolver,
+ use_aiodns=use_aiodns)
+ if not hosts:
+ hosts = [(host, port)]
+ results = []
+ for host, port in hosts:
+ if host == 'localhost':
+ if use_ipv6:
+ results.append((host, '::1', port))
+ results.append((host, '', port))
+ if use_ipv6:
+ aaaa = yield from get_AAAA(host, resolver=resolver,
+ use_aiodns=use_aiodns, loop=loop)
+ for address in aaaa:
+ results.append((host, address, port))
+ a = yield from get_A(host, resolver=resolver,
+ use_aiodns=use_aiodns, loop=loop)
+ for address in a:
+ results.append((host, address, port))
+ return results
+def get_A(host, resolver=None, use_aiodns=True, loop=None):
+ """Lookup DNS A records for a given host.
+ If ``resolver`` is not provided, or is ``None``, then resolution will
+ be performed using the built-in :mod:`socket` module.
+ :param host: The hostname to resolve for A record IPv4 addresses.
+ :param resolver: Optional DNS resolver object to use for the query.
+ :param use_aiodns: Optionally control if aiodns is used to make
+ the DNS queries instead of the built-in DNS
+ library.
+ :type host: string
+ :type resolver: :class:`aiodns.DNSResolver` or ``None``
+ :type use_aiodns: bool
+ :return: A list of IPv4 literals.
+ """
+ log.debug("DNS: Querying %s for A records." % host)
+ # If not using aiodns, attempt lookup using the OS level
+ # getaddrinfo() method.
+ if resolver is None or not use_aiodns:
+ try:
+ recs = yield from loop.getaddrinfo(host, None,
+ family=socket.AF_INET,
+ type=socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ return [rec[4][0] for rec in recs]
+ except socket.gaierror:
+ log.debug("DNS: Error retrieving A address info for %s." % host)
+ return []
+ # Using aiodns:
+ future = resolver.query(host, 'A')
+ try:
+ recs = yield from future
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.debug('DNS: Exception while querying for %s A records: %s', host, e)
+ recs = []
+ return [ for rec in recs]
+def get_AAAA(host, resolver=None, use_aiodns=True, loop=None):
+ """Lookup DNS AAAA records for a given host.
+ If ``resolver`` is not provided, or is ``None``, then resolution will
+ be performed using the built-in :mod:`socket` module.
+ :param host: The hostname to resolve for AAAA record IPv6 addresses.
+ :param resolver: Optional DNS resolver object to use for the query.
+ :param use_aiodns: Optionally control if aiodns is used to make
+ the DNS queries instead of the built-in DNS
+ library.
+ :type host: string
+ :type resolver: :class:`aiodns.DNSResolver` or ``None``
+ :type use_aiodns: bool
+ :return: A list of IPv6 literals.
+ """
+ log.debug("DNS: Querying %s for AAAA records." % host)
+ # If not using aiodns, attempt lookup using the OS level
+ # getaddrinfo() method.
+ if resolver is None or not use_aiodns:
+ if not socket.has_ipv6:
+ log.debug("DNS: Unable to query %s for AAAA records: IPv6 is not supported", host)
+ return []
+ try:
+ recs = yield from loop.getaddrinfo(host, None,
+ family=socket.AF_INET6,
+ type=socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ return [rec[4][0] for rec in recs]
+ except (OSError, socket.gaierror):
+ log.debug("DNS: Error retreiving AAAA address " + \
+ "info for %s." % host)
+ return []
+ # Using aiodns:
+ future = resolver.query(host, 'AAAA')
+ try:
+ recs = yield from future
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.debug('DNS: Exception while querying for %s AAAA records: %s', host, e)
+ recs = []
+ return recs
+def get_SRV(host, port, service, proto='tcp', resolver=None, use_aiodns=True):
+ """Perform SRV record resolution for a given host.
+ .. note::
+ This function requires the use of the ``aiodns`` package. Calling
+ :func:`get_SRV` without ``aiodns`` will return the provided host
+ and port without performing any DNS queries.
+ :param host: The hostname to resolve.
+ :param port: A default port to connect with. SRV records may
+ dictate use of a different port.
+ :param service: Optional SRV service name without leading underscore.
+ :param proto: Optional SRV protocol name without leading underscore.
+ :param resolver: Optionally provide a DNS resolver object that has
+ been custom configured.
+ :type host: string
+ :type port: int
+ :type service: string
+ :type proto: string
+ :type resolver: :class:`aiodns.DNSResolver`
+ :return: A list of hostname, port pairs in the order dictacted
+ by SRV priorities and weights.
+ """
+ if resolver is None or not use_aiodns:
+ log.warning("DNS: aiodns not found. Can not use SRV lookup.")
+ return [(host, port)]
+ log.debug("DNS: Querying SRV records for %s" % host)
+ try:
+ future = resolver.query('_%s._%s.%s' % (service, proto, host),
+ 'SRV')
+ recs = yield from future
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.debug('DNS: Exception while querying for %s SRV records: %s', host, e)
+ return []
+ answers = {}
+ for rec in recs:
+ if rec.priority not in answers:
+ answers[rec.priority] = []
+ if rec.weight == 0:
+ answers[rec.priority].insert(0, rec)
+ else:
+ answers[rec.priority].append(rec)
+ sorted_recs = []
+ for priority in sorted(answers.keys()):
+ while answers[priority]:
+ running_sum = 0
+ sums = {}
+ for rec in answers[priority]:
+ running_sum += rec.weight
+ sums[running_sum] = rec
+ selected = random.randint(0, running_sum + 1)
+ for running_sum in sums:
+ if running_sum >= selected:
+ rec = sums[running_sum]
+ host =
+ if host.endswith('.'):
+ host = host[:-1]
+ sorted_recs.append((host, rec.port))
+ answers[priority].remove(rec)
+ break
+ return sorted_recs