path: root/sleekxmpp/
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1 files changed, 727 insertions, 0 deletions
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+ SleekXMPP: The Sleek XMPP Library
+ Copyright (C) 2010 Nathanael C. Fritz
+ This file is part of SleekXMPP.
+ See the file LICENSE for copying permission.
+import logging
+class Roster(object):
+ """
+ SleekXMPP's roster manager.
+ The roster is divided into "nodes", where each node is responsible
+ for a single JID. While the distinction is not strictly necessary
+ for client connections, it is a necessity for components that use
+ multiple JIDs.
+ Rosters may be stored and persisted in an external datastore. An
+ interface object to the datastore that loads and saves roster items may
+ be provided. See the documentation for the RosterItem class for the
+ methods that the datastore interface object must provide.
+ Attributes:
+ xmpp -- The main SleekXMPP instance.
+ db -- Optional interface object to an external datastore.
+ auto_authorize -- Default auto_authorize value for new roster nodes.
+ Defaults to True.
+ auto_subscribe -- Default auto_subscribe value for new roster nodes.
+ Defaults to True.
+ Methods:
+ add -- Create a new roster node for a JID.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, xmpp, db=None):
+ """
+ Create a new roster.
+ Arguments:
+ xmpp -- The main SleekXMPP instance.
+ db -- Optional interface object to a datastore.
+ """
+ self.xmpp = xmpp
+ self.db = db
+ self.auto_authorize = True
+ self.auto_subscribe = True
+ self._rosters = {}
+ if self.db:
+ for node in self.db.entries(None, {}):
+ self.add(node)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ """
+ Return the roster node for a JID.
+ A new roster node will be created if one
+ does not already exist.
+ Arguments:
+ key -- Return the roster for this JID.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(key, str):
+ key = key.bare
+ if key not in self._rosters:
+ self.add(key)
+ self._rosters[key].auto_authorize = self.auto_authorize
+ self._rosters[key].auto_subscribe = self.auto_subscribe
+ return self._rosters[key]
+ def keys(self):
+ """Return the JIDs managed by the roster."""
+ return self._rosters.keys()
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """Iterate over the roster nodes."""
+ return self._rosters.__iter__()
+ def add(self, node):
+ """
+ Add a new roster node for the given JID.
+ Arguments:
+ node -- The JID for the new roster node.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(node, str):
+ node = node.bare
+ if node not in self._rosters:
+ self._rosters[node] = RosterNode(self.xmpp, node, self.db)
+ def set_backend(self, db=None):
+ """
+ Set the datastore interface object for the roster.
+ Arguments:
+ db -- The new datastore interface.
+ """
+ self.db = db
+ for node in self.db.entries(None, {}):
+ self.add(node)
+ for node in self._rosters:
+ self._rosters[node].set_backend(db)
+class RosterNode(object):
+ """
+ A roster node is a roster for a single JID.
+ Attributes:
+ xmpp -- The main SleekXMPP instance.
+ jid -- The JID that owns the roster node.
+ db -- Optional interface to an external datastore.
+ auto_authorize -- Determines how authorizations are handled:
+ True -- Accept all subscriptions.
+ False -- Reject all subscriptions.
+ None -- Subscriptions must be
+ manually authorized.
+ Defaults to True.
+ auto_subscribe -- Determines if bi-directional subscriptions
+ are created after automatically authrorizing
+ a subscription request.
+ Defaults to True
+ Methods:
+ add -- Add a JID to the roster.
+ update -- Update a JID's subscription information.
+ subscribe -- Subscribe to a JID.
+ unsubscribe -- Unsubscribe from a JID.
+ remove -- Remove a JID from the roster.
+ presence -- Return presence information for a JID's resources.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, xmpp, jid, db=None):
+ """
+ Create a roster node for a JID.
+ Arguments:
+ xmpp -- The main SleekXMPP instance.
+ jid -- The JID that owns the roster.
+ db -- Optional interface to an external datastore.
+ """
+ self.xmpp = xmpp
+ self.jid = jid
+ self.db = db
+ self.auto_authorize = True
+ self.auto_subscribe = True
+ self._jids = {}
+ if self.db:
+ for jid in self.db.entries(self.jid):
+ self.add(jid)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ """
+ Return the roster item for a subscribed JID.
+ A new item entry will be created if one does not already exist.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(key, str):
+ key = key.bare
+ if key not in self._jids:
+ self.add(key, save=True)
+ return self._jids[key]
+ def keys(self):
+ """Return a list of all subscribed JIDs."""
+ return self._jids.keys()
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """Iterate over the roster items."""
+ return self._jids.__iter__()
+ def set_backend(self, db=None):
+ """
+ Set the datastore interface object for the roster node.
+ Arguments:
+ db -- The new datastore interface.
+ """
+ self.db = db
+ for jid in self.db.entries(self.jid):
+ self.add(jid)
+ for jid in self._jids:
+ self._jids[jid].set_backend(db)
+ def add(self, jid, name='', groups=None, afrom=False, ato=False,
+ pending_in=False, pending_out=False, whitelisted=False,
+ save=False):
+ """
+ Add a new roster item entry.
+ Arguments:
+ jid -- The JID for the roster item.
+ name -- An alias for the JID.
+ groups -- A list of group names.
+ afrom -- Indicates if the JID has a subscription state
+ of 'from'. Defaults to False.
+ ato -- Indicates if the JID has a subscription state
+ of 'to'. Defaults to False.
+ pending_in -- Indicates if the JID has sent a subscription
+ request to this connection's JID.
+ Defaults to False.
+ pending_out -- Indicates if a subscription request has been sent
+ to this JID.
+ Defaults to False.
+ whitelisted -- Indicates if a subscription request from this JID
+ should be automatically authorized.
+ Defaults to False.
+ save -- Indicates if the item should be persisted
+ immediately to an external datastore,
+ if one is used.
+ Defaults to False.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(jid, str):
+ key = jid.bare
+ state = {'name': name,
+ 'groups': groups or [],
+ 'from': afrom,
+ 'to': ato,
+ 'pending_in': pending_in,
+ 'pending_out': pending_out,
+ 'whitelisted': whitelisted,
+ 'subscription': 'none'}
+ self._jids[jid] = RosterItem(self.xmpp, jid, self.jid,
+ state=state, db=self.db)
+ if save:
+ self._jids[jid].save()
+ def subscribe(self, jid):
+ """
+ Subscribe to the given JID.
+ Arguments:
+ jid -- The JID to subscribe to.
+ """
+ self[jid].subscribe()
+ def unsubscribe(self, jid):
+ """
+ Unsubscribe from the given JID.
+ Arguments:
+ jid -- The JID to unsubscribe from.
+ """
+ self[jid].unsubscribe()
+ def remove(self, jid):
+ """
+ Remove a JID from the roster.
+ Arguments:
+ jid -- The JID to remove.
+ """
+ self[jid].remove()
+ if not self.xmpp.is_component:
+ self.update(jid, subscription='remove')
+ def update(self, jid, name=None, subscription=None, groups=[]):
+ """
+ Update a JID's subscription information.
+ Arguments:
+ jid -- The JID to update.
+ name -- Optional alias for the JID.
+ subscription -- The subscription state. May be one of: 'to',
+ 'from', 'both', 'none', or 'remove'.
+ groups -- A list of group names.
+ """
+ self[jid]['name'] = name
+ self[jid]['groups'] = group
+ self[jid].save()
+ if not self.xmpp.is_component:
+ iq = self.Iq()
+ iq['type'] = 'set'
+ iq['roster']['items'] = {jid: {'name': name,
+ 'subscription': subscription,
+ 'groups': groups}}
+ response = iq.send()
+ return response and response['type'] == 'result'
+ def presence(self, jid, resource=None):
+ """
+ Retrieve the presence information of a JID.
+ May return either all online resources' status, or
+ a single resource's status.
+ Arguments:
+ jid -- The JID to lookup.
+ resource -- Optional resource for returning
+ only the status of a single connection.
+ """
+ if resource is None:
+ return self[jid].resources
+ default_presence = {'status': '',
+ 'priority': 0,
+ 'show': ''}
+ return self[jid].resources.get(resource,
+ default_presence)
+class RosterItem(object):
+ """
+ A RosterItem is a single entry in a roster node, and tracks
+ the subscription state and user annotations of a single JID.
+ Roster items may use an external datastore to persist roster data
+ across sessions. Client applications will not need to use this
+ functionality, but is intended for components that do not have their
+ roster persisted automatically by the XMPP server.
+ Roster items provide many methods for handling incoming presence
+ stanzas that ensure that response stanzas are sent according to
+ RFC 3921.
+ The external datastore is accessed through a provided interface
+ object which is stored in self.db. The interface object MUST
+ provide two methods: load and save, both of which are responsible
+ for working with a single roster item. A private dictionary,
+ self._db_state, is used to store any metadata needed by the
+ interface, such as the row ID of a roster item, etc.
+ Interface for self.db.load:
+ load(owner_jid, jid, db_state):
+ owner_jid -- The JID that owns the roster.
+ jid -- The JID of the roster item.
+ db_state -- A dictionary containing any data saved
+ by the interface object after a save()
+ call. Will typically have the equivalent
+ of a 'row_id' value.
+ Interface for
+ save(owner_jid, jid, item_state, db_state):
+ owner_jid -- The JID that owns the roster.
+ jid -- The JID of the roster item.
+ item_state -- A dictionary containing the fields:
+ 'from', 'to', 'pending_in', 'pending_out',
+ 'whitelisted', 'subscription', 'name',
+ and 'groups'.
+ db_state -- A dictionary provided for persisting
+ datastore specific information. Typically,
+ a value equivalent to 'row_id' will be
+ stored here.
+ State Fields:
+ from -- Indicates if a subscription of type 'from'
+ has been authorized.
+ to -- Indicates if a subscription of type 'to' has
+ been authorized.
+ pending_in -- Indicates if a subscription request has been
+ received from this JID and it has not been
+ authorized yet.
+ pending_out -- Indicates if a subscription request has been sent
+ to this JID and it has not been accepted yet.
+ subscription -- Returns one of: 'to', 'from', 'both', or 'none'
+ based on the states of from, to, pending_in,
+ and pending_out. Assignment to this value does
+ not affect the states of the other values.
+ whitelisted -- Indicates if a subscription request from this
+ JID should be automatically accepted.
+ name -- A user supplied alias for the JID.
+ groups -- A list of group names for the JID.
+ Attributes:
+ xmpp -- The main SleekXMPP instance.
+ owner -- The JID that owns the roster.
+ jid -- The JID for the roster item.
+ db -- Optional datastore interface object.
+ last_status -- The last presence sent to this JID.
+ resources -- A dictionary of online resources for this JID.
+ Will contain the fields 'show', 'status',
+ and 'priority'.
+ Methods:
+ load -- Retrieve the roster item from an
+ external datastore, if one was provided.
+ save -- Save the roster item to an external
+ datastore, if one was provided.
+ remove -- Remove a subscription to the JID and revoke
+ its whitelisted status.
+ subscribe -- Subscribe to the JID.
+ authorize -- Accept a subscription from the JID.
+ unauthorize -- Deny a subscription from the JID.
+ unsubscribe -- Unsubscribe from the JID.
+ send_presence -- Send a directed presence to the JID.
+ send_last_presence -- Resend the last sent presence.
+ handle_available -- Update the JID's resource information.
+ handle_unavailable -- Update the JID's resource information.
+ handle_subscribe -- Handle a subscription request.
+ handle_subscribed -- Handle a notice that a subscription request
+ was authorized by the JID.
+ handle_unsubscribe -- Handle an unsubscribe request.
+ handle_unsubscribed -- Handle a notice that a subscription was
+ removed by the JID.
+ handle_probe -- Handle a presence probe query.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, xmpp, jid, owner=None,
+ state=None, db=None):
+ """
+ Create a new roster item.
+ Arguments:
+ xmpp -- The main SleekXMPP instance.
+ jid -- The item's JID.
+ owner -- The roster owner's JID. Defaults
+ so self.xmpp.boundjid.bare.
+ state -- A dictionary of initial state values.
+ db -- An optional interface to an external datastore.
+ """
+ self.xmpp = xmpp
+ self.jid = jid
+ self.owner = owner or self.xmpp.boundjid.bare
+ self.last_status = None
+ self.resources = {}
+ self.db = db
+ self._state = state or {
+ 'from': False,
+ 'to': False,
+ 'pending_in': False,
+ 'pending_out': False,
+ 'whitelisted': False,
+ 'subscription': 'none',
+ 'name': '',
+ 'groups': []}
+ self._db_state = {}
+ self.load()
+ def set_backend(self, db=None):
+ """
+ Set the datastore interface object for the roster item.
+ Arguments:
+ db -- The new datastore interface.
+ """
+ self.db = db
+ self.load()
+ def load(self):
+ """
+ Load the item's state information from an external datastore,
+ if one has been provided.
+ """
+ if self.db:
+ item = self.db.load(self.owner, self.jid,
+ self._db_state)
+ if item:
+ self['name'] = item['name']
+ self['groups'] = item['groups']
+ self['from'] = item['from']
+ self['to'] = item['to']
+ self['whitelisted'] = item['whitelisted']
+ self['pending_out'] = item['pending_out']
+ self['pending_in'] = item['pending_in']
+ self['subscription'] = self._subscription()
+ return self._state
+ return None
+ def save(self):
+ """
+ Save the item's state information to an external datastore,
+ if one has been provided.
+ """
+ if self.db:
+, self.jid,
+ self._state, self._db_state)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ """Return a state field's value."""
+ if key in self._state:
+ if key == 'subscription':
+ return self._subscription()
+ return self._state[key]
+ else:
+ raise KeyError
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ """
+ Set the value of a state field.
+ For boolean states, the values True, 'true', '1', 'on',
+ and 'yes' are accepted as True; all others are False.
+ Arguments:
+ key -- The state field to modify.
+ value -- The new value of the state field.
+ """
+ if key in self._state:
+ if key in ['name', 'subscription', 'groups']:
+ self._state[key] = value
+ else:
+ value = str(value).lower()
+ self._state[key] = value in ('true', '1', 'on', 'yes')
+ else:
+ raise KeyError
+ def _subscription(self):
+ """Return the proper subscription type based on current state."""
+ if self['to'] and self['from']:
+ return 'both'
+ elif self['from']:
+ return 'from'
+ elif self['to']:
+ return 'to'
+ else:
+ return 'none'
+ def remove(self):
+ """
+ Remove a JID's whitelisted status and unsubscribe if a
+ subscription exists.
+ """
+ if self['to']:
+ p = self.xmpp.Presence()
+ p['to'] = self.jid
+ p['type'] = ['unsubscribe']
+ if self.xmpp.is_component:
+ p['from'] = self.owner
+ p.send()
+ self['to'] = False
+ self['whitelisted'] = False
+ def subscribe(self):
+ """Send a subscription request to the JID."""
+ p = self.xmpp.Presence()
+ p['to'] = self.jid
+ p['type'] = 'subscribe'
+ if self.xmpp.is_component:
+ p['from'] = self.owner
+ self['pending_out'] = True
+ p.send()
+ def authorize(self):
+ """Authorize a received subscription request from the JID."""
+ self['from'] = True
+ self['pending_in'] = False
+ self._subscribed()
+ self.send_last_presence()
+ def unauthorize(self):
+ """Deny a received subscription request from the JID."""
+ self['from'] = False
+ self['pending_in'] = False
+ self._unsubscribed()
+ p = self.xmpp.Presence()
+ p['to'] = self.jid
+ p['type'] = 'unavailable'
+ if self.xmpp.is_component:
+ p['from'] = self.owner
+ p.send()
+ def _subscribed(self):
+ """Handle acknowledging a subscription."""
+ p = self.xmpp.Presence()
+ p['to'] = self.jid
+ p['type'] = 'subscribed'
+ if self.xmpp.is_component:
+ p['from'] = self.owner
+ p.send()
+ def unsubscribe(self):
+ """Unsubscribe from the JID."""
+ p = self.xmpp.Presence()
+ p['to'] = self.jid
+ p['type'] = 'unsubscribe'
+ if self.xmpp.is_component:
+ p['from'] = self.owner
+ p.send()
+ def _unsubscribed(self):
+ """Handle acknowledging an unsubscribe request."""
+ p = self.xmpp.Presence()
+ p['to'] = self.jid
+ p['type'] = 'unsubscribed'
+ if self.xmpp.is_component:
+ p['from'] = self.owner
+ p.send()
+ def send_presence(self, ptype='available', status=None):
+ p = self.xmpp.Presence()
+ p['to'] = self.jid
+ p['type'] = ptype
+ p['status'] = status
+ if self.xmpp.is_component:
+ p['from'] = self.owner
+ self.last_status = p
+ p.send()
+ def send_last_presence(self):
+ if self.last_status is None:
+ self.send_presence()
+ else:
+ self.last_status.send()
+ def handle_available(self, presence):
+ resource = presence['from'].resource
+ data = {'status': presence['status'],
+ 'show': presence['show'],
+ 'priority': presence['priority']}
+ if not self.resources:
+ self.xmpp.event('got_online', presence)
+ if resource not in self.resources:
+ self.resources[resource] = {}
+ self.resources[resource].update(data)
+ def handle_unavailable(self, presence):
+ resource = presence['from'].resource
+ if not self.resources:
+ return
+ if resource in self.resources:
+ del self.resources[resource]
+ if not self.resources:
+ self.xmpp.event('got_offline', presence)
+ def handle_subscribe(self, presence):
+ """
+ +------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ +------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | "None" | yes | "None + Pending In" |
+ | "None + Pending Out" | yes | "None + Pending Out/In" |
+ | "None + Pending In" | no | no state change |
+ | "None + Pending Out/In" | no | no state change |
+ | "To" | yes | "To + Pending In" |
+ | "To + Pending In" | no | no state change |
+ | "From" | no * | no state change |
+ | "From + Pending Out" | no * | no state change |
+ | "Both" | no * | no state change |
+ +------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ """
+ if not self['from'] and not self['pending_in']:
+ self['pending_in'] = True
+ self.xmpp.event('roster_subscription_request', presence)
+ elif self['from']:
+ self._subscribed()
+ def handle_subscribed(self, presence):
+ """
+ +------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ +------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | "None" | no | no state change |
+ | "None + Pending Out" | yes | "To" |
+ | "None + Pending In" | no | no state change |
+ | "None + Pending Out/In" | yes | "To + Pending In" |
+ | "To" | no | no state change |
+ | "To + Pending In" | no | no state change |
+ | "From" | no | no state change |
+ | "From + Pending Out" | yes | "Both" |
+ | "Both" | no | no state change |
+ +------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ """
+ if not self['to'] and self['pending_out']:
+ self['pending_out'] = False
+ self['to'] = True
+ self.xmpp.event('roster_subscription_authorized', presence)
+ def handle_unsubscribe(self, presence):
+ """
+ +------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ +------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | "None" | no | no state change |
+ | "None + Pending Out" | no | no state change |
+ | "None + Pending In" | yes * | "None" |
+ | "None + Pending Out/In" | yes * | "None + Pending Out" |
+ | "To" | no | no state change |
+ | "To + Pending In" | yes * | "To" |
+ | "From" | yes * | "None" |
+ | "From + Pending Out" | yes * | "None + Pending Out |
+ | "Both" | yes * | "To" |
+ +------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ """
+ if not self['from'] and self['pending_in']:
+ self['pending_in'] = False
+ self._unsubscribed()
+ elif self['from']:
+ self['from'] = False
+ self._unsubscribed()
+ self.xmpp.event('roster_subscription_remove', presence)
+ def handle_unsubscribed(self, presence):
+ """
+ +------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ +------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | "None" | no | no state change |
+ | "None + Pending Out" | yes | "None" |
+ | "None + Pending In" | no | no state change |
+ | "None + Pending Out/In" | yes | "None + Pending In" |
+ | "To" | yes | "None" |
+ | "To + Pending In" | yes | "None + Pending In" |
+ | "From" | no | no state change |
+ | "From + Pending Out" | yes | "From" |
+ | "Both" | yes | "From" |
+ +------------------------------------------------------------------
+ """
+ if not self['to'] and self['pending_out']:
+ self['pending_out'] = False
+ elif self['to'] and not self['pending_out']:
+ self['to'] = False
+ self.xmpp.event('roster_subscription_removed', presence)
+ def handle_probe(self, presence):
+ if self['to']:
+ self.send_last_presence()
+ if self['pending_out']:
+ self.subscribe()
+ if not self['to']:
+ self._unsubscribed()