path: root/examples
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples')
7 files changed, 1035 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
index 8fe2eb49..7b93da16 100755
--- a/examples/
+++ b/examples/
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ class MUCBot(sleekxmpp.ClientXMPP):
event does not provide any additional
- self.getRoster()
- self.sendPresence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ self.send_presence()
# If a room password is needed, use:
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b0459c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+import sys
+import logging
+import getpass
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import sleekxmpp
+from sleekxmpp.xmlstream import ET, tostring
+# Python versions before 3.0 do not use UTF-8 encoding
+# by default. To ensure that Unicode is handled properly
+# throughout SleekXMPP, we will set the default encoding
+# ourselves to UTF-8.
+if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
+ reload(sys)
+ sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8')
+ raw_input = input
+class PubsubClient(sleekxmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, server,
+ node=None, action='list', data=''):
+ super(PubsubClient, self).__init__(jid, password)
+ self.register_plugin('xep_0030')
+ self.register_plugin('xep_0059')
+ self.register_plugin('xep_0060')
+ self.actions = ['nodes', 'create', 'delete',
+ 'publish', 'get', 'retract',
+ 'purge', 'subscribe', 'unsubscribe']
+ self.action = action
+ self.node = node
+ = data
+ self.pubsub_server = server
+ self.add_event_handler('session_start', self.start)
+ def start(self, event):
+ self.get_roster()
+ self.send_presence()
+ try:
+ getattr(self, self.action)()
+ except:
+ logging.error('Could not execute: %s' % self.action)
+ self.disconnect()
+ def nodes(self):
+ try:
+ result = self['xep_0060'].get_nodes(self.pubsub_server, self.node)
+ for item in result['disco_items']['items']:
+ print(' - %s' % str(item))
+ except:
+ logging.error('Could not retrieve node list.')
+ def create(self):
+ try:
+ self['xep_0060'].create_node(self.pubsub_server, self.node)
+ except:
+ logging.error('Could not create node: %s' % self.node)
+ def delete(self):
+ try:
+ self['xep_0060'].delete_node(self.pubsub_server, self.node)
+ print('Deleted node: %s' % self.node)
+ except:
+ logging.error('Could not delete node: %s' % self.node)
+ def publish(self):
+ payload = ET.fromstring("<test xmlns='test'>%s</test>" %
+ try:
+ result = self['xep_0060'].publish(self.pubsub_server, self.node, payload=payload)
+ id = result['pubsub']['publish']['item']['id']
+ print('Published at item id: %s' % id)
+ except:
+ logging.error('Could not publish to: %s' % self.node)
+ def get(self):
+ try:
+ result = self['xep_0060'].get_item(self.pubsub_server, self.node,
+ for item in result['pubsub']['items']['substanzas']:
+ print('Retrieved item %s: %s' % (item['id'], tostring(item['payload'])))
+ except:
+ logging.error('Could not retrieve item %s from node %s' % (, self.node))
+ def retract(self):
+ try:
+ result = self['xep_0060'].retract(self.pubsub_server, self.node,
+ print('Retracted item %s from node %s' % (, self.node))
+ except:
+ logging.error('Could not retract item %s from node %s' % (, self.node))
+ def purge(self):
+ try:
+ result = self['xep_0060'].purge(self.pubsub_server, self.node)
+ print('Purged all items from node %s' % self.node)
+ except:
+ logging.error('Could not purge items from node %s' % self.node)
+ def subscribe(self):
+ try:
+ result = self['xep_0060'].subscribe(self.pubsub_server, self.node)
+ print('Subscribed %s to node %s' % (self.boundjid.bare, self.node))
+ except:
+ logging.error('Could not subscribe %s to node %s' % (self.boundjid.bare, self.node))
+ def unsubscribe(self):
+ try:
+ result = self['xep_0060'].unsubscribe(self.pubsub_server, self.node)
+ print('Unsubscribed %s from node %s' % (self.boundjid.bare, self.node))
+ except:
+ logging.error('Could not unsubscribe %s from node %s' % (self.boundjid.bare, self.node))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Setup the command line arguments.
+ optp = OptionParser()
+ optp.version = '%%prog 0.1'
+ optp.usage = "Usage: %%prog [options] <jid> " + \
+ 'nodes|create|delete|purge|subscribe|unsubscribe|publish|retract|get' + \
+ ' [<node> <data>]'
+ optp.add_option('-q','--quiet', help='set logging to ERROR',
+ action='store_const',
+ dest='loglevel',
+ const=logging.ERROR,
+ default=logging.ERROR)
+ optp.add_option('-d','--debug', help='set logging to DEBUG',
+ action='store_const',
+ dest='loglevel',
+ const=logging.DEBUG,
+ default=logging.ERROR)
+ optp.add_option('-v','--verbose', help='set logging to COMM',
+ action='store_const',
+ dest='loglevel',
+ const=5,
+ default=logging.ERROR)
+ # JID and password options.
+ optp.add_option("-j", "--jid", dest="jid",
+ help="JID to use")
+ optp.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password",
+ help="password to use")
+ opts,args = optp.parse_args()
+ # Setup logging.
+ logging.basicConfig(level=opts.loglevel,
+ format='%(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ optp.print_help()
+ exit()
+ if opts.jid is None:
+ opts.jid = raw_input("Username: ")
+ if opts.password is None:
+ opts.password = getpass.getpass("Password: ")
+ if len(args) == 2:
+ args = (args[0], args[1], '', '', '')
+ elif len(args) == 3:
+ args = (args[0], args[1], args[2], '', '')
+ elif len(args) == 4:
+ args = (args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], '')
+ # Setup the Pubsub client
+ xmpp = PubsubClient(opts.jid, opts.password,
+ server=args[0],
+ node=args[2],
+ action=args[1],
+ data=args[3])
+ # If you are working with an OpenFire server, you may need
+ # to adjust the SSL version used:
+ # xmpp.ssl_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3
+ # If you want to verify the SSL certificates offered by a server:
+ # xmpp.ca_certs = "path/to/ca/cert"
+ # Connect to the XMPP server and start processing XMPP stanzas.
+ if xmpp.connect():
+ # If you do not have the dnspython library installed, you will need
+ # to manually specify the name of the server if it does not match
+ # the one in the JID. For example, to use Google Talk you would
+ # need to use:
+ #
+ # if xmpp.connect(('', 5222)):
+ # ...
+ xmpp.process(block=True)
+ else:
+ print("Unable to connect.")
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6fe7159b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+import sys
+import logging
+import getpass
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import sleekxmpp
+from sleekxmpp.xmlstream import ET, tostring
+from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.matcher import StanzaPath
+from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.handler import Callback
+# Python versions before 3.0 do not use UTF-8 encoding
+# by default. To ensure that Unicode is handled properly
+# throughout SleekXMPP, we will set the default encoding
+# ourselves to UTF-8.
+if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
+ reload(sys)
+ sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8')
+ raw_input = input
+class PubsubEvents(sleekxmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password):
+ super(PubsubEvents, self).__init__(jid, password)
+ self.register_plugin('xep_0030')
+ self.register_plugin('xep_0059')
+ self.register_plugin('xep_0060')
+ self.add_event_handler('session_start', self.start)
+ # Some services may require configuration to allow
+ # sending delete, configuration, or subscription events.
+ self.add_event_handler('pubsub_publish', self._publish)
+ self.add_event_handler('pubsub_retract', self._retract)
+ self.add_event_handler('pubsub_purge', self._purge)
+ self.add_event_handler('pubsub_delete', self._delete)
+ self.add_event_handler('pubsub_config', self._config)
+ self.add_event_handler('pubsub_subscription', self._subscription)
+ # Want to use nicer, more specific pubsub event names?
+ # self['xep_0060'].map_node_event('node_name', 'event_prefix')
+ # self.add_event_handler('event_prefix_publish', handler)
+ # self.add_event_handler('event_prefix_retract', handler)
+ # self.add_event_handler('event_prefix_purge', handler)
+ # self.add_event_handler('event_prefix_delete', handler)
+ def start(self, event):
+ self.get_roster()
+ self.send_presence()
+ def _publish(self, msg):
+ """Handle receiving a publish item event."""
+ print('Published item %s to %s:' % (
+ msg['pubsub_event']['items']['item']['id'],
+ msg['pubsub_event']['items']['node']))
+ data = msg['pubsub_event']['items']['item']['payload']
+ if data is not None:
+ print(tostring(data))
+ else:
+ print('No item content')
+ def _retract(self, msg):
+ """Handle receiving a retract item event."""
+ print('Retracted item %s from %s' % (
+ msg['pubsub_event']['items']['retract']['id'],
+ msg['pubsub_event']['items']['node']))
+ def _purge(self, msg):
+ """Handle receiving a node purge event."""
+ print('Purged all items from %s' % (
+ msg['pubsub_event']['purge']['node']))
+ def _delete(self, msg):
+ """Handle receiving a node deletion event."""
+ print('Deleted node %s' % (
+ msg['pubsub_event']['delete']['node']))
+ def _config(self, msg):
+ """Handle receiving a node configuration event."""
+ print('Configured node %s:' % (
+ msg['pubsub_event']['configuration']['node']))
+ print(msg['pubsub_event']['configuration']['form'])
+ def _subscription(self, msg):
+ """Handle receiving a node subscription event."""
+ print('Subscription change for node %s:' % (
+ msg['pubsub_event']['subscription']['node']))
+ print(msg['pubsub_event']['subscription'])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Setup the command line arguments.
+ optp = OptionParser()
+ # Output verbosity options.
+ optp.add_option('-q', '--quiet', help='set logging to ERROR',
+ action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
+ const=logging.ERROR, default=logging.INFO)
+ optp.add_option('-d', '--debug', help='set logging to DEBUG',
+ action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
+ const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
+ optp.add_option('-v', '--verbose', help='set logging to COMM',
+ action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
+ const=5, default=logging.INFO)
+ # JID and password options.
+ optp.add_option("-j", "--jid", dest="jid",
+ help="JID to use")
+ optp.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password",
+ help="password to use")
+ opts, args = optp.parse_args()
+ # Setup logging.
+ logging.basicConfig(level=opts.loglevel,
+ format='%(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
+ if opts.jid is None:
+ opts.jid = raw_input("Username: ")
+ if opts.password is None:
+ opts.password = getpass.getpass("Password: ")
+"Run this in conjunction with the " + \
+ "example to watch events happen as you give commands.")
+ # Setup the PubsubEvents listener
+ xmpp = PubsubEvents(opts.jid, opts.password)
+ # If you are working with an OpenFire server, you may need
+ # to adjust the SSL version used:
+ # xmpp.ssl_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3
+ # If you want to verify the SSL certificates offered by a server:
+ # xmpp.ca_certs = "path/to/ca/cert"
+ # Connect to the XMPP server and start processing XMPP stanzas.
+ if xmpp.connect():
+ # If you do not have the dnspython library installed, you will need
+ # to manually specify the name of the server if it does not match
+ # the one in the JID. For example, to use Google Talk you would
+ # need to use:
+ #
+ # if xmpp.connect(('', 5222)):
+ # ...
+ xmpp.process(block=True)
+ print("Done")
+ else:
+ print("Unable to connect.")
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17f075ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ SleekXMPP: The Sleek XMPP Library
+ Copyright (C) 2010 Nathanael C. Fritz
+ This file is part of SleekXMPP.
+ See the file LICENSE for copying permission.
+import sys
+import logging
+import getpass
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import sleekxmpp
+from sleekxmpp.exceptions import IqError, IqTimeout
+# Python versions before 3.0 do not use UTF-8 encoding
+# by default. To ensure that Unicode is handled properly
+# throughout SleekXMPP, we will set the default encoding
+# ourselves to UTF-8.
+if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
+ reload(sys)
+ sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8')
+ raw_input = input
+class RegisterBot(sleekxmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ """
+ A basic bot that will attempt to register an account
+ with an XMPP server.
+ NOTE: This follows the very basic registration workflow
+ from XEP-0077. More advanced server registration
+ workflows will need to check for data forms, etc.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, jid, password):
+ sleekxmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ # The session_start event will be triggered when
+ # the bot establishes its connection with the server
+ # and the XML streams are ready for use. We want to
+ # listen for this event so that we we can initialize
+ # our roster.
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ # The register event provides an Iq result stanza with
+ # a registration form from the server. This may include
+ # the basic registration fields, a data form, an
+ # out-of-band URL, or any combination. For more advanced
+ # cases, you will need to examine the fields provided
+ # and respond accordingly. SleekXMPP provides plugins
+ # for data forms and OOB links that will make that easier.
+ self.add_event_handler("register", self.register)
+ def start(self, event):
+ """
+ Process the session_start event.
+ Typical actions for the session_start event are
+ requesting the roster and broadcasting an initial
+ presence stanza.
+ Arguments:
+ event -- An empty dictionary. The session_start
+ event does not provide any additional
+ data.
+ """
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ # We're only concerned about registering, so nothing more to do here.
+ self.disconnect()
+ def register(self, iq):
+ """
+ Fill out and submit a registration form.
+ The form may be composed of basic registration fields, a data form,
+ an out-of-band link, or any combination thereof. Data forms and OOB
+ links can be checked for as so:
+ if iq.match('iq/register/form'):
+ # do stuff with data form
+ # iq['register']['form']['fields']
+ if iq.match('iq/register/oob'):
+ # do stuff with OOB URL
+ # iq['register']['oob']['url']
+ To get the list of basic registration fields, you can use:
+ iq['register']['fields']
+ """
+ resp = self.Iq()
+ resp['type'] = 'set'
+ resp['register']['username'] = self.boundjid.user
+ resp['register']['password'] = self.password
+ try:
+ resp.send(now=True)
+"Account created for %s!" % self.boundjid)
+ except IqError as e:
+ logging.error("Could not register account: %s" %
+ self.disconnect()
+ except IqTimeout:
+ logging.error("No response from server.")
+ self.disconnect()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Setup the command line arguments.
+ optp = OptionParser()
+ # Output verbosity options.
+ optp.add_option('-q', '--quiet', help='set logging to ERROR',
+ action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
+ const=logging.ERROR, default=logging.INFO)
+ optp.add_option('-d', '--debug', help='set logging to DEBUG',
+ action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
+ const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
+ optp.add_option('-v', '--verbose', help='set logging to COMM',
+ action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
+ const=5, default=logging.INFO)
+ # JID and password options.
+ optp.add_option("-j", "--jid", dest="jid",
+ help="JID to use")
+ optp.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password",
+ help="password to use")
+ opts, args = optp.parse_args()
+ # Setup logging.
+ logging.basicConfig(level=opts.loglevel,
+ format='%(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
+ if opts.jid is None:
+ opts.jid = raw_input("Username: ")
+ if opts.password is None:
+ opts.password = getpass.getpass("Password: ")
+ # Setup the RegisterBot and register plugins. Note that while plugins may
+ # have interdependencies, the order in which you register them does
+ # not matter.
+ xmpp = RegisterBot(opts.jid, opts.password)
+ xmpp.register_plugin('xep_0030') # Service Discovery
+ xmpp.register_plugin('xep_0004') # Data forms
+ xmpp.register_plugin('xep_0066') # Out-of-band Data
+ xmpp.register_plugin('xep_0077') # In-band Registration
+ # If you are working with an OpenFire server, you may need
+ # to adjust the SSL version used:
+ # xmpp.ssl_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3
+ # If you want to verify the SSL certificates offered by a server:
+ # xmpp.ca_certs = "path/to/ca/cert"
+ # Connect to the XMPP server and start processing XMPP stanzas.
+ if xmpp.connect():
+ # If you do not have the dnspython library installed, you will need
+ # to manually specify the name of the server if it does not match
+ # the one in the JID. For example, to use Google Talk you would
+ # need to use:
+ #
+ # if xmpp.connect(('', 5222)):
+ # ...
+ xmpp.process(block=True)
+ print("Done")
+ else:
+ print("Unable to connect.")
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..727311ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ SleekXMPP: The Sleek XMPP Library
+ Copyright (C) 2010 Nathanael C. Fritz
+ This file is part of SleekXMPP.
+ See the file LICENSE for copying permission.
+import sys
+import logging
+import getpass
+from optparse import OptionParser
+ from httplib import HTTPSConnection
+ from urllib import urlencode
+except ImportError:
+ from urllib.parse import urlencode
+ from http.client import HTTPSConnection
+import sleekxmpp
+from sleekxmpp.xmlstream import JID
+# Python versions before 3.0 do not use UTF-8 encoding
+# by default. To ensure that Unicode is handled properly
+# throughout SleekXMPP, we will set the default encoding
+# ourselves to UTF-8.
+if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
+ reload(sys)
+ sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8')
+ raw_input = input
+class ThirdPartyAuthBot(sleekxmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ """
+ A simple SleekXMPP bot that will echo messages it
+ receives, along with a short thank you message.
+ This version uses a thirdpary service for authentication,
+ such as Facebook or Google.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, jid, password):
+ sleekxmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ # The X-GOOGLE-TOKEN mech is ranked lower than PLAIN
+ # due to Google only allowing a single SASL attempt per
+ # connection. So PLAIN will be used for TLS connections,
+ # and X-GOOGLE-TOKEN for non-TLS connections. To use
+ # X-GOOGLE-TOKEN with a TLS connection, explicitly select
+ # it using:
+ #
+ # sleekxmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password,
+ # sasl_mech="X-GOOGLE-TOKEN")
+ # The session_start event will be triggered when
+ # the bot establishes its connection with the server
+ # and the XML streams are ready for use. We want to
+ # listen for this event so that we we can initialize
+ # our roster.
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ # The message event is triggered whenever a message
+ # stanza is received. Be aware that that includes
+ # MUC messages and error messages.
+ self.add_event_handler("message", self.message)
+ def start(self, event):
+ """
+ Process the session_start event.
+ Typical actions for the session_start event are
+ requesting the roster and broadcasting an initial
+ presence stanza.
+ Arguments:
+ event -- An empty dictionary. The session_start
+ event does not provide any additional
+ data.
+ """
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ def message(self, msg):
+ """
+ Process incoming message stanzas. Be aware that this also
+ includes MUC messages and error messages. It is usually
+ a good idea to check the messages's type before processing
+ or sending replies.
+ Arguments:
+ msg -- The received message stanza. See the documentation
+ for stanza objects and the Message stanza to see
+ how it may be used.
+ """
+ if msg['type'] in ('chat', 'normal'):
+ msg.reply("Thanks for sending\n%(body)s" % msg).send()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Setup the command line arguments.
+ optp = OptionParser()
+ # Output verbosity options.
+ optp.add_option('-q', '--quiet', help='set logging to ERROR',
+ action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
+ const=logging.ERROR, default=logging.INFO)
+ optp.add_option('-d', '--debug', help='set logging to DEBUG',
+ action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
+ const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
+ optp.add_option('-v', '--verbose', help='set logging to COMM',
+ action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
+ const=5, default=logging.INFO)
+ # JID and password options.
+ optp.add_option("-j", "--jid", dest="jid",
+ help="JID to use")
+ optp.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password",
+ help="password to use")
+ opts, args = optp.parse_args()
+ # Setup logging.
+ logging.basicConfig(level=opts.loglevel,
+ format='%(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
+ if opts.jid is None:
+ opts.jid = raw_input("Username: ")
+ if opts.password is None:
+ opts.password = getpass.getpass("Password: ")
+ access_token = None
+ # Since documentation on how to work with Google tokens
+ # can be difficult to find, we'll demo a basic version
+ # here. Note that responses could refer to a Captcha
+ # URL that would require a browser.
+ # Using Facebook or MSN's custom authentication requires
+ # a browser, but the process is the same once a token
+ # has been retrieved.
+ # Request an access token from Google:
+ try:
+ conn = HTTPSConnection('')
+ except:
+ print('Could not connect to Google')
+ sys.exit()
+ params = urlencode({
+ 'accountType': 'GOOGLE',
+ 'service': 'mail',
+ 'Email': JID(opts.jid).bare,
+ 'Passwd': opts.password
+ })
+ headers = {
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
+ }
+ try:
+ conn.request('POST', '/accounts/ClientLogin', params, headers)
+ resp = conn.getresponse().read()
+ data = {}
+ for line in resp.split():
+ k, v = line.split(b'=', 1)
+ data[k] = v
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Could not retrieve login data')
+ sys.exit()
+ if b'SID' not in data:
+ print('Required data not found')
+ sys.exit()
+ params = urlencode({
+ 'SID': data[b'SID'],
+ 'LSID': data[b'LSID'],
+ 'service': 'mail'
+ })
+ try:
+ conn.request('POST', '/accounts/IssueAuthToken', params, headers)
+ resp = conn.getresponse()
+ data =
+ except:
+ print('Could not retrieve auth data')
+ sys.exit()
+ if not data:
+ print('Could not retrieve token')
+ sys.exit()
+ access_token = data[0]
+ # Setup the ThirdPartyAuthBot and register plugins. Note that while plugins
+ # may have interdependencies, the order in which you register them does not
+ # matter.
+ # If using MSN, the JID should be "", which will
+ # be overridden on session bind.
+ # We're using an access token instead of a password, so we'll use `''` as
+ # a password argument filler.
+ xmpp = ThirdPartyAuthBot(opts.jid, '')
+ xmpp.credentials['access_token'] = access_token
+ # The credentials dictionary is used to provide additional authentication
+ # information beyond just a password.
+ xmpp.register_plugin('xep_0030') # Service Discovery
+ xmpp.register_plugin('xep_0004') # Data Forms
+ xmpp.register_plugin('xep_0060') # PubSub
+ # MSN will kill connections that have been inactive for even
+ # short periods of time. So use pings to keep the session alive;
+ # whitespace keepalives do not work.
+ xmpp.register_plugin('xep_0199', {'keepalive': True, 'frequency': 60})
+ # If you are working with an OpenFire server, you may need
+ # to adjust the SSL version used:
+ # xmpp.ssl_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3
+ # If you want to verify the SSL certificates offered by a server:
+ # xmpp.ca_certs = "path/to/ca/cert"
+ # Connect to the XMPP server and start processing XMPP stanzas.
+ # Google only allows one SASL attempt per connection, so in order to
+ # enable the X-GOOGLE-TOKEN mechanism, we'll disable TLS.
+ if xmpp.connect(use_tls=False):
+ # If you do not have the dnspython library installed, you will need
+ # to manually specify the name of the server if it does not match
+ # the one in the JID. For example, to use Google Talk you would
+ # need to use:
+ #
+ # if xmpp.connect(('', 5222)):
+ # ...
+ xmpp.process(block=True)
+ print("Done")
+ else:
+ print("Unable to connect.")
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2877f7bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import logging
+import getpass
+from optparse import OptionParser
+ import json
+except ImportError:
+ import simplejson as json
+ import requests
+except ImportError:
+ print('This demo requires the requests package for using HTTP.')
+ sys.exit()
+from sleekxmpp import ClientXMPP
+class LocationBot(ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password):
+ super(LocationBot, self).__init__(jid, password)
+ self.add_event_handler('session_start', self.start)
+ self.add_event_handler('user_location_publish',
+ self.user_location_publish)
+ self.register_plugin('xep_0004')
+ self.register_plugin('xep_0030')
+ self.register_plugin('xep_0060')
+ self.register_plugin('xep_0115')
+ self.register_plugin('xep_0128')
+ self.register_plugin('xep_0163')
+ self.register_plugin('xep_0080')
+ self.current_tune = None
+ def start(self, event):
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ self['xep_0115'].update_caps()
+ print("Using to get geolocation.")
+ r = requests.get('')
+ try:
+ data = json.loads(r.text)
+ except:
+ print("Could not retrieve user location.")
+ self.disconnect()
+ return
+ self['xep_0080'].publish_location(
+ lat=data['latitude'],
+ lon=data['longitude'],
+ locality=data['city'],
+ region=data['region_name'],
+ country=data['country_name'],
+ countrycode=data['country_code'],
+ postalcode=data['zipcode'])
+ def user_location_publish(self, msg):
+ geo = msg['pubsub_event']['items']['item']['geoloc']
+ print("%s is at:" % msg['from'])
+ for key, val in geo.values.items():
+ if val:
+ print(" %s: %s" % (key, val))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Setup the command line arguments.
+ optp = OptionParser()
+ # Output verbosity options.
+ optp.add_option('-q', '--quiet', help='set logging to ERROR',
+ action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
+ const=logging.ERROR, default=logging.INFO)
+ optp.add_option('-d', '--debug', help='set logging to DEBUG',
+ action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
+ const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
+ optp.add_option('-v', '--verbose', help='set logging to COMM',
+ action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
+ const=5, default=logging.INFO)
+ # JID and password options.
+ optp.add_option("-j", "--jid", dest="jid",
+ help="JID to use")
+ optp.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password",
+ help="password to use")
+ opts, args = optp.parse_args()
+ # Setup logging.
+ logging.basicConfig(level=opts.loglevel,
+ format='%(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
+ if opts.jid is None:
+ opts.jid = raw_input("Username: ")
+ if opts.password is None:
+ opts.password = getpass.getpass("Password: ")
+ xmpp = LocationBot(opts.jid, opts.password)
+ # If you are working with an OpenFire server, you may need
+ # to adjust the SSL version used:
+ # xmpp.ssl_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3
+ # If you want to verify the SSL certificates offered by a server:
+ # xmpp.ca_certs = "path/to/ca/cert"
+ # Connect to the XMPP server and start processing XMPP stanzas.
+ if xmpp.connect():
+ # If you do not have the dnspython library installed, you will need
+ # to manually specify the name of the server if it does not match
+ # the one in the JID. For example, to use Google Talk you would
+ # need to use:
+ #
+ # if xmpp.connect(('', 5222)):
+ # ...
+ xmpp.process(block=True)
+ print("Done")
+ else:
+ print("Unable to connect.")
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09e050f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import logging
+import getpass
+from optparse import OptionParser
+ from appscript import *
+except ImportError:
+ print('This demo requires the appscript package to interact with iTunes.')
+ sys.exit()
+from sleekxmpp import ClientXMPP
+class TuneBot(ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password):
+ super(TuneBot, self).__init__(jid, password)
+ # Check for the current song every 5 seconds.
+ self.schedule('Check Current Tune', 5, self._update_tune, repeat=True)
+ self.add_event_handler('session_start', self.start)
+ self.add_event_handler('user_tune_publish', self.user_tune_publish)
+ self.register_plugin('xep_0004')
+ self.register_plugin('xep_0030')
+ self.register_plugin('xep_0060')
+ self.register_plugin('xep_0115')
+ self.register_plugin('xep_0118')
+ self.register_plugin('xep_0128')
+ self.register_plugin('xep_0163')
+ self.current_tune = None
+ def start(self, event):
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ self['xep_0115'].update_caps()
+ def _update_tune(self):
+ itunes_count = app('System Events').processes[ == 'iTunes'].count()
+ if itunes_count > 0:
+ iTunes = app('iTunes')
+ if iTunes.player_state.get() == k.playing:
+ track = iTunes.current_track.get()
+ length = track.time.get()
+ if ':' in length:
+ minutes, secs = map(int, length.split(':'))
+ secs += minutes * 60
+ else:
+ secs = int(length)
+ artist = track.artist.get()
+ title =
+ source = track.album.get()
+ rating = track.rating.get() / 10
+ tune = (artist, secs, rating, source, title)
+ if tune != self.current_tune:
+ self.current_tune = tune
+ # We have a new song playing, so publish it.
+ self['xep_0118'].publish_tune(
+ artist=artist,
+ length=secs,
+ title=title,
+ rating=rating,
+ source=source)
+ else:
+ # No song is playing, clear the user tune.
+ tune = None
+ if tune != self.current_tune:
+ self.current_tune = tune
+ self['xep_0118'].stop()
+ def user_tune_publish(self, msg):
+ tune = msg['pubsub_event']['items']['item']['tune']
+ print("%s is listening to: %s" % (msg['from'], tune['title']))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Setup the command line arguments.
+ optp = OptionParser()
+ # Output verbosity options.
+ optp.add_option('-q', '--quiet', help='set logging to ERROR',
+ action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
+ const=logging.ERROR, default=logging.INFO)
+ optp.add_option('-d', '--debug', help='set logging to DEBUG',
+ action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
+ const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
+ optp.add_option('-v', '--verbose', help='set logging to COMM',
+ action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
+ const=5, default=logging.INFO)
+ # JID and password options.
+ optp.add_option("-j", "--jid", dest="jid",
+ help="JID to use")
+ optp.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password",
+ help="password to use")
+ opts, args = optp.parse_args()
+ # Setup logging.
+ logging.basicConfig(level=opts.loglevel,
+ format='%(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
+ if opts.jid is None:
+ opts.jid = raw_input("Username: ")
+ if opts.password is None:
+ opts.password = getpass.getpass("Password: ")
+ xmpp = TuneBot(opts.jid, opts.password)
+ # If you are working with an OpenFire server, you may need
+ # to adjust the SSL version used:
+ # xmpp.ssl_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3
+ # If you want to verify the SSL certificates offered by a server:
+ # xmpp.ca_certs = "path/to/ca/cert"
+ # Connect to the XMPP server and start processing XMPP stanzas.
+ if xmpp.connect():
+ # If you do not have the dnspython library installed, you will need
+ # to manually specify the name of the server if it does not match
+ # the one in the JID. For example, to use Google Talk you would
+ # need to use:
+ #
+ # if xmpp.connect(('', 5222)):
+ # ...
+ xmpp.process(block=True)
+ print("Done")
+ else:
+ print("Unable to connect.")