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authormathieui <>2020-05-24 13:05:56 +0200
committermathieui <>2020-05-24 13:05:56 +0200
commit8a52730f111f8d91331892ae77fb9df87f25ec82 (patch)
parent04df50feac4041f20a70417136adbcc3cfc71d15 (diff)
parent1314e704605a92f18eb81236b7ebdb25dabb497c (diff)
Merge branch 'tutorial' into 'master'
Tutorial - english and polish version. See merge request poezio/slixmpp!33
2 files changed, 3595 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/howto/ b/docs/howto/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb00cbf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/howto/
@@ -0,0 +1,1799 @@
+Jak stworzyć własny plugin rozszerzający obiekty Message i Iq w Slixmpp
+Wstęp i wymagania
+* `'python3'`
+Kod użyty w tutorialu jest kompatybilny z pythonem w wersji 3.6 lub nowszej.
+Dla uzyskania kompatybilności z wcześniejszymi wersjami należy zastąpić f-strings starszym formatowaniem napisów `'"{}".format("content")'` lub `'%s, "content"'`.
+Instalacja dla Ubuntu linux:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ sudo apt-get install python3.6
+* `'slixmpp'`
+* `'argparse'`
+* `'logging'`
+* `'subprocess'`
+Wszystkie biblioteki wymienione powyżej, za wyjątkiem slixmpp, należą do standardowej biblioteki pythona. Zdarza się, że kompilując źródła samodzielnie, część z nich może nie zostać zainstalowana.
+.. code-block:: python
+ python3 --version
+ python3 -c "import slixmpp; print(slixmpp.__version__)"
+ python3 -c "import argparse; print(argparse.__version__)"
+ python3 -c "import logging; print(logging.__version__)"
+ python3 -m subprocess
+Wynik w terminalu:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ~ $ python3 --version
+ Python 3.8.0
+ ~ $ python3 -c "import slixmpp; print(slixmpp.__version__)"
+ 1.4.2
+ ~ $ python3 -c "import argparse; print(argparse.__version__)"
+ 1.1
+ ~ $ python3 -c "import logging; print(logging.__version__)"
+ ~ $ python3 -m subprocess # Nie powinno nic zwrócić
+Jeśli któraś z bibliotek zwróci `'ImportError'` lub `'no module named ...'`, należy je zainstalować zgodnie z przykładem poniżej:
+Instalacja Ubuntu linux:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ pip3 install slixmpp
+ #or
+ easy_install slixmpp
+Jeśli jakaś biblioteka zwróci NameError, należy zainstalować pakiet ponownie.
+* `Konta dla Jabber`
+Do testowania niezbędne będą dwa prywatne konta jabbera. Można je stworzyć na jednym z dostępnych darmowych serwerów:
+Skrypt uruchamiający klientów
+Skrypt pozwalający testować klientów powinien zostać stworzony poza lokalizacją projektu. Pozwoli to szybko sprawdzać wyniki skryptów oraz uniemożliwi przypadkowe wysłanie swoich danych na gita.
+Przykładowo, można stworzyć plik o nazwie `'test_slixmpp'` w lokalizacji `'/usr/bin'` i nadać mu uprawnienia wykonawcze:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ /usr/bin $ chmod 711 test_slixmpp
+Plik zawiera prostą strukturę, która pozwoli nam zapisać dane logowania.
+.. code-block:: python
+#File: /usr/bin/test_slixmpp & permissions rwx--x--x (711)
+import subprocess
+import time
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ #~ prefix = ["x-terminal-emulator", "-e"] # Osobny terminal dla kazdego klienta, może być zastąpiony inną konsolą.
+ #~ prefix = ["xterm", "-e"]
+ prefix = []
+ #~ suffix = ["-d"] # Debug
+ #~ suffix = ["-q"] # Quiet
+ suffix = []
+ sender_path = "./example/"
+ sender_jid = "SENDER_JID"
+ sender_password = "SENDER_PASSWORD"
+ example_file = "./test_example_tag.xml"
+ responder_path = "./example/"
+ responder_jid = "RESPONDER_JID"
+ responder_password = "RESPONDER_PASSWORD"
+ # Remember about the executable permission. (`chmod +x ./`)
+ SENDER_TEST = prefix + [sender_path, "-j", sender_jid, "-p", sender_password, "-t", responder_jid, "--path", example_file] + suffix
+ RESPON_TEST = prefix + [responder_path, "-j", responder_jid, "-p", responder_password] + suffix
+ try:
+ responder = subprocess.Popen(RESPON_TEST)
+ sender = subprocess.Popen(SENDER_TEST)
+ responder.wait()
+ sender.wait()
+ except:
+ try:
+ responder.terminate()
+ except NameError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ sender.terminate()
+ except NameError:
+ pass
+ raise
+Skrypt uruchamiający powinien być dostosowany do potrzeb urzytkownika: można w nim pobierać ścieżki do projektu z linii komend (przez `'sys.argv[...]'` lub `'os.getcwd()'`), wybierać z jaką flagą mają zostać uruchomione programy oraz wiele innych. Jego należyte przygotowanie pozwoli zaoszczędzić czas i nerwy podczas późniejszych prac.
+W przypadku testowania większych aplikacji, w tworzeniu pluginu szczególnie użyteczne jest nadanie unikalnych nazwy dla każdego klienta (w konsekwencji: różne linie poleceń). Pozwala to szybko określić, który klient co zwraca, bądź który powoduje błąd.
+Stworzenie klienta i pluginu
+W stosownej dla nas lokalizacji powinniśmy stworzyć dwa klienty slixmpp (w przykładach: `'sender'` i `'responder'`), aby sprawdzić czy skrypt uruchamiający działa poprawnie. Poniżej przedstawiona została minimalna niezbędna implementacja, która może testować plugin w trakcie jego projektowania:
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ import logging
+ from argparse import ArgumentParser
+ from getpass import getpass
+ import time
+ import slixmpp
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream import ET
+ import example_plugin
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, to, path):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ = to
+ self.path = path
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Dwie niewymagane metody pozwalające innym użytkownikom zobaczyć dostępność online.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = ArgumentParser(description=Sender.__doc__)
+ parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="set logging to ERROR",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.ERROR, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="set logging to DEBUG",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-j", "--jid", dest="jid",
+ help="JID to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", dest="password",
+ help="password to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-t", "--to", dest="to",
+ help="JID to send the message/iq to")
+ parser.add_argument("--path", dest="path",
+ help="path to load example_tag content")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ logging.basicConfig(level=args.loglevel,
+ format=' %(name)s - %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
+ if args.jid is None:
+ args.jid = input("Username: ")
+ if args.password is None:
+ args.password = getpass("Password: ")
+ xmpp = Sender(args.jid, args.password,, args.path)
+ #xmpp.register_plugin('OurPlugin', module=example_plugin) # OurPlugin jest nazwą klasy example_plugin.
+ xmpp.connect()
+ try:
+ xmpp.process()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ try:
+ xmpp.disconnect()
+ except:
+ pass
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ import logging
+ from argparse import ArgumentParser
+ from getpass import getpass
+ import slixmpp
+ import example_plugin
+ class Responder(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Dwie niewymagane metody pozwalające innym użytkownikom zobaczyć dostępność online
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = ArgumentParser(description=Responder.__doc__)
+ parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="set logging to ERROR",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.ERROR, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="set logging to DEBUG",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-j", "--jid", dest="jid",
+ help="JID to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", dest="password",
+ help="password to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-t", "--to", dest="to",
+ help="JID to send the message to")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ logging.basicConfig(level=args.loglevel,
+ format=' %(name)s - %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
+ if args.jid is None:
+ args.jid = input("Username: ")
+ if args.password is None:
+ args.password = getpass("Password: ")
+ xmpp = Responder(args.jid, args.password)
+ xmpp.register_plugin('OurPlugin', module=example_plugin) # OurPlugin jest nazwą klasy example_plugin
+ xmpp.connect()
+ try:
+ xmpp.process()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ try:
+ xmpp.disconnect()
+ except:
+ pass
+Następny plik, który należy stworzyć to `'example_plugin'`. Powinien być w lokalizacji dostępnej dla klientów (domyślnie w tej samej, co skrypty klientów).
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ import logging
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream import ElementBase, ET, register_stanza_plugin
+ from slixmpp import Iq
+ from slixmpp import Message
+ from slixmpp.plugins.base import BasePlugin
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream.handler import Callback
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream.matcher import StanzaPath
+ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
+ def plugin_init(self):
+ self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ Napis czytelny dla człowieka i dla znalezienia pluginu przez inny plugin
+ self.xep = "ope" ##~ Napis czytelny dla człowieka i dla znalezienia pluginu przez inny plugin poprzez dodanie tego do `slixmpp/plugins/`, w polu `__all__` z prefixem xep 'xep_OPE'.
+ namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
+ class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
+ name = "example_tag" ##~ Nazwa głównego pliku XML w tym rozszerzeniu.
+ namespace = "" ##~ Namespace obiektu jest definiowana w tym miejscu, powinien się odnosić do nazwy portalu xmpp; w wiadomości wygląda tak: <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>
+ plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ Nazwa pod którą można odwoływać się do danych zawartych w tym pluginie. Bardziej szczegółowo: tutaj rejestrujemy nazwę obiektu by móc się do niego odwoływać z zewnątrz. Można się do niego odwoływać jak do słownika: stanza_object['example_tag'], gdzie `'example_tag'` jest nazwą pluginu i powinno być takie samo jak name.
+ interfaces = {"boolean", "some_string"} ##~ Zbiór kluczy dla słownika atrybutów elementu które mogą być użyte w elemencie. Na przykład `stanza_object['example_tag']` poda informacje o: {"boolean": "some", "some_string": "some"}, tam gdzie `'example_tag'` jest elementu.
+Jeżeli powyższy plugin nie jest w domyślnej lokalizacji, a klienci powinni pozostać poza repozytorium, możemy w miejscu klientów dodać dowiązanie symboliczne do lokalizacji pluginu:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ln -s $Path_to_example_plugin_py $Path_to_clients_destinations
+Jeszcze innym wyjściem jest import relatywny z użyciem kropek '.' aby dostać się do właściwej ścieżki.
+Pierwsze uruchomienie i przechwytywanie zdarzeń
+Aby sprawdzić czy wszystko działa prawidłowo, można użyć metody `'start'`. Jest jej przypisane zdarzenie `'session_start'`. Sygnał ten zostanie wysłany w momencie, w którym klient będzie gotów do działania. Stworzenie własnej metoda pozwoli na zdefiniowanie działania tego sygnału.
+W metodzie `'__init__'` zostało stworzone przekierowanie zdarzenia `'session_start'`. Kiedy zostanie on wywołany, metoda `'def start(self, event):'` zostanie wykonana. Jako pierwszy krok procesie tworzenia, można dodać linię `'"I'm running")'` w obu klientach (sender i responder), a następnie użyć komendy `'test_slixmpp'`.
+Metoda `'def start(self, event):'` powinna wyglądać tak:
+.. code-block:: python
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Metody niewymagane, ale pozwalające na zobaczenie dostępności online.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+"I'm running")
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+Jeżeli oba klienty uruchomiły się poprawnie, można zakomentować tą linię.
+Budowanie obiektu Message
+Wysyłający powinien posiadać informację o tym, do kogo należy wysłać wiadomość. Nazwę i ścieżkę odbiorcy można przekazać, na przykład, przez argumenty wywołania skryptu w linii komend. W poniższym przykładzie, są one trzymane w atrybucie `''`.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, to, path):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ = to
+ self.path = path
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Metody niewymagane, ale pozwalające na zobaczenie dostępności online.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ self.send_example_message(, "example_message")
+ def send_example_message(self, to, body):
+ #~ make_message(mfrom=None, mto=None, mtype=None, mquery=None)
+ # Domyślnie mtype == "chat";
+ msg = self.make_message(mto=to, mbody=body)
+ msg.send()
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+W przykładzie powyżej, używana jest wbudowana metoda `'make_message'`, która tworzy wiadomość o treści `'example_message'` i wysyła ją pod koniec działania metody start. Czyli: wiadomość ta zostanie wysłana raz, zaraz po uruchomieniu skryptu.
+Aby otrzymać tę wiadomość, responder powinien wykorzystać odpowiednie zdarzenie: metodę, która określa co zrobić, gdy zostanie odebrana wiadomość której nie zostało przypisane żadne inne zdarzenie. Przykład takiego kodu:
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ class Responder(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ self.add_event_handler("message", self.message)
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Metody niewymagane, ale pozwalające na zobaczenie dostępności online.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ def message(self, msg):
+ #Pokazuje cały XML wiadomości
+ #Pokazuje wyłącznie pole 'body' wiadomości
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+Rozszerzenie Message o nowy tag
+Aby rozszerzyć obiekt Message o wybrany tag, plugin powinien zostać zarejestrowany jako rozszerzenie dla obiektu Message:
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/example
+ class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
+ def plugin_init(self):
+ self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ Napis zrozumiały dla ludzi oraz do znalezienia pluginu przez inny plugin.
+ self.xep = "ope" ##~ Napis zrozumiały dla ludzi oraz do znalezienia pluginu przez inny plugin przez dodanie go do `slixmpp/plugins/` w metodzie `__all__` z 'xep_OPE'.
+ namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag) ##~ Zarejestrowany rozszerzony tag dla obiektu Message. Jeśli to nie zostanie zrobione, message['example_tag'] będzie polem tekstowym, a nie rozszerzeniem i nie będzie mogło zawierać atrybutów i pod-elementów.
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
+ name = "example_tag" ##~ Nazwa głównego pliku XML dla tego rozszerzenia..
+ namespace = "" ##~ Nazwa obiektu, np. <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>. Powinna zostać zmieniona na własną.
+ plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ Nazwa, którą można odwołać się do obiektu. W szczególności, do zarejestrowanego obiektu można odwołać się przez: nazwa_obiektu['tag']. gdzie `'tag'` jest nazwą ElementBase extension. Nazwa powinna być taka sama jak "name" wyżej.
+ interfaces = {"boolean", "some_string"} ##~ Lista kluczy słownika, które mogą być użyte z obiektem. Na przykład: `stanza_object['example_tag']` zwraca {"another": "some", "data": "some"}, gdzie `'example_tag'` jest nazwą rozszerzenia ElementBase.
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ def set_boolean(self, boolean):
+ self.xml.attrib['boolean'] = str(boolean)
+ def set_some_string(self, some_string):
+ self.xml.attrib['some_string'] = some_string
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+Teraz, po rejestracji tagu, można rozszerzyć wiadomość.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, to, path):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ = to
+ self.path = path
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Metody niewymagane, ale pozwalające na zobaczenie dostępności online.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ self.send_example_message(, "example_message")
+ def send_example_message(self, to, body):
+ #~ make_message(mfrom=None, mto=None, mtype=None, mquery=None)
+ # Default mtype == "chat";
+ msg = self.make_message(mto=to, mbody=body)
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ msg['example_tag']['some_string'] = "Work!"
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ msg.send()
+Po uruchomieniu, obiekt logging powinien wyświetlić Message wraz z tagiem `'example_tag'` zawartym w środku <message><example_tag/></message>, oraz z napisem `'Work'` i nadaną przestrzenią nazw.
+Nadanie oddzielnego sygnału dla rozszerzonej wiadomości
+Jeśli zdarzenie nie zostanie sprecyzowane, to zarówno rozszerzona jak i podstawowa wiadomość będą przechwytywane przez sygnał `'message'`. Aby nadać im oddzielne zdarzenie, należy zarejestrować odpowiedni uchwyt dla przestrzeni nazw i tagu, aby stworzyć unikalną kombinację, która pozwoli na przechwycenie wyłącznie pożądanych wiadomości (lub Iq object).
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/example
+ class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
+ def plugin_init(self):
+ self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ Napis zrozumiały dla ludzi oraz do znalezienia pluginu przez inny plugin.
+ self.xep = "ope" ##~ Napis zrozumiały dla ludzi oraz do znalezienia pluginu przez inny plugin przez dodanie go do `slixmpp/plugins/` w metodzie `__all__` z 'xep_OPE'.
+ namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleMessage Event:example_tag',##~ Nazwa tego Callback
+ StanzaPath(f'message/{{{namespace}}}example_tag'), ##~ Przechwytuje wyłącznie Message z tagiem example_tag i przestrzenią nazw taką, jaką zdefiniowaliśmy w ExampleTag
+ self.__handle_message)) ##~ Metoda do której zostaje przypisany przechwycony odpowiedni obiekt, powinna wywołać odpowiedni dla klienta wydarzenie.
+ register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag) ##~ Zarejestrowany rozszerzony tag dla obiektu Message. Jeśli to nie zostanie zrobione, message['example_tag'] będzie polem tekstowym, a nie rozszerzeniem i nie będzie mogło zawierać atrybutów i pod-elementów.
+ def __handle_message(self, msg):
+ # Tu można coś zrobić z przechwyconą wiadomością zanim trafi do klienta.
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg) ##~ Wywołuje zdarzenie, które może zostać przechwycone i obsłużone przez klienta, jako argument przekazujemy obiekt który chcemy dopiąć do wydarzenia.
+Obiekt StanzaPath powinien być poprawnie zainicjalizowany, według schematu:
+* Dla NAZWA_OBIEKTU można użyć `'message'` lub `'iq'`.
+* Dla TYP_OBIEKTU, jeśli obiektem jest iq, można użyć typu spośród: `'get, set, error or result'`. Jeśli obiektem jest Message, można sprecyzować typ np. `'chat'`..
+* Dla NAMESPACE powinna to byc przestrzeń nazw zgodna z rozszerzeniem tagu.
+* TAG powinien zawierać tag, tutaj: `'example_tag'`.
+Teraz program przechwyci wszystkie wiadomości typu message, które zawierają sprecyzowaną przestrzeń nazw wewnątrz `'example_tag'`. Można też sprawdzić co Message zawiera, czy na pewno posiada wymagane pola itd. Następnie wiadomość jest wysyłana do klienta za pośrednictwem wydarzenia `'example_tag_message'`.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, to, path):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ = to
+ self.path = path
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Metody niewymagane, ale pozwalające na zobaczenie dostępności online.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ self.send_example_message(, "example_message", "example_string")
+ def send_example_message(self, to, body, some_string=""):
+ #~ make_message(mfrom=None, mto=None, mtype=None, mquery=None)
+ # Default mtype == "chat";
+ msg = self.make_message(mto=to, mbody=body)
+ if some_string:
+ msg['example_tag'].set_some_string(some_string)
+ msg.send()
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+Należy zapamiętać linię: `'self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg)'`. W tej linii została zdefiniowana nazwa zdarzenia do przechwycenia wewnątrz pliku "". Tutaj to: `'example_tag_message'`.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ class Responder(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_message", self.example_tag_message) # Rejestracja uchwytu
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Metody niewymagane, ale pozwalające na zobaczenie dostępności online.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ def example_tag_message(self, msg):
+ # Message jest obiektem który nie wymaga wiadomości zwrotnej, ale nic się nie stanie, gdy zostanie wysłana.
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+Można odesłać wiadomość, ale nic się nie stanie jeśli to nie zostanie zrobione.
+Natomiast obiekt komunikacji (Iq) już będzie wymagał odpowiedzi, więc obydwaj klienci powinni pozostawać online. W innym wypadku, klient otrzyma automatyczny error z powodu timeoutu, jeśli cell Iq nie odpowie za pomocą Iq o tym samym Id.
+Użyteczne metody i inne
+Modyfikacja przykładowego obiektu `Message` na obiekt `Iq`
+Aby przerobić przykładowy obiekt Message na obiekt Iq, należy zarejestrować nowy uchwyt (handler) dla Iq, podobnie jak zostało to przedstawione w rozdziale `,,Rozszerzenie Message o tag''`. Tym razem, przykład będzie zawierał kilka rodzajów Iq o oddzielnych typami. Poprawia to czytelność kodu oraz usprawnia weryfikację poprawności działania. Wszystkie Iq powinny odesłać odpowiedź z tym samym Id i odpowiedzią do wysyłającego. W przeciwnym wypadku, wysyłający dostanie Iq zwrotne typu error.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/example
+ class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
+ def plugin_init(self):
+ self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ Napis zrozumiały dla ludzi oraz do znalezienia pluginu przez inny plugin.
+ self.xep = "ope" ##~ Napis zrozumiały dla ludzi oraz do znalezienia pluginu przez inny plugin przez dodanie go do `slixmpp/plugins/` w metodzie `__all__` z 'xep_OPE'.
+ namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleGet Event:example_tag', ##~ Nazwa tego Callbacka
+ StanzaPath(f"iq@type=get/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Obsługuje tylko Iq o typie 'get' oraz example_tag
+ self.__handle_get_iq)) ##~ Metoda obsługująca odpowiednie Iq, powinna wywołać zdarzenie dla klienta.
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleResult Event:example_tag', ##~ Nazwa tego Callbacka
+ StanzaPath(f"iq@type=result/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Obsługuje tylko Iq o typie 'result' oraz example_tag
+ self.__handle_result_iq)) ##~ Metoda obsługująca odpowiednie Iq, powinna wywołać zdarzenie dla klienta.
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleError Event:example_tag', ##~ Nazwa tego Callbacka
+ StanzaPath(f"iq@type=error/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Obsługuje tylko Iq o typie 'error' oraz example_tag
+ self.__handle_error_iq)) ##~ Metoda obsługująca odpowiednie Iq, powinna wywołać zdarzenie dla klienta.
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleMessage Event:example_tag',##~ Nazwa tego Callbacka
+ StanzaPath(f'message/{{{namespace}}}example_tag'), ##~ Obsługuje tylko Iq z example_tag
+ self.__handle_message)) ##~ Metoda obsługująca odpowiednie Iq, powinna wywołać zdarzenie dla klienta.
+ register_stanza_plugin(Iq, ExampleTag) ##~ Rejestruje rozszerzenie taga dla obiektu Iq. W przeciwnym wypadku, Iq['example_tag'] będzie polem string zamiast kontenerem.
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag) ##~ Rejestruje rozszerzenie taga dla obiektu Message. W przeciwnym wypadku, message['example_tag'] będzie polem string zamiast kontenerem.
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ # Wszystkie możliwe typy Iq to: get, set, error, result
+ def __handle_get_iq(self, iq):
+ # Zrób coś z otrzymanym iq
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_get_iq', iq) ##~ Wywołuje zdarzenie, który może być obsłużony przez klienta lub inaczej.
+ def __handle_result_iq(self, iq):
+ # Zrób coś z otrzymanym Iq
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_result_iq', iq) ##~ Wywołuje zdarzenie, który może być obsłużony przez klienta lub inaczej.
+ def __handle_error_iq(self, iq):
+ # Zrób coś z otrzymanym Iq
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_error_iq', iq) ##~ Wywołuje zdarzenie, który może być obsłużony przez klienta lub inaczej.
+ def __handle_message(self, msg):
+ # Zrób coś z otrzymaną wiadomością
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg) ##~ Wywołuje zdarzenie, który może być obsłużony przez klienta lub inaczej.
+Wydarzenia wywołane przez powyższe uchwyty mogą zostać przechwycone tak, jak w przypadku wydarzenia `'example_tag_message'`.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ class Responder(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_message", self.example_tag_message)
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_get_iq", self.example_tag_get_iq)
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ def example_tag_get_iq(self, iq): # Iq stanza powinno zawsze zostać zwrócone, w innym wypadku wysyłający dostanie informacje z błędem.
+ reply = iq.reply(clear=False)
+ reply.send()
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+Domyślnie parametr `'clear'` dla `'Iq.reply'` jest ustawiony na True. Wtedy to, co jest zawarte wewnątrz Iq (z kilkoma wyjątkami) powinno zostać zdefiniowane ponownie. Jedyne informacje które zostaną w Iq po metodzie reply, nawet gdy parametr clean jest ustawiony na True, to ID tego Iq oraz JID wysyłającego.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, to, path):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ = to
+ self.path = path
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_result_iq", self.example_tag_result_iq)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_error_iq", self.example_tag_error_iq)
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Dwie niewymagane metody pozwalające innym użytkownikom zobaczyć dostępność online
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ self.send_example_iq(
+ # <iq to=RESPONDER/RESOURCE xml:lang="en" type="get" id="0" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag</example_tag></iq>
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ def send_example_iq(self, to):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get")
+ iq['example_tag']['boolean'] = "True"
+ iq['example_tag']['some_string'] = "Another_string"
+ iq['example_tag'].text = "Info_inside_tag"
+ iq.send()
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ def example_tag_result_iq(self, iq):
+ def example_tag_error_iq(self, iq):
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+Dostęp do elementów
+Jest kilka możliwości dostania się do pól wewnątrz Message lub Iq. Po pierwsze, z poziomu klienta, można dostać zawartość jak ze słownika:
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ #...
+ def example_tag_result_iq(self, iq):
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+Z rozszerzenia ExampleTag, dostęp do elementów jest podobny, tyle że, nie wymagane jest określanie tagu, którego dotyczy. Dodatkową zaletą jest fakt niejednolitego dostępu, na przykład do parametru `'text'` między rozpoczęciem a zakończeniem tagu. Pokazuje to poniższy przykład, ujednolicając metody obiektowych getterów i setterów.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/example
+ class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
+ name = "example_tag" ##~ Nazwa głównego pliku XML tego rozszerzenia.
+ namespace = "" ##~ Nazwa obiektu, np. <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>. Powinna zostać zmieniona na własną.
+ plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ Nazwa, którą można odwołać się do obiektu. W szczególności, do zarejestrowanego obiektu można odwołać się przez: nazwa_obiektu['tag']. gdzie `'tag'` jest nazwą ElementBase extension. Nazwa powinna być taka sama jak "name" wyżej.
+ interfaces = {"boolean", "some_string"} ##~ Lista kluczy słownika, które mogą być użyte z obiektem. Na przykład: `stanza_object['example_tag']` zwraca {"another": "some", "data": "some"}, gdzie `'example_tag'` jest nazwą rozszerzenia ElementBase.
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ def get_some_string(self):
+ return self.xml.attrib.get("some_string", None)
+ def get_text(self, text):
+ return self.xml.text
+ def set_some_string(self, some_string):
+ self.xml.attrib['some_string'] = some_string
+ def set_text(self, text):
+ self.xml.text = text
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+Atrybut `'self.xml'` jest dziedziczony z klasy `'ElementBase'` i jest to dosłownie `'Element'` z pakietu `'ElementTree'`.
+Kiedy odpowiednie gettery i settery są tworzone, można sprawdzić, czy na pewno podany argument spełnia normy pluginu lub konwersję na pożądany typ. Dodatkowo, kod staje się bardziej przejrzysty w standardach programowania obiektowego, jak na poniższym przykładzie:
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, to, path):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ = to
+ self.path = path
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_result_iq", self.example_tag_result_iq)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_error_iq", self.example_tag_error_iq)
+ def send_example_iq(self, to):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get")
+ iq['example_tag']['boolean'] = "True" #Przypisanie wprost
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ iq['example_tag'].set_some_string("Another_string") #Przypisanie poprzez setter
+ iq['example_tag'].set_text("Info_inside_tag")
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ iq.send()
+Wczytanie ExampleTag ElementBase z pliku XML, łańcucha znaków i innych obiektów
+Jest wiele możliwości na wczytanie wcześniej zdefiniowanego napisu z pliku albo lxml (ElementTree). Poniższy przykład wykorzystuje parsowanie typu tekstowego do lxml (ElementTree) i przekazanie atrybutów.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/example
+ #...
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream import ElementBase, ET, register_stanza_plugin
+ #...
+ class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
+ name = "example_tag" ##~ Nazwa głównego pliku XML tego rozszerzenia.
+ namespace = "" ##~ Nazwa obiektu, np. <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>. Powinna zostać zmieniona na własną.
+ plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ Nazwa, którą można odwołać się do obiektu. W szczególności, do zarejestrowanego obiektu można odwołać się przez: nazwa_obiektu['tag']. gdzie `'tag'` jest nazwą ElementBase extension. Nazwa powinna być taka sama jak "name" wyżej.
+ interfaces = {"boolean", "some_string"} ##~ Lista kluczy słownika, które mogą być użyte z obiektem. Na przykład: `stanza_object['example_tag']` zwraca {"another": "some", "data": "some"}, gdzie `'example_tag'` jest nazwą rozszerzenia ElementBase.
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ def setup_from_string(self, string):
+ """Initialize tag element from string"""
+ et_extension_tag_xml = ET.fromstring(string)
+ self.setup_from_lxml(et_extension_tag_xml)
+ def setup_from_file(self, path):
+ """Initialize tag element from file containing adjusted data"""
+ et_extension_tag_xml = ET.parse(path).getroot()
+ self.setup_from_lxml(et_extension_tag_xml)
+ def setup_from_lxml(self, lxml):
+ """Add ET data to self xml structure."""
+ self.xml.attrib.update(lxml.attrib)
+ self.xml.text = lxml.text
+ self.xml.tail = lxml.tail
+ for inner_tag in lxml:
+ self.xml.append(inner_tag)
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+Do przetestowania tej funkcjonalności, potrzebny jest pliku zawierający xml z tagiem, przykładowy napis z xml oraz przykładowy lxml (ET):
+.. code-block:: xml
+ #File: $WORKDIR/test_example_tag.xml
+ <example_tag xmlns="" some_string="StringFromFile">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="3" secound_field="4" /></example_tag>
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ #...
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream import ET
+ #...
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, to, path):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ = to
+ self.path = path
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_result_iq", self.example_tag_result_iq)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_error_iq", self.example_tag_error_iq)
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Dwie niewymagane metody pozwalające innym użytkownikom zobaczyć dostępność online
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ self.disconnect_counter = 3 # Ta zmienna służy tylko do rozłączenia klienta po otrzymaniu odpowiedniej ilości odpowiedzi z Iq.
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_file(, self.path)
+ # <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" id="2" type="get" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
+ string = '<example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag>'
+ et = ET.fromstring(string)
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(, et)
+ # <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="3" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag secound_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_string(, string)
+ # <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="5" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag secound_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
+ def example_tag_result_iq(self, iq):
+ self.disconnect_counter -= 1
+ if not self.disconnect_counter:
+ self.disconnect() # Przykład rozłączania się aplikacji po uzyskaniu odpowiedniej ilości odpowiedzi.
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_file(self, to, path):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=2)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_file(path)
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(self, to, et):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=3)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_lxml(et)
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_string(self, to, string):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=5)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_string(string)
+ iq.send()
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+Jeśli Responder zwróci wysłane Iq, a Sender wyłączy się po trzech odpowiedziach, wtedy wszystko działa tak, jak powinno.
+Łatwość użycia pluginu dla programistów
+Każdy plugin powinien posiadać pewne obiektowe metody: wczytanie danych, jak w przypadku metod `setup` z poprzedniego rozdziału, gettery, settery, czy wywoływanie odpowiednich wydarzeń.
+Potencjalne błędy powinny być przechwytywane z poziomu pluginu i zwracane z odpowiednim opisem błędu w postaci odpowiedzi Iq o tym samym id do wysyłającego. Aby uniknąć sytuacji kiedy plugin nie robi tego co powinien, a wiadomość zwrotna nigdy nie nadchodzi, wysyłający dostaje error z komunikatem timeout.
+Poniżej przykład kodu podyktowanego tymi zasadami:
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/example
+ import logging
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream import ElementBase, ET, register_stanza_plugin
+ from slixmpp import Iq
+ from slixmpp import Message
+ from slixmpp.plugins.base import BasePlugin
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream.handler import Callback
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream.matcher import StanzaPath
+ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
+ def plugin_init(self):
+ self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ Tekst czytelny dla człowieka oraz do znalezienia pluginu przez inny plugin.
+ self.xep = "ope" ##~ Tekst czytelny dla człowieka oraz do znalezienia pluginu przez inny plugin poprzez dodanie go do `slixmpp/plugins/` do funkcji `__all__` z 'xep_OPE'.
+ namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleGet Event:example_tag', ##~ Nazwa tego Callbacku
+ StanzaPath(f"iq@type=get/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Obsługuje tylko Iq o typie 'get' oraz example_tag
+ self.__handle_get_iq)) ##~ Metoda przechwytuje odpowiednie Iq, powinna wywołać zdarzenie u klienta.
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleGet Event:example_tag', ##~ Nazwa tego Callbacku
+ StanzaPath(f"iq@type=get/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Obsługuje tylko Iq o typie 'result' oraz example_tag
+ self.__handle_get_iq)) ##~ Metoda przechwytuje odpowiednie Iq, powinna wywołać zdarzenie u klienta.
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleGet Event:example_tag', ##~ Nazwa tego Callbacku
+ StanzaPath(f"iq@type=get/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Obsługuje tylko Iq o typie 'error' oraz example_tag
+ self.__handle_get_iq)) ##~ Metoda przechwytuje odpowiednie Iq, powinna wywołać zdarzenie u klienta.
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleMessage Event:example_tag',##~ Nazwa tego Callbacku
+ StanzaPath(f'message/{{{namespace}}}example_tag'), ##~ Obsługuje tylko Message z example_tag
+ self.__handle_message)) ##~ Metoda przechwytuje odpowiednie Iq, powinna wywołać zdarzenie u klienta.
+ register_stanza_plugin(Iq, ExampleTag) ##~ Zarejestrowane rozszerzenia tagu dla Iq. Bez tego, iq['example_tag'] będzie polem tekstowym, a nie kontenerem i nie będzie można zmieniać w nim pól i tworzyć pod-elementów.
+ register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag) ##~ Zarejestrowane rozszerzenia tagu dla wiadomości Message. Bez tego, message['example_tag'] będzie polem tekstowym, a nie kontenerem i nie będzie można zmieniać w nim pól i tworzyć pod-elementów.
+ # Wszystkie możliwe typy iq: get, set, error, result
+ def __handle_get_iq(self, iq):
+ if iq.get_some_string is None:
+ error = iq.reply(clear=False)
+ error["type"] = "error"
+ error["error"]["condition"] = "missing-data"
+ error["error"]["text"] = "Without some_string value returns error."
+ error.send()
+ # Zrób coś z otrzymanym Iq
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_get_iq', iq) ##~ Wywołanie zdarzenia, które może być przesłane do klienta lub zmienione po drodze.
+ def __handle_result_iq(self, iq):
+ # Zrób coś z otrzymanym Iq
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_result_iq', iq) ##~ Wywołanie zdarzenia, które może być przesłany do klienta lub zmienione po drodze.
+ def __handle_error_iq(self, iq):
+ # Zrób coś z otrzymanym Iq
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_error_iq', iq) ##~ Wywołanie zdarzenia, które może być przesłane do klienta lub zmienione po drodze.
+ def __handle_message(self, msg):
+ # Zrób coś z otrzymaną wiadomością
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg) ##~ Wywołanie zdarzenia, które może być przesłane do klienta lub zmienione po drodze.
+ class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
+ name = "example_tag" ##~ Nazwa głównego pliku XML tego rozszerzenia.
+ namespace = "" ##~ Nazwa obiektu, np. <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>. Powinna zostać zmieniona na własną.
+ plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ Nazwa, którą można odwołać się do obiektu. W szczególności, do zarejestrowanego obiektu można odwołać się przez: nazwa_obiektu['tag']. gdzie `'tag'` jest nazwą ElementBase extension. Nazwa powinna być taka sama jak "name" wyżej.
+ interfaces = {"boolean", "some_string"} ##~ Lista kluczy słownika, które mogą być użyte z obiektem. Na przykład: `stanza_object['example_tag']` zwraca {"another": "some", "data": "some"}, gdzie `'example_tag'` jest nazwą rozszerzenia ElementBase.
+ def setup_from_string(self, string):
+ """Initialize tag element from string"""
+ et_extension_tag_xml = ET.fromstring(string)
+ self.setup_from_lxml(et_extension_tag_xml)
+ def setup_from_file(self, path):
+ """Initialize tag element from file containing adjusted data"""
+ et_extension_tag_xml = ET.parse(path).getroot()
+ self.setup_from_lxml(et_extension_tag_xml)
+ def setup_from_lxml(self, lxml):
+ """Add ET data to self xml structure."""
+ self.xml.attrib.update(lxml.attrib)
+ self.xml.text = lxml.text
+ self.xml.tail = lxml.tail
+ for inner_tag in lxml:
+ self.xml.append(inner_tag)
+ def setup_from_dict(self, data):
+ #Poprawnośc kluczy słownika powinna być sprawdzona
+ self.xml.attrib.update(data)
+ def get_boolean(self):
+ return self.xml.attrib.get("boolean", None)
+ def get_some_string(self):
+ return self.xml.attrib.get("some_string", None)
+ def get_text(self, text):
+ return self.xml.text
+ def set_boolean(self, boolean):
+ self.xml.attrib['boolean'] = str(boolean)
+ def set_some_string(self, some_string):
+ self.xml.attrib['some_string'] = some_string
+ def set_text(self, text):
+ self.xml.text = text
+ def fill_interfaces(self, boolean, some_string):
+ #Jakaś walidacja, jeśli jest potrzebna
+ self.set_boolean(boolean)
+ self.set_some_string(some_string)
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ import logging
+ from argparse import ArgumentParser
+ from getpass import getpass
+ import slixmpp
+ import example_plugin
+ class Responder(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_get_iq", self.example_tag_get_iq)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_message", self.example_tag_message)
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Dwie niewymagane metody pozwalające innym użytkownikom zobaczyć dostępność online
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ def example_tag_get_iq(self, iq): # Iq zawsze powinien odpowiedzieć. Jeżeli użytkownik jest offline, zostanie zwrócony error.
+ reply = iq.reply()
+ reply["example_tag"].fill_interfaces(True, "Reply_string")
+ reply.send()
+ def example_tag_message(self, msg):
+ # Na wiadomość Message można odpowiedzieć, ale nie trzeba.
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = ArgumentParser(description=Responder.__doc__)
+ parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="set logging to ERROR",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.ERROR, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="set logging to DEBUG",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-j", "--jid", dest="jid",
+ help="JID to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", dest="password",
+ help="password to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-t", "--to", dest="to",
+ help="JID to send the message to")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ logging.basicConfig(level=args.loglevel,
+ format=' %(name)s - %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
+ if args.jid is None:
+ args.jid = input("Username: ")
+ if args.password is None:
+ args.password = getpass("Password: ")
+ xmpp = Responder(args.jid, args.password)
+ xmpp.register_plugin('OurPlugin', module=example_plugin) # OurPluggin jest nazwa klasy example_plugin
+ xmpp.connect()
+ try:
+ xmpp.process()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ try:
+ xmpp.disconnect()
+ except:
+ pass
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ import logging
+ from argparse import ArgumentParser
+ from getpass import getpass
+ import time
+ import slixmpp
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream import ET
+ import example_plugin
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, to, path):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ = to
+ self.path = path
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_result_iq", self.example_tag_result_iq)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_error_iq", self.example_tag_error_iq)
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Dwie niewymagane metody pozwalające innym użytkownikom zobaczyć dostępność online
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ self.disconnect_counter = 5 # Aplikacja rozłączy się po odebraniu takiej ilości odpowiedzi.
+ self.send_example_iq(
+ # <iq to=RESPONDER/RESOURCE xml:lang="en" type="get" id="0" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag</example_tag></iq>
+ self.send_example_message(
+ # <message to="RESPONDER" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" some_string="Message string">Info_inside_tag_message</example_tag></message>
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_file(, self.path)
+ # <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" id="2" type="get" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
+ string = '<example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag>'
+ et = ET.fromstring(string)
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(, et)
+ # <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="3" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag secound_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
+ self.send_example_iq_to_get_error(
+ # <iq type="get" id="4" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /></iq>
+ # OUR ERROR <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="4" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="error"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /><error type="cancel"><feature-not-implemented xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">Without boolean value returns error.</text></error></iq>
+ # OFFLINE ERROR <iq id="4" from="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" to="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="error"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /><error type="cancel" code="503"><service-unavailable xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" xml:lang="en">User session not found</text></error></iq>
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_string(, string)
+ # <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="5" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag secound_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
+ def example_tag_result_iq(self, iq):
+ self.disconnect_counter -= 1
+ if not self.disconnect_counter:
+ self.disconnect() # Przykład rozłączania się aplikacji po uzyskaniu odpowiedniej ilości odpowiedzi.
+ def example_tag_error_iq(self, iq):
+ self.disconnect_counter -= 1
+ if not self.disconnect_counter:
+ self.disconnect() # Przykład rozłączania się aplikacji po uzyskaniu odpowiedniej ilości odpowiedzi.
+ def send_example_iq(self, to):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get")
+ iq['example_tag'].set_boolean(True)
+ iq['example_tag'].set_some_string("Another_string")
+ iq['example_tag'].set_text("Info_inside_tag")
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_message(self, to):
+ #~ make_message(mfrom=None, mto=None, mtype=None, mquery=None)
+ msg = self.make_message(mto=to)
+ msg['example_tag'].set_boolean(True)
+ msg['example_tag'].set_some_string("Message string")
+ msg['example_tag'].set_text("Info_inside_tag_message")
+ msg.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_file(self, to, path):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=2)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_file(path)
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(self, to, et):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=3)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_lxml(et)
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_to_get_error(self, to):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=4)
+ iq['example_tag'].set_boolean(True) # Kiedy, aby otrzymać odpowiedż z błędem, potrzebny jest example_tag bez wartości bool.
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_string(self, to, string):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=5)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_string(string)
+ iq.send()
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = ArgumentParser(description=Sender.__doc__)
+ parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="set logging to ERROR",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.ERROR, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="set logging to DEBUG",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-j", "--jid", dest="jid",
+ help="JID to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", dest="password",
+ help="password to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-t", "--to", dest="to",
+ help="JID to send the message/iq to")
+ parser.add_argument("--path", dest="path",
+ help="path to load example_tag content")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ logging.basicConfig(level=args.loglevel,
+ format=' %(name)s - %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
+ if args.jid is None:
+ args.jid = input("Username: ")
+ if args.password is None:
+ args.password = getpass("Password: ")
+ xmpp = Sender(args.jid, args.password,, args.path)
+ xmpp.register_plugin('OurPlugin', module=example_plugin) # OurPlugin jest nazwą klasy z example_plugin.
+ xmpp.connect()
+ try:
+ xmpp.process()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ try:
+ xmpp.disconnect()
+ except:
+ pass
+Tagi i atrybuty zagnieżdżone wewnątrz głównego elementu
+Aby stworzyć zagnieżdżony tag, wewnątrz głównego tagu, rozważmy atrybut `'self.xml'` jako Element z ET (ElementTree). W takim wypadku, aby stworzyć zagnieżdżony element można użyć funkcji 'append'.
+Można powtórzyć poprzednie działania inicjalizując nowy element jak główny (ExampleTag). Jednak jeśli nie potrzebujemy dodatkowych metod, czy walidacji, a jest to wynik dla innego procesu który i tak będzie parsował xml, wtedy możemy zagnieździć zwyczajny Element z ElementTree za pomocą metody `'append'`. W przypadku przetwarzania typu tekstowego, można to zrobić nawet dzięki parsowaniu napisu na Element - kolejne zagnieżdżenia już będą w dodanym Elemencie do głównego. By nie powtarzać metody setup, poniżej przedstawione jest ręczne dodanie zagnieżdżonego taga konstruując ET.Element samodzielnie.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ #(...)
+ class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
+ #(...)
+ def add_inside_tag(self, tag, attributes, text=""):
+ #Można rozszerzyć tag o tagi wewnętrzne do tagu, na przykład tak:
+ itemXML = ET.Element("{{{0:s}}}{1:s}".format(self.namespace, tag)) #~ Inicjalizujemy Element z wewnętrznym tagiem, na przykład: <example_tag (...)> <inside_tag namespace=""/></example_tag>
+ itemXML.attrib.update(attributes) #~ Przypisujemy zdefiniowane atrybuty, na przykład: <inside_tag namespace=(...) inner_data="some"/>
+ itemXML.text = text #~ Dodajemy text wewnątrz tego tagu: <inside_tag (...)>our_text</inside_tag>
+ self.xml.append(itemXML) #~ I tak skonstruowany Element po prostu dodajemy do elementu z tagiem `example_tag`.
+Można też zrobić to samo używając słownika i nazw jako kluczy zagnieżdżonych elementów. W takim przypadku, pola funkcji powinny zostać przeniesione do ET.
+Kompletny kod tutorialu
+W poniższym kodzie zostały pozostawione oryginalne komentarze w języku angielskim.
+.. code-block:: python
+#File: /usr/bin/test_slixmpp & permissions rwx--x--x (711)
+import subprocess
+import time
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ #~ prefix = ["x-terminal-emulator", "-e"] # Separate terminal for every client; can be replaced with other terminal
+ #~ prefix = ["xterm", "-e"]
+ prefix = []
+ #~ suffix = ["-d"] # Debug
+ #~ suffix = ["-q"] # Quiet
+ suffix = []
+ sender_path = "./example/"
+ sender_jid = "SENDER_JID"
+ sender_password = "SENDER_PASSWORD"
+ example_file = "./test_example_tag.xml"
+ responder_path = "./example/"
+ responder_jid = "RESPONDER_JID"
+ responder_password = "RESPONDER_PASSWORD"
+ # Remember about the executable permission. (`chmod +x ./`)
+ SENDER_TEST = prefix + [sender_path, "-j", sender_jid, "-p", sender_password, "-t", responder_jid, "--path", example_file] + suffix
+ RESPON_TEST = prefix + [responder_path, "-j", responder_jid, "-p", responder_password] + suffix
+ try:
+ responder = subprocess.Popen(RESPON_TEST)
+ sender = subprocess.Popen(SENDER_TEST)
+ responder.wait()
+ sender.wait()
+ except:
+ try:
+ responder.terminate()
+ except NameError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ sender.terminate()
+ except NameError:
+ pass
+ raise
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ import logging
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream import ElementBase, ET, register_stanza_plugin
+ from slixmpp import Iq
+ from slixmpp import Message
+ from slixmpp.plugins.base import BasePlugin
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream.handler import Callback
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream.matcher import StanzaPath
+ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
+ def plugin_init(self):
+ self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ String data for Human readable and find plugin by another plugin with method.
+ self.xep = "ope" ##~ String data for Human readable and find plugin by another plugin with adding it into `slixmpp/plugins/` to the `__all__` declaration with 'xep_OPE'. Otherwise it's just human readable annotation.
+ namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleGet Event:example_tag', ##~ Name of this Callback
+ StanzaPath(f"iq@type=get/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Handle only Iq with type get and example_tag
+ self.__handle_get_iq)) ##~ Method which catch proper Iq, should raise proper event for client.
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleResult Event:example_tag', ##~ Name of this Callback
+ StanzaPath(f"iq@type=result/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Handle only Iq with type result and example_tag
+ self.__handle_result_iq)) ##~ Method which catch proper Iq, should raise proper event for client.
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleError Event:example_tag', ##~ Name of this Callback
+ StanzaPath(f"iq@type=error/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Handle only Iq with type error and example_tag
+ self.__handle_error_iq)) ##~ Method which catch proper Iq, should raise proper event for client.
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleMessage Event:example_tag',##~ Name of this Callback
+ StanzaPath(f'message/{{{namespace}}}example_tag'), ##~ Handle only Message with example_tag
+ self.__handle_message)) ##~ Method which catch proper Message, should raise proper event for client.
+ register_stanza_plugin(Iq, ExampleTag) ##~ Register tags extension for Iq object, otherwise iq['example_tag'] will be string field instead container where we can manage our fields and create sub elements.
+ register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag) ##~ Register tags extension for Message object, otherwise message['example_tag'] will be string field instead container where we can manage our fields and create sub elements.
+ # All iq types are: get, set, error, result
+ def __handle_get_iq(self, iq):
+ if iq.get_some_string is None:
+ error = iq.reply(clear=False)
+ error["type"] = "error"
+ error["error"]["condition"] = "missing-data"
+ error["error"]["text"] = "Without some_string value returns error."
+ error.send()
+ # Do something with received iq
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_get_iq', iq) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other what you want.
+ def __handle_result_iq(self, iq):
+ # Do something with received iq
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_result_iq', iq) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other what you want.
+ def __handle_error_iq(self, iq):
+ # Do something with received iq
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_error_iq', iq) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other what you want.
+ def __handle_message(self, msg):
+ # Do something with received message
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other what you want.
+ class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
+ name = "example_tag" ##~ The name of the root XML element of that extension.
+ namespace = "" ##~ The namespace our stanza object lives in, like <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>. You should change it for your own namespace
+ plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ The name to access this type of stanza. In particular, given a registration stanza, the Registration object can be found using: stanza_object['example_tag'] now `'example_tag'` is name of ours ElementBase extension. And this should be that same as name.
+ interfaces = {"boolean", "some_string"} ##~ A list of dictionary-like keys that can be used with the stanza object. For example `stanza_object['example_tag']` gives us {"another": "some", "data": "some"}, whenever `'example_tag'` is name of ours ElementBase extension.
+ def setup_from_string(self, string):
+ """Initialize tag element from string"""
+ et_extension_tag_xml = ET.fromstring(string)
+ self.setup_from_lxml(et_extension_tag_xml)
+ def setup_from_file(self, path):
+ """Initialize tag element from file containing adjusted data"""
+ et_extension_tag_xml = ET.parse(path).getroot()
+ self.setup_from_lxml(et_extension_tag_xml)
+ def setup_from_lxml(self, lxml):
+ """Add ET data to self xml structure."""
+ self.xml.attrib.update(lxml.attrib)
+ self.xml.text = lxml.text
+ self.xml.tail = lxml.tail
+ for inner_tag in lxml:
+ self.xml.append(inner_tag)
+ def setup_from_dict(self, data):
+ #There should keys should be also validated
+ self.xml.attrib.update(data)
+ def get_boolean(self):
+ return self.xml.attrib.get("boolean", None)
+ def get_some_string(self):
+ return self.xml.attrib.get("some_string", None)
+ def get_text(self, text):
+ return self.xml.text
+ def set_boolean(self, boolean):
+ self.xml.attrib['boolean'] = str(boolean)
+ def set_some_string(self, some_string):
+ self.xml.attrib['some_string'] = some_string
+ def set_text(self, text):
+ self.xml.text = text
+ def fill_interfaces(self, boolean, some_string):
+ #Some validation if it is necessary
+ self.set_boolean(boolean)
+ self.set_some_string(some_string)
+ def add_inside_tag(self, tag, attributes, text=""):
+ #If we want to fill with additionaly tags our element, then we can do it that way for example:
+ itemXML = ET.Element("{{{0:s}}}{1:s}".format(self.namespace, tag)) #~ Initialize ET with our tag, for example: <example_tag (...)> <inside_tag namespace=""/></example_tag>
+ itemXML.attrib.update(attributes) #~ There we add some fields inside tag, for example: <inside_tag namespace=(...) inner_data="some"/>
+ itemXML.text = text #~ Fill field inside tag, for example: <inside_tag (...)>our_text</inside_tag>
+ self.xml.append(itemXML) #~ Add that all what we set, as inner tag inside `example_tag` tag.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ import logging
+ from argparse import ArgumentParser
+ from getpass import getpass
+ import time
+ import slixmpp
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream import ET
+ import example_plugin
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, to, path):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ = to
+ self.path = path
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_result_iq", self.example_tag_result_iq)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_error_iq", self.example_tag_error_iq)
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Two, not required methods, but allows another users to see us available, and receive that information.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ self.disconnect_counter = 6 # This is only for disconnect when we receive all replies for sended Iq
+ self.send_example_iq(
+ # <iq to=RESPONDER/RESOURCE xml:lang="en" type="get" id="0" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag</example_tag></iq>
+ self.send_example_iq_with_inner_tag(
+ # <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="1" xml:lang="en" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
+ self.send_example_message(
+ # <message to="RESPONDER" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" some_string="Message string">Info_inside_tag_message</example_tag></message>
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_file(, self.path)
+ # <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" id="2" type="get" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
+ string = '<example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag>'
+ et = ET.fromstring(string)
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(, et)
+ # <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="3" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag secound_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
+ self.send_example_iq_to_get_error(
+ # <iq type="get" id="4" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /></iq>
+ # OUR ERROR <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="4" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="error"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /><error type="cancel"><feature-not-implemented xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">Without boolean value returns error.</text></error></iq>
+ # OFFLINE ERROR <iq id="4" from="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" to="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="error"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /><error type="cancel" code="503"><service-unavailable xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" xml:lang="en">User session not found</text></error></iq>
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_string(, string)
+ # <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="5" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag secound_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
+ def example_tag_result_iq(self, iq):
+ self.disconnect_counter -= 1
+ if not self.disconnect_counter:
+ self.disconnect() # Example disconnect after first received iq stanza extended by example_tag with result type.
+ def example_tag_error_iq(self, iq):
+ self.disconnect_counter -= 1
+ if not self.disconnect_counter:
+ self.disconnect() # Example disconnect after first received iq stanza extended by example_tag with result type.
+ def send_example_iq(self, to):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get")
+ iq['example_tag'].set_boolean(True)
+ iq['example_tag'].set_some_string("Another_string")
+ iq['example_tag'].set_text("Info_inside_tag")
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_with_inner_tag(self, to):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=1)
+ iq['example_tag'].set_some_string("Another_string")
+ iq['example_tag'].set_text("Info_inside_tag")
+ inner_attributes = {"first_field": "1", "secound_field": "2"}
+ iq['example_tag'].add_inside_tag(tag="inside_tag", attributes=inner_attributes)
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_message(self, to):
+ #~ make_message(mfrom=None, mto=None, mtype=None, mquery=None)
+ msg = self.make_message(mto=to)
+ msg['example_tag'].set_boolean(True)
+ msg['example_tag'].set_some_string("Message string")
+ msg['example_tag'].set_text("Info_inside_tag_message")
+ msg.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_file(self, to, path):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=2)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_file(path)
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(self, to, et):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=3)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_lxml(et)
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_to_get_error(self, to):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=4)
+ iq['example_tag'].set_boolean(True) # For example, our condition to receive error respond is example_tag without boolean value.
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_string(self, to, string):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=5)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_string(string)
+ iq.send()
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = ArgumentParser(description=Sender.__doc__)
+ parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="set logging to ERROR",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.ERROR, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="set logging to DEBUG",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-j", "--jid", dest="jid",
+ help="JID to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", dest="password",
+ help="password to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-t", "--to", dest="to",
+ help="JID to send the message/iq to")
+ parser.add_argument("--path", dest="path",
+ help="path to load example_tag content")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ logging.basicConfig(level=args.loglevel,
+ format=' %(name)s - %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
+ if args.jid is None:
+ args.jid = input("Username: ")
+ if args.password is None:
+ args.password = getpass("Password: ")
+ xmpp = Sender(args.jid, args.password,, args.path)
+ xmpp.register_plugin('OurPlugin', module=example_plugin) # OurPlugin is a class name from example_plugin
+ xmpp.connect()
+ try:
+ xmpp.process()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ try:
+ xmpp.disconnect()
+ except:
+ pass
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ import logging
+ from argparse import ArgumentParser
+ from getpass import getpass
+ import time
+ import slixmpp
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream import ET
+ import example_plugin
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, to, path):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ = to
+ self.path = path
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_result_iq", self.example_tag_result_iq)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_error_iq", self.example_tag_error_iq)
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Two, not required methods, but allows another users to see us available, and receive that information.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ self.disconnect_counter = 6 # This is only for disconnect when we receive all replies for sended Iq
+ self.send_example_iq(
+ # <iq to=RESPONDER/RESOURCE xml:lang="en" type="get" id="0" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag</example_tag></iq>
+ self.send_example_iq_with_inner_tag(
+ # <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="1" xml:lang="en" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
+ self.send_example_message(
+ # <message to="RESPONDER" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" some_string="Message string">Info_inside_tag_message</example_tag></message>
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_file(, self.path)
+ # <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" id="2" type="get" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
+ string = '<example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" secound_field="2" /></example_tag>'
+ et = ET.fromstring(string)
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(, et)
+ # <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="3" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag secound_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
+ self.send_example_iq_to_get_error(
+ # <iq type="get" id="4" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /></iq>
+ # OUR ERROR <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="4" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="error"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /><error type="cancel"><feature-not-implemented xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">Without boolean value returns error.</text></error></iq>
+ # OFFLINE ERROR <iq id="4" from="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" to="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="error"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /><error type="cancel" code="503"><service-unavailable xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" xml:lang="en">User session not found</text></error></iq>
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_string(, string)
+ # <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="5" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag secound_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
+ def example_tag_result_iq(self, iq):
+ self.disconnect_counter -= 1
+ if not self.disconnect_counter:
+ self.disconnect() # Example disconnect after first received iq stanza extended by example_tag with result type.
+ def example_tag_error_iq(self, iq):
+ self.disconnect_counter -= 1
+ if not self.disconnect_counter:
+ self.disconnect() # Example disconnect after first received iq stanza extended by example_tag with result type.
+ def send_example_iq(self, to):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get")
+ iq['example_tag'].set_boolean(True)
+ iq['example_tag'].set_some_string("Another_string")
+ iq['example_tag'].set_text("Info_inside_tag")
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_with_inner_tag(self, to):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=1)
+ iq['example_tag'].set_some_string("Another_string")
+ iq['example_tag'].set_text("Info_inside_tag")
+ inner_attributes = {"first_field": "1", "secound_field": "2"}
+ iq['example_tag'].add_inside_tag(tag="inside_tag", attributes=inner_attributes)
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_message(self, to):
+ #~ make_message(mfrom=None, mto=None, mtype=None, mquery=None)
+ msg = self.make_message(mto=to)
+ msg['example_tag'].set_boolean(True)
+ msg['example_tag'].set_some_string("Message string")
+ msg['example_tag'].set_text("Info_inside_tag_message")
+ msg.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_file(self, to, path):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=2)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_file(path)
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(self, to, et):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=3)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_lxml(et)
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_to_get_error(self, to):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=4)
+ iq['example_tag'].set_boolean(True) # For example, our condition to receive error respond is example_tag without boolean value.
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_string(self, to, string):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=5)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_string(string)
+ iq.send()
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = ArgumentParser(description=Sender.__doc__)
+ parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="set logging to ERROR",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.ERROR, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="set logging to DEBUG",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-j", "--jid", dest="jid",
+ help="JID to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", dest="password",
+ help="password to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-t", "--to", dest="to",
+ help="JID to send the message/iq to")
+ parser.add_argument("--path", dest="path",
+ help="path to load example_tag content")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ logging.basicConfig(level=args.loglevel,
+ format=' %(name)s - %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
+ if args.jid is None:
+ args.jid = input("Username: ")
+ if args.password is None:
+ args.password = getpass("Password: ")
+ xmpp = Sender(args.jid, args.password,, args.path)
+ xmpp.register_plugin('OurPlugin', module=example_plugin) # OurPlugin is a class name from example_plugin
+ xmpp.connect()
+ try:
+ xmpp.process()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ try:
+ xmpp.disconnect()
+ except:
+ pass
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/test_example_tag.xml
+.. code-block:: xml
+ <example_tag xmlns="" some_string="StringFromFile">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="3" secound_field="4" /></example_tag>
+Źródła i bibliogarfia
+Slixmpp - opis projektu:
+Oficjalna strona z dokumentacją:
+Oficjalna dokumentacja PDF:
+Dokumentacje w formie Web i PDF różnią się; pewne szczegóły potrafią być wspomniane tylko w jednej z dwóch.
diff --git a/docs/howto/make_plugin_extension_for_message_and_iq.rst b/docs/howto/make_plugin_extension_for_message_and_iq.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a7784b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/howto/make_plugin_extension_for_message_and_iq.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,1796 @@
+How to make a slixmpp plugins for Messages and IQ extensions
+Introduction and requirements
+* `'python3'`
+Code used in the following tutorial is written in python 3.6 or newer.
+For backward compatibility, replace the f-strings functionality with older string formatting: `'"{}".format("content")'` or `'%s, "content"'`.
+Ubuntu linux installation steps:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ sudo apt-get install python3.6
+* `'slixmpp'`
+* `'argparse'`
+* `'logging'`
+* `'subprocess'`
+Check if these libraries and the proper python version are available at your environment. Every one of these, except the slixmpp, is a standard python library. However, it may happen that some of them may not be installed.
+.. code-block:: python
+ python3 --version
+ python3 -c "import slixmpp; print(slixmpp.__version__)"
+ python3 -c "import argparse; print(argparse.__version__)"
+ python3 -c "import logging; print(logging.__version__)"
+ python3 -m subprocess
+Example output:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ~ $ python3 --version
+ Python 3.8.0
+ ~ $ python3 -c "import slixmpp; print(slixmpp.__version__)"
+ 1.4.2
+ ~ $ python3 -c "import argparse; print(argparse.__version__)"
+ 1.1
+ ~ $ python3 -c "import logging; print(logging.__version__)"
+ ~ $ python3 -m subprocess #Should return nothing
+If some of the libraries throw `'ImportError'` or `'no module named ...'` error, install them with:
+On Ubuntu linux:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ pip3 install slixmpp
+ #or
+ easy_install slixmpp
+If some of the libraries throws NameError, reinstall the whole package once again.
+* `Jabber accounts`
+For the testing purposes, two private jabber accounts are required. They can be created on one of many available sites:
+Client launch script
+The client launch script should be created outside of the main project location. This allows to easily obtain the results when needed and prevents accidental leakage of credential details to the git platform.
+As the example, a file `'test_slixmpp'` can be created in `'/usr/bin'` directory, with executive permission:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ /usr/bin $ chmod 711 test_slixmpp
+This file contains a simple structure for logging credentials:
+.. code-block:: python
+#File: /usr/bin/test_slixmpp & permissions rwx--x--x (711)
+import subprocess
+import time
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ #~ prefix = ["x-terminal-emulator", "-e"] # Separate terminal for every client; can be replaced with other terminal
+ #~ prefix = ["xterm", "-e"]
+ prefix = []
+ #~ suffix = ["-d"] # Debug
+ #~ suffix = ["-q"] # Quiet
+ suffix = []
+ sender_path = "./example/"
+ sender_jid = "SENDER_JID"
+ sender_password = "SENDER_PASSWORD"
+ example_file = "./test_example_tag.xml"
+ responder_path = "./example/"
+ responder_jid = "RESPONDER_JID"
+ responder_password = "RESPONDER_PASSWORD"
+ # Remember about the executable permission. (`chmod +x ./`)
+ SENDER_TEST = prefix + [sender_path, "-j", sender_jid, "-p", sender_password, "-t", responder_jid, "--path", example_file] + suffix
+ RESPON_TEST = prefix + [responder_path, "-j", responder_jid, "-p", responder_password] + suffix
+ try:
+ responder = subprocess.Popen(RESPON_TEST)
+ sender = subprocess.Popen(SENDER_TEST)
+ responder.wait()
+ sender.wait()
+ except:
+ try:
+ responder.terminate()
+ except NameError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ sender.terminate()
+ except NameError:
+ pass
+ raise
+The launch script should be convenient in use and easy to reconfigure again. The proper preparation of it now, can help saving time in the future. Logging credentials, the project paths (from `'sys.argv[...]'` or `'os.getcwd()'`), set the parameters for the debugging purposes, mock the testing xml file and many more things can be defined inside. Whichever parameters are used, the script testing itself should be fast and effortless. The proper preparation of it now, can help saving time in the future.
+In case of manually testing the larger applications, it would be a good practice to introduce the unique names (consequently, different commands) for each client. In case of any errors, it will be easier to find the client that caused it.
+Creating the client and the plugin
+Two slixmpp clients should be created in order to check if everything works correctly (here: the `'sender'` and the `'responder'`). The minimal amount of code needed for effective building and testing of the plugin is the following:
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ import logging
+ from argparse import ArgumentParser
+ from getpass import getpass
+ import time
+ import slixmpp
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream import ET
+ import example_plugin
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, to, path):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ = to
+ self.path = path
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Two, not required methods, but allows another users to see if the client is online.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = ArgumentParser(description=Sender.__doc__)
+ parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="set logging to ERROR",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.ERROR, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="set logging to DEBUG",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-j", "--jid", dest="jid",
+ help="JID to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", dest="password",
+ help="password to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-t", "--to", dest="to",
+ help="JID to send the message/iq to")
+ parser.add_argument("--path", dest="path",
+ help="path to load example_tag content")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ logging.basicConfig(level=args.loglevel,
+ format=' %(name)s - %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
+ if args.jid is None:
+ args.jid = input("Username: ")
+ if args.password is None:
+ args.password = getpass("Password: ")
+ xmpp = Sender(args.jid, args.password,, args.path)
+ #xmpp.register_plugin('OurPlugin', module=example_plugin) # OurPlugin is the example_plugin class name.
+ xmpp.connect()
+ try:
+ xmpp.process()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ try:
+ xmpp.disconnect()
+ except:
+ pass
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ import logging
+ from argparse import ArgumentParser
+ from getpass import getpass
+ import slixmpp
+ import example_plugin
+ class Responder(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Two, not required methods, but allows another users to see if the client is online.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = ArgumentParser(description=Responder.__doc__)
+ parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="set logging to ERROR",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.ERROR, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="set logging to DEBUG",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-j", "--jid", dest="jid",
+ help="JID to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", dest="password",
+ help="password to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-t", "--to", dest="to",
+ help="JID to send the message to")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ logging.basicConfig(level=args.loglevel,
+ format=' %(name)s - %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
+ if args.jid is None:
+ args.jid = input("Username: ")
+ if args.password is None:
+ args.password = getpass("Password: ")
+ xmpp = Responder(args.jid, args.password)
+ #xmpp.register_plugin('OurPlugin', module=example_plugin) # OurPlugin is the example_plugin class name.
+ xmpp.connect()
+ try:
+ xmpp.process()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ try:
+ xmpp.disconnect()
+ except:
+ pass
+Next file to create is `''`. It can be placed in the same folder as the clients, so the problems with unknown paths can be avoided.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ import logging
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream import ElementBase, ET, register_stanza_plugin
+ from slixmpp import Iq
+ from slixmpp import Message
+ from slixmpp.plugins.base import BasePlugin
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream.handler import Callback
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream.matcher import StanzaPath
+ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
+ def plugin_init(self):
+ self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ String data readable by humans and to find plugin by another plugin.
+ self.xep = "ope" ##~ String data readable by humans and to find plugin by another plugin by adding it into `slixmpp/plugins/` to the `__all__` field, with 'xep_OPE' prefix.
+ namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
+ class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
+ name = "example_tag" ##~ The name of the root XML element for that extension.
+ namespace = "<>" ##~ The namespace of the object, like <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>. Should be changed to your namespace.
+ plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ The name under which the data in plugin can be accessed. In particular, this object is reachable from the outside with: stanza_object['example_tag']. The `'example_tag'` is name of ElementBase extension and should be that same as the name.
+ interfaces = {"boolean", "some_string"} ##~ A list of dictionary-like keys that can be used with the stanza object. For example `stanza_object['example_tag']` gives us {"another": "some", "data": "some"}, whenever `'example_tag'` is name of ElementBase extension.
+If the plugin is not in the same directory as the clients, then the symbolic link to the localisation reachable by the clients should be established:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ln -s $Path_to_example_plugin_py $Path_to_clients_destinations
+The other solution is to relative import it (with dots '.') to get the proper path.
+First run and the event handlers
+To check if everything is okay, the `'start'` method can be used(which triggers the `'session_start'` event). Right after the client is ready, the signal will be sent.
+In the `'__init__'` method, the handler for event call `'session_start'` is created. When it is called, the `'def start(self, event):'` method will be executed. During the first run, add the line: `'"I'm running")'` to both the sender and the responder, and use `'test_slixmpp'` command.
+The `'def start(self, event):'` method should look like this:
+.. code-block:: python
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Two, not required methods, but allows another users to see us available, and receive that information.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+"I'm running")
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+If everything works fine, this line can be commented out.
+Building the message object
+The example sender class should get a recipient name and address (jid of responder) from command line arguments, stored in test_slixmpp. An access to this argument is stored in the `''` attribute.
+Code example:
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, to, path):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ = to
+ self.path = path
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Two, not required methods, but allows another users to see us available, and receive that information.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ self.send_example_message(, "example_message")
+ def send_example_message(self, to, body):
+ #~ make_message(mfrom=None, mto=None, mtype=None, mquery=None)
+ # Default mtype == "chat";
+ msg = self.make_message(mto=to, mbody=body)
+ msg.send()
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+In the example below, the build-in method `'make_message'` is used. It creates a string "example_message" and sends it at the end of `'start'` method. The message will be sent once, after the script launch.
+To receive this message, the responder should have a proper handler to the signal with the message object and the method to decide what to do with this message. As it is shown in the example below:
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ class Responder(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ self.add_event_handler("message", self.message)
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Two, not required methods, but allows another users to see us available, and receive that information.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ def message(self, msg):
+ #Show all inside msg
+ #Show only body attribute
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+Expanding the Message with a new tag
+To expand the Message object with a tag, the plugin should be registered as the extension for the Message object:
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/example
+ class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
+ def plugin_init(self):
+ self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ String data readable by humans and to find plugin by another plugin.
+ self.xep = "ope" ##~ String data readable by humans and to find plugin by another plugin by adding it into `slixmpp/plugins/` to the `__all__` declaration with 'xep_OPE'.
+ namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag) ##~ Register the tag extension for Message object, otherwise message['example_tag'] will be string field instead container and managing fields and create sub elements would be impossible.
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
+ name = "example_tag" ##~ The name of the root XML element of that extension.
+ namespace = "" ##~ The namespace for stanza object, like <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>.
+ plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ The name to access this type of stanza. In particular, given a registration stanza, the Registration object can be found using: stanza_object['example_tag'] now `'example_tag'` is name of ElementBase extension. And this should be that same as 'name' above.
+ interfaces = {"boolean", "some_string"} ##~ A list of dictionary-like keys that can be used with the stanza object. For example `stanza_object['example_tag']` gives us {"another": "some", "data": "some"}, whenever `'example_tag'` is name of ours ElementBase extension.
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ def set_boolean(self, boolean):
+ self.xml.attrib['boolean'] = str(boolean)
+ def set_some_string(self, some_string):
+ self.xml.attrib['some_string'] = some_string
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+Now, with the registered object, the message can be extended.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, to, path):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ = to
+ self.path = path
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Two, not required methods, but allows another users to see us available, and receive that information.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ self.send_example_message(, "example_message")
+ def send_example_message(self, to, body):
+ #~ make_message(mfrom=None, mto=None, mtype=None, mquery=None)
+ # Default mtype == "chat";
+ msg = self.make_message(mto=to, mbody=body)
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ msg['example_tag']['some_string'] = "Work!"
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ msg.send()
+After running, the logging should print the Message with tag `'example_tag'` stored inside <message><example_tag/></message>, string `'Work'` and given namespace.
+Giving the extended message the separate signal
+If the separate event is not defined, then both normal and extended message will be cached by signal `'message'`. In order to have the special event, the handler for the namespace and tag should be created. Then, make a unique name combination, which allows the handler can catch only the wanted messages (or Iq object).
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/example
+ class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
+ def plugin_init(self):
+ self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ String data readable by humans and to find the plugin by another plugin.
+ self.xep = "ope" ##~ String data readable by humans and to find the plugin by another plugin by adding it into `slixmpp/plugins/` to the `__all__` declaration with 'xep_OPE'.
+ namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleMessage Event:example_tag',##~ Name of this Callback
+ StanzaPath(f'message/{{{namespace}}}example_tag'), ##~ Handles only the Message with good example_tag and namespace.
+ self.__handle_message)) ##~ Method catches the proper Message, should raise event for the client.
+ register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag) ##~ Register the tags extension for Message object, otherwise message['example_tag'] will be string field instead container and managing the fields and create sub elements would not be possible.
+ def __handle_message(self, msg):
+ # Here something can be done with received message before it reaches the client.
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg) ##~ Call event which can be handled by the client with desired object as an argument.
+StanzaPath objects should be initialised in a specific way, such as:
+* OBJECT_NAME can be `'message'` or `'iq'`.
+* For TYPE_OF_OBJECT, when iq is specified, `'get, set, error or result'` can be used. When object is a message, then the message type can be used, like `'chat'`.
+* NAMESPACE should always be a namespace from tag extension class.
+* TAG should contain the tag, in this case:`'example_tag'`.
+Now every message containing the defined namespace inside `'example_tag'` is cached. It is possible to check the content of it. Then, the message is send to the client with the `'example_tag_message'` event.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, to, path):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ = to
+ self.path = path
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Two, not required methods, but allows another users to see us available, and receive that information.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ self.send_example_message(, "example_message", "example_string")
+ def send_example_message(self, to, body, some_string=""):
+ #~ make_message(mfrom=None, mto=None, mtype=None, mquery=None)
+ # Default mtype == "chat";
+ msg = self.make_message(mto=to, mbody=body)
+ if some_string:
+ msg['example_tag'].set_some_string(some_string)
+ msg.send()
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+Now, remember the line: `'self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg)'`. The name of an event to catch inside the "" file was defined here. Here it is: `'example_tag_message'`.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ class Responder(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_message", self.example_tag_message) #Registration of the handler
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Two, not required methods, but allows another users to see us available, and receive that information.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ def example_tag_message(self, msg):
+ # Message is standalone object, it can be replied, but no error is returned if not.
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+The messages can be replied, but nothing will happen otherwise.
+The Iq object, on the other hand, should always be replied. Otherwise, the error occurs on the client side due to the target timeout if the cell Iq won't reply with Iq with the same Id.
+Useful methods and misc.
+Modifying the example `Message` object to the `Iq` object
+To allow our custom element into Iq payloads, a new handler for Iq can be registered, in the same manner as in the `,,Extend message with tags''` part. The following example contains several types of Iq different types to catch. It can be used to check the difference between the Iq request and Iq response or to verify the correctness of the objects. All of the Iq messages should be passed to the sender with the same ID parameter, otherwise the sender will receive an error message.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/example
+ class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
+ def plugin_init(self):
+ self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ String data readable by humans and to find the plugin by another plugin.
+ self.xep = "ope" ##~ String data readable by humans and to find the plugin by another plugin by adding it into `slixmpp/plugins/` to the `__all__` declaration with 'xep_OPE'.
+ namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleGet Event:example_tag', ##~ Name of this Callback
+ StanzaPath(f"iq@type=get/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Handle only Iq with type 'get' and example_tag
+ self.__handle_get_iq)) ##~ Method which catch proper Iq, should raise proper event for client.
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleResult Event:example_tag', ##~ Name of this Callback
+ StanzaPath(f"iq@type=result/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Handle only Iq with type 'result' and example_tag
+ self.__handle_result_iq)) ##~ Method which catch proper Iq, should raise proper event for client.
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleError Event:example_tag', ##~ Name of this Callback
+ StanzaPath(f"iq@type=error/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Handle only Iq with type 'error' and example_tag
+ self.__handle_error_iq)) ##~ Method which catch proper Iq, should raise proper event for client.
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleMessage Event:example_tag',##~ Name of this Callback
+ StanzaPath(f'message/{{{namespace}}}example_tag'), ##~ Handle only Message with example_tag
+ self.__handle_message)) ##~ Method which catch proper Message, should raise proper event for client.
+ register_stanza_plugin(Iq, ExampleTag) ##~ Register tags extension for Iq object. Otherwise the iq['example_tag'] will be string field instead of container and it would not be possible to manage the fields and sub elements.
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag) ##~ Register tags extension for Message object, otherwise message['example_tag'] will be string field instead container, where it is impossible to manage fields and create sub elements.
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ # All iq types are: get, set, error, result
+ def __handle_get_iq(self, iq):
+ # Do something with received iq
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_get_iq', iq) ##~ Calls the event which can be handled by clients.
+ def __handle_result_iq(self, iq):
+ # Do something with received iq
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_result_iq', iq) ##~ Calls the event which can be handled by clients.
+ def __handle_error_iq(self, iq):
+ # Do something with received iq
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_error_iq', iq) ##~ Calls the event which can be handled by clients.
+ def __handle_message(self, msg):
+ # Do something with received message
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg) ##~ Calls the event which can be handled by clients.
+The events called by the example handlers can be caught like in the`'example_tag_message'` part.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ class Responder(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_message", self.example_tag_message)
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_get_iq", self.example_tag_get_iq)
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ def example_tag_get_iq(self, iq): # Iq stanza always should have a respond. If user is offline, it calls an error.
+ reply = iq.reply(clear=False)
+ reply.send()
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+By default, the parameter `'clear'` in the `'Iq.reply'` is set to True. In that case, the content of the Iq should be set again. After using the reply method, only the Id and the Jid parameters will still be set.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, to, path):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ = to
+ self.path = path
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_result_iq", self.example_tag_result_iq)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_error_iq", self.example_tag_error_iq)
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Two, not required methods, but allows another users to see us available, and receive that information.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ self.send_example_iq(
+ # <iq to=RESPONDER/RESOURCE xml:lang="en" type="get" id="0" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag</example_tag></iq>
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ def send_example_iq(self, to):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get")
+ iq['example_tag']['boolean'] = "True"
+ iq['example_tag']['some_string'] = "Another_string"
+ iq['example_tag'].text = "Info_inside_tag"
+ iq.send()
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ def example_tag_result_iq(self, iq):
+ def example_tag_error_iq(self, iq):
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+Different ways to access the elements
+There are several ways to access the elements inside the Message or Iq stanza. The first one: the client can access them like a dictionary:
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ #...
+ def example_tag_result_iq(self, iq):
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+The access to the elements from extended ExampleTag is similar. However, defining the types is not required and the access can be diversified (like for the `'text'` field below). For the ExampleTag extension, there is a 'getter' and 'setter' method for specific fields:
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/example
+ class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
+ name = "example_tag" ##~ The name of the root XML element of that extension.
+ namespace = "" ##~ The namespace for stanza object, like <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>. Should be changed to own namespace.
+ plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ The name to access this type of stanza. In particular, given a registration stanza, the Registration object can be found using: stanza_object['example_tag'], the `'example_tag'` is the name of ElementBase extension. And this should be the same as name.
+ interfaces = {"boolean", "some_string"} ##~ A list of dictionary-like keys that can be used with the stanza object. For example `stanza_object['example_tag']` gives {"another": "some", "data": "some"}, whenever `'example_tag'` is name of ElementBase extension.
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ def get_some_string(self):
+ return self.xml.attrib.get("some_string", None)
+ def get_text(self, text):
+ return self.xml.text
+ def set_some_string(self, some_string):
+ self.xml.attrib['some_string'] = some_string
+ def set_text(self, text):
+ self.xml.text = text
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+The attribute `'self.xml'` is inherited from the ElementBase and is exactly the same as the `'Iq['example_tag']'` from the client namespace.
+When the proper setters and getters are used, it is easy to check whether some argument is proper for the plugin or is convertible to another type. The code itself can be cleaner and more object-oriented, like in the example below:
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, to, path):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ = to
+ self.path = path
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_result_iq", self.example_tag_result_iq)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_error_iq", self.example_tag_error_iq)
+ def send_example_iq(self, to):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get")
+ iq['example_tag']['boolean'] = "True" #Direct assignment
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ iq['example_tag'].set_some_string("Another_string") #Assignment by setter
+ iq['example_tag'].set_text("Info_inside_tag")
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ iq.send()
+Message setup from the XML files, strings and other objects
+There are many ways to set up a xml from a string, xml-containing file or lxml (ElementTree) file. One of them is parsing the strings to lxml object, passing the attributes and other information, which may look like this:
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/example
+ #...
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream import ElementBase, ET, register_stanza_plugin
+ #...
+ class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
+ name = "example_tag" ##~ The name of the root XML element of that extension.
+ namespace = "" ##~ The stanza object namespace, like <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>. Should be changed to your own namespace
+ plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ The name to access this type of stanza. In particular, given a registration stanza, the Registration object can be found using: stanza_object['example_tag'] now `'example_tag'` is name of ElementBase extension. And this should be that same as name.
+ interfaces = {"boolean", "some_string"} ##~ A list of dictionary-like keys that can be used with the stanza object. For example `stanza_object['example_tag']` gives us {"another": "some", "data": "some"}, whenever `'example_tag'` is name of ElementBase extension.
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ def setup_from_string(self, string):
+ """Initialize tag element from string"""
+ et_extension_tag_xml = ET.fromstring(string)
+ self.setup_from_lxml(et_extension_tag_xml)
+ def setup_from_file(self, path):
+ """Initialize tag element from file containing adjusted data"""
+ et_extension_tag_xml = ET.parse(path).getroot()
+ self.setup_from_lxml(et_extension_tag_xml)
+ def setup_from_lxml(self, lxml):
+ """Add ET data to self xml structure."""
+ self.xml.attrib.update(lxml.attrib)
+ self.xml.text = lxml.text
+ self.xml.tail = lxml.tail
+ for inner_tag in lxml:
+ self.xml.append(inner_tag)
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+To test this, an example file with xml, example xml string and example lxml (ET) object is needed:
+.. code-block:: xml
+ #File: $WORKDIR/test_example_tag.xml
+ <example_tag xmlns="" some_string="StringFromFile">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="3" second_field="4" /></example_tag>
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ #...
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream import ET
+ #...
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, to, path):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ = to
+ self.path = path
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_result_iq", self.example_tag_result_iq)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_error_iq", self.example_tag_error_iq)
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Two, not required methods, but allows another users to see us available, and receive that information.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ #>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ self.disconnect_counter = 3 # Disconnects when all replies from Iq are received.
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_file(, self.path)
+ # <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" id="2" type="get" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" second_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
+ string = '<example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" second_field="2" /></example_tag>'
+ et = ET.fromstring(string)
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(, et)
+ # <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="3" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag second_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_string(, string)
+ # <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="5" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag second_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
+ def example_tag_result_iq(self, iq):
+ self.disconnect_counter -= 1
+ if not self.disconnect_counter:
+ self.disconnect() # Example disconnect after receiving the maximum number of responses.
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_file(self, to, path):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=2)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_file(path)
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(self, to, et):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=3)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_lxml(et)
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_string(self, to, string):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=5)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_string(string)
+ iq.send()
+ #<<<<<<<<<<<<
+If the Responder returns the proper `'Iq'` and the Sender disconnects after three answers, then everything works okay.
+Dev friendly methods for plugin usage
+Any plugin should have some sort of object-like methods, that was setup for elements: reading the data, getters, setters and signals, to make them easy to use.
+During handling, the correctness of the data should be checked and the eventual errors returned back to the sender. In order to avoid the situation where the answer message is never send, the sender gets the timeout error.
+The following code presents exactly this:
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/example
+ import logging
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream import ElementBase, ET, register_stanza_plugin
+ from slixmpp import Iq
+ from slixmpp import Message
+ from slixmpp.plugins.base import BasePlugin
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream.handler import Callback
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream.matcher import StanzaPath
+ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
+ def plugin_init(self):
+ self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ String data to read by humans and to find the plugin by another plugin.
+ self.xep = "ope" ##~ String data to read by humans and to find the plugin by another plugin by adding it into `slixmpp/plugins/` to the `__all__` declaration with 'xep_OPE'.
+ namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleGet Event:example_tag', ##~ Name of this Callback
+ StanzaPath(f"iq@type=get/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Handle only Iq with type 'get' and example_tag
+ self.__handle_get_iq)) ##~ Method which catch proper Iq, should raise proper event for client.
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleResult Event:example_tag', ##~ Name of this Callback
+ StanzaPath(f"iq@type=result/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Handle only Iq with type 'result' and example_tag
+ self.__handle_result_iq)) ##~ Method which catch proper Iq, should raise proper event for client.
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleError Event:example_tag', ##~ Name of this Callback
+ StanzaPath(f"iq@type=error/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Handle only Iq with type 'error' and example_tag
+ self.__handle_error_iq)) ##~ Method which catch proper Iq, should raise proper event for client.
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleMessage Event:example_tag',##~ Name of this Callback
+ StanzaPath(f'message/{{{namespace}}}example_tag'), ##~ Handle only Message with example_tag
+ self.__handle_message)) ##~ Method which catch proper Message, should raise proper event for client.
+ register_stanza_plugin(Iq, ExampleTag) ##~ Register tags extension for Iq object. Otherwise the iq['example_tag'] will be string field instead of container and it would not be possible to manage the fields and sub elements.
+ register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag) ##~ Register tags extension for Iq object. Otherwise the iq['example_tag'] will be string field instead of container and it would not be possible to manage the fields and sub elements.
+ # All iq types are: get, set, error, result
+ def __handle_get_iq(self, iq):
+ if iq.get_some_string is None:
+ error = iq.reply(clear=False)
+ error["type"] = "error"
+ error["error"]["condition"] = "missing-data"
+ error["error"]["text"] = "Without some_string value returns error."
+ error.send()
+ # Do something with received iq
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_get_iq', iq) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something else.
+ def __handle_result_iq(self, iq):
+ # Do something with received iq
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_result_iq', iq) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something else.
+ def __handle_error_iq(self, iq):
+ # Do something with received iq
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_error_iq', iq) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something else.
+ def __handle_message(self, msg):
+ # Do something with received message
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something else.
+ class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
+ name = "example_tag" ##~ The name of the root XML element of that extension.
+ namespace = "" ##~ The namespace stanza object lives in, like <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>. You should change it for your own namespace.
+ plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ The name to access this type of stanza. In particular, given a registration stanza, the Registration object can be found using: stanza_object['example_tag'] now `'example_tag'` is name of ElementBase extension. And this should be that same as name.
+ interfaces = {"boolean", "some_string"} ##~ A list of dictionary-like keys that can be used with the stanza object. For example `stanza_object['example_tag']` gives us {"another": "some", "data": "some"}, whenever `'example_tag'` is name of ElementBase extension.
+ def setup_from_string(self, string):
+ """Initialize tag element from string"""
+ et_extension_tag_xml = ET.fromstring(string)
+ self.setup_from_lxml(et_extension_tag_xml)
+ def setup_from_file(self, path):
+ """Initialize tag element from file containing adjusted data"""
+ et_extension_tag_xml = ET.parse(path).getroot()
+ self.setup_from_lxml(et_extension_tag_xml)
+ def setup_from_lxml(self, lxml):
+ """Add ET data to self xml structure."""
+ self.xml.attrib.update(lxml.attrib)
+ self.xml.text = lxml.text
+ self.xml.tail = lxml.tail
+ for inner_tag in lxml:
+ self.xml.append(inner_tag)
+ def setup_from_dict(self, data):
+ #There keys from dict should be also validated
+ self.xml.attrib.update(data)
+ def get_boolean(self):
+ return self.xml.attrib.get("boolean", None)
+ def get_some_string(self):
+ return self.xml.attrib.get("some_string", None)
+ def get_text(self, text):
+ return self.xml.text
+ def set_boolean(self, boolean):
+ self.xml.attrib['boolean'] = str(boolean)
+ def set_some_string(self, some_string):
+ self.xml.attrib['some_string'] = some_string
+ def set_text(self, text):
+ self.xml.text = text
+ def fill_interfaces(self, boolean, some_string):
+ #Some validation, if necessary
+ self.set_boolean(boolean)
+ self.set_some_string(some_string)
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ import logging
+ from argparse import ArgumentParser
+ from getpass import getpass
+ import slixmpp
+ import example_plugin
+ class Responder(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_get_iq", self.example_tag_get_iq)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_message", self.example_tag_message)
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Two, not required methods, but allows another users to see us available, and receive that information.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ def example_tag_get_iq(self, iq): # Iq stanza always should have a respond. If user is offline, it call an error.
+ reply = iq.reply()
+ reply["example_tag"].fill_interfaces(True, "Reply_string")
+ reply.send()
+ def example_tag_message(self, msg):
+ # Message is standalone object, it can be replied, but no error arrives if not.
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = ArgumentParser(description=Responder.__doc__)
+ parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="set logging to ERROR",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.ERROR, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="set logging to DEBUG",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-j", "--jid", dest="jid",
+ help="JID to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", dest="password",
+ help="password to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-t", "--to", dest="to",
+ help="JID to send the message to")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ logging.basicConfig(level=args.loglevel,
+ format=' %(name)s - %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
+ if args.jid is None:
+ args.jid = input("Username: ")
+ if args.password is None:
+ args.password = getpass("Password: ")
+ xmpp = Responder(args.jid, args.password)
+ xmpp.register_plugin('OurPlugin', module=example_plugin) # OurPlugin is a class name from example_plugin
+ xmpp.connect()
+ try:
+ xmpp.process()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ try:
+ xmpp.disconnect()
+ except:
+ pass
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ import logging
+ from argparse import ArgumentParser
+ from getpass import getpass
+ import time
+ import slixmpp
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream import ET
+ import example_plugin
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, to, path):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ = to
+ self.path = path
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_result_iq", self.example_tag_result_iq)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_error_iq", self.example_tag_error_iq)
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Two, not required methods, but allows another users to see us available, and receive that information.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ self.disconnect_counter = 5 # # Disconnect after receiving the maximum number of responses.
+ self.send_example_iq(
+ # <iq to=RESPONDER/RESOURCE xml:lang="en" type="get" id="0" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag</example_tag></iq>
+ self.send_example_message(
+ # <message to="RESPONDER" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" some_string="Message string">Info_inside_tag_message</example_tag></message>
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_file(, self.path)
+ # <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" id="2" type="get" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" second_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
+ string = '<example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" second_field="2" /></example_tag>'
+ et = ET.fromstring(string)
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(, et)
+ # <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="3" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag second_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
+ self.send_example_iq_to_get_error(
+ # <iq type="get" id="4" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /></iq>
+ # OUR ERROR <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="4" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="error"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /><error type="cancel"><feature-not-implemented xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">Without boolean value returns error.</text></error></iq>
+ # OFFLINE ERROR <iq id="4" from="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" to="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="error"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /><error type="cancel" code="503"><service-unavailable xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" xml:lang="en">User session not found</text></error></iq>
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_string(, string)
+ # <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="5" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag second_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
+ def example_tag_result_iq(self, iq):
+ self.disconnect_counter -= 1
+ if not self.disconnect_counter:
+ self.disconnect() # Example disconnect after receiving the maximum number of responses.
+ def example_tag_error_iq(self, iq):
+ self.disconnect_counter -= 1
+ if not self.disconnect_counter:
+ self.disconnect() # Example disconnect after receiving the maximum number of responses.
+ def send_example_iq(self, to):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get")
+ iq['example_tag'].set_boolean(True)
+ iq['example_tag'].set_some_string("Another_string")
+ iq['example_tag'].set_text("Info_inside_tag")
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_message(self, to):
+ #~ make_message(mfrom=None, mto=None, mtype=None, mquery=None)
+ msg = self.make_message(mto=to)
+ msg['example_tag'].set_boolean(True)
+ msg['example_tag'].set_some_string("Message string")
+ msg['example_tag'].set_text("Info_inside_tag_message")
+ msg.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_file(self, to, path):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=2)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_file(path)
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(self, to, et):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=3)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_lxml(et)
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_to_get_error(self, to):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=4)
+ iq['example_tag'].set_boolean(True) # For example, the condition to receive the error respond is the example_tag without the boolean value.
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_string(self, to, string):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=5)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_string(string)
+ iq.send()
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = ArgumentParser(description=Sender.__doc__)
+ parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="set logging to ERROR",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.ERROR, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="set logging to DEBUG",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-j", "--jid", dest="jid",
+ help="JID to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", dest="password",
+ help="password to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-t", "--to", dest="to",
+ help="JID to send the message/iq to")
+ parser.add_argument("--path", dest="path",
+ help="path to load example_tag content")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ logging.basicConfig(level=args.loglevel,
+ format=' %(name)s - %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
+ if args.jid is None:
+ args.jid = input("Username: ")
+ if args.password is None:
+ args.password = getpass("Password: ")
+ xmpp = Sender(args.jid, args.password,, args.path)
+ xmpp.register_plugin('OurPlugin', module=example_plugin) # OurPlugin is a class name from example_plugin.
+ xmpp.connect()
+ try:
+ xmpp.process()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ try:
+ xmpp.disconnect()
+ except:
+ pass
+Tags and strings nested inside the tag
+To create the nested element inside IQ tag, `self.xml` field can be considered as an Element from ET (ElementTree). Therefore adding the nested Elements is appending the Element.
+As shown in the previous examples, it is possible to create a new element as main (ExampleTag). However, when the additional methods or validation is not needed and the result will be parsed to xml anyway, it may be better to nest the Element from ElementTree with method 'append'. In order to not use the 'setup' method again, the code below shows way of the manual addition of the nested tag and creation of ET Element.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ #(...)
+ class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
+ #(...)
+ def add_inside_tag(self, tag, attributes, text=""):
+ #If more tags is needed inside the element, they can be added like that:
+ itemXML = ET.Element("{{{0:s}}}{1:s}".format(self.namespace, tag)) #~ Initialise ET with tag, for example: <example_tag (...)> <inside_tag namespace="<>"/></example_tag>
+ itemXML.attrib.update(attributes) #~ Here we add some fields inside tag, for example: <inside_tag namespace=(...) inner_data="some"/>
+ itemXML.text = text #~ Fill field inside tag, for example: <inside_tag (...)>our_text</inside_tag>
+ self.xml.append(itemXML) #~ Add that is all, what needs to be set as an inner tag inside the `example_tag` tag.
+There is a way to do this with a dictionary and name for the nested element tag. In that case, the insides of the function fields should be transferred to the ET element.
+Complete code from tutorial
+.. code-block:: python
+#File: /usr/bin/test_slixmpp & permissions rwx--x--x (711)
+import subprocess
+import time
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ #~ prefix = ["x-terminal-emulator", "-e"] # Separate terminal for every client; can be replaced with other terminal
+ #~ prefix = ["xterm", "-e"]
+ prefix = []
+ #~ suffix = ["-d"] # Debug
+ #~ suffix = ["-q"] # Quiet
+ suffix = []
+ sender_path = "./example/"
+ sender_jid = "SENDER_JID"
+ sender_password = "SENDER_PASSWORD"
+ example_file = "./test_example_tag.xml"
+ responder_path = "./example/"
+ responder_jid = "RESPONDER_JID"
+ responder_password = "RESPONDER_PASSWORD"
+ # Remember about the executable permission. (`chmod +x ./`)
+ SENDER_TEST = prefix + [sender_path, "-j", sender_jid, "-p", sender_password, "-t", responder_jid, "--path", example_file] + suffix
+ RESPON_TEST = prefix + [responder_path, "-j", responder_jid, "-p", responder_password] + suffix
+ try:
+ responder = subprocess.Popen(RESPON_TEST)
+ sender = subprocess.Popen(SENDER_TEST)
+ responder.wait()
+ sender.wait()
+ except:
+ try:
+ responder.terminate()
+ except NameError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ sender.terminate()
+ except NameError:
+ pass
+ raise
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ import logging
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream import ElementBase, ET, register_stanza_plugin
+ from slixmpp import Iq
+ from slixmpp import Message
+ from slixmpp.plugins.base import BasePlugin
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream.handler import Callback
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream.matcher import StanzaPath
+ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ class OurPlugin(BasePlugin):
+ def plugin_init(self):
+ self.description = "OurPluginExtension" ##~ String data for Human readable and find plugin by another plugin with method.
+ self.xep = "ope" ##~ String data for Human readable and find plugin by another plugin with adding it into `slixmpp/plugins/` to the `__all__` declaration with 'xep_OPE'. Otherwise it's just human readable annotation.
+ namespace = ExampleTag.namespace
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleGet Event:example_tag', ##~ Name of this Callback
+ StanzaPath(f"iq@type=get/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Handle only Iq with type get and example_tag
+ self.__handle_get_iq)) ##~ Method which catch proper Iq, should raise proper event for client.
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleResult Event:example_tag', ##~ Name of this Callback
+ StanzaPath(f"iq@type=result/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Handle only Iq with type result and example_tag
+ self.__handle_result_iq)) ##~ Method which catch proper Iq, should raise proper event for client.
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleError Event:example_tag', ##~ Name of this Callback
+ StanzaPath(f"iq@type=error/{{{namespace}}}example_tag"), ##~ Handle only Iq with type error and example_tag
+ self.__handle_error_iq)) ##~ Method which catch proper Iq, should raise proper event for client.
+ self.xmpp.register_handler(
+ Callback('ExampleMessage Event:example_tag',##~ Name of this Callback
+ StanzaPath(f'message/{{{namespace}}}example_tag'), ##~ Handle only Message with example_tag
+ self.__handle_message)) ##~ Method which catch proper Message, should raise proper event for client.
+ register_stanza_plugin(Iq, ExampleTag) ##~ Register tags extension for Iq object. Otherwise the iq['example_tag'] will be string field instead of container and it would not be possible to manage the fields and sub elements.
+ register_stanza_plugin(Message, ExampleTag) ##~ Register tags extension for Iq object. Otherwise the iq['example_tag'] will be string field instead of container and it would not be possible to manage the fields and sub elements.
+ # All iq types are: get, set, error, result
+ def __handle_get_iq(self, iq):
+ if iq.get_some_string is None:
+ error = iq.reply(clear=False)
+ error["type"] = "error"
+ error["error"]["condition"] = "missing-data"
+ error["error"]["text"] = "Without some_string value returns error."
+ error.send()
+ # Do something with received iq
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_get_iq', iq) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other what you want.
+ def __handle_result_iq(self, iq):
+ # Do something with received iq
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_result_iq', iq) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other what you want.
+ def __handle_error_iq(self, iq):
+ # Do something with received iq
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_error_iq', iq) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other what you want.
+ def __handle_message(self, msg):
+ # Do something with received message
+ self.xmpp.event('example_tag_message', msg) ##~ Call event which can be handled by clients to send or something other what you want.
+ class ExampleTag(ElementBase):
+ name = "example_tag" ##~ The name of the root XML element of that extension.
+ namespace = "" ##~ The stanza object namespace, like <example_tag xmlns={namespace} (...)</example_tag>. Should be changed for your namespace.
+ plugin_attrib = "example_tag" ##~ The name to access this type of stanza. In particular, given a registration stanza, the Registration object can be found using: stanza_object['example_tag'] now `'example_tag'` is name of ours ElementBase extension. And this should be that same as name.
+ interfaces = {"boolean", "some_string"} ##~ A list of dictionary-like keys that can be used with the stanza object. For example `stanza_object['example_tag']` gives us {"another": "some", "data": "some"}, whenever `'example_tag'` is name of ours ElementBase extension.
+ def setup_from_string(self, string):
+ """Initialize tag element from string"""
+ et_extension_tag_xml = ET.fromstring(string)
+ self.setup_from_lxml(et_extension_tag_xml)
+ def setup_from_file(self, path):
+ """Initialize tag element from file containing adjusted data"""
+ et_extension_tag_xml = ET.parse(path).getroot()
+ self.setup_from_lxml(et_extension_tag_xml)
+ def setup_from_lxml(self, lxml):
+ """Add ET data to self xml structure."""
+ self.xml.attrib.update(lxml.attrib)
+ self.xml.text = lxml.text
+ self.xml.tail = lxml.tail
+ for inner_tag in lxml:
+ self.xml.append(inner_tag)
+ def setup_from_dict(self, data):
+ #There should keys should be also validated
+ self.xml.attrib.update(data)
+ def get_boolean(self):
+ return self.xml.attrib.get("boolean", None)
+ def get_some_string(self):
+ return self.xml.attrib.get("some_string", None)
+ def get_text(self, text):
+ return self.xml.text
+ def set_boolean(self, boolean):
+ self.xml.attrib['boolean'] = str(boolean)
+ def set_some_string(self, some_string):
+ self.xml.attrib['some_string'] = some_string
+ def set_text(self, text):
+ self.xml.text = text
+ def fill_interfaces(self, boolean, some_string):
+ #Some validation if it is necessary
+ self.set_boolean(boolean)
+ self.set_some_string(some_string)
+ def add_inside_tag(self, tag, attributes, text=""):
+ #If more tags is needed inside the element, they can be added like that:
+ itemXML = ET.Element("{{{0:s}}}{1:s}".format(self.namespace, tag)) #~ Initialise ET with tag, for example: <example_tag (...)> <inside_tag namespace=""/></example_tag>
+ itemXML.attrib.update(attributes) #~ There we add some fields inside tag, for example: <inside_tag namespace=(...) inner_data="some"/>
+ itemXML.text = text #~ Fill field inside tag, for example: <inside_tag (...)>our_text</inside_tag>
+ self.xml.append(itemXML) #~ Add that all what we set, as inner tag inside `example_tag` tag.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ import logging
+ from argparse import ArgumentParser
+ from getpass import getpass
+ import time
+ import slixmpp
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream import ET
+ import example_plugin
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, to, path):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ = to
+ self.path = path
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_result_iq", self.example_tag_result_iq)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_error_iq", self.example_tag_error_iq)
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Two, not required methods, but allows another users to see us available, and receive that information.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ self.disconnect_counter = 6 # This is only for disconnect when we receive all replies for sent Iq
+ self.send_example_iq(
+ # <iq to=RESPONDER/RESOURCE xml:lang="en" type="get" id="0" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag</example_tag></iq>
+ self.send_example_iq_with_inner_tag(
+ # <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="1" xml:lang="en" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" second_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
+ self.send_example_message(
+ # <message to="RESPONDER" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" some_string="Message string">Info_inside_tag_message</example_tag></message>
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_file(, self.path)
+ # <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" id="2" type="get" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" second_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
+ string = '<example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" second_field="2" /></example_tag>'
+ et = ET.fromstring(string)
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(, et)
+ # <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="3" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag second_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
+ self.send_example_iq_to_get_error(
+ # <iq type="get" id="4" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /></iq>
+ # OUR ERROR <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="4" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="error"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /><error type="cancel"><feature-not-implemented xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">Without boolean value returns error.</text></error></iq>
+ # OFFLINE ERROR <iq id="4" from="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" to="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="error"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /><error type="cancel" code="503"><service-unavailable xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" xml:lang="en">User session not found</text></error></iq>
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_string(, string)
+ # <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="5" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag second_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
+ def example_tag_result_iq(self, iq):
+ self.disconnect_counter -= 1
+ if not self.disconnect_counter:
+ self.disconnect() # Example disconnect after first received iq stanza extended by example_tag with result type.
+ def example_tag_error_iq(self, iq):
+ self.disconnect_counter -= 1
+ if not self.disconnect_counter:
+ self.disconnect() # Example disconnect after first received iq stanza extended by example_tag with result type.
+ def send_example_iq(self, to):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get")
+ iq['example_tag'].set_boolean(True)
+ iq['example_tag'].set_some_string("Another_string")
+ iq['example_tag'].set_text("Info_inside_tag")
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_with_inner_tag(self, to):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=1)
+ iq['example_tag'].set_some_string("Another_string")
+ iq['example_tag'].set_text("Info_inside_tag")
+ inner_attributes = {"first_field": "1", "second_field": "2"}
+ iq['example_tag'].add_inside_tag(tag="inside_tag", attributes=inner_attributes)
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_message(self, to):
+ #~ make_message(mfrom=None, mto=None, mtype=None, mquery=None)
+ msg = self.make_message(mto=to)
+ msg['example_tag'].set_boolean(True)
+ msg['example_tag'].set_some_string("Message string")
+ msg['example_tag'].set_text("Info_inside_tag_message")
+ msg.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_file(self, to, path):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=2)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_file(path)
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(self, to, et):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=3)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_lxml(et)
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_to_get_error(self, to):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=4)
+ iq['example_tag'].set_boolean(True) # For example, the condition to receive error respond is the example_tag without boolean value.
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_string(self, to, string):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=5)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_string(string)
+ iq.send()
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = ArgumentParser(description=Sender.__doc__)
+ parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="set logging to ERROR",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.ERROR, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="set logging to DEBUG",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-j", "--jid", dest="jid",
+ help="JID to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", dest="password",
+ help="password to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-t", "--to", dest="to",
+ help="JID to send the message/iq to")
+ parser.add_argument("--path", dest="path",
+ help="path to load example_tag content")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ logging.basicConfig(level=args.loglevel,
+ format=' %(name)s - %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
+ if args.jid is None:
+ args.jid = input("Username: ")
+ if args.password is None:
+ args.password = getpass("Password: ")
+ xmpp = Sender(args.jid, args.password,, args.path)
+ xmpp.register_plugin('OurPlugin', module=example_plugin) # OurPlugin is a class name from example_plugin
+ xmpp.connect()
+ try:
+ xmpp.process()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ try:
+ xmpp.disconnect()
+ except:
+ pass
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/example/
+ import logging
+ from argparse import ArgumentParser
+ from getpass import getpass
+ import time
+ import slixmpp
+ from slixmpp.xmlstream import ET
+ import example_plugin
+ class Sender(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
+ def __init__(self, jid, password, to, path):
+ slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
+ = to
+ self.path = path
+ self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_result_iq", self.example_tag_result_iq)
+ self.add_event_handler("example_tag_error_iq", self.example_tag_error_iq)
+ def start(self, event):
+ # Two, not required methods, but allows another users to see us available, and receive that information.
+ self.send_presence()
+ self.get_roster()
+ self.disconnect_counter = 6 # This is only for disconnect when we receive all replies for sended Iq
+ self.send_example_iq(
+ # <iq to=RESPONDER/RESOURCE xml:lang="en" type="get" id="0" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag</example_tag></iq>
+ self.send_example_iq_with_inner_tag(
+ # <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="1" xml:lang="en" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" second_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
+ self.send_example_message(
+ # <message to="RESPONDER" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" some_string="Message string">Info_inside_tag_message</example_tag></message>
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_file(, self.path)
+ # <iq from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" id="2" type="get" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" second_field="2" /></example_tag></iq>
+ string = '<example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Another_string">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="1" second_field="2" /></example_tag>'
+ et = ET.fromstring(string)
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(, et)
+ # <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="3" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag second_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
+ self.send_example_iq_to_get_error(
+ # <iq type="get" id="4" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /></iq>
+ # OUR ERROR <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="4" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="error"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /><error type="cancel"><feature-not-implemented xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">Without boolean value returns error.</text></error></iq>
+ # OFFLINE ERROR <iq id="4" from="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" xml:lang="en" to="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="error"><example_tag xmlns="" boolean="True" /><error type="cancel" code="503"><service-unavailable xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" xml:lang="en">User session not found</text></error></iq>
+ self.send_example_iq_tag_from_string(, string)
+ # <iq to="RESPONDER/RESOURCE" id="5" xml:lang="en" from="SENDER/RESOURCE" type="get"><example_tag xmlns="" some_string="Reply_string" boolean="True">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag second_field="2" first_field="1" /></example_tag></iq>
+ def example_tag_result_iq(self, iq):
+ self.disconnect_counter -= 1
+ if not self.disconnect_counter:
+ self.disconnect() # Example disconnect after first received iq stanza extended by example_tag with result type.
+ def example_tag_error_iq(self, iq):
+ self.disconnect_counter -= 1
+ if not self.disconnect_counter:
+ self.disconnect() # Example disconnect after first received iq stanza extended by example_tag with result type.
+ def send_example_iq(self, to):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get")
+ iq['example_tag'].set_boolean(True)
+ iq['example_tag'].set_some_string("Another_string")
+ iq['example_tag'].set_text("Info_inside_tag")
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_with_inner_tag(self, to):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=1)
+ iq['example_tag'].set_some_string("Another_string")
+ iq['example_tag'].set_text("Info_inside_tag")
+ inner_attributes = {"first_field": "1", "second_field": "2"}
+ iq['example_tag'].add_inside_tag(tag="inside_tag", attributes=inner_attributes)
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_message(self, to):
+ #~ make_message(mfrom=None, mto=None, mtype=None, mquery=None)
+ msg = self.make_message(mto=to)
+ msg['example_tag'].set_boolean(True)
+ msg['example_tag'].set_some_string("Message string")
+ msg['example_tag'].set_text("Info_inside_tag_message")
+ msg.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_file(self, to, path):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=2)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_file(path)
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_element_tree(self, to, et):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=3)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_lxml(et)
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_to_get_error(self, to):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=4)
+ iq['example_tag'].set_boolean(True) # For example, the condition for receivingg error respond is example_tag without boolean value.
+ iq.send()
+ def send_example_iq_tag_from_string(self, to, string):
+ #~ make_iq(id=0, ifrom=None, ito=None, itype=None, iquery=None)
+ iq = self.make_iq(ito=to, itype="get", id=5)
+ iq['example_tag'].setup_from_string(string)
+ iq.send()
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = ArgumentParser(description=Sender.__doc__)
+ parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="set logging to ERROR",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.ERROR, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="set logging to DEBUG",
+ action="store_const", dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument("-j", "--jid", dest="jid",
+ help="JID to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", dest="password",
+ help="password to use")
+ parser.add_argument("-t", "--to", dest="to",
+ help="JID to send the message/iq to")
+ parser.add_argument("--path", dest="path",
+ help="path to load example_tag content")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ logging.basicConfig(level=args.loglevel,
+ format=' %(name)s - %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
+ if args.jid is None:
+ args.jid = input("Username: ")
+ if args.password is None:
+ args.password = getpass("Password: ")
+ xmpp = Sender(args.jid, args.password,, args.path)
+ xmpp.register_plugin('OurPlugin', module=example_plugin) # OurPlugin is a class name from example_plugin
+ xmpp.connect()
+ try:
+ xmpp.process()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ try:
+ xmpp.disconnect()
+ except:
+ pass
+.. code-block:: python
+ #File: $WORKDIR/test_example_tag.xml
+.. code-block:: xml
+ <example_tag xmlns="" some_string="StringFromFile">Info_inside_tag<inside_tag first_field="3" second_field="4" /></example_tag>
+Sources and references
+The Slixmpp project description:
+Official web documentation:
+Official PDF documentation:
+Note: Web and PDF Documentations have differences and some things are mentioned in only one of them.