# Use this script to download or update all dependencies to their last
# developpement version.
# The dependencies will be located in a virtualenv, so you do not
# need to install them on your system at all.

# Use launch.sh to start poezio directly from here

cd "$(dirname "$0")"

echo 'Updating poezio'
git pull origin slix || {
    echo "The script failed to update poezio."
    exit 1

if [ -e "$VENV" ]
    # In case of a python version upgrade
    echo 'Trying to upgrade the virtualenv'
    $VENV_COMMAND --upgrade "$VENV"

    . "$VENV/bin/activate"
    echo 'Updating the poezio dependencies'
    pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
    echo 'Updating the poezio plugin dependencies'
    pip install -r requirements-plugins.txt --upgrade
    echo "Creating the $VENV virtualenv"

    . "$VENV/bin/activate"
    cd "$VENV" # needed to download slixmpp inside the venv

    echo 'Installing the poezio dependencies using pip'
    pip install -r "../requirements.txt"
    echo 'Installing the poezio plugin dependencies using pip'
    pip install -r "../requirements-plugins.txt"
    cd ..


if [ -e src/slixmpp ]
    echo ""
    echo "The update script detected a slixmpp link in src/."
    echo "This is probably due to the old update script, you should delete it"
    echo "so that poezio can use the up-to-date copy inside the poezio-venv directory."
    echo ""