""" Test the functions in the `common` module """ import sys sys.path.append('poezio') import time import pytest import datetime from slixmpp import JID from datetime import timedelta from common import (datetime_tuple, get_utc_time, get_local_time, shell_split, find_argument_quoted, find_argument_unquoted, parse_str_to_secs, parse_secs_to_str, safeJID) def test_utc_time(): delta = timedelta(seconds=-3600) d = datetime.datetime.now() time.timezone = -3600; time.altzone = -3600 assert get_utc_time(local_time=d) == d + delta def test_local_time(): delta = timedelta(seconds=-3600) d = datetime.datetime.now() time.timezone = -3600 time.altzone = -3600 assert get_local_time(d) == d - delta def test_shell_split(): assert shell_split('"sdf 1" "toto 2"') == ['sdf 1', 'toto 2'] assert shell_split('toto "titi"') == ['toto', 'titi'] assert shell_split('toto ""') == ['toto', ''] assert shell_split('to"to titi "a" b') == ['to"to', 'titi', 'a', 'b'] assert shell_split('"toto titi" toto ""') == ['toto titi', 'toto', ''] assert shell_split('toto "titi') == ['toto', 'titi'] def test_argument_quoted(): assert find_argument_quoted(4, 'toto titi tata') == 3 assert find_argument_quoted(4, '"toto titi" tata') == 0 assert find_argument_quoted(8, '"toto" "titi tata"') == 1 assert find_argument_quoted(8, '"toto" "titi tata') == 1 assert find_argument_quoted(3, '"toto" "titi tata') == 0 assert find_argument_quoted(18, '"toto" "titi tata" ') == 2 def test_argument_unquoted(): assert find_argument_unquoted(2, 'toto titi tata') == 0 assert find_argument_unquoted(3, 'toto titi tata') == 0 assert find_argument_unquoted(6, 'toto titi tata') == 1 assert find_argument_unquoted(4, 'toto titi tata') == 3 assert find_argument_unquoted(25, 'toto titi tata') == 3 def test_parse_str_to_secs(): assert parse_str_to_secs("1d3m1h") == 90180 assert parse_str_to_secs("1d3mfaiiiiil") == 0 def test_parse_secs_to_str(): assert parse_secs_to_str(3601) == '1h1s' assert parse_secs_to_str(0) == '0s' with pytest.raises(TypeError): parse_secs_to_str('toto') def test_safeJID(): assert safeJID('toto@titi/tata') == JID('toto@titi/tata') assert safeJID('é_è') == JID('')