#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: koi8-r -*- from xmpp import * def presenceHandler(conn,presence_node): """ Handler for playing a sound when particular contact became online """ targetJID='node@domain.org' if presence_node.getFrom().bareMatch(targetJID): # play a sound pass def iqHandler(conn,iq_node): """ Handler for processing some "get" query from custom namespace""" reply=iq_node.buildReply('result') # ... put some content into reply node conn.send(reply) raise NodeProcessed # This stanza is fully processed def messageHandler(conn,mess_node): pass if 1: """ Example 1: Connecting to specified IP address. Connecting to port 5223 - TLS is pre-started. Using direct connect. """ # Born a client cl=Client('ejabberd.somedomain.org') # ...connect it to SSL port directly if not cl.connect(server=('',5223)): raise IOError('Can not connect to server.') else: """ Example 2: Connecting to server via proxy. Assuming that servername resolves to jabber server IP. TLS will be started automatically if available. """ # Born a client cl=Client('jabberd2.somedomain.org') # ...connect via proxy if not cl.connect(proxy={'host':'someproxy.somedomain.org','port':'8080','user':'proxyuser','password':'proxyuserpassword'}): raise IOError('Can not connect to server.') # ...authorize client if not cl.auth('jabberuser','jabberuserpassword','optional resource name'): raise IOError('Can not auth with server.') # ...register some handlers (if you will register them before auth they will be thrown away) cl.RegisterHandler('presence',presenceHandler) cl.RegisterHandler('iq',iqHandler) cl.RegisterHandler('message',messageHandler) # ...become available cl.sendInitPresence() # ...work some time cl.Process(1) # ...if connection is brocken - restore it if not cl.isConnected(): cl.reconnectAndReauth() # ...send an ASCII message cl.send(Message('test@jabber.org','Test message')) # ...send a national message cl.send(Message('test@jabber.org',unicode('�������� �����','koi8-r'))) # ...send another national message simplexml.ENCODING='koi8-r' cl.send(Message('test@jabber.org','�������� ����� 2')) # ...work some more time - collect replies cl.Process(1) # ...and then disconnect. cl.disconnect() """ If you have used jabberpy before you will find xmpppy very similar. See the docs for more info about library features. """