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        <title>Xmpppy usage - advanced.</title>
Historical notes
        <p>To write a programs using XMPP technology you must understand the basic
           principles of it. Xmpppy uses it's own implementation of XML handling
           procedures - so you should get used to it. Though it is simple enough I hope.</p>
            <dn>Node class</dn>
                  <dt>Node.__init__(name='', attrs={}, payload=[], parent=None, node=None)</dt>
                <dn>Note that 'name' argument really consists of namespace and node name, space separated. Example:</dn>
                  <dt>node=Node('jabber:client message', attrs={'to':'target@jid.com'},payload=[Node('body',payload=['Hello target!'])])<br />
                      or<br />
                      node=Node('jabber:client message')<br />
                      node['to']='target@jid.com'<br />
                      node.NT.body='Hello target!'
              NT stands for 'New Tag' and explicitly adds new child to the current node.
              Also the T can be used. That means "find Tag" but if tag exists it acts just like NT otherwise.

            <dn>Protocol class</dn>
              Uses similar syntax. We will use 'node' attribute now:
                  <dt>Protocol.__init__(name=None, to=None, typ=None, frm=None, attrs={}, payload=[], timestamp=None, xmlns='jabber:client', node=None)</dt>
                  <dt>p=Protocol(node=node)<br />
                      or<br />
                      proto=Protocol('message',to='target@jid.com',payload=[Node('body',payload=['Hello target!'])])<br />
                      or<br />
                      proto=Protocol('message',to='target@jid.com')<br />
                      proto.NT.body='Hello target!'

            <dn>Message class</dn>
              Similar syntax:
                  <dt>Message.__init__(to=None, body=None, typ=None, subject=None, attrs={}, frm=None, payload=[], timestamp=None, xmlns='jabber:client', node=None)</dt>
                  <dt>m=Message(node=proto)<br />
                      or<br />
                      m=Message('target@jid.com','Hello target!')<br />

            <dn>Iq class</dn>
              Similar syntax:
                  <dt>Iq.__init__(typ=None, queryNS=None, attrs={}, to=None, frm=None, payload=[], xmlns='jabber:client', node=None)</dt>
                  <dt>iq=Iq('set',NS_AUTH,payload=[Node('username',payload=['user']),Node('password',payload=['secret'])])<br />
                      or<br />
                      iq=Iq('set',NS_AUTH)<br />
                      iq.T.query.NT.username='user'<br />
                      iq.T.query.NT.password='secret'<br />
                      or<br />
                      iq=Iq('set',NS_AUTH)<br />
                      iq.T.query.T.username='user'<br />
                      iq.T.query.T.password='secret'<br />
                      As I already noted - 'T' acts just like 'NT' if tag doesn't exists.

            <dn>Presence class</dn>
              Similar syntax:
                  <dt>Presence.__init__(to=None, typ=None, priority=None, show=None, status=None, attrs={}, frm=None, timestamp=None, payload=[], xmlns='jabber:client', node=None)</dt>
                  <dt>pres=Presence(priority=5, show='xa',status="I'm away from my computer")<br />
                      or<br />
                      pres=Presence()<br />
                      pres.setStatus("I'm away from my computer")
                      or<br />
                      pres=Presence()<br />
                      pres.T.status="I'm away from my computer"
