""" TextWin, the window showing the text messages and info messages in poezio. Can be locked, scrolled, has a separator, etc… """ import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) import curses from math import ceil, log10 from . import Win from . base_wins import FORMAT_CHAR, Line from . funcs import truncate_nick, parse_attrs import poopt from config import config from theming import to_curses_attr, get_theme, dump_tuple class BaseTextWin(Win): def __init__(self, lines_nb_limit=None): if lines_nb_limit is None: lines_nb_limit = config.get('max_lines_in_memory') Win.__init__(self) self.lines_nb_limit = lines_nb_limit self.pos = 0 self.built_lines = [] # Each new message is built and kept here. # on resize, we rebuild all the messages self.lock = False self.lock_buffer = [] self.separator_after = None def toggle_lock(self): if self.lock: self.release_lock() else: self.acquire_lock() return self.lock def acquire_lock(self): self.lock = True def release_lock(self): for line in self.lock_buffer: self.built_lines.append(line) self.lock = False def scroll_up(self, dist=14): pos = self.pos self.pos += dist if self.pos + self.height > len(self.built_lines): self.pos = len(self.built_lines) - self.height if self.pos < 0: self.pos = 0 return self.pos != pos def scroll_down(self, dist=14): pos = self.pos self.pos -= dist if self.pos <= 0: self.pos = 0 return self.pos != pos def build_new_message(self, message, history=None, clean=True, highlight=False, timestamp=False, nick_size=10): """ Take one message, build it and add it to the list Return the number of lines that are built for the given message. """ lines = self.build_message(message, timestamp=timestamp, nick_size=nick_size) if self.lock: self.lock_buffer.extend(lines) else: self.built_lines.extend(lines) if not lines or not lines[0]: return 0 if clean: while len(self.built_lines) > self.lines_nb_limit: self.built_lines.pop(0) return len(lines) def build_message(self, message, timestamp=False, nick_size=10): """ Build a list of lines from a message, without adding it to a list """ pass def refresh(self): pass def write_text(self, y, x, txt): """ write the text of a line. """ self.addstr_colored(txt, y, x) def write_time(self, time): """ Write the date on the yth line of the window """ if time: color = get_theme().COLOR_TIME_STRING curses_color = to_curses_attr(color) self._win.attron(curses_color) self.addstr(time) self._win.attroff(curses_color) self.addstr(' ') return poopt.wcswidth(time) + 1 return 0 def resize(self, height, width, y, x, room=None): if hasattr(self, 'width'): old_width = self.width else: old_width = None self._resize(height, width, y, x) if room and self.width != old_width: self.rebuild_everything(room) # reposition the scrolling after resize # (see #2450) buf_size = len(self.built_lines) if buf_size - self.pos < self.height: self.pos = buf_size - self.height if self.pos < 0: self.pos = 0 def rebuild_everything(self, room): self.built_lines = [] with_timestamps = config.get('show_timestamps') nick_size = config.get('max_nick_length') for message in room.messages: self.build_new_message(message, clean=False, timestamp=with_timestamps, nick_size=nick_size) if self.separator_after is message: self.build_new_message(None) while len(self.built_lines) > self.lines_nb_limit: self.built_lines.pop(0) def __del__(self): log.debug('** TextWin: deleting %s built lines', (len(self.built_lines))) del self.built_lines class TextWin(BaseTextWin): def __init__(self, lines_nb_limit=None): BaseTextWin.__init__(self, lines_nb_limit) # the Lines of the highlights in that buffer self.highlights = [] # the current HL position in that list NaN means that we’re not on # an hl. -1 is a valid position (it's before the first hl of the # list. i.e the separator, in the case where there’s no hl before # it.) self.hl_pos = float('nan') # Keep track of the number of hl after the separator. # This is useful to make “go to next highlight“ work after a “move to separator”. self.nb_of_highlights_after_separator = 0 self.separator_after = None def next_highlight(self): """ Go to the next highlight in the buffer. (depending on which highlight was selected before) if the buffer is already positionned on the last, of if there are no highlights, scroll to the end of the buffer. """ log.debug('Going to the next highlight…') if (not self.highlights or self.hl_pos != self.hl_pos or self.hl_pos >= len(self.highlights) - 1): self.hl_pos = float('nan') self.pos = 0 return hl_size = len(self.highlights) - 1 if self.hl_pos < hl_size: self.hl_pos += 1 else: self.hl_pos = hl_size log.debug("self.hl_pos = %s", self.hl_pos) hl = self.highlights[self.hl_pos] pos = None while not pos: try: pos = self.built_lines.index(hl) except ValueError: self.highlights = self.highlights[self.hl_pos+1:] if not self.highlights: self.hl_pos = float('nan') self.pos = 0 return self.hl_pos = 0 hl = self.highlights[0] self.pos = len(self.built_lines) - pos - self.height if self.pos < 0 or self.pos >= len(self.built_lines): self.pos = 0 def previous_highlight(self): """ Go to the previous highlight in the buffer. (depending on which highlight was selected before) if the buffer is already positionned on the first, or if there are no highlights, scroll to the end of the buffer. """ log.debug('Going to the previous highlight…') if not self.highlights or self.hl_pos <= 0: self.hl_pos = float('nan') self.pos = 0 return if self.hl_pos != self.hl_pos: self.hl_pos = len(self.highlights) - 1 else: self.hl_pos -= 1 log.debug("self.hl_pos = %s", self.hl_pos) hl = self.highlights[self.hl_pos] pos = None while not pos: try: pos = self.built_lines.index(hl) except ValueError: self.highlights = self.highlights[self.hl_pos+1:] if not self.highlights: self.hl_pos = float('nan') self.pos = 0 return self.hl_pos = 0 hl = self.highlights[0] self.pos = len(self.built_lines) - pos - self.height if self.pos < 0 or self.pos >= len(self.built_lines): self.pos = 0 def scroll_to_separator(self): """ Scroll until separator is centered. If no separator is present, scroll at the top of the window """ if None in self.built_lines: self.pos = len(self.built_lines) - self.built_lines.index(None) - self.height + 1 if self.pos < 0: self.pos = 0 else: self.pos = len(self.built_lines) - self.height + 1 # Chose a proper position (not too high) self.scroll_up(0) # Make “next highlight” work afterwards. This makes it easy to # review all the highlights since the separator was placed, in # the correct order. self.hl_pos = len(self.highlights) - self.nb_of_highlights_after_separator - 1 log.debug("self.hl_pos = %s", self.hl_pos) def remove_line_separator(self): """ Remove the line separator """ log.debug('remove_line_separator') if None in self.built_lines: self.built_lines.remove(None) self.separator_after = None def add_line_separator(self, room=None): """ add a line separator at the end of messages list room is a textbuffer that is needed to get the previous message (in case of resize) """ if None not in self.built_lines: self.built_lines.append(None) self.nb_of_highlights_after_separator = 0 log.debug("Reseting number of highlights after separator") if room and room.messages: self.separator_after = room.messages[-1] def build_new_message(self, message, history=None, clean=True, highlight=False, timestamp=False, nick_size=10): """ Take one message, build it and add it to the list Return the number of lines that are built for the given message. """ lines = self.build_message(message, timestamp=timestamp, nick_size=nick_size) if self.lock: self.lock_buffer.extend(lines) else: self.built_lines.extend(lines) if not lines or not lines[0]: return 0 if highlight: self.highlights.append(lines[0]) self.nb_of_highlights_after_separator += 1 log.debug("Number of highlights after separator is now %s", self.nb_of_highlights_after_separator) if clean: while len(self.built_lines) > self.lines_nb_limit: self.built_lines.pop(0) return len(lines) def build_message(self, message, timestamp=False, nick_size=10): """ Build a list of lines from a message, without adding it to a list """ if message is None: # line separator return [None] txt = message.txt if not txt: return [] if len(message.str_time) > 8: default_color = (FORMAT_CHAR + dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_LOG_MSG) + '}') else: default_color = None ret = [] nick = truncate_nick(message.nickname, nick_size) offset = 0 if message.ack: if message.ack > 0: offset += poopt.wcswidth(get_theme().CHAR_ACK_RECEIVED) + 1 else: offset += poopt.wcswidth(get_theme().CHAR_NACK) + 1 if nick: offset += poopt.wcswidth(nick) + 2 # + nick + '> ' length if message.revisions > 0: offset += ceil(log10(message.revisions + 1)) if message.me: offset += 1 # '* ' before and ' ' after if timestamp: if message.str_time: offset += 1 + len(message.str_time) if get_theme().CHAR_TIME_LEFT and message.str_time: offset += 1 if get_theme().CHAR_TIME_RIGHT and message.str_time: offset += 1 lines = poopt.cut_text(txt, self.width-offset-1) prepend = default_color if default_color else '' attrs = [] for line in lines: saved = Line(msg=message, start_pos=line[0], end_pos=line[1], prepend=prepend) attrs = parse_attrs(message.txt[line[0]:line[1]], attrs) if attrs: prepend = FORMAT_CHAR + FORMAT_CHAR.join(attrs) else: if default_color: prepend = default_color else: prepend = '' ret.append(saved) return ret def refresh(self): log.debug('Refresh: %s', self.__class__.__name__) if self.height <= 0: return if self.pos == 0: lines = self.built_lines[-self.height:] else: lines = self.built_lines[-self.height-self.pos:-self.pos] with_timestamps = config.get("show_timestamps") nick_size = config.get("max_nick_length") self._win.move(0, 0) self._win.erase() offset = 0 for y, line in enumerate(lines): if line: msg = line.msg if line.start_pos == 0: offset = self.write_pre_msg(msg, with_timestamps, nick_size) self.write_text(y, offset, line.prepend + line.msg.txt[line.start_pos:line.end_pos]) else: self.write_line_separator(y) if y != self.height-1: self.addstr('\n') self._win.attrset(0) self._refresh() def write_pre_msg(self, msg, with_timestamps, nick_size): offset = 0 nick = truncate_nick(msg.nickname, nick_size) if nick is None: return 0 offset += poopt.wcswidth(nick) if msg.nick_color: color = msg.nick_color elif msg.user: color = msg.user.color else: color = None if with_timestamps: offset += self.write_time(msg.str_time) if msg.ack: if msg.ack > 0: offset += self.write_ack() else: offset += self.write_nack() if msg.me: self._win.attron(to_curses_attr(get_theme().COLOR_ME_MESSAGE)) self.addstr('* ') self.write_nickname(nick, color, msg.highlight) offset += self.write_revisions(msg) self.addstr(' ') offset += 3 else: self.write_nickname(nick, color, msg.highlight) offset += self.write_revisions(msg) self.addstr('> ') offset += 2 return offset def write_revisions(self, msg): if msg.revisions: self._win.attron(to_curses_attr(get_theme().COLOR_REVISIONS_MESSAGE)) self.addstr('%d' % msg.revisions) self._win.attrset(0) return ceil(log10(msg.revisions + 1)) return 0 def write_line_separator(self, y): char = get_theme().CHAR_NEW_TEXT_SEPARATOR self.addnstr(y, 0, char * (self.width // len(char) - 1), self.width, to_curses_attr(get_theme().COLOR_NEW_TEXT_SEPARATOR)) def write_ack(self): color = get_theme().COLOR_CHAR_ACK self._win.attron(to_curses_attr(color)) self.addstr(get_theme().CHAR_ACK_RECEIVED) self._win.attroff(to_curses_attr(color)) self.addstr(' ') return poopt.wcswidth(get_theme().CHAR_ACK_RECEIVED) + 1 def write_nack(self): color = get_theme().COLOR_CHAR_NACK self._win.attron(to_curses_attr(color)) self.addstr(get_theme().CHAR_NACK) self._win.attroff(to_curses_attr(color)) self.addstr(' ') return poopt.wcswidth(get_theme().CHAR_NACK) + 1 def write_nickname(self, nickname, color, highlight=False): """ Write the nickname, using the user's color and return the number of written characters """ if not nickname: return if highlight: hl_color = get_theme().COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_NICK if hl_color == "reverse": self._win.attron(curses.A_REVERSE) else: color = hl_color if color: self._win.attron(to_curses_attr(color)) self.addstr(nickname) if color: self._win.attroff(to_curses_attr(color)) if highlight and hl_color == "reverse": self._win.attroff(curses.A_REVERSE) def modify_message(self, old_id, message): """ Find a message, and replace it with a new one (instead of rebuilding everything in order to correct a message) """ with_timestamps = config.get('show_timestamps') nick_size = config.get('max_nick_length') for i in range(len(self.built_lines)-1, -1, -1): if self.built_lines[i] and self.built_lines[i].msg.identifier == old_id: index = i while index >= 0 and self.built_lines[index] and self.built_lines[index].msg.identifier == old_id: self.built_lines.pop(index) index -= 1 index += 1 lines = self.build_message(message, timestamp=with_timestamps, nick_size=nick_size) for line in lines: self.built_lines.insert(index, line) index += 1 break def __del__(self): log.debug('** TextWin: deleting %s built lines', (len(self.built_lines))) del self.built_lines class XMLTextWin(BaseTextWin): def __init__(self): BaseTextWin.__init__(self) def refresh(self): log.debug('Refresh: %s', self.__class__.__name__) theme = get_theme() if self.height <= 0: return if self.pos == 0: lines = self.built_lines[-self.height:] else: lines = self.built_lines[-self.height-self.pos:-self.pos] self._win.move(0, 0) self._win.erase() for y, line in enumerate(lines): if line: msg = line.msg if line.start_pos == 0: if msg.nickname == theme.CHAR_XML_OUT: color = theme.COLOR_XML_OUT elif msg.nickname == theme.CHAR_XML_IN: color = theme.COLOR_XML_IN self.write_time(msg.str_time) self.write_prefix(msg.nickname, color) self.addstr(' ') if y != self.height-1: self.addstr('\n') self._win.attrset(0) for y, line in enumerate(lines): offset = 0 # Offset for the timestamp (if any) plus a space after it offset += len(line.msg.str_time) # space offset += 1 # Offset for the prefix offset += poopt.wcswidth(truncate_nick(line.msg.nickname)) # space offset += 1 self.write_text(y, offset, line.prepend + line.msg.txt[line.start_pos:line.end_pos]) if y != self.height-1: self.addstr('\n') self._win.attrset(0) self._refresh() def build_message(self, message, timestamp=False, nick_size=10): txt = message.txt ret = [] default_color = None nick = truncate_nick(message.nickname, nick_size) offset = 0 if nick: offset += poopt.wcswidth(nick) + 1 # + nick + ' ' length if message.str_time: offset += 1 + len(message.str_time) if get_theme().CHAR_TIME_LEFT and message.str_time: offset += 1 if get_theme().CHAR_TIME_RIGHT and message.str_time: offset += 1 lines = poopt.cut_text(txt, self.width-offset-1) prepend = default_color if default_color else '' attrs = [] for line in lines: saved = Line(msg=message, start_pos=line[0], end_pos=line[1], prepend=prepend) attrs = parse_attrs(message.txt[line[0]:line[1]], attrs) if attrs: prepend = FORMAT_CHAR + FORMAT_CHAR.join(attrs) else: if default_color: prepend = default_color else: prepend = '' ret.append(saved) return ret def write_prefix(self, nickname, color): self._win.attron(to_curses_attr(color)) self.addstr(truncate_nick(nickname)) self._win.attroff(to_curses_attr(color))