""" Text inputs. """ import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) import curses import string import keyboard import common import poopt from . import Win from . base_wins import format_chars from . funcs import find_first_format_char from config import config from theming import to_curses_attr class Input(Win): """ The simplest Input possible, provides just a way to edit a single line of text. It also has a clipboard, common to all Inputs. Doesn't have any history. It doesn't do anything when enter is pressed either. This should be herited for all kinds of Inputs, for example MessageInput or the little inputs in dataforms, etc, adding specific features (completion etc) It features two kinds of completion, but they have to be called from outside (the Tab), passing the list of items that can be used to complete. The completion can be used in a very flexible way. """ text_attributes = ['b', 'o', 'u', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', 't'] clipboard = '' # A common clipboard for all the inputs, this makes # it easy cut and paste text between various input def __init__(self): self.key_func = { "KEY_LEFT": self.key_left, "KEY_RIGHT": self.key_right, "KEY_END": self.key_end, "KEY_HOME": self.key_home, "KEY_DC": self.key_dc, '^D': self.key_dc, 'M-b': self.jump_word_left, "M-[1;5D": self.jump_word_left, "kRIT5": self.jump_word_right, "kLFT5": self.jump_word_left, '^W': self.delete_word, 'M-d': self.delete_next_word, '^K': self.delete_end_of_line, '^U': self.delete_beginning_of_line, '^Y': self.paste_clipboard, '^A': self.key_home, '^E': self.key_end, 'M-f': self.jump_word_right, "M-[1;5C": self.jump_word_right, "KEY_BACKSPACE": self.key_backspace, "M-KEY_BACKSPACE": self.delete_word, '^?': self.key_backspace, "M-^?": self.delete_word, # '^J': self.add_line_break, } Win.__init__(self) self.text = '' self.pos = 0 # The position of the “cursor” in the text # (not only in the view) self.view_pos = 0 # The position (in the text) of the # first character displayed on the # screen self.on_input = None # callback called on any key pressed self.color = None # use this color on addstr def on_delete(self): """ Remove all references kept to a tab, so that the tab can be garbage collected """ del self.key_func def set_color(self, color): self.color = color self.rewrite_text() def is_empty(self): if self.text: return False return True def is_cursor_at_end(self): """ Whether or not the cursor is at the end of the text. """ assert len(self.text) >= self.pos if len(self.text) == self.pos: return True return False def jump_word_left(self): """ Move the cursor one word to the left """ if self.pos == 0: return True separators = string.punctuation+' ' while self.pos > 0 and self.text[self.pos-1] in separators: self.key_left() while self.pos > 0 and self.text[self.pos-1] not in separators: self.key_left() return True def jump_word_right(self): """ Move the cursor one word to the right """ if self.is_cursor_at_end(): return True separators = string.punctuation+' ' while not self.is_cursor_at_end() and self.text[self.pos] in separators: self.key_right() while not self.is_cursor_at_end() and self.text[self.pos] not in separators: self.key_right() return True def delete_word(self): """ Delete the word just before the cursor """ separators = string.punctuation+' ' while self.pos > 0 and self.text[self.pos-1] in separators: self.key_backspace() while self.pos > 0 and self.text[self.pos-1] not in separators: self.key_backspace() return True def delete_next_word(self): """ Delete the word just after the cursor """ separators = string.punctuation+' ' while not self.is_cursor_at_end() and self.text[self.pos] in separators: self.key_dc() while not self.is_cursor_at_end() and self.text[self.pos] not in separators: self.key_dc() return True def delete_end_of_line(self): """ Cut the text from cursor to the end of line """ if self.is_cursor_at_end(): return False Input.clipboard = self.text[self.pos:] self.text = self.text[:self.pos] self.key_end() return True def delete_beginning_of_line(self): """ Cut the text from cursor to the beginning of line """ if self.pos == 0: return True Input.clipboard = self.text[:self.pos] self.text = self.text[self.pos:] self.key_home() return True def paste_clipboard(self): """ Insert what is in the clipboard at the cursor position """ if not Input.clipboard: return True for letter in Input.clipboard: self.do_command(letter, False) self.rewrite_text() return True def key_dc(self): """ delete char just after the cursor """ self.reset_completion() if self.is_cursor_at_end(): return True # end of line, nothing to delete self.text = self.text[:self.pos]+self.text[self.pos+1:] self.rewrite_text() return True def key_home(self): """ Go to the beginning of line """ self.reset_completion() self.pos = 0 self.rewrite_text() return True def key_end(self, reset=False): """ Go to the end of line """ if reset: self.reset_completion() self.pos = len(self.text) assert self.is_cursor_at_end() self.rewrite_text() return True def key_left(self, jump=True, reset=True): """ Move the cursor one char to the left """ if reset: self.reset_completion() if self.pos == 0: return True self.pos -= 1 if reset: self.rewrite_text() return True def key_right(self, jump=True, reset=True): """ Move the cursor one char to the right """ if reset: self.reset_completion() if self.is_cursor_at_end(): return True self.pos += 1 if reset: self.rewrite_text() return True def key_backspace(self, reset=True): """ Delete the char just before the cursor """ self.reset_completion() if self.pos == 0: return self.key_left() self.key_dc() return True def auto_completion(self, word_list, add_after='', quotify=True): """ Complete the input, from a list of words if add_after is None, we use the value defined in completion plus a space, after the completion. If it's a string, we use it after the completion (with no additional space) """ if quotify: for i, word in enumerate(word_list[:]): word_list[i] = '"' + word + '"' self.normal_completion(word_list, add_after) return True def new_completion(self, word_list, argument_position=-1, add_after='', quotify=True, override=False): """ Complete the argument at position ``argument_postion`` in the input. If ``quotify`` is ``True``, then the completion will operate on block of words (e.g. "toto titi") whereas if it is ``False``, it will operate on words (e.g "toto", "titi"). The completions may modify other parts of the input when completing an argument, for example removing useless double quotes around single-words, or setting the space between each argument to only one space. The case where we complete the first argument is special, because we complete the command, and we do not want to modify anything else in the input. This method is the one that should be used if the command being completed has several arguments. """ if argument_position == 0: self._new_completion_first(word_list) else: self._new_completion_args(word_list, argument_position, add_after, quotify, override) self.rewrite_text() return True def _new_completion_args(self, word_list, argument_position=-1, add_after='', quoted=True, override=False): """ Case for completing arguments with position ≠ 0 """ if quoted: words = common.shell_split(self.text) else: words = self.text.split() if argument_position >= len(words): current = '' else: current = words[argument_position] if quoted: split_words = words[1:] words = [words[0]] for word in split_words: if ' ' in word or '\\' in word: words.append('"' + word + '"') else: words.append(word) current_l = current.lower() if self.last_completion is not None: self.hit_list.append(self.hit_list.pop(0)) else: if override: hit_list = word_list else: hit_list = [] for word in word_list: if word.lower().startswith(current_l): hit_list.append(word) if not hit_list: return self.hit_list = hit_list if argument_position >= len(words): if quoted and ' ' in self.hit_list[0]: words.append('"'+self.hit_list[0]+'"') else: words.append(self.hit_list[0]) else: if quoted and ' ' in self.hit_list[0]: words[argument_position] = '"'+self.hit_list[0]+'"' else: words[argument_position] = self.hit_list[0] new_pos = -1 for i, word in enumerate(words): if argument_position >= i: new_pos += len(word) + 1 self.last_completion = self.hit_list[0] self.text = words[0] + ' ' + ' '.join(words[1:]) self.pos = new_pos def _new_completion_first(self, word_list): """ Special case of completing the command itself: we don’t want to change anything to the input doing that """ space_pos = self.text.find(' ') if space_pos != -1: current, follow = self.text[:space_pos], self.text[space_pos:] else: current, follow = self.text, '' if self.last_completion: self.hit_list.append(self.hit_list.pop(0)) else: hit_list = [] for word in word_list: if word.lower().startswith(current): hit_list.append(word) if not hit_list: return self.hit_list = hit_list self.last_completion = self.hit_list[0] self.text = self.hit_list[0] + follow self.pos = len(self.hit_list[0]) def get_argument_position(self, quoted=True): """ Get the argument number at the current position """ command_stop = self.text.find(' ') if command_stop == -1 or self.pos <= command_stop: return 0 text = self.text[command_stop+1:] pos = self.pos - len(self.text) + len(text) - 1 val = common.find_argument(pos, text, quoted=quoted) + 1 return val def reset_completion(self): """ Reset the completion list (called on ALL keys except tab) """ self.hit_list = [] self.last_completion = None def normal_completion(self, word_list, after): """ Normal completion """ pos = self.pos if pos < len(self.text) and after.endswith(' ') and self.text[pos] == ' ': after = after[:-1] # remove the last space if we are already on a space if not self.last_completion: space_before_cursor = self.text.rfind(' ', 0, pos) if space_before_cursor != -1: begin = self.text[space_before_cursor+1:pos] else: begin = self.text[:pos] hit_list = [] # list of matching hits for word in word_list: if word.lower().startswith(begin.lower()): hit_list.append(word) elif word.startswith('"') and word.lower()[1:].startswith(begin.lower()): hit_list.append(word) if len(hit_list) == 0: return self.hit_list = hit_list end = len(begin) else: begin = self.last_completion end = len(begin) + len(after) self.hit_list.append(self.hit_list.pop(0)) # rotate list self.text = self.text[:pos-end] + self.text[pos:] pos -= end hit = self.hit_list[0] # take the first hit self.text = self.text[:pos] + hit + after + self.text[pos:] for _ in range(end): try: self.key_left(reset=False) except: pass for _ in range(len(hit) + len(after)): self.key_right(reset=False) self.rewrite_text() self.last_completion = hit def do_command(self, key, reset=True, raw=False): if key in self.key_func: res = self.key_func[key]() if not raw and self.on_input: self.on_input(self.get_text()) return res if not raw and (not key or len(key) > 1): return False # ignore non-handled keyboard shortcuts if reset: self.reset_completion() # Insert the char at the cursor position self.text = self.text[:self.pos]+key+self.text[self.pos:] self.pos += len(key) if reset: self.rewrite_text() if self.on_input: self.on_input(self.get_text()) return True def add_line_break(self): """ Add a (real) \n to the line """ self.do_command('\n') def get_text(self): """ Return the text entered so far """ return self.text def addstr_colored_lite(self, text, y=None, x=None): """ Just like addstr_colored, with the single-char attributes (\x0E to \x19 instead of \x19 + attr). We do not use any } char in this version """ chars = format_chars[:] chars.append('\n') if y is not None and x is not None: self.move(y, x) format_char = find_first_format_char(text, chars) while format_char != -1: if text[format_char] == '\n': attr_char = '|' else: attr_char = self.text_attributes[ format_chars.index(text[format_char])] self.addstr(text[:format_char]) self.addstr(attr_char, curses.A_REVERSE) text = text[format_char+1:] if attr_char == 'o': self._win.attrset(0) elif attr_char == 'u': self._win.attron(curses.A_UNDERLINE) elif attr_char == 'b': self._win.attron(curses.A_BOLD) elif attr_char in string.digits and attr_char != '': self._win.attron(to_curses_attr((int(attr_char), -1))) format_char = find_first_format_char(text, chars) self.addstr(text) def rewrite_text(self): """ Refresh the line onscreen, but first, always adjust the view_pos. Also, each FORMAT_CHAR+attr_char count only take one screen column (this is done in addstr_colored_lite), we have to do some special calculations to find the correct length of text to display, and the position of the cursor. """ self.adjust_view_pos() text = self.text self._win.erase() if self.color: self._win.attron(to_curses_attr(self.color)) displayed_text = text[self.view_pos:self.view_pos+self.width-1].replace('\t', '\x18') self._win.attrset(0) self.addstr_colored_lite(displayed_text) # Fill the rest of the line with the input color if self.color: (_, x) = self._win.getyx() size = self.width - x self.addnstr(' ' * size, size, to_curses_attr(self.color)) self.addstr(0, poopt.wcswidth(displayed_text[:self.pos-self.view_pos]), '') if self.color: self._win.attroff(to_curses_attr(self.color)) curses.curs_set(1) self._refresh() def adjust_view_pos(self): """ Adjust the position of the View, if needed (for example if the cursor moved and would now be out of the view, we adapt the view_pos so that we can always see our cursor) """ # start of the input if self.pos == 0: self.view_pos = 0 return # cursor outside of the screen (left) if self.pos <= self.view_pos: self.view_pos = self.pos - max(1 * self.width // 3, 1) # cursor outside of the screen (right) elif self.pos >= self.view_pos + self.width - 1: self.view_pos = self.pos - max(2 * self.width // 3, 2) if self.view_pos < 0: self.view_pos = 0 # text small enough to fit inside the window entirely: # remove scrolling if present if poopt.wcswidth(self.text) < self.width: self.view_pos = 0 def refresh(self): log.debug('Refresh: %s', self.__class__.__name__) self.rewrite_text() def clear_text(self): self.text = '' self.pos = 0 self.rewrite_text() def key_enter(self): txt = self.get_text() self.clear_text() return txt class HistoryInput(Input): """ An input with colors and stuff, plus an history ^R allows to search inside the history (as in a shell) """ history = list() def __init__(self): Input.__init__(self) self.help_message = '' self.current_completed = '' self.key_func['^R'] = self.toggle_search self.search = False if config.get('separate_history'): self.history = list() def toggle_search(self): if self.help_message: return self.search = not self.search self.refresh() def update_completed(self): """ Find a match for the current text """ if not self.text: return for i in self.history: if self.text in i: self.current_completed = i return self.current_completed = '' def history_enter(self): """ Enter was pressed, set the text to the current completion and disable history search """ if self.search: self.search = False if self.current_completed: self.text = self.current_completed self.current_completed = '' self.refresh() return True self.refresh() return False def key_up(self): """ Get the previous line in the history """ self.reset_completion() if self.histo_pos == -1 and self.get_text(): if not self.history or self.history[0] != self.get_text(): # add the message to history, we do not want to lose it self.history.insert(0, self.get_text()) self.histo_pos += 1 if self.histo_pos < len(self.history) - 1: self.histo_pos += 1 self.text = self.history[self.histo_pos] self.key_end() return True def key_down(self): """ Get the next line in the history """ self.reset_completion() if self.histo_pos > 0: self.histo_pos -= 1 self.text = self.history[self.histo_pos] elif self.histo_pos <= 0 and self.get_text(): if not self.history or self.history[0] != self.get_text(): # add the message to history, we do not want to lose it self.history.insert(0, self.get_text()) self.text = '' self.histo_pos = -1 self.key_end() return True class MessageInput(HistoryInput): """ The input featuring history and that is being used in Conversation, Muc and Private tabs Also letting the user enter colors or other text markups """ history = list() # The history is common to all MessageInput def __init__(self): HistoryInput.__init__(self) self.last_completion = None self.histo_pos = -1 self.key_func["KEY_UP"] = self.key_up self.key_func["M-A"] = self.key_up self.key_func["KEY_DOWN"] = self.key_down self.key_func["M-B"] = self.key_down self.key_func['^C'] = self.enter_attrib def enter_attrib(self): """ Read one more char (c), add the corresponding char from formats_char to the text string """ def cb(attr_char): if attr_char in self.text_attributes: char = format_chars[self.text_attributes.index(attr_char)] self.do_command(char, False) self.rewrite_text() keyboard.continuation_keys_callback = cb def key_enter(self): if self.history_enter(): return txt = self.get_text() if len(txt) != 0: if not self.history or self.history[0] != txt: # add the message to history, but avoid duplicates self.history.insert(0, txt) self.histo_pos = -1 self.clear_text() return txt class CommandInput(HistoryInput): """ An input with an help message in the left, with three given callbacks: one when when successfully 'execute' the command and when we abort it. The last callback is optional and is called on any input key This input is used, for example, in the RosterTab when, to replace the HelpMessage when a command is started The on_input callback """ history = list() def __init__(self, help_message, on_abort, on_success, on_input=None): HistoryInput.__init__(self) self.on_abort = on_abort self.on_success = on_success self.on_input = on_input self.help_message = help_message self.key_func['^M'] = self.success self.key_func['^G'] = self.abort self.key_func['^C'] = self.abort self.key_func["KEY_UP"] = self.key_up self.key_func["M-A"] = self.key_up self.key_func["KEY_DOWN"] = self.key_down self.key_func["M-B"] = self.key_down self.histo_pos = -1 def do_command(self, key, refresh=True, raw=False): res = Input.do_command(self, key, refresh, raw) if self.on_input: self.on_input(self.get_text()) return res def disable_history(self): """ Disable the history (up/down) keys """ if 'KEY_UP' in self.key_func: del self.key_func['KEY_UP'] if 'KEY_DOWN' in self.key_func: del self.key_func['KEY_DOWN'] @property def history_disabled(self): return 'KEY_UP' not in self.key_func and 'KEY_DOWN' not in self.key_func def success(self): """ call the success callback, passing the text as argument """ self.on_input = None if self.search: self.history_enter() res = self.on_success(self.get_text()) return res def abort(self): """ Call the abort callback, passing the text as argument """ self.on_input = None return self.on_abort(self.get_text()) def on_delete(self): """ SERIOUSLY BIG WTF. I can do self.key_func.clear() but not del self.key_func because that would raise an AttributeError exception. WTF. """ self.on_abort = None self.on_success = None self.on_input = None self.key_func.clear() def key_enter(self): txt = self.get_text() if len(txt) != 0: if not self.history or self.history[0] != txt: # add the message to history, but avoid duplicates self.history.insert(0, txt) self.histo_pos = -1