# Copyright 2010 Le Coz Florent # # This file is part of Poezio. # # Poezio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # # Poezio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Poezio. If not, see . from gettext import (bindtextdomain, textdomain, bind_textdomain_codeset, gettext as _) from os.path import isfile import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') import shlex import curses from config import config from threading import Lock from message import Line import theme g_lock = Lock() class Win(object): def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win): self._resize(height, width, y, x, parent_win) def _resize(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win): self.height, self.width, self.x, self.y = height, width, x, y try: self.win = curses.newwin(height, width, y, x) except: from common import debug debug('%s %s %s %s %s\n' % (height, width, y, x, parent_win)) raise # When resizing in a too little height (less than 3 lines) # We don't need to resize the window, since this size # just makes no sense # Just don't crash when this happens. # (°> also, a penguin # //\ # V_/_ return self.win.leaveok(1) def refresh(self): self.win.noutrefresh() def addnstr(self, *args): """ addnstr is safe """ try: self.win.addnstr(*args) except: pass def addstr(self, *args): """ addstr is not safe """ self.win.addstr(*args) class UserList(Win): def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): Win.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win) self.visible = visible self.color_role = {'moderator': theme.COLOR_USER_MODERATOR, 'participant':theme.COLOR_USER_PARTICIPANT, 'visitor':theme.COLOR_USER_VISITOR, 'none':theme.COLOR_USER_NONE, '':theme.COLOR_USER_NONE } self.color_show = {'xa':theme.COLOR_STATUS_XA, 'none':theme.COLOR_STATUS_NONE, '':theme.COLOR_STATUS_NONE, 'dnd':theme.COLOR_STATUS_DND, 'away':theme.COLOR_STATUS_AWAY, 'chat':theme.COLOR_STATUS_CHAT } def refresh(self, users): if not self.visible: return g_lock.acquire() self.win.erase() y = 0 for user in sorted(users): if not user.role in self.color_role: role_col = theme.COLOR_USER_NONE else: role_col = self.color_role[user.role] if not user.show in self.color_show: show_col = theme.COLOR_STATUS_NONE else: show_col = self.color_show[user.show] self.addstr(y, 0, theme.CHAR_STATUS, curses.color_pair(show_col)) self.addnstr(y, 1, user.nick, self.width-2, curses.color_pair(role_col)) y += 1 if y == self.height: break self.win.refresh() g_lock.release() def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self.visible = visible if not visible: return self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr) self.win.attron(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_VERTICAL_SEPARATOR)) self.win.vline(0, 0, curses.ACS_VLINE, self.height) self.win.attroff(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_VERTICAL_SEPARATOR)) class Topic(Win): def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): self.visible = visible Win.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win) def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr) def refresh(self, topic): if not self.visible: return g_lock.acquire() self.win.erase() self.addnstr(0, 0, topic[:self.width-1], self.width-1, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TOPIC_BAR)) (y, x) = self.win.getyx() remaining_size = self.width - x if remaining_size: self.addnstr(' '*remaining_size, remaining_size, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) self.win.refresh() g_lock.release() class GlobalInfoBar(Win): def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): self.visible = visible Win.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win) def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr) def refresh(self, tabs, current): if not self.visible: return def compare_room(a): # return a.nb - b.nb return a.nb comp = lambda x: x.nb g_lock.acquire() self.win.erase() self.addnstr(0, 0, "[", self.width ,curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) sorted_tabs = sorted(tabs, key=comp) for tab in sorted_tabs: color = tab.get_color_state() try: self.addstr("%s" % str(tab.nb), curses.color_pair(color)) self.addstr("|", curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) except: # end of line break (y, x) = self.win.getyx() self.addnstr(y, x-1, '] ', 2, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) (y, x) = self.win.getyx() remaining_size = self.width - x self.addnstr(' '*remaining_size, remaining_size, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) self.win.refresh() g_lock.release() class InfoWin(Win): """ Base class for all the *InfoWin, used in various tabs. For example MucInfoWin, etc. Provides some useful methods. """ def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): self.visible = visible Win.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win) def print_scroll_position(self, text_buffer): """ Print, link in Weechat, a -PLUS(n)- where n is the number of available lines to scroll down """ if text_buffer.pos > 0: plus = ' -PLUS(%s)-' % text_buffer.pos self.addnstr(plus, len(plus), curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_SCROLLABLE_NUMBER) | curses.A_BOLD) def finish_line(self): """ Write colored spaces until the end of line """ (y, x) = self.win.getyx() size = self.width-x self.addnstr(' '*size, size, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) class PrivateInfoWin(InfoWin): """ The live above the information window, displaying informations about the MUC user we are talking to """ def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): InfoWin.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible) def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr) def refresh(self, room): if not self.visible: return g_lock.acquire() self.win.erase() self.write_room_name(room) self.print_scroll_position(room) self.finish_line() self.win.refresh() g_lock.release() def write_room_name(self, room): (room_name, nick) = room.name.split('/', 1) self.addnstr(nick, len(nick), curses.color_pair(13)) txt = ' from room %s' % room_name self.addnstr(txt, len(txt), curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) class MucInfoWin(InfoWin): """ The line just above the information window, displaying informations about the MUC we are viewing """ def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): InfoWin.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible) def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr) def refresh(self, room): if not self.visible: return g_lock.acquire() self.win.erase() self.write_room_name(room) self.write_own_nick(room) self.write_disconnected(room) self.write_role(room) self.print_scroll_position(room) self.finish_line() self.win.refresh() g_lock.release() def write_room_name(self, room): """ """ self.addnstr('[', 1, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) self.addnstr(room.name, len(room.name), curses.color_pair(13)) self.addnstr('] ', 2, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) def write_disconnected(self, room): """ Shows a message if the room is not joined """ if not room.joined: self.addnstr(' -!- Not connected ', 21, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) def write_own_nick(self, room): """ Write our own nick in the info bar """ nick = room.own_nick if not nick: return if len(nick) > 13: nick = nick[:13]+'…' length = 14 else: length = len(nick) self.addnstr(nick, length, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) def write_role(self, room): """ Write our own role and affiliation """ from common import debug own_user = None for user in room.users: if user.nick == room.own_nick: own_user = user break if not own_user: return txt = ' (' if own_user.affiliation != 'none': txt += own_user.affiliation+', ' txt += own_user.role+')' self.addnstr(txt, len(txt), curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_INFORMATION_BAR)) class TextWin(Win): """ Just keep ONE single window for the text area and rewrite EVERYTHING on each change. (thanks weechat :o) """ def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): Win.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win) self.visible = visible def build_lines_from_messages(self, messages): """ From all the existing messages in the window, create the that will be displayed on the screen """ lines = [] for message in messages: if message == None: # line separator lines.append(None) continue txt = message.txt if not txt: continue # length of the time offset = 9+len(theme.CHAR_TIME_LEFT[:1])+len(theme.CHAR_TIME_RIGHT[:1]) if message.nickname and len(message.nickname) >= 30: nick = message.nickname[:30]+'…' else: nick = message.nickname if nick: offset += len(nick) + 2 # + nick + spaces length first = True this_line_was_broken_by_space = False while txt != '': if txt[:self.width-offset].find('\n') != -1: limit = txt[:self.width-offset].find('\n') else: # break between words if possible if len(txt) >= self.width-offset: limit = txt[:self.width-offset].rfind(' ') this_line_was_broken_by_space = True if limit <= 0: limit = self.width-offset this_line_was_broken_by_space = False else: limit = self.width-offset-1 this_line_was_broken_by_space = False color = message.user.color if message.user else None if not first: nick = None time = None else: time = message.time l = Line(nick, color, time, txt[:limit], message.color, offset, message.colorized) lines.append(l) if this_line_was_broken_by_space: txt = txt[limit+1:] # jump the space at the start of the line else: txt = txt[limit:] if txt.startswith('\n'): txt = txt[1:] first = False return lines return lines[-len(messages):] # return only the needed number of lines def refresh(self, room): """ Build the Line objects from the messages, and then write them in the text area """ if not self.visible: return if self.height <= 0: return g_lock.acquire() self.win.erase() lines = self.build_lines_from_messages(room.messages) if room.pos + self.height > len(lines): room.pos = len(lines) - self.height if room.pos < 0: room.pos = 0 if room.pos != 0: lines = lines[-self.height-room.pos:-room.pos] else: lines = lines[-self.height:] y = 0 for line in lines: self.win.move(y, 0) if line == None: self.write_line_separator() y += 1 continue if line.time is not None: self.write_time(line.time) if line.nickname is not None: self.write_nickname(line.nickname, line.nickname_color) self.write_text(y, line.text_offset, line.text, line.text_color, line.colorized) y += 1 self.win.refresh() g_lock.release() def write_line_separator(self): """ """ self.win.attron(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_NEW_TEXT_SEPARATOR)) self.addstr(' -'*(self.width//2-1)) self.win.attroff(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_NEW_TEXT_SEPARATOR)) def write_text(self, y, x, txt, color, colorized): """ write the text of a line. """ txt = txt if not colorized: if color: self.win.attron(curses.color_pair(color)) self.addstr(y, x, txt) if color: self.win.attroff(curses.color_pair(color)) else: # Special messages like join or quit from common import debug special_words = { theme.CHAR_JOIN: theme.COLOR_JOIN_CHAR, theme.CHAR_QUIT: theme.COLOR_QUIT_CHAR, theme.CHAR_KICK: theme.COLOR_KICK_CHAR, } try: splitted = shlex.split(txt) except ValueError: txt = txt.replace('"', '') splitted = shlex.split(txt) for word in splitted: if word in list(special_words.keys()): self.addstr(word, curses.color_pair(special_words[word])) elif word.startswith('(') and word.endswith(')'): self.addstr('(', curses.color_pair(color)) self.addstr(word[1:-1], curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_CURLYBRACKETED_WORD)) self.addstr(')', curses.color_pair(color)) elif word.startswith('{') and word.endswith('}'): self.addstr(word[1:-1], curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_ACCOLADE_WORD)) elif word.startswith('[') and word.endswith(']'): self.addstr(word[1:-1], curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_BRACKETED_WORD)) else: self.addstr(word, curses.color_pair(color)) self.addnstr(' ', 1) def write_nickname(self, nickname, color): """ Write the nickname, using the user's color and return the number of written characters """ if color: self.win.attron(curses.color_pair(color)) self.addstr(nickname) if color: self.win.attroff(curses.color_pair(color)) self.addnstr("> ", 2) def write_time(self, time): """ Write the date on the yth line of the window """ self.win.attron(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_LIMITER)) self.addnstr(theme.CHAR_TIME_LEFT, 1) self.win.attroff(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_LIMITER)) self.win.attron(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_NUMBERS)) self.addnstr(time.strftime("%H"), 2) self.win.attroff(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_NUMBERS)) self.win.attron(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_SEPARATOR)) self.addnstr(':', 1) self.win.attroff(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_SEPARATOR)) self.win.attron(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_NUMBERS)) self.addnstr(time.strftime("%M"), 2) self.win.attroff(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_NUMBERS)) self.win.attron(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_SEPARATOR)) self.addnstr(':', 1) self.win.attroff(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_SEPARATOR)) self.win.attron(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_NUMBERS)) self.addnstr(time.strftime('%S'), 2) self.win.attroff(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_NUMBERS)) self.win.attron(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_LIMITER)) self.addnstr(theme.CHAR_TIME_RIGHT, 1) self.win.attroff(curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_TIME_LIMITER)) self.addstr(' ') def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self.visible = visible self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr) class Input(Win): """ The line where text is entered """ def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self.key_func = { "KEY_LEFT": self.key_left, "M-D": self.key_left, "KEY_RIGHT": self.key_right, "M-C": self.key_right, "KEY_UP": self.key_up, "M-A": self.key_up, "KEY_END": self.key_end, "KEY_HOME": self.key_home, "KEY_DOWN": self.key_down, "M-B": self.key_down, "KEY_DC": self.key_dc, '^D': self.key_dc, 'M-b': self.jump_word_left, '^W': self.delete_word, '^K': self.delete_end_of_line, '^U': self.delete_begining_of_line, '^Y': self.paste_clipboard, '^A': self.key_home, '^E': self.key_end, 'M-f': self.jump_word_right, "KEY_BACKSPACE": self.key_backspace, '^?': self.key_backspace, '^J': self.get_text, '\n': self.get_text, } Win.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr) self.visible = visible self.history = [] self.text = '' self.clipboard = None self.pos = 0 # cursor position self.line_pos = 0 # position (in self.text) of # the first char to display on the screen self.histo_pos = 0 self.hit_list = [] # current possible completion (normal) self.last_completion = None # Contains the last nickname completed, # if last key was a tab def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self.visible = visible if not visible: return self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr) self.win.clear() self.addnstr(0, 0, self.text, self.width-1) def jump_word_left(self): """ Move the cursor one word to the left """ if not len(self.text) or self.pos == 0: return previous_space = self.text[:self.pos+self.line_pos].rfind(' ') if previous_space == -1: previous_space = 0 diff = self.pos+self.line_pos-previous_space for i in range(diff): self.key_left() def jump_word_right(self): """ Move the cursor one word to the right """ if len(self.text) == self.pos+self.line_pos or not len(self.text): return next_space = self.text.find(' ', self.pos+self.line_pos+1) if next_space == -1: next_space = len(self.text) diff = next_space - (self.pos+self.line_pos) for i in range(diff): self.key_right() def delete_word(self): """ Delete the word just before the cursor """ if not len(self.text) or self.pos == 0: return previous_space = self.text[:self.pos+self.line_pos].rfind(' ') if previous_space == -1: previous_space = 0 diff = self.pos+self.line_pos-previous_space for i in range(diff): self.key_backspace(False) self.rewrite_text() def delete_end_of_line(self): """ Cut the text from cursor to the end of line """ if len(self.text) == self.pos+self.line_pos: return # nothing to cut self.clipboard = self.text[self.pos+self.line_pos:] self.text = self.text[:self.pos+self.line_pos] self.key_end() def delete_begining_of_line(self): """ Cut the text from cursor to the begining of line """ if self.pos+self.line_pos == 0: return self.clipboard = self.text[:self.pos+self.line_pos] self.text = self.text[self.pos+self.line_pos:] self.key_home() def paste_clipboard(self): """ Insert what is in the clipboard at the cursor position """ if not self.clipboard or len(self.clipboard) == 0: return for letter in self.clipboard: self.do_command(letter) def key_dc(self): """ delete char just after the cursor """ self.reset_completion() if self.pos + self.line_pos == len(self.text): return # end of line, nothing to delete self.text = self.text[:self.pos+self.line_pos]+self.text[self.pos+self.line_pos+1:] self.rewrite_text() def key_up(self): """ Get the previous line in the history """ if not len(self.history): return self.win.erase() if self.histo_pos >= 0: self.histo_pos -= 1 self.text = self.history[self.histo_pos+1] self.key_end() def key_down(self): """ Get the next line in the history """ if not len(self.history): return self.reset_completion() if self.histo_pos < len(self.history)-1: self.histo_pos += 1 self.text = self.history[self.histo_pos] self.key_end() else: self.histo_pos = len(self.history)-1 self.text = '' self.pos = 0 self.line_pos = 0 self.rewrite_text() def key_home(self): """ Go to the begining of line """ self.reset_completion() self.pos = 0 self.line_pos = 0 self.rewrite_text() def key_end(self, reset=False): """ Go to the end of line """ if reset: self.reset_completion() if len(self.text) >= self.width-1: self.pos = self.width-1 self.line_pos = len(self.text)-self.pos else: self.pos = len(self.text) self.line_pos = 0 self.rewrite_text() def key_left(self): """ Move the cursor one char to the left """ self.reset_completion() (y, x) = self.win.getyx() if self.pos == self.width-1 and self.line_pos > 0: self.line_pos -= 1 elif self.pos >= 1: self.pos -= 1 self.rewrite_text() def key_right(self): """ Move the cursor one char to the right """ self.reset_completion() (y, x) = self.win.getyx() if self.pos == self.width-1: if self.line_pos + self.width-1 < len(self.text): self.line_pos += 1 elif self.pos < len(self.text): self.pos += 1 self.rewrite_text() def key_backspace(self, reset=True): """ Delete the char just before the cursor """ self.reset_completion() (y, x) = self.win.getyx() if self.pos == 0: return self.text = self.text[:self.pos+self.line_pos-1]+self.text[self.pos+self.line_pos:] self.key_left() if reset: self.rewrite_text() def auto_completion(self, user_list, add_after=True): """ Complete the nickname """ if self.pos+self.line_pos != len(self.text): # or len(self.text) == 0 return # we don't complete if cursor is not at the end of line completion_type = config.get('completion', 'normal') if completion_type == 'shell' and self.text != '': self.shell_completion(user_list, add_after) else: self.normal_completion(user_list, add_after) def reset_completion(self): """ Reset the completion list (called on ALL keys except tab) """ self.hit_list = [] self.last_completion = None def normal_completion(self, user_list, add_after): """ Normal completion """ if add_after and (" " not in self.text.strip() or\ self.last_completion and self.text == self.last_completion+config.get('after_completion', ',')+" "): after = config.get('after_completion', ',')+" " #if " " in self.text.strip() and (not self.last_completion or ' ' in self.last_completion): else: after = " " # don't put the "," if it's not the begining of the sentence (y, x) = self.win.getyx() if not self.last_completion: # begin is the begining of the nick we want to complete if self.text.strip() != '': begin = self.text.split()[-1].lower() else: begin = '' hit_list = [] # list of matching nicks for user in user_list: if user.lower().startswith(begin): hit_list.append(user) if len(hit_list) == 0: return self.hit_list = hit_list end = len(begin) else: begin = self.text[-len(after)-len(self.last_completion):-len(after)] self.hit_list.append(self.hit_list.pop(0)) # rotate list end = len(begin) + len(after) self.text = self.text[:-end] nick = self.hit_list[0] # take the first hit self.last_completion = nick self.text += nick +after self.key_end(False) def shell_completion(self, user_list, add_after): """ Shell-like completion """ if " " in self.text.strip() or not add_after: after = " " # don't put the "," if it's not the begining of the sentence else: after = config.get('after_completion', ',')+" " (y, x) = self.win.getyx() if self.text != '': begin = self.text.split()[-1].lower() else: begin = '' hit_list = [] # list of matching nicks for user in user_list: if user.lower().startswith(begin): hit_list.append(user) if len(hit_list) == 0: return end = False nick = '' last_completion = self.last_completion self.last_completion = True if len(hit_list) == 1: nick = hit_list[0] + after self.last_completion = False elif last_completion: for n in hit_list: if begin.lower() == n.lower(): nick = n+after # user DO want this completion (tabbed twice on it) self.last_completion = False if nick == '': while not end and len(nick) < len(hit_list[0]): nick = hit_list[0][:len(nick)+1] for hit in hit_list: if not hit.lower().startswith(nick.lower()): end = True break if end: nick = nick[:-1] x -= len(begin) self.text = self.text[:-len(begin)] self.text += nick self.key_end(False) def do_command(self, key, reset=True): if key in self.key_func: return self.key_func[key]() # if not key or len(key) > 1: # return # ignore non-handled keyboard shortcuts self.reset_completion() self.text = self.text[:self.pos+self.line_pos]+key+self.text[self.pos+self.line_pos:] (y, x) = self.win.getyx() if x == self.width-1: self.line_pos += 1 else: self.pos += 1 if reset: self.rewrite_text() def get_text(self): """ Clear the input and return the text entered so far """ txt = self.text self.text = '' self.pos = 0 self.line_pos = 0 if len(txt) != 0: self.history.append(txt) self.histo_pos = len(self.history)-1 self.rewrite_text() return txt def rewrite_text(self): """ Refresh the line onscreen, from the pos and pos_line """ g_lock.acquire() self.clear_text() self.addstr(self.text[self.line_pos:self.line_pos+self.width-1]) self.win.chgat(0, self.pos, 1, curses.A_REVERSE) self.win.refresh() g_lock.release() def refresh(self): if not self.visible: return self.rewrite_text() def clear_text(self): self.win.erase() # class RosterWin(Win): # def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): # Win.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win) # self.visible = visible # def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): # self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr) # self.visible = visible # def refresh(self, roster): # g_lock.acquire() # self.win.erase() # self.addnstr('teub', 4) # self.win.refresh() # g_lock.release() class VerticalSeparator(Win): """ Just a one-column window, with just a line in it, that is refreshed only on resize, but never on refresh, for efficiency """ def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): Win.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win) self.visible = visible def rewrite_line(self): g_lock.acquire() self.win.vline(0, 0, curses.ACS_VLINE, self.height, curses.color_pair(theme.COLOR_VERTICAL_SEPARATOR)) self.win.refresh() g_lock.release() def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self.visible = visible self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr) if not visible: return def refresh(self): if not self.visible: return self.rewrite_line() class RosterWin(Win): """ """ def __init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win, visible): self.visible = visible Win.__init__(self, height, width, y, x, parent_win) self.pos = 0 # position in the contact list def resize(self, height, width, y, x, stdscr, visible): self._resize(height, width, y, x, stdscr) def refresh(self, roster=None): """ We get the roster object """ if not self.visible or not roster: return g_lock.acquire() self.win.erase() # TODO, two ways of scrolling # currently: always centered if self.pos > self.height//2 and\ self.pos + self.height//2 < len(roster.getContacts()): # We are centered begin = True end = True pos = self.height//2 contacts = roster.getContacts()[self.pos-pos:self.pos+pos+1] elif self.pos <= self.height//2: # we are at the beginning of the list pos = self.pos contacts = roster.getContacts()[:self.height] begin = False if self.height < len(roster.getContacts()): end = True else: end = False else: # we are at the end of the list pos = self.height - (len(roster.getContacts()) - self.pos) contacts = roster.getContacts()[-self.height:] begin = True end = False cpt = 0 # ipair ou chais plus quoi for contact in contacts: if cpt == pos: self.draw_contact_line(contact, cpt, 0, 3) else: self.draw_contact_line(contact, cpt, 0) cpt += 1 if end: self.win.addstr(self.height-1, 0, '++++') if begin: self.win.addstr(0, 0, '++++') self.win.refresh() g_lock.release() def draw_contact_line(self, contact, x, y, color=None): """ Draw on a line all informations about one contact Use 'color' to draw the jid/display_name to show what is is currently selected contact in the list """ if color: self.win.addstr(x, y, contact.getJid().full, curses.color_pair(color)) else: self.win.addstr(x, y, contact.getJid().full)