""" Define the TextBuffer class A text buffer contains a list of intermediate representations of messages (not xml stanzas, but neither the Lines used in windows.py. Each text buffer can be linked to multiple windows, that will be rendered independantly by their TextWins. """ import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) import collections from datetime import datetime from config import config from theming import get_theme, dump_tuple message_fields = ('txt nick_color time str_time nickname user identifier' ' highlight me old_message revisions jid ack') Message = collections.namedtuple('Message', message_fields) class CorrectionError(Exception): pass class AckError(Exception): pass def other_elems(self): "Helper for the repr_message function" acc = ['Message('] fields = message_fields.split() fields.remove('old_message') for field in fields: acc.append('%s=%s' % (field, repr(getattr(self, field)))) return ', '.join(acc) + ', old_message=' def repr_message(self): """ repr() for the Message class, for debug purposes, since the default repr() is recursive, so it can stack overflow given too many revisions of a message """ init = other_elems(self) acc = [init] next_message = self.old_message rev = 1 while next_message: acc.append(other_elems(next_message)) next_message = next_message.old_message rev += 1 acc.append('None') while rev: acc.append(')') rev -= 1 return ''.join(acc) Message.__repr__ = repr_message Message.__str__ = repr_message class TextBuffer(object): """ This class just keep trace of messages, in a list with various informations and attributes. """ def __init__(self, messages_nb_limit=None): if messages_nb_limit is None: messages_nb_limit = config.get('max_messages_in_memory') self.messages_nb_limit = messages_nb_limit # Message objects self.messages = [] # we keep track of one or more windows # so we can pass the new messages to them, as they are added, so # they (the windows) can build the lines from the new message self.windows = [] def add_window(self, win): self.windows.append(win) @property def last_message(self): return self.messages[-1] if self.messages else None @staticmethod def make_message(txt, time, nickname, nick_color, history, user, identifier, str_time=None, highlight=False, old_message=None, revisions=0, jid=None, ack=0): """ Create a new Message object with parameters, check for /me messages, and delayed messages """ time = time or datetime.now() if txt.startswith('/me '): me = True txt = '\x19%s}%s' % (dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_ME_MESSAGE), txt[4:]) else: me = False if history: txt = txt.replace('\x19o', '\x19o\x19%s}' % dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_LOG_MSG)) str_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") else: if str_time is None: str_time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") else: str_time = '' msg = Message( txt='%s\x19o'%(txt.replace('\t', ' '),), nick_color=nick_color, time=time, str_time=str_time, nickname=nickname, user=user, identifier=identifier, highlight=highlight, me=me, old_message=old_message, revisions=revisions, jid=jid, ack=ack) log.debug('Set message %s with %s.', identifier, msg) return msg def add_message(self, txt, time=None, nickname=None, nick_color=None, history=None, user=None, highlight=False, identifier=None, str_time=None, jid=None, ack=0): """ Create a message and add it to the text buffer """ msg = self.make_message(txt, time, nickname, nick_color, history, user, identifier, str_time=str_time, highlight=highlight, jid=jid, ack=ack) self.messages.append(msg) while len(self.messages) > self.messages_nb_limit: self.messages.pop(0) ret_val = None show_timestamps = config.get('show_timestamps') for window in self.windows: # make the associated windows # build the lines from the new message nb = window.build_new_message(msg, history=history, highlight=highlight, timestamp=show_timestamps) if ret_val is None: ret_val = nb if window.pos != 0: window.scroll_up(nb) return ret_val or 1 def _find_message(self, old_id): """ Find a message in the text buffer from its message id """ for i in range(len(self.messages) -1, -1, -1): msg = self.messages[i] log.debug('\n%s ≠≠≠ %s', msg.identifier, old_id) if msg.identifier == old_id: return i return -1 def ack_message(self, old_id, jid): """Mark a message as acked""" return self.edit_ack(1, old_id, jid) def nack_message(self, error, old_id, jid): """Mark a message as errored""" return self.edit_ack(-1, old_id, jid, append=error) def edit_ack(self, value, old_id, jid, append=''): """ Edit the ack status of a message, and optionally append some text. """ i = self._find_message(old_id) if i == -1: return msg = self.messages[i] if msg.jid != jid: raise AckError('Wrong JID for message id %s (was %s, expected %s)' % (old_id, msg.jid, jid)) new_msg = list(msg) new_msg[12] = value if append: new_msg[0] = new_msg[0] + append new_msg = Message(*new_msg) self.messages[i] = new_msg return new_msg def modify_message(self, txt, old_id, new_id, highlight=False, time=None, user=None, jid=None): """ Correct a message in a text buffer. """ i = self._find_message(old_id) if i == -1: log.debug('Message %s not found in text_buffer, abort replacement.', old_id) raise CorrectionError("nothing to replace") msg = self.messages[i] if msg.user and msg.user is not user: raise CorrectionError("Different users") elif len(msg.str_time) > 8: # ugly raise CorrectionError("Delayed message") elif not msg.user and (msg.jid is None or jid is None): raise CorrectionError('Could not check the ' 'identity of the sender') elif not msg.user and msg.jid != jid: raise CorrectionError('Messages %s and %s have not been ' 'sent by the same fullJID' % (old_id, new_id)) if not time: time = msg.time message = self.make_message(txt, time, msg.nickname, msg.nick_color, None, msg.user, new_id, highlight=highlight, old_message=msg, revisions=msg.revisions + 1, jid=jid) self.messages[i] = message log.debug('Replacing message %s with %s.', old_id, new_id) return message def del_window(self, win): self.windows.remove(win) def __del__(self): size = len(self.messages) log.debug('** Deleting %s messages from textbuffer', size)