# Copyright 2010 Le Coz Florent # # This file is part of Poezio. # # Poezio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # # Poezio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Poezio. If not, see . """ a Tab object is a way to organize various Window (see window.py) around the screen at once. A tab is then composed of multiple Window. Each Tab object has different refresh() and resize() methods, defining of its Window are displayed, etc """ MIN_WIDTH = 50 MIN_HEIGHT = 16 import window import theme from common import debug class Tab(object): """ """ number = 0 def __init__(self, stdscr): self.nb = Tab.number Tab.number += 1 self.size = (self.height, self.width) = stdscr.getmaxyx() if self.height < MIN_HEIGHT or self.width < MIN_WIDTH: self.visible = False else: self.visible = True def refresh(self, tabs, informations): """ Called on each screen refresh (when something has changed) """ raise NotImplementedError def resize(self, stdscr): self.size = (self.height, self.width) = stdscr.getmaxyx() if self.height < MIN_HEIGHT or self.width < MIN_WIDTH: self.visible = False else: self.visible = True def get_color_state(self): """ returns the color that should be used in the GlobalInfoBar """ raise NotImplementedError def set_color_state(self, color): """ set the color state """ raise NotImplementedError def get_name(self): """ get the name of the tab """ raise NotImplementedError def on_input(self, key): raise NotImplementedError def on_lose_focus(self): """ called when this tab loses the focus. """ raise NotImplementedError def on_gain_focus(self): """ called when this tab gains the focus. """ raise NotImplementedError def add_message(self): """ Adds a message in the tab. If the tab cannot add a message in itself (for example FormTab, where text is not intented to be appened), it returns False. If the tab can, it returns True """ raise NotImplementedError def on_scroll_down(self): """ Defines what happens when we scrol down """ raise NotImplementedError def on_scroll_up(self): """ Defines what happens when we scrol down """ raise NotImplementedError def on_info_win_size_changed(self, size, stdscr): """ Called when the window with the informations is resized """ raise NotImplementedError class InfoTab(Tab): """ The information tab, used to display global informations when using a anonymous account """ def __init__(self, stdscr, name): Tab.__init__(self, stdscr) self.tab_win = window.GlobalInfoBar(1, self.width, self.height-2, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.text_win = window.TextWin(self.height-2, self.width, 0, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.input = window.Input(1, self.width, self.height-1, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.name = name self.color_state = theme.COLOR_TAB_NORMAL def resize(self, stdscr): Tab.resize(self, stdscr) self.tab_win.resize(1, self.width, self.height-2, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.text_win.resize(self.height-2, self.width, 0, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.input.resize(1, self.width, self.height-1, 0, stdscr, self.visible) def refresh(self, tabs, informations): self.text_win.refresh(informations) self.tab_win.refresh(tabs, tabs[0]) self.input.refresh() def get_name(self): return self.name def get_color_state(self): return self.color_state def set_color_state(self, color): return def on_input(self, key): return self.input.do_command(key) def on_lose_focus(self): self.color_state = theme.COLOR_TAB_NORMAL def on_gain_focus(self): self.color_state = theme.COLOR_TAB_CURRENT def on_scroll_up(self): pass def on_scroll_down(self): pass def on_info_win_size_changed(self, size, stdscr): return class MucTab(Tab): """ The tab containing a multi-user-chat room. It contains an userlist, an input, a topic, an information and a chat zone """ def __init__(self, stdscr, room, info_win_size): """ room is a Room object The stdscr is passed to know the size of the terminal """ Tab.__init__(self, stdscr) self._room = room self.info_win_size = info_win_size self.topic_win = window.Topic(1, self.width, 0, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.text_win = window.TextWin(self.height-4-info_win_size, (self.width//10)*9, 1, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.v_separator = window.VerticalSeparator(self.height-3, 1, 1, 9*(self.width//10), stdscr, self.visible) self.user_win = window.UserList(self.height-3, (self.width//10), 1, 9*(self.width//10)+1, stdscr, self.visible) self.info_header = window.MucInfoWin(1, (self.width//10)*9, self.height-3-self.info_win_size, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.info_win = window.TextWin(info_win_size, (self.width//10)*9, self.height-2-self.info_win_size, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.tab_win = window.GlobalInfoBar(1, self.width, self.height-2, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.input = window.Input(1, self.width, self.height-1, 0, stdscr, self.visible) def resize(self, stdscr): """ Resize the whole window. i.e. all its sub-windows """ Tab.resize(self, stdscr) text_width = (self.width//10)*9 self.topic_win.resize(1, self.width, 0, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.text_win.resize(self.height-4-self.info_win_size, text_width, 1, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.v_separator.resize(self.height-3, 1, 1, 9*(self.width//10), stdscr, self.visible) self.user_win.resize(self.height-3, self.width-text_width-1, 1, text_width+1, stdscr, self.visible) self.info_header.resize(1, (self.width//10)*9, self.height-3-self.info_win_size, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.info_win.resize(self.info_win_size, (self.width//10)*9, self.height-2-self.info_win_size, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.tab_win.resize(1, self.width, self.height-2, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.input.resize(1, self.width, self.height-1, 0, stdscr, self.visible) def refresh(self, tabs, informations): self.topic_win.refresh(self._room.topic) self.text_win.refresh(self._room) self.v_separator.refresh() self.user_win.refresh(self._room.users) self.info_header.refresh(self._room) self.info_win.refresh(informations) self.tab_win.refresh(tabs, tabs[0]) self.input.refresh() def on_input(self, key): self.key_func = { "\t": self.completion, "^I": self.completion, "KEY_BTAB": self.last_words_completion, } if key in self.key_func: return self.key_func[key]() return self.input.do_command(key) def completion(self): """ Called when Tab is pressed, complete the nickname in the input """ compare_users = lambda x: x.last_talked self.input.auto_completion([user.nick for user in sorted(self._room.users, key=compare_users, reverse=True)]) def last_words_completion(self): """ Complete the input with words recently said """ # build the list of the recent words char_we_dont_want = [',', '(', ')', '.'] words = list() for msg in self._room.messages[:-40:-1]: if not msg: continue for char in char_we_dont_want: msg.txt.replace(char, ' ') for word in msg.txt.split(): if len(word) > 5: words.append(word) self.input.auto_completion(words, False) def get_color_state(self): """ """ return self._room.color_state def set_color_state(self, color): """ """ self._room.set_color_state(color) def get_name(self): """ """ return self._room.name def get_room(self): return self._room def on_lose_focus(self): self._room.set_color_state(theme.COLOR_TAB_NORMAL) self._room.remove_line_separator() def on_gain_focus(self): self._room.add_line_separator() self._room.set_color_state(theme.COLOR_TAB_CURRENT) def on_scroll_up(self): self._room.scroll_up(self.text_win.height-1) def on_scroll_down(self): self._room.scroll_down(self.text_win.height-1) def on_info_win_size_changed(self, size, stdscr): self.info_win_size = size text_width = (self.width//10)*9 self.text_win.resize(self.height-4-self.info_win_size, text_width, 1, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.info_header.resize(1, (self.width//10)*9, self.height-3-self.info_win_size, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.info_win.resize(self.info_win_size, (self.width//10)*9, self.height-2-self.info_win_size, 0, stdscr, self.visible) class PrivateTab(Tab): """ The tab containg a private conversation (someone from a MUC) """ def __init__(self, stdscr, room, info_win_size): Tab.__init__(self, stdscr) self.info_win_size = info_win_size self._room = room self.text_win = window.TextWin(self.height-2-self.info_win_size, self.width, 0, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.info_header = window.PrivateInfoWin(1, self.width, self.height-3-self.info_win_size, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.info_win = window.TextWin(self.info_win_size, self.width, self.height-2-self.info_win_size, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.tab_win = window.GlobalInfoBar(1, self.width, self.height-2, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.input = window.Input(1, self.width, self.height-1, 0, stdscr, self.visible) def resize(self, stdscr): Tab.resize(self, stdscr) self.text_win.resize(self.height-2-self.info_win_size, self.width, 0, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.info_header.resize(1, self.width, self.height-3-self.info_win_size, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.info_win.resize(self.info_win_size, self.width, self.height-2-self.info_win_size, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.tab_win.resize(1, self.width, self.height-2, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.input.resize(1, self.width, self.height-1, 0, stdscr, self.visible) def refresh(self, tabs, informations): self.text_win.refresh(self._room) self.info_header.refresh(self._room) self.info_win.refresh(informations) self.tab_win.refresh(tabs, tabs[0]) self.input.refresh() def get_color_state(self): if self._room.color_state == theme.COLOR_TAB_NORMAL or\ self._room.color_state == theme.COLOR_TAB_CURRENT: return self._room.color_state return theme.COLOR_TAB_PRIVATE def set_color_state(self, color): self._room.color_state = color def get_name(self): return self._room.name def on_input(self, key): return self.input.do_command(key) def on_lose_focus(self): self._room.set_color_state(theme.COLOR_TAB_NORMAL) self._room.remove_line_separator() def on_gain_focus(self): self._room.add_line_separator() self._room.set_color_state(theme.COLOR_TAB_CURRENT) def on_scroll_up(self): self._room.scroll_up(self.text_win.height-1) def on_scroll_down(self): self._room.scroll_down(self.text_win.height-1) def on_info_win_size_changed(self, size, stdscr): self.info_win_size = size self.text_win.resize(self.height-2, self.width, 0, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.info_header.resize(1, self.width, self.height-3-self.info_win_size, 0, stdscr, self.visible) self.info_win.resize(self.info_win_size, (self.width//10)*9, self.height-2-self.info_win_size, 0, stdscr, self.visible) # self.text_win.resize(self.height-4-self.info_win_size, text_width, 1, 0, stdscr, self.visible) # self.info_header.resize(1, (self.width//10)*9, self.height-3-self.info_win_size, 0, stdscr, self.visible) # self.info_win.resize(self.info_win_size, (self.width//10)*9, self.height-2-self.info_win_size, 0, stdscr, self.visible) def get_room(self): return self._room