# Copyright 2010-2011 Florent Le Coz <louiz@louiz.org> # # This file is part of Poezio. # # Poezio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the zlib license. See the COPYING file. """ Implementation of the XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat. Add some facilities that are not available on the XEP_0045 slix plugin """ from gettext import gettext as _ from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET from common import safeJID import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) NS_MUC_ADMIN = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin' NS_MUC_OWNER = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#owner' def destroy_room(xmpp, room, reason='', altroom=''): """ destroy a room """ room = safeJID(room) if not room: return False iq = xmpp.make_iq_set() iq['to'] = room query = ET.Element('{%s}query' % NS_MUC_OWNER) destroy = ET.Element('{%s}destroy' % NS_MUC_OWNER) if altroom: destroy.attrib['jid'] = altroom if reason: xreason = ET.Element('{%s}reason' % NS_MUC_OWNER) xreason.text = reason destroy.append(xreason) query.append(destroy) iq.append(query) def callback(iq): if not iq or iq['type'] == 'error': xmpp.core.information(_('Unable to destroy room %s') % room, _('Info')) else: xmpp.core.information(_('Room %s destroyed') % room, _('Info')) iq.send(callback=callback) return True def send_private_message(xmpp, jid, line): """ Send a private message """ jid = safeJID(jid) xmpp.send_message(mto=jid, mbody=line, mtype='chat') def send_groupchat_message(xmpp, jid, line): """ Send a message to the groupchat """ jid = safeJID(jid) xmpp.send_message(mto=jid, mbody=line, mtype='groupchat') def change_show(xmpp, jid, own_nick, show, status): """ Change our 'Show' """ jid = safeJID(jid) pres = xmpp.make_presence(pto='%s/%s' % (jid, own_nick)) if show: # if show is None, don't put a <show /> tag. It means "available" pres['type'] = show if status: pres['status'] = status pres.send() def change_subject(xmpp, jid, subject): """ Change the room subject """ jid = safeJID(jid) msg = xmpp.make_message(jid) msg['type'] = 'groupchat' msg['subject'] = subject msg.send() def change_nick(core, jid, nick, status=None, show=None): """ Change our own nick in a room """ xmpp = core.xmpp presence = xmpp.make_presence(pshow=show, pstatus=status, pto=safeJID('%s/%s' % (jid, nick))) core.events.trigger('changing_nick', presence) presence.send() def join_groupchat(core, jid, nick, passwd='', maxhistory=None, status=None, show=None, seconds=None): xmpp = core.xmpp stanza = xmpp.makePresence(pto='%s/%s' % (jid, nick), pstatus=status, pshow=show) x = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc}x') if passwd: passelement = ET.Element('password') passelement.text = passwd x.append(passelement) if seconds is not None: history = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc}history') history.attrib['seconds'] = str(seconds) x.append(history) stanza.append(x) core.events.trigger('joining_muc', stanza) to = stanza["to"] stanza.send() xmpp.plugin['xep_0045'].rooms[jid] = {} xmpp.plugin['xep_0045'].ourNicks[jid] = to.resource def leave_groupchat(xmpp, jid, own_nick, msg): """ Leave the groupchat """ jid = safeJID(jid) try: xmpp.plugin['xep_0045'].leaveMUC(jid, own_nick, msg) except KeyError: log.debug("muc.leave_groupchat: could not leave the room %s", jid, exc_info=True) def set_user_role(xmpp, jid, nick, reason, role, callback=None): """ (try to) Set the role of a MUC user (role = 'none': eject user) """ jid = safeJID(jid) iq = xmpp.makeIqSet() query = ET.Element('{%s}query' % NS_MUC_ADMIN) item = ET.Element('{%s}item' % NS_MUC_ADMIN, {'nick':nick, 'role':role}) if reason: reason_el = ET.Element('{%s}reason' % NS_MUC_ADMIN) reason_el.text = reason item.append(reason_el) query.append(item) iq.append(query) iq['to'] = jid if callback: return iq.send(callback=callback) try: return iq.send() except Exception as e: return e.iq def set_user_affiliation(xmpp, muc_jid, affiliation, nick=None, jid=None, reason=None, callback=None): """ (try to) Set the affiliation of a MUC user """ muc_jid = safeJID(muc_jid) query = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin}query') if nick: item = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin}item', {'affiliation':affiliation, 'nick':nick}) else: item = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin}item', {'affiliation':affiliation, 'jid':str(jid)}) if reason: reason_item = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin}reason') reason_item.text = reason item.append(reason_item) query.append(item) iq = xmpp.makeIqSet(query) iq['to'] = muc_jid if callback: return iq.send(callback=callback) try: return xmpp.plugin['xep_0045'].setAffiliation(str(muc_jid), str(jid) if jid else None, nick, affiliation) except: import traceback log.debug('Error setting the affiliation: %s', traceback.format_exc()) return False def cancel_config(xmpp, room): query = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#owner}query') x = ET.Element('{jabber:x:data}x', type='cancel') query.append(x) iq = xmpp.makeIqSet(query) iq['to'] = room iq.send() def configure_room(xmpp, room, form): if form is None: return iq = xmpp.makeIqSet() iq['to'] = room query = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#owner}query') form = form.getXML('submit') query.append(form) iq.append(query) iq.send()