#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2010 Le Coz Florent # # This file is part of Poezio. # # Poezio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # # Poezio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Poezio. If not, see . from handler import Handler import curses from curses import textpad import locale from datetime import datetime from logging import logger from random import randrange locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') code = locale.getpreferredencoding() import sys from connection import * from window import Window class User(object): """ keep trace of an user in a Room """ def __init__(self, nick, affiliation, show, status, role): self.update(affiliation, show, status, role) self.change_nick(nick) self.color = randrange(2, 10) def update(self, affiliation, show, status, role): self.affiliation = None self.show = None self.status = status self.role = role def change_nick(self, nick): self.nick = nick.encode('utf-8') class Room(object): """ """ def __init__(self, name, nick): self.name = name self.own_nick = nick self.joined = False # false until self presence is received self.users = [] self.lines = [] # (time, nick, msg) or (time, info) self.topic = '' def add_message(self, nick, msg): if not msg: logger.info('msg is None..., %s' % (nick)) return self.lines.append((datetime.now(), nick.encode('utf-8'), msg.encode('utf-8'))) def add_info(self, info): """ info, like join/quit/status messages""" self.lines.append((datetime.now(), info.encode('utf-8'))) return info.encode('utf-8') def on_presence(self, stanza, nick): """ """ affiliation = stanza.getAffiliation() show = stanza.getShow() status = stanza.getStatus() role = stanza.getRole() if not self.joined: self.users.append(User(nick, affiliation, show, status, role)) if nick.encode('utf-8') == self.own_nick: self.joined = True return self.add_info("%s is in the room" % (nick)) change_nick = stanza.getStatusCode() == '303' for user in self.users: if user.nick == nick: if change_nick: user.change_nick(stanza.getNick()) return self.add_info('%s is now known as %s' % (nick, stanza.getNick())) if status == 'offline' or role == 'none': self.users.remove(user) return self.add_info('%s has left the room' % (nick)) user.update(affiliation, show, status, role) return self.add_info('%s, status : %s, %s, %s, %s' % (nick, affiliation, role, show, status)) self.users.append(User(nick, affiliation, show, status, role)) return self.add_info('%s joined the room %s' % (nick, self.name)) class Gui(object): """ Graphical user interface using ncurses """ def __init__(self, stdscr=None, muc=None): self.init_curses(stdscr) self.stdscr = stdscr self.stdscr.leaveok(1) self.rooms = [Room('Info', '')] # current_room is self.rooms[0] self.window = Window(stdscr) self.window.text_win.new_win('Info') self.window.refresh(self.rooms[0]) self.muc = muc self.commands = { 'join': self.command_join, 'quit': self.command_quit, 'next': self.rotate_rooms_left, 'prev': self.rotate_rooms_right, } self.key_func = { "KEY_LEFT": self.window.input.key_left, "KEY_RIGHT": self.window.input.key_right, "KEY_UP": self.window.input.key_up, "KEY_END": self.window.input.key_end, "KEY_HOME": self.window.input.key_home, "KEY_DOWN": self.window.input.key_down, "KEY_DC": self.window.input.key_dc, "KEY_BACKSPACE": self.window.input.key_backspace } self.handler = Handler() self.handler.connect('on-connected', self.on_connected) self.handler.connect('join-room', self.join_room) self.handler.connect('room-presence', self.room_presence) self.handler.connect('room-message', self.room_message) def main_loop(self, stdscr): while 1: curses.doupdate() key = stdscr.getkey() if str(key) in self.key_func.keys(): self.key_func[key]() elif len(key) >= 4: continue elif ord(key) == 10: self.execute() elif ord(key) == 8: self.window.input.key_backspace() else: if ord(key) > 190 and ord(key) < 225: key = key+stdscr.getkey() elif ord(key) == 226: key = key+stdscr.getkey() key = key+stdscr.getkey() self.window.do_command(key) def current_room(self): return self.rooms[0] def get_room_by_name(self, name): for room in self.rooms: if room.name == name: return room return None def init_curses(self, stdscr): curses.start_color() curses.noecho() stdscr.keypad(True) curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK) # Admin curses.init_pair(4, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) # Participant curses.init_pair(5, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) # Visitor curses.init_pair(6, curses.COLOR_CYAN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(7, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(8, curses.COLOR_MAGENTA, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(9, curses.COLOR_YELLOW, curses.COLOR_BLACK) def reset_curses(self): curses.echo() curses.endwin() def on_connected(self): pass def join_room(self, room, nick): self.window.text_win.new_win(room) self.rooms.insert(0, Room(room, nick)) self.window.refresh(self.current_room()) def rotate_rooms_left(self, args): self.rooms.append(self.rooms.pop(0)) self.stdscr.touchwin() self.window.refresh(self.current_room()) def rotate_rooms_right(self, args): self.rooms.insert(0, self.rooms.pop()) # self.stdscr.touchwin() self.window.refresh(self.current_room()) def room_message(self, stanza): if stanza.getType() != 'groupchat': return # ignore all messages not comming from a MUC room_from = stanza.getFrom().getStripped() nick_from = stanza.getFrom().getResource() if not nick_from: nick_from = '' room = self.get_room_by_name(room_from) if not room: return logger.warning("message received for a non-existing room: %s" % (name)) body = stanza.getBody() if not body: body = stanza.getSubject() room.add_info("%s changed the subject to: %s" % (nick_from, stanza.getSubject())) else: room.add_message(nick_from, body) self.window.text_win.add_line(room, (datetime.now(), nick_from.encode('utf-8'), body.encode('utf-8'))) if room == self.current_room(): self.window.text_win.refresh(room.name) self.window.input.refresh() curses.doupdate() def room_presence(self, stanza): from_nick = stanza.getFrom().getResource() from_room = stanza.getFrom().getStripped() room = self.get_room_by_name(from_room) if not room: return logger.warning("presence received for a non-existing room: %s" % (name)) msg = room.on_presence(stanza, from_nick) if room == self.current_room(): self.window.text_win.add_line(room, (datetime.now(), msg)) self.window.text_win.refresh(room.name) self.window.user_win.refresh(room.users) curses.doupdate() def execute(self): line = self.window.input.get_text() self.window.input.clear_text() if line == "": return if line.strip().startswith('/'): command = line.strip()[:].split()[0][1:] args = line.strip()[:].split()[1:] if command in self.commands.keys(): func = self.commands[command] func(args) return if self.current_room().name != 'Info': self.muc.send_message(self.current_room().name, line) self.window.input.refresh() def command_join(self, args): room = args[0] self.muc.join_room(room, "poezio") self.join_room(room, 'poezio') def command_quit(self, args): self.reset_curses() sys.exit()