""" Module containing the decorators """ class RefreshWrapper(object): def __init__(self): self.core = None def conditional(self, func): """ Decorator to refresh the UI if the wrapped function returns True """ def wrap(*args, **kwargs): ret = func(*args, **kwargs) if self.core and ret: self.core.refresh_window() self.core.doupdate() return ret return wrap def always(self, func): """ Decorator that refreshs the UI no matter what after the function """ def wrap(*args, **kwargs): ret = func(*args, **kwargs) if self.core: self.core.refresh_window() self.core.doupdate() return ret return wrap def update(self, funct): """ Decorator that only updates the screen """ def wrap(*args, **kwargs): ret = func(*args, **kwargs) if self.core: self.core.doupdate() return ret return wrap refresh_wrapper = RefreshWrapper()