# Copyright 2010-2011 Florent Le Coz <louiz@louiz.org> # # This file is part of Poezio. # # Poezio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the zlib license. See the COPYING file. """ Defines the data-forms Tab and all the Windows for it. """ import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) import curses from windows import g_lock import windows from tabs import Tab from theming import to_curses_attr, get_theme class DataFormsTab(Tab): """ A tab contaning various window type, displaying a form that the user needs to fill. """ def __init__(self, form, on_cancel, on_send, kwargs): Tab.__init__(self) self._form = form self._on_cancel = on_cancel self._on_send = on_send self._kwargs = kwargs self.fields = [] for field in self._form: self.fields.append(field) self.topic_win = windows.Topic() self.form_win = FormWin(form, self.height-4, self.width, 1, 0) self.help_win = windows.HelpText("Ctrl+Y: send form, Ctrl+G: cancel") self.help_win_dyn = windows.HelpText() self.key_func['KEY_UP'] = self.form_win.go_to_previous_input self.key_func['KEY_DOWN'] = self.form_win.go_to_next_input self.key_func['^G'] = self.on_cancel self.key_func['^Y'] = self.on_send self.resize() def on_cancel(self): self._on_cancel(self._form) return True def on_send(self): self._form.reply() self.form_win.reply() self._on_send(self._form) return True def on_input(self, key): if key in self.key_func: res = self.key_func[key]() if res: return res self.help_win_dyn.refresh(self.form_win.get_help_message()) self.form_win.refresh_current_input() else: self.form_win.on_input(key) def resize(self): self.need_resize = False self.topic_win.resize(1, self.width, 0, 0) self.tab_win.resize(1, self.width, self.height-2, 0) self.form_win.resize(self.height-4, self.width, 1, 0) self.help_win.resize(1, self.width, self.height-1, 0) self.help_win_dyn.resize(1, self.width, self.height-3, 0) self.lines = [] def refresh(self): self.topic_win.refresh(self._form['title']) self.tab_win.refresh() self.help_win.refresh() self.help_win_dyn.refresh(self.form_win.get_help_message()) self.form_win.refresh() class FieldInput(object): """ All input type in a data form should inherite this class, in addition with windows.Input or any relevant class from the 'windows' library. """ def __init__(self, field): self._field = field self.color = (14, -1) def set_color(self, color): self.color = color self.refresh() def update_field_value(self, value): raise NotImplementedError def resize(self, height, width, y, x): self._resize(height, width, y, x) def is_dummy(self): return False def reply(self): """ Set the correct response value in the field """ raise NotImplementedError def get_help_message(self): """ Should return a string explaining the keys of the input. Will be displayed at each refresh on a line at the bottom of the tab. """ return '' class ColoredLabel(windows.Win): def __init__(self, text): self.text = text self.color = get_theme().COLOR_NORMAL_TEXT windows.Win.__init__(self) def resize(self, height, width, y, x): self._resize(height, width, y, x) def set_color(self, color): self.color = color self.refresh() def refresh(self): with g_lock: self._win.attron(to_curses_attr(self.color)) self.addstr(0, 0, self.text) self._win.attroff(to_curses_attr(self.color)) self._refresh() class DummyInput(FieldInput, windows.Win): """ Used for fields that do not require any input ('fixed') """ def __init__(self, field): FieldInput.__init__(self, field) windows.Win.__init__(self) def do_command(self): return def refresh(self): return def is_dummy(self): return True class ColoredLabel(windows.Win): def __init__(self, text): self.text = text self.color = 14 windows.Win.__init__(self) def resize(self, height, width, y, x): self._resize(height, width, y, x) def set_color(self, color): self.color = color self.refresh() def refresh(self): with g_lock: self._win.attron(curses.color_pair(self.color)) self.addstr(0, 0, self.text) self._win.attroff(curses.color_pair(self.color)) self._refresh() class BooleanWin(FieldInput, windows.Win): def __init__(self, field): FieldInput.__init__(self, field) windows.Win.__init__(self) self.last_key = 'KEY_RIGHT' self.value = bool(field.getValue()) def do_command(self, key): if key == 'KEY_LEFT' or key == 'KEY_RIGHT': self.value = not self.value self.last_key = key self.refresh() def refresh(self): with g_lock: self._win.attron(to_curses_attr(self.color)) self.addnstr(0, 0, ' '*(8), self.width) self.addstr(0, 2, "%s"%self.value) self.addstr(0, 8, '→') self.addstr(0, 0, '←') if self.last_key == 'KEY_RIGHT': self.addstr(0, 8, '') else: self.addstr(0, 0, '') self._win.attroff(to_curses_attr(self.color)) self._refresh() def reply(self): self._field['label'] = '' self._field.setAnswer(self.value) def get_help_message(self): return '← and →: change the value between True and False' class TextMultiWin(FieldInput, windows.Win): def __init__(self, field): FieldInput.__init__(self, field) windows.Win.__init__(self) self.options = field.getValue() self.val_pos = 0 self.edition_input = None if not isinstance(self.options, list): if isinstance(self.options, str): self.options = [self.options] else: self.options = [] self.options.append('') def do_command(self, key): if not self.edition_input: if key == 'KEY_LEFT': if self.val_pos > 0: self.val_pos -= 1 elif key == 'KEY_RIGHT': if self.val_pos < len(self.options)-1: self.val_pos += 1 elif key == '^M': self.edition_input = windows.Input() self.edition_input.color = self.color self.edition_input.resize(self.height, self.width, self.y, self.x) self.edition_input.text = self.options[self.val_pos] self.edition_input.key_end() else: if key == '^M': self.options[self.val_pos] = self.edition_input.get_text() if not self.options[self.val_pos] and self.val_pos != len(self.options) -1: del self.options[self.val_pos] if self.val_pos == len(self.options) -1: self.val_pos -= 1 self.edition_input = None if not self.options or self.options[-1] != '': self.options.append('') else: self.edition_input.do_command(key) self.refresh() def refresh(self): if not self.edition_input: with g_lock: self._win.attron(to_curses_attr(self.color)) self.addnstr(0, 0, ' '*self.width, self.width) option = self.options[self.val_pos] self.addstr(0, self.width//2-len(option)//2, option) if self.val_pos > 0: self.addstr(0, 0, '←') if self.val_pos < len(self.options)-1: self.addstr(0, self.width-1, '→') self._win.attroff(to_curses_attr(self.color)) self._refresh() else: self.edition_input.refresh() def reply(self): values = [val for val in self.options if val] self._field.setAnswer(values) def get_help_message(self): if not self.edition_input: help_msg = '← and →: browse the available entries. ' if self.val_pos == len(self.options)-1: help_msg += 'Enter: add an entry' else: help_msg += 'Enter: edit this entry' else: help_msg = 'Enter: finish editing this entry.' return help_msg class ListMultiWin(FieldInput, windows.Win): def __init__(self, field): FieldInput.__init__(self, field) windows.Win.__init__(self) values = field.getValue() self.options = [[option, True if option['value'] in values else False]\ for option in field.getOptions()] self.val_pos = 0 def do_command(self, key): if key == 'KEY_LEFT': if self.val_pos > 0: self.val_pos -= 1 elif key == 'KEY_RIGHT': if self.val_pos < len(self.options)-1: self.val_pos += 1 elif key == ' ': self.options[self.val_pos][1] = not self.options[self.val_pos][1] else: return self.refresh() def refresh(self): with g_lock: self._win.attron(to_curses_attr(self.color)) self.addnstr(0, 0, ' '*self.width, self.width) if self.val_pos > 0: self.addstr(0, 0, '←') if self.val_pos < len(self.options)-1: self.addstr(0, self.width-1, '→') option = self.options[self.val_pos] self.addstr(0, self.width//2-len(option)//2, option[0]['label']) self.addstr(0, 2, '✔' if option[1] else '☐') self._win.attroff(to_curses_attr(self.color)) self._refresh() def reply(self): self._field['label'] = '' self._field.delOptions() values = [option[0]['value'] for option in self.options if option[1] is True] self._field.setAnswer(values) def get_help_message(self): return '←, →: Switch between the value. Space: select or unselect a value' class ListSingleWin(FieldInput, windows.Win): def __init__(self, field): FieldInput.__init__(self, field) windows.Win.__init__(self) # the option list never changes self.options = field.getOptions() # val_pos is the position of the currently selected option self.val_pos = 0 for i, option in enumerate(self.options): if field.getValue() == option['value']: self.val_pos = i def do_command(self, key): if key == 'KEY_LEFT': if self.val_pos > 0: self.val_pos -= 1 elif key == 'KEY_RIGHT': if self.val_pos < len(self.options)-1: self.val_pos += 1 else: return self.refresh() def refresh(self): with g_lock: self._win.attron(to_curses_attr(self.color)) self.addnstr(0, 0, ' '*self.width, self.width) if self.val_pos > 0: self.addstr(0, 0, '←') if self.val_pos < len(self.options)-1: self.addstr(0, self.width-1, '→') option = self.options[self.val_pos]['label'] self.addstr(0, self.width//2-len(option)//2, option) self._win.attroff(to_curses_attr(self.color)) self._refresh() def reply(self): self._field['label'] = '' self._field.delOptions() self._field.setAnswer(self.options[self.val_pos]['value']) def get_help_message(self): return '←, →: Select a value amongst the others' class TextSingleWin(FieldInput, windows.Input): def __init__(self, field): FieldInput.__init__(self, field) windows.Input.__init__(self) self.text = field.getValue() if isinstance(field.getValue(), str)\ else "" self.pos = len(self.text) self.color = (14, -1) def reply(self): self._field['label'] = '' self._field.setAnswer(self.get_text()) def get_help_message(self): return 'Edit the text' class TextPrivateWin(TextSingleWin): def __init__(self, field): TextSingleWin.__init__(self, field) def rewrite_text(self): with g_lock: self._win.erase() if self.color: self._win.attron(to_curses_attr(self.color)) self.addstr('*'*len(self.text[self.line_pos:self.line_pos+self.width-1])) if self.color: (y, x) = self._win.getyx() size = self.width-x self.addnstr(' '*size, size, to_curses_attr(self.color)) self.addstr(0, self.pos, '') if self.color: self._win.attroff(to_curses_attr(self.color)) self._refresh() def get_help_message(self): return 'Edit the secret text' class FormWin(object): """ A window, with some subwins (the various inputs). On init, create all the subwins. On resize, move and resize all the subwin and define how the text will be written On refresh, write all the text, and refresh all the subwins """ input_classes = {'boolean': BooleanWin, 'fixed': DummyInput, 'jid-multi': TextMultiWin, 'jid-single': TextSingleWin, 'list-multi': ListMultiWin, 'list-single': ListSingleWin, 'text-multi': TextMultiWin, 'text-private': TextPrivateWin, 'text-single': TextSingleWin, } def __init__(self, form, height, width, y, x): self._form = form self._win = curses.newwin(height, width, y, x) self.current_input = 0 self.inputs = [] # dict list for (name, field) in self._form.getFields().items(): if field['type'] == 'hidden': continue try: input_class = self.input_classes[field['type']] except IndexError: continue label = field['label'] desc = field['desc'] if field['type'] == 'fixed': label = field.getValue() inp = input_class(field) self.inputs.append({'label':ColoredLabel(label), 'description': desc, 'input':inp}) def resize(self, height, width, y, x): self._win.resize(height, width) self.height = height self.width = width if self.current_input >= self.height-2: self.current_input = self.height-1 def reply(self): """ Set the response values in the form, for each field from the corresponding input """ for inp in self.inputs: if inp['input'].is_dummy(): continue else: inp['input'].reply() self._form['title'] = '' self._form['instructions'] = '' def go_to_next_input(self): if not self.inputs: return if self.current_input == len(self.inputs) - 1 or self.current_input >= self.height-1: return self.inputs[self.current_input]['input'].set_color(get_theme().COLOR_NORMAL_TEXT) self.inputs[self.current_input]['label'].set_color(get_theme().COLOR_NORMAL_TEXT) self.current_input += 1 jump = 0 while self.current_input+jump != len(self.inputs) - 1 and self.inputs[self.current_input+jump]['input'].is_dummy(): jump += 1 if self.inputs[self.current_input+jump]['input'].is_dummy(): return self.current_input += jump self.inputs[self.current_input]['input'].set_color(get_theme().COLOR_SELECTED_ROW) self.inputs[self.current_input]['label'].set_color(get_theme().COLOR_SELECTED_ROW) def go_to_previous_input(self): if not self.inputs: return if self.current_input == 0: return self.inputs[self.current_input]['input'].set_color(get_theme().COLOR_NORMAL_TEXT) self.inputs[self.current_input]['label'].set_color(get_theme().COLOR_NORMAL_TEXT) self.current_input -= 1 jump = 0 while self.current_input-jump > 0 and self.inputs[self.current_input+jump]['input'].is_dummy(): jump += 1 if self.inputs[self.current_input+jump]['input'].is_dummy(): return self.current_input -= jump self.inputs[self.current_input]['input'].set_color(get_theme().COLOR_SELECTED_ROW) self.inputs[self.current_input]['label'].set_color(get_theme().COLOR_SELECTED_ROW) def on_input(self, key): if not self.inputs: return self.inputs[self.current_input]['input'].do_command(key) def refresh(self): with g_lock: self._win.erase() y = 0 i = 0 for name, field in self._form.getFields().items(): if field['type'] == 'hidden': continue self.inputs[i]['label'].resize(1, self.width//3, y + 1, 0) self.inputs[i]['input'].resize(1, self.width//3, y+1, 2*self.width//3) # TODO: display the field description y += 1 i += 1 if y >= self.height: break self._win.refresh() for i, inp in enumerate(self.inputs): if i >= self.height: break inp['label'].refresh() inp['input'].refresh() inp['label'].refresh() if self.current_input < self.height-1: self.inputs[self.current_input]['input'].set_color(get_theme().COLOR_SELECTED_ROW) self.inputs[self.current_input]['input'].refresh() self.inputs[self.current_input]['label'].set_color(get_theme().COLOR_SELECTED_ROW) self.inputs[self.current_input]['label'].refresh() def refresh_current_input(self): self.inputs[self.current_input]['input'].refresh() def get_help_message(self): if self.current_input < self.height-1 and self.inputs[self.current_input]['input']: return self.inputs[self.current_input]['input'].get_help_message() return ''