""" XMPP-related handlers for the Core class """ import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) import asyncio import curses import functools import ssl import sys import time from datetime import datetime from hashlib import sha1, sha512 from os import path from slixmpp import InvalidJID from slixmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase import StanzaBase, ElementBase from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import common import fixes import pep import tabs import windows import xhtml import multiuserchat as muc from common import safeJID from config import config, CACHE_DIR from contact import Resource from logger import logger from roster import roster from text_buffer import CorrectionError, AckError from theming import dump_tuple, get_theme from . commands import dumb_callback try: from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter LEXER = get_lexer_by_name('xml') FORMATTER = HtmlFormatter(noclasses=True) PYGMENTS = True except ImportError: PYGMENTS = False def _join_initial_rooms(self, bookmarks): """Join all rooms given in the iterator `bookmarks`""" for bm in bookmarks: if not (bm.autojoin or config.get('open_all_bookmarks')): continue tab = self.get_tab_by_name(bm.jid, tabs.MucTab) nick = bm.nick if bm.nick else self.own_nick if not tab: self.open_new_room(bm.jid, nick, focus=False, password=bm.password) self.initial_joins.append(bm.jid) # do not join rooms that do not have autojoin # but display them anyway if bm.autojoin: muc.join_groupchat(self, bm.jid, nick, passwd=bm.password, status=self.status.message, show=self.status.show) def check_bookmark_storage(self, features): private = 'jabber:iq:private' in features pep_ = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#publish' in features self.bookmarks.available_storage['private'] = private self.bookmarks.available_storage['pep'] = pep_ def _join_remote_only(iq): if iq['type'] == 'error': type_ = iq['error']['type'] condition = iq['error']['condition'] if not (type_ == 'cancel' and condition == 'item-not-found'): self.information('Unable to fetch the remote' ' bookmarks; %s: %s' % (type_, condition), 'Error') return remote_bookmarks = self.bookmarks.remote() _join_initial_rooms(self, remote_bookmarks) if not self.xmpp.anon and config.get('use_remote_bookmarks'): self.bookmarks.get_remote(self.xmpp, self.information, _join_remote_only) def on_session_start_features(self, _): """ Enable carbons & blocking on session start if wanted and possible """ def callback(iq): if not iq: return features = iq['disco_info']['features'] rostertab = self.get_tab_by_name('Roster', tabs.RosterInfoTab) rostertab.check_blocking(features) rostertab.check_saslexternal(features) if (config.get('enable_carbons') and 'urn:xmpp:carbons:2' in features): self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0280'].enable() self.check_bookmark_storage(features) self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0030'].get_info(jid=self.xmpp.boundjid.domain, callback=callback) def on_carbon_received(self, message): """ Carbon <received/> received """ def ignore_message(recv): log.debug('%s has category conference, ignoring carbon', recv['from'].server) def receive_message(recv): recv['to'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full if recv['receipt']: return self.on_receipt(recv) self.on_normal_message(recv) recv = message['carbon_received'] if (recv['from'].bare not in roster or roster[recv['from'].bare].subscription == 'none'): fixes.has_identity(self.xmpp, recv['from'].server, identity='conference', on_true=functools.partial(ignore_message, recv), on_false=functools.partial(receive_message, recv)) return else: receive_message(recv) def on_carbon_sent(self, message): """ Carbon <sent/> received """ def ignore_message(sent): log.debug('%s has category conference, ignoring carbon', sent['to'].server) def send_message(sent): sent['from'] = self.xmpp.boundjid.full self.on_normal_message(sent) sent = message['carbon_sent'] if (sent['to'].bare not in roster or roster[sent['to'].bare].subscription == 'none'): fixes.has_identity(self.xmpp, sent['to'].server, identity='conference', on_true=functools.partial(ignore_message, sent), on_false=functools.partial(send_message, sent)) else: send_message(sent) ### Invites ### def on_groupchat_invitation(self, message): """ Mediated invitation received """ jid = message['from'] if jid.bare in self.pending_invites: return # there are 2 'x' tags in the messages, making message['x'] useless invite = StanzaBase(self.xmpp, xml=message.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x/{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}invite')) inviter = invite['from'] reason = invite['reason'] password = invite['password'] msg = "You are invited to the room %s by %s" % (jid.full, inviter.full) if reason: msg += "because: %s" % reason if password: msg += ". The password is \"%s\"." % password self.information(msg, 'Info') if 'invite' in config.get('beep_on').split(): curses.beep() logger.log_roster_change(inviter.full, 'invited you to %s' % jid.full) self.pending_invites[jid.bare] = inviter.full def on_groupchat_decline(self, decline): "Mediated invitation declined; skip for now" pass def on_groupchat_direct_invitation(self, message): """ Direct invitation received """ room = safeJID(message['groupchat_invite']['jid']) if room.bare in self.pending_invites: return inviter = message['from'] reason = message['groupchat_invite']['reason'] password = message['groupchat_invite']['password'] continue_ = message['groupchat_invite']['continue'] msg = "You are invited to the room %s by %s" % (room, inviter.full) if password: msg += ' (password: "%s")' % password if continue_: msg += '\nto continue the discussion' if reason: msg += "\nreason: %s" % reason self.information(msg, 'Info') if 'invite' in config.get('beep_on').split(): curses.beep() self.pending_invites[room.bare] = inviter.full logger.log_roster_change(inviter.full, 'invited you to %s' % room.bare) ### "classic" messages ### def on_message(self, message): """ When receiving private message from a muc OR a normal message (from one of our contacts) """ if message.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x/{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}invite') != None: return if message['type'] == 'groupchat': return # Differentiate both type of messages, and call the appropriate handler. jid_from = message['from'] for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab): if tab.name == jid_from.bare: if message['type'] == 'chat': return self.on_groupchat_private_message(message) return self.on_normal_message(message) def on_error_message(self, message): """ When receiving any message with type="error" """ jid_from = message['from'] for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab): if tab.name == jid_from.bare: if message['type'] == 'error': return self.room_error(message, jid_from.bare) else: return self.on_groupchat_private_message(message) tab = self.get_conversation_by_jid(message['from'], create=False) error_msg = self.get_error_message(message, deprecated=True) if not tab: return self.information(error_msg, 'Error') error = '\x19%s}%s\x19o' % (dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_CHAR_NACK), error_msg) if not tab.nack_message('\n' + error, message['id'], message['to']): tab.add_message(error, typ=0) self.refresh_window() def on_normal_message(self, message): """ When receiving "normal" messages (not a private message from a muc participant) """ if message['type'] == 'error': return elif message['type'] == 'headline' and message['body']: return self.information('%s says: %s' % (message['from'], message['body']), 'Headline') use_xhtml = config.get('enable_xhtml_im') tmp_dir = config.get('tmp_image_dir') or path.join(CACHE_DIR, 'images') extract_images = config.get('extract_inline_images') body = xhtml.get_body_from_message_stanza(message, use_xhtml=use_xhtml, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, extract_images=extract_images) if not body: return remote_nick = '' # normal message, we are the recipient if message['to'].bare == self.xmpp.boundjid.bare: conv_jid = message['from'] jid = conv_jid color = get_theme().COLOR_REMOTE_USER # check for a name if conv_jid.bare in roster: remote_nick = roster[conv_jid.bare].name # check for a received nick if not remote_nick and config.get('enable_user_nick'): if message.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/nick}nick') is not None: remote_nick = message['nick']['nick'] if not remote_nick: remote_nick = conv_jid.user if not remote_nick: remote_nick = conv_jid.full own = False # we wrote the message (happens with carbons) elif message['from'].bare == self.xmpp.boundjid.bare: conv_jid = message['to'] jid = self.xmpp.boundjid color = get_theme().COLOR_OWN_NICK remote_nick = self.own_nick own = True # we are not part of that message, drop it else: return conversation = self.get_conversation_by_jid(conv_jid, create=True) if isinstance(conversation, tabs.DynamicConversationTab) and conv_jid.resource: conversation.lock(conv_jid.resource) if not own and not conversation.nick: conversation.nick = remote_nick elif not own: # keep a fixed nick during the whole conversation remote_nick = conversation.nick self.events.trigger('conversation_msg', message, conversation) if not message['body']: return body = xhtml.get_body_from_message_stanza(message, use_xhtml=use_xhtml, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, extract_images=extract_images) delayed, date = common.find_delayed_tag(message) def try_modify(): replaced_id = message['replace']['id'] if replaced_id and config.get_by_tabname('group_corrections', conv_jid.bare): try: conversation.modify_message(body, replaced_id, message['id'], jid=jid, nickname=remote_nick) return True except CorrectionError: log.debug('Unable to correct a message', exc_info=True) return False if not try_modify(): conversation.add_message(body, date, nickname=remote_nick, nick_color=color, history=delayed, identifier=message['id'], jid=jid, typ=1) if conversation.remote_wants_chatstates is None and not delayed: if message['chat_state']: conversation.remote_wants_chatstates = True else: conversation.remote_wants_chatstates = False if not own and 'private' in config.get('beep_on').split(): if not config.get_by_tabname('disable_beep', conv_jid.bare): curses.beep() if self.current_tab() is not conversation: if not own: conversation.state = 'private' self.refresh_tab_win() else: conversation.set_state('normal') self.refresh_tab_win() else: self.refresh_window() def on_nick_received(self, message): """ Called when a pep notification for an user nickname is received """ contact = roster[message['from'].bare] if not contact: return item = message['pubsub_event']['items']['item'] if item.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/nick}nick'): contact.name = item['nick']['nick'] else: contact.name = '' def on_gaming_event(self, message): """ Called when a pep notification for user gaming is received """ contact = roster[message['from'].bare] if not contact: return item = message['pubsub_event']['items']['item'] old_gaming = contact.gaming if item.xml.find('{urn:xmpp:gaming:0}gaming'): item = item['gaming'] # only name and server_address are used for now contact.gaming = { 'character_name': item['character_name'], 'character_profile': item['character_profile'], 'name': item['name'], 'level': item['level'], 'uri': item['uri'], 'server_name': item['server_name'], 'server_address': item['server_address'], } else: contact.gaming = {} if contact.gaming: logger.log_roster_change(contact.bare_jid, 'is playing %s' % (common.format_gaming_string(contact.gaming))) if old_gaming != contact.gaming and config.get_by_tabname('display_gaming_notifications', contact.bare_jid): if contact.gaming: self.information('%s is playing %s' % (contact.bare_jid, common.format_gaming_string(contact.gaming)), 'Gaming') else: self.information(contact.bare_jid + ' stopped playing.', 'Gaming') def on_mood_event(self, message): """ Called when a pep notification for an user mood is received. """ contact = roster[message['from'].bare] if not contact: return roster.modified() item = message['pubsub_event']['items']['item'] old_mood = contact.mood if item.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/mood}mood'): mood = item['mood']['value'] if mood: mood = pep.MOODS.get(mood, mood) text = item['mood']['text'] if text: mood = '%s (%s)' % (mood, text) contact.mood = mood else: contact.mood = '' else: contact.mood = '' if contact.mood: logger.log_roster_change(contact.bare_jid, 'has now the mood: %s' % contact.mood) if old_mood != contact.mood and config.get_by_tabname('display_mood_notifications', contact.bare_jid): if contact.mood: self.information('Mood from '+ contact.bare_jid + ': ' + contact.mood, 'Mood') else: self.information(contact.bare_jid + ' stopped having his/her mood.', 'Mood') def on_activity_event(self, message): """ Called when a pep notification for an user activity is received. """ contact = roster[message['from'].bare] if not contact: return roster.modified() item = message['pubsub_event']['items']['item'] old_activity = contact.activity if item.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/activity}activity'): try: activity = item['activity']['value'] except ValueError: return if activity[0]: general = pep.ACTIVITIES.get(activity[0]) s = general['category'] if activity[1]: s = s + '/' + general.get(activity[1], 'other') text = item['activity']['text'] if text: s = '%s (%s)' % (s, text) contact.activity = s else: contact.activity = '' else: contact.activity = '' if contact.activity: logger.log_roster_change(contact.bare_jid, 'has now the activity %s' % contact.activity) if old_activity != contact.activity and config.get_by_tabname('display_activity_notifications', contact.bare_jid): if contact.activity: self.information('Activity from '+ contact.bare_jid + ': ' + contact.activity, 'Activity') else: self.information(contact.bare_jid + ' stopped doing his/her activity.', 'Activity') def on_tune_event(self, message): """ Called when a pep notification for an user tune is received """ contact = roster[message['from'].bare] if not contact: return roster.modified() item = message['pubsub_event']['items']['item'] old_tune = contact.tune if item.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/tune}tune'): item = item['tune'] contact.tune = { 'artist': item['artist'], 'length': item['length'], 'rating': item['rating'], 'source': item['source'], 'title': item['title'], 'track': item['track'], 'uri': item['uri'] } else: contact.tune = {} if contact.tune: logger.log_roster_change(message['from'].bare, 'is now listening to %s' % common.format_tune_string(contact.tune)) if old_tune != contact.tune and config.get_by_tabname('display_tune_notifications', contact.bare_jid): if contact.tune: self.information( 'Tune from '+ message['from'].bare + ': ' + common.format_tune_string(contact.tune), 'Tune') else: self.information(contact.bare_jid + ' stopped listening to music.', 'Tune') def on_groupchat_message(self, message): """ Triggered whenever a message is received from a multi-user chat room. """ if message['subject']: return room_from = message['from'].bare if message['type'] == 'error': # Check if it's an error return self.room_error(message, room_from) tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_from, tabs.MucTab) if not tab: self.information("message received for a non-existing room: %s" % (room_from)) muc.leave_groupchat(self.xmpp, room_from, self.own_nick, msg='') return nick_from = message['mucnick'] user = tab.get_user_by_name(nick_from) if user and user in tab.ignores: return self.events.trigger('muc_msg', message, tab) use_xhtml = config.get('enable_xhtml_im') tmp_dir = config.get('tmp_image_dir') or path.join(CACHE_DIR, 'images') extract_images = config.get('extract_inline_images') body = xhtml.get_body_from_message_stanza(message, use_xhtml=use_xhtml, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, extract_images=extract_images) if not body: return old_state = tab.state delayed, date = common.find_delayed_tag(message) replaced_id = message['replace']['id'] replaced = False if replaced_id is not '' and config.get_by_tabname('group_corrections', message['from'].bare): try: delayed_date = date or datetime.now() if tab.modify_message(body, replaced_id, message['id'], time=delayed_date, nickname=nick_from, user=user): self.events.trigger('highlight', message, tab) replaced = True except CorrectionError: log.debug('Unable to correct a message', exc_info=True) if not replaced and tab.add_message(body, date, nick_from, history=delayed, identifier=message['id'], jid=message['from'], typ=1): self.events.trigger('highlight', message, tab) if message['from'].resource == tab.own_nick: tab.last_sent_message = message if tab is self.current_tab(): tab.text_win.refresh() tab.info_header.refresh(tab, tab.text_win) tab.input.refresh() self.doupdate() elif tab.state != old_state: self.refresh_tab_win() current = self.current_tab() if hasattr(current, 'input') and current.input: current.input.refresh() self.doupdate() if 'message' in config.get('beep_on').split(): if (not config.get_by_tabname('disable_beep', room_from) and self.own_nick != message['from'].resource): curses.beep() def on_muc_own_nickchange(self, muc): "We changed our nick in a MUC" for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.PrivateTab): if tab.parent_muc == muc: tab.own_nick = muc.own_nick def on_groupchat_private_message(self, message): """ We received a Private Message (from someone in a Muc) """ jid = message['from'] nick_from = jid.resource if not nick_from: return self.on_groupchat_message(message) room_from = jid.bare use_xhtml = config.get('enable_xhtml_im') tmp_dir = config.get('tmp_image_dir') or path.join(CACHE_DIR, 'images') extract_images = config.get('extract_inline_images') body = xhtml.get_body_from_message_stanza(message, use_xhtml=use_xhtml, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, extract_images=extract_images) tab = self.get_tab_by_name(jid.full, tabs.PrivateTab) # get the tab with the private conversation ignore = config.get_by_tabname('ignore_private', room_from) if not tab: # It's the first message we receive: create the tab if body and not ignore: tab = self.open_private_window(room_from, nick_from, False) if ignore: self.events.trigger('ignored_private', message, tab) msg = config.get_by_tabname('private_auto_response', room_from) if msg and body: self.xmpp.send_message(mto=jid.full, mbody=msg, mtype='chat') return self.events.trigger('private_msg', message, tab) body = xhtml.get_body_from_message_stanza(message, use_xhtml=use_xhtml, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, extract_images=extract_images) if not body or not tab: return replaced_id = message['replace']['id'] replaced = False user = tab.parent_muc.get_user_by_name(nick_from) if replaced_id is not '' and config.get_by_tabname('group_corrections', room_from): try: tab.modify_message(body, replaced_id, message['id'], user=user, jid=message['from'], nickname=nick_from) replaced = True except CorrectionError: log.debug('Unable to correct a message', exc_info=True) if not replaced: tab.add_message(body, time=None, nickname=nick_from, forced_user=user, identifier=message['id'], jid=message['from'], typ=1) if tab.remote_wants_chatstates is None: if message['chat_state']: tab.remote_wants_chatstates = True else: tab.remote_wants_chatstates = False if 'private' in config.get('beep_on').split(): if not config.get_by_tabname('disable_beep', jid.full): curses.beep() if tab is self.current_tab(): self.refresh_window() else: tab.state = 'private' self.refresh_tab_win() ### Chatstates ### def on_chatstate_active(self, message): self.on_chatstate(message, "active") def on_chatstate_inactive(self, message): self.on_chatstate(message, "inactive") def on_chatstate_composing(self, message): self.on_chatstate(message, "composing") def on_chatstate_paused(self, message): self.on_chatstate(message, "paused") def on_chatstate_gone(self, message): self.on_chatstate(message, "gone") def on_chatstate(self, message, state): if message['type'] == 'chat': if not self.on_chatstate_normal_conversation(message, state): tab = self.get_tab_by_name(message['from'].full, tabs.PrivateTab) if not tab: return self.on_chatstate_private_conversation(message, state) elif message['type'] == 'groupchat': self.on_chatstate_groupchat_conversation(message, state) def on_chatstate_normal_conversation(self, message, state): tab = self.get_conversation_by_jid(message['from'], False) if not tab: return False tab.remote_wants_chatstates = True self.events.trigger('normal_chatstate', message, tab) tab.chatstate = state if state == 'gone' and isinstance(tab, tabs.DynamicConversationTab): tab.unlock() if tab == self.current_tab(): tab.refresh_info_header() self.doupdate() else: _composing_tab_state(tab, state) self.refresh_tab_win() return True def on_chatstate_private_conversation(self, message, state): """ Chatstate received in a private conversation from a MUC """ tab = self.get_tab_by_name(message['from'].full, tabs.PrivateTab) if not tab: return tab.remote_wants_chatstates = True self.events.trigger('private_chatstate', message, tab) tab.chatstate = state if tab == self.current_tab(): tab.refresh_info_header() self.doupdate() else: _composing_tab_state(tab, state) self.refresh_tab_win() return True def on_chatstate_groupchat_conversation(self, message, state): """ Chatstate received in a MUC """ nick = message['mucnick'] room_from = message.get_mucroom() tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_from, tabs.MucTab) if tab and tab.get_user_by_name(nick): self.events.trigger('muc_chatstate', message, tab) tab.get_user_by_name(nick).chatstate = state if tab == self.current_tab(): if not self.size.tab_degrade_x: tab.user_win.refresh(tab.users) tab.input.refresh() self.doupdate() else: _composing_tab_state(tab, state) self.refresh_tab_win() ### subscription-related handlers ### def on_roster_update(self, iq): """ The roster was received. """ for item in iq['roster']: try: jid = item['jid'] except InvalidJID: jid = item._get_attr('jid', '') log.error('Invalid JID: "%s"', jid, exc_info=True) else: if item['subscription'] == 'remove': del roster[jid] else: roster.update_contact_groups(jid) roster.update_size() if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab): self.refresh_window() def on_subscription_request(self, presence): """subscribe received""" jid = presence['from'].bare contact = roster[jid] if contact and contact.subscription in ('from', 'both'): return elif contact and contact.subscription == 'to': self.xmpp.sendPresence(pto=jid, ptype='subscribed') self.xmpp.sendPresence(pto=jid) else: if not contact: contact = roster.get_and_set(jid) roster.update_contact_groups(contact) contact.pending_in = True self.information('%s wants to subscribe to your presence, use ' '/accept <jid> or /deny <jid> in the roster ' 'tab to accept or reject the query.' % jid, 'Roster') self.get_tab_by_number(0).state = 'highlight' roster.modified() if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab): self.refresh_window() def on_subscription_authorized(self, presence): """subscribed received""" jid = presence['from'].bare contact = roster[jid] if contact.subscription not in ('both', 'from'): self.information('%s accepted your contact proposal' % jid, 'Roster') if contact.pending_out: contact.pending_out = False roster.modified() if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab): self.refresh_window() def on_subscription_remove(self, presence): """unsubscribe received""" jid = presence['from'].bare contact = roster[jid] if not contact: return roster.modified() self.information('%s does not want to receive your status anymore.' % jid, 'Roster') self.get_tab_by_number(0).state = 'highlight' if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab): self.refresh_window() def on_subscription_removed(self, presence): """unsubscribed received""" jid = presence['from'].bare contact = roster[jid] if not contact: return roster.modified() if contact.pending_out: self.information('%s rejected your contact proposal' % jid, 'Roster') contact.pending_out = False else: self.information('%s does not want you to receive his/her/its status anymore.'%jid, 'Roster') self.get_tab_by_number(0).state = 'highlight' if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab): self.refresh_window() ### Presence-related handlers ### def on_presence(self, presence): if presence.match('presence/muc') or presence.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x'): return jid = presence['from'] contact = roster[jid.bare] tab = self.get_conversation_by_jid(jid, create=False) if isinstance(tab, tabs.DynamicConversationTab): if tab.get_dest_jid() != jid.full: tab.unlock(from_=jid.full) elif presence['type'] == 'unavailable': tab.unlock() if contact is None: return roster.modified() contact.error = None self.events.trigger('normal_presence', presence, contact[jid.full]) tab = self.get_conversation_by_jid(jid, create=False) if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab): self.refresh_window() elif self.current_tab() == tab: tab.refresh() self.doupdate() def on_presence_error(self, presence): jid = presence['from'] contact = roster[jid.bare] if not contact: return roster.modified() contact.error = presence['error']['type'] + ': ' + presence['error']['condition'] # reset chat states status on presence error tab = self.get_tab_by_name(jid.full, tabs.ConversationTab) if tab: tab.remote_wants_chatstates = None def on_got_offline(self, presence): """ A JID got offline """ if presence.match('presence/muc') or presence.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x'): return jid = presence['from'] if not logger.log_roster_change(jid.bare, 'got offline'): self.information('Unable to write in the log file', 'Error') # If a resource got offline, display the message in the conversation with this # precise resource. contact = roster[jid.bare] name = jid.bare if contact: roster.connected -= 1 if contact.name: name = contact.name if jid.resource: self.add_information_message_to_conversation_tab(jid.full, '\x195}%s is \x191}offline' % name) self.add_information_message_to_conversation_tab(jid.bare, '\x195}%s is \x191}offline' % name) self.information('\x193}%s \x195}is \x191}offline' % name, 'Roster') roster.modified() if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab): self.refresh_window() def on_got_online(self, presence): """ A JID got online """ if presence.match('presence/muc') or presence.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x'): return jid = presence['from'] contact = roster[jid.bare] if contact is None: # Todo, handle presence coming from contacts not in roster return roster.connected += 1 roster.modified() if not logger.log_roster_change(jid.bare, 'got online'): self.information('Unable to write in the log file', 'Error') resource = Resource(jid.full, { 'priority': presence.get_priority() or 0, 'status': presence['status'], 'show': presence['show'], }) self.events.trigger('normal_presence', presence, resource) name = contact.name if contact.name else jid.bare self.add_information_message_to_conversation_tab(jid.full, '\x195}%s is \x194}online' % name) if time.time() - self.connection_time > 10: # We do not display messages if we recently logged in if presence['status']: self.information("\x193}%s \x195}is \x194}online\x195} (\x19o%s\x195})" % (name, presence['status']), "Roster") else: self.information("\x193}%s \x195}is \x194}online\x195}" % name, "Roster") self.add_information_message_to_conversation_tab(jid.bare, '\x195}%s is \x194}online' % name) if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab): self.refresh_window() def on_groupchat_presence(self, presence): """ Triggered whenever a presence stanza is received from a user in a multi-user chat room. Display the presence on the room window and update the presence information of the concerned user """ from_room = presence['from'].bare tab = self.get_tab_by_name(from_room, tabs.MucTab) if tab: self.events.trigger('muc_presence', presence, tab) tab.handle_presence(presence) ### Connection-related handlers ### def on_failed_connection(self, error): """ We cannot contact the remote server """ self.information("Connection to remote server failed: %s" % (error,), 'Error') def on_disconnected(self, event): """ When we are disconnected from remote server """ roster.connected = 0 # Stop the ping plugin. It would try to send stanza on regular basis self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0199'].disable_keepalive() roster.modified() for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab): tab.disconnect() msg_typ = 'Error' if not self.legitimate_disconnect else 'Info' self.information("Disconnected from server.", msg_typ) if not self.legitimate_disconnect and config.get('auto_reconnect', True): self.information("Auto-reconnecting.", 'Info') self.xmpp.start() def on_stream_error(self, event): """ When we receive a stream error """ if event and event['text']: self.information('Stream error: %s' % event['text'], 'Error') def on_failed_all_auth(self, event): """ Authentication failed """ self.information("Authentication failed (bad credentials?).", 'Error') self.legitimate_disconnect = True def on_no_auth(self, event): """ Authentication failed (no mech) """ self.information("Authentication failed, no login method available.", 'Error') self.legitimate_disconnect = True def on_connected(self, event): """ Remote host responded, but we are not yet authenticated """ self.information("Connected to server.", 'Info') def on_connecting(self, event): """ Just before we try to connect to the server """ self.legitimate_disconnect = False def on_session_start(self, event): """ Called when we are connected and authenticated """ self.connection_time = time.time() if not self.plugins_autoloaded: # Do not reload plugins on reconnection self.autoload_plugins() self.information("Authentication success.", 'Info') self.information("Your JID is %s" % self.xmpp.boundjid.full, 'Info') if not self.xmpp.anon: # request the roster self.xmpp.get_roster() roster.update_contact_groups(self.xmpp.boundjid.bare) # send initial presence if config.get('send_initial_presence'): pres = self.xmpp.make_presence() pres['show'] = self.status.show pres['status'] = self.status.message self.events.trigger('send_normal_presence', pres) pres.send() self.bookmarks.get_local() # join all the available bookmarks. As of yet, this is just the local ones _join_initial_rooms(self, self.bookmarks) if config.get('enable_user_nick'): self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0172'].publish_nick(nick=self.own_nick, callback=dumb_callback) asyncio.async(self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0115'].update_caps()) # Start the ping's plugin regular event self.xmpp.set_keepalive_values() ### Other handlers ### def on_status_codes(self, message): """ Handle groupchat messages with status codes. Those are received when a room configuration change occurs. """ room_from = message['from'] tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_from, tabs.MucTab) status_codes = set([s.attrib['code'] for s in message.findall('{%s}x/{%s}status' % (tabs.NS_MUC_USER, tabs.NS_MUC_USER))]) if '101' in status_codes: self.information('Your affiliation in the room %s changed' % room_from, 'Info') elif tab and status_codes: show_unavailable = '102' in status_codes hide_unavailable = '103' in status_codes non_priv = '104' in status_codes logging_on = '170' in status_codes logging_off = '171' in status_codes non_anon = '172' in status_codes semi_anon = '173' in status_codes full_anon = '174' in status_codes modif = False if show_unavailable or hide_unavailable or non_priv or logging_off\ or non_anon or semi_anon or full_anon: tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: A configuration change not privacy-related occured.' % {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)}, typ=2) modif = True if show_unavailable: tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: The unavailable members are now shown.' % {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)}, typ=2) elif hide_unavailable: tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: The unavailable members are now hidden.' % {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)}, typ=2) if non_anon: tab.add_message('\x191}Warning:\x19%(info_col)s} The room is now not anonymous. (public JID)' % {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)}, typ=2) elif semi_anon: tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: The room is now semi-anonymous. (moderators-only JID)' % {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)}, typ=2) elif full_anon: tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: The room is now fully anonymous.' % {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)}, typ=2) if logging_on: tab.add_message('\x191}Warning: \x19%(info_col)s}This room is publicly logged' % {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)}, typ=2) elif logging_off: tab.add_message('\x19%(info_col)s}Info: This room is not logged anymore.' % {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)}, typ=2) if modif: self.refresh_window() def on_groupchat_subject(self, message): """ Triggered when the topic is changed. """ nick_from = message['mucnick'] room_from = message.get_mucroom() tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_from, tabs.MucTab) subject = message['subject'] if subject is None or not tab: return if subject != tab.topic: # Do not display the message if the subject did not change or if we # receive an empty topic when joining the room. if nick_from: tab.add_message("\x19%(info_col)s}%(nick)s set the subject to: %(subject)s" % {'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT), 'nick':nick_from, 'subject':subject}, time=None, typ=2) else: tab.add_message("\x19%(info_col)s}The subject is: %(subject)s" % {'subject':subject, 'info_col': dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_INFORMATION_TEXT)}, time=None, typ=2) tab.topic = subject tab.topic_from = nick_from if self.get_tab_by_name(room_from, tabs.MucTab) is self.current_tab(): self.refresh_window() def on_receipt(self, message): """ When a delivery receipt is received (XEP-0184) """ jid = message['from'] msg_id = message['receipt'] if not msg_id: return conversation = self.get_tab_by_name(jid, tabs.ChatTab) conversation = conversation or self.get_tab_by_name(jid.bare, tabs.ChatTab) if not conversation: return try: conversation.ack_message(msg_id, self.xmpp.boundjid) except AckError: log.debug('Error while receiving an ack', exc_info=True) def on_data_form(self, message): """ When a data form is received """ self.information('%s' % message) def on_attention(self, message): """ Attention probe received. """ jid_from = message['from'] self.information('%s requests your attention!' % jid_from, 'Info') for tab in self.tabs: if tab.name == jid_from: tab.state = 'attention' self.refresh_tab_win() return for tab in self.tabs: if tab.name == jid_from.bare: tab.state = 'attention' self.refresh_tab_win() return self.information('%s tab not found.' % jid_from, 'Error') def room_error(self, error, room_name): """ Display the error in the tab """ tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_name, tabs.MucTab) if not tab: return error_message = self.get_error_message(error) tab.add_message(error_message, highlight=True, nickname='Error', nick_color=get_theme().COLOR_ERROR_MSG, typ=2) code = error['error']['code'] if code == '401': msg = 'To provide a password in order to join the room, type "/join / password" (replace "password" by the real password)' tab.add_message(msg, typ=2) if code == '409': if config.get('alternative_nickname') != '': self.command_join('%s/%s'% (tab.name, tab.own_nick+config.get('alternative_nickname'))) else: if not tab.joined: tab.add_message('You can join the room with an other nick, by typing "/join /other_nick"', typ=2) self.refresh_window() def outgoing_stanza(self, stanza): """ We are sending a new stanza, write it in the xml buffer if needed. """ if self.xml_tab: if PYGMENTS: xhtml_text = highlight('%s' % stanza, LEXER, FORMATTER) poezio_colored = xhtml.xhtml_to_poezio_colors(xhtml_text, force=True).rstrip('\x19o').strip() else: poezio_colored = '%s' % stanza self.add_message_to_text_buffer(self.xml_buffer, poezio_colored, nickname=get_theme().CHAR_XML_OUT) try: if self.xml_tab.match_stanza(ElementBase(ET.fromstring(stanza))): self.add_message_to_text_buffer(self.xml_tab.filtered_buffer, poezio_colored, nickname=get_theme().CHAR_XML_OUT) except: log.debug('', exc_info=True) if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.XMLTab): self.current_tab().refresh() self.doupdate() def incoming_stanza(self, stanza): """ We are receiving a new stanza, write it in the xml buffer if needed. """ if self.xml_tab: if PYGMENTS: xhtml_text = highlight('%s' % stanza, LEXER, FORMATTER) poezio_colored = xhtml.xhtml_to_poezio_colors(xhtml_text, force=True).rstrip('\x19o').strip() else: poezio_colored = '%s' % stanza self.add_message_to_text_buffer(self.xml_buffer, poezio_colored, nickname=get_theme().CHAR_XML_IN) try: if self.xml_tab.match_stanza(stanza): self.add_message_to_text_buffer(self.xml_tab.filtered_buffer, poezio_colored, nickname=get_theme().CHAR_XML_IN) except: log.debug('', exc_info=True) if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.XMLTab): self.current_tab().refresh() self.doupdate() def ssl_invalid_chain(self, tb): self.information('The certificate sent by the server is invalid.', 'Error') self.disconnect() def validate_ssl(self, pem): """ Check the server certificate using the slixmpp ssl_cert event """ if config.get('ignore_certificate'): return cert = config.get('certificate') # update the cert representation when it uses the old one if cert and not ':' in cert: cert = ':'.join(i + j for i, j in zip(cert[::2], cert[1::2])).upper() config.set_and_save('certificate', cert) der = ssl.PEM_cert_to_DER_cert(pem) sha1_digest = sha1(der).hexdigest().upper() sha1_found_cert = ':'.join(i + j for i, j in zip(sha1_digest[::2], sha1_digest[1::2])) sha2_digest = sha512(der).hexdigest().upper() sha2_found_cert = ':'.join(i + j for i, j in zip(sha2_digest[::2], sha2_digest[1::2])) if cert: if sha1_found_cert == cert: log.debug('Cert %s OK', sha1_found_cert) log.debug('Current hash is SHA-1, moving to SHA-2 (%s)', sha2_found_cert) config.set_and_save('certificate', sha2_found_cert) return elif sha2_found_cert == cert: log.debug('Cert %s OK', sha2_found_cert) return else: saved_input = self.current_tab().input log.debug('\nWARNING: CERTIFICATE CHANGED old: %s, new: %s\n', cert, sha2_found_cert) self.information('New certificate found (sha-2 hash:' ' %s)\nPlease validate or abort' % sha2_found_cert, 'Warning') def check_input(): self.current_tab().input = saved_input if input.value: self.information('Setting new certificate: old: %s, new: %s' % (cert, sha2_found_cert), 'Info') log.debug('Setting certificate to %s', sha2_found_cert) if not config.silent_set('certificate', sha2_found_cert): self.information('Unable to write in the config file', 'Error') else: self.information('You refused to validate the certificate. You are now disconnected', 'Info') self.disconnect() new_loop.stop() asyncio.set_event_loop(old_loop) input = windows.YesNoInput(text="WARNING! Server certificate has changed, accept? (y/n)", callback=check_input) self.current_tab().input = input input.resize(1, self.current_tab().width, self.current_tab().height-1, 0) input.refresh() self.doupdate() old_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() new_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(new_loop) new_loop.add_reader(sys.stdin, self.on_input_readable) curses.beep() new_loop.run_forever() else: log.debug('First time. Setting certificate to %s', sha2_found_cert) if not config.silent_set('certificate', sha2_found_cert): self.information('Unable to write in the config file', 'Error') def _composing_tab_state(tab, state): """ Set a tab state to or from the "composing" state according to the config and the current tab state """ if isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab): values = ('true', 'muc') elif isinstance(tab, tabs.PrivateTab): values = ('true', 'direct', 'private') elif isinstance(tab, tabs.ConversationTab): values = ('true', 'direct', 'conversation') else: return # should not happen show = config.get('show_composing_tabs') show = show in values if tab.state != 'composing' and state == 'composing': if show: if tabs.STATE_PRIORITY[tab.state] > tabs.STATE_PRIORITY[state]: return tab.save_state() tab.state = 'composing' elif tab.state == 'composing' and state != 'composing': tab.restore_state() ### Ad-hoc commands def on_next_adhoc_step(self, iq, adhoc_session): status = iq['command']['status'] xform = iq.xml.find('{http://jabber.org/protocol/commands}command/{jabber:x:data}x') if xform is not None: form = self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0004'].buildForm(xform) else: form = None if status == 'error': return self.information("An error occured while executing the command") if status == 'executing': if not form: self.information("Adhoc command step does not contain a data-form. Aborting the execution.", "Error") return self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].cancel_command(adhoc_session) on_validate = self.validate_adhoc_step on_cancel = self.cancel_adhoc_command if status == 'completed': on_validate = lambda form, session: self.close_tab() on_cancel = lambda form, session: self.close_tab() # If a form is available, use it, and add the Notes from the # response to it, if any if form: for note in iq['command']['notes']: form.add_field(type='fixed', label=note[1]) self.open_new_form(form, on_cancel, on_validate, session=adhoc_session) else: # otherwise, just display an information # message notes = '\n'.join([note[1] for note in iq['command']['notes']]) self.information("Adhoc command %s: %s" % (status, notes), "Info") def on_adhoc_error(self, iq, adhoc_session): self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].terminate_command(adhoc_session) error_message = self.get_error_message(iq) self.information("An error occured while executing the command: %s" % (error_message), 'Error') def cancel_adhoc_command(self, form, session): self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].cancel_command(session) self.close_tab() def validate_adhoc_step(self, form, session): session['payload'] = form self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].continue_command(session) self.close_tab() def terminate_adhoc_command(self, form, session): self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0050'].terminate_command(session) self.close_tab()