""" Module defining the Core class, which is the central orchestrator of poezio and contains the main loop, the list of tabs, sets the state of everything; it also contains global commands, completions and event handlers but those are defined in submodules in order to avoir cluttering this file. """ import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) import collections import curses import os import pipes import sys import time from threading import Event from datetime import datetime from gettext import gettext as _ from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.handler import Callback import bookmark import connection import decorators import events import singleton import tabs import theming import timed_events import windows from common import safeJID from config import config, firstrun from contact import Contact, Resource from daemon import Executor from data_forms import DataFormsTab from fifo import Fifo from keyboard import Keyboard from logger import logger from plugin_manager import PluginManager from roster import roster from text_buffer import TextBuffer from theming import get_theme from windows import g_lock from . import completions from . import commands from . import handlers from . structs import possible_show, DEPRECATED_ERRORS, \ ERROR_AND_STATUS_CODES, Command, Status class Core(object): """ “Main” class of poezion """ def __init__(self): # All uncaught exception are given to this callback, instead # of being displayed on the screen and exiting the program. sys.excepthook = self.on_exception self.connection_time = time.time() status = config.get('status', None) status = possible_show.get(status, None) self.status = Status(show=status, message=config.get('status_message', '')) self.running = True self.xmpp = singleton.Singleton(connection.Connection) self.xmpp.core = self self.keyboard = Keyboard() roster.set_node(self.xmpp.client_roster) decorators.refresh_wrapper.core = self self.paused = False self.event = Event() self.debug = False self.remote_fifo = None # a unique buffer used to store global informations # that are displayed in almost all tabs, in an # information window. self.information_buffer = TextBuffer() self.information_win_size = config.get('info_win_height', 2, 'var') self.information_win = windows.TextWin(300) self.information_buffer.add_window(self.information_win) self.tab_win = windows.GlobalInfoBar() # Number of xml tabs opened, used to avoid useless memory consumption self.xml_tab = False self.xml_buffer = TextBuffer() self.tabs = [] self._current_tab_nb = 0 self.previous_tab_nb = 0 self.own_nick = config.get('default_nick', '') or self.xmpp.boundjid.user or os.environ.get('USER') or 'poezio' self.plugins_autoloaded = False self.plugin_manager = PluginManager(self) self.events = events.EventHandler() # global commands, available from all tabs # a command is tuple of the form: # (the function executing the command. Takes a string as argument, # a string representing the help message, # a completion function, taking a Input as argument. Can be None) # The completion function should return True if a completion was # made ; False otherwise self.commands = {} self.register_initial_commands() # We are invisible if not config.get('send_initial_presence', True): del self.commands['status'] del self.commands['show'] self.key_func = KeyDict() # Key bindings associated with handlers # and pseudo-keys used to map actions below. key_func = { "KEY_PPAGE": self.scroll_page_up, "KEY_NPAGE": self.scroll_page_down, "^B": self.scroll_line_up, "^F": self.scroll_line_down, "^X": self.scroll_half_down, "^S": self.scroll_half_up, "KEY_F(5)": self.rotate_rooms_left, "^P": self.rotate_rooms_left, "M-[-D": self.rotate_rooms_left, 'kLFT3': self.rotate_rooms_left, "KEY_F(6)": self.rotate_rooms_right, "^N": self.rotate_rooms_right, "M-[-C": self.rotate_rooms_right, 'kRIT3': self.rotate_rooms_right, "KEY_F(4)": self.toggle_left_pane, "KEY_F(7)": self.shrink_information_win, "KEY_F(8)": self.grow_information_win, "KEY_RESIZE": self.call_for_resize, 'M-e': self.go_to_important_room, 'M-r': self.go_to_roster, 'M-z': self.go_to_previous_tab, '^L': self.full_screen_redraw, 'M-j': self.go_to_room_number, 'M-D': self.scroll_info_up, 'M-C': self.scroll_info_down, 'M-k': self.escape_next_key, ######## actions mappings ########## '_bookmark': self.command_bookmark, '_bookmark_local': self.command_bookmark_local, '_close_tab': self.close_tab, '_disconnect': self.disconnect, '_quit': self.command_quit, '_redraw_screen': self.full_screen_redraw, '_reload_theme': self.command_theme, '_remove_bookmark': self.command_remove_bookmark, '_room_left': self.rotate_rooms_left, '_room_right': self.rotate_rooms_right, '_show_roster': self.go_to_roster, '_scroll_down': self.scroll_page_down, '_scroll_up': self.scroll_page_up, '_scroll_info_up': self.scroll_info_up, '_scroll_info_down': self.scroll_info_down, '_server_cycle': self.command_server_cycle, '_show_bookmarks': self.command_bookmarks, '_show_important_room': self.go_to_important_room, '_show_invitations': self.command_invitations, '_show_plugins': self.command_plugins, '_show_xmltab': self.command_xml_tab, '_toggle_pane': self.toggle_left_pane, ###### status actions ###### '_available': lambda: self.command_status('available'), '_away': lambda: self.command_status('away'), '_chat': lambda: self.command_status('chat'), '_dnd': lambda: self.command_status('dnd'), '_xa': lambda: self.command_status('xa'), ##### Custom actions ######## '_exc_': self.try_execute, } self.key_func.update(key_func) # Add handlers self.xmpp.add_event_handler('connected', self.on_connected) self.xmpp.add_event_handler('disconnected', self.on_disconnected) self.xmpp.add_event_handler('failed_auth', self.on_failed_auth) self.xmpp.add_event_handler('no_auth', self.on_no_auth) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("session_start", self.on_session_start) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("session_start", self.on_session_start_features) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("groupchat_presence", self.on_groupchat_presence) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("groupchat_message", self.on_groupchat_message) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("groupchat_invite", self.on_groupchat_invitation) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("groupchat_direct_invite", self.on_groupchat_direct_invitation) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("groupchat_decline", self.on_groupchat_decline) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("groupchat_config_status", self.on_status_codes) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("groupchat_subject", self.on_groupchat_subject) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("message", self.on_message) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("got_online", self.on_got_online) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("got_offline", self.on_got_offline) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("roster_update", self.on_roster_update) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("changed_status", self.on_presence) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("presence_error", self.on_presence_error) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("roster_subscription_request", self.on_subscription_request) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("roster_subscription_authorized", self.on_subscription_authorized) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("roster_subscription_remove", self.on_subscription_remove) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("roster_subscription_removed", self.on_subscription_removed) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("message_xform", self.on_data_form) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("chatstate_active", self.on_chatstate_active) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("chatstate_composing", self.on_chatstate_composing) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("chatstate_paused", self.on_chatstate_paused) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("chatstate_gone", self.on_chatstate_gone) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("chatstate_inactive", self.on_chatstate_inactive) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("attention", self.on_attention) self.xmpp.add_event_handler("ssl_cert", self.validate_ssl) self.all_stanzas = Callback('custom matcher', connection.MatchAll(None), self.incoming_stanza) self.xmpp.register_handler(self.all_stanzas) if config.get('enable_user_tune', True): self.xmpp.add_event_handler("user_tune_publish", self.on_tune_event) if config.get('enable_user_nick', True): self.xmpp.add_event_handler("user_nick_publish", self.on_nick_received) if config.get('enable_user_mood', True): self.xmpp.add_event_handler("user_mood_publish", self.on_mood_event) if config.get('enable_user_activity', True): self.xmpp.add_event_handler("user_activity_publish", self.on_activity_event) if config.get('enable_user_gaming', True): self.xmpp.add_event_handler("user_gaming_publish", self.on_gaming_event) self.initial_joins = [] self.timed_events = set() self.connected_events = {} self.pending_invites = {} # a dict of the form {'config_option': [list, of, callbacks]} # Whenever a configuration option is changed (using /set or by # reloading a new config using a signal), all the associated # callbacks are triggered. # Use Core.add_configuration_handler("option", callback) to add a # handler # Note that the callback will be called when it’s changed in the global section, OR # in a special section. # As a special case, handlers can be associated with the empty # string option (""), they will be called for every option change # The callback takes two argument: the config option, and the new # value self.configuration_change_handlers = {"": []} self.add_configuration_handler("create_gaps", self.on_gaps_config_change) self.add_configuration_handler("plugins_dir", self.on_plugins_dir_config_change) self.add_configuration_handler("plugins_conf_dir", self.on_plugins_conf_dir_config_change) self.add_configuration_handler("connection_timeout_delay", self.xmpp.set_keepalive_values) self.add_configuration_handler("connection_check_interval", self.xmpp.set_keepalive_values) self.add_configuration_handler("themes_dir", theming.update_themes_dir) self.add_configuration_handler("theme", self.on_theme_config_change) self.add_configuration_handler("", self.on_any_config_change) def on_any_config_change(self, option, value): """ Update the roster, in case a roster option changed. """ roster.modified() def add_configuration_handler(self, option, callback): """ Add a callback, associated with the given option. It will be called each time the configuration option is changed using /set or by reloading the configuration with a signal """ if option not in self.configuration_change_handlers: self.configuration_change_handlers[option] = [] self.configuration_change_handlers[option].append(callback) def trigger_configuration_change(self, option, value): """ Triggers all the handlers associated with the given configuration option """ # First call the callbacks associated with any configuration change for callback in self.configuration_change_handlers[""]: callback(option, value) # and then the callbacks associated with this specific option, if # any if option not in self.configuration_change_handlers: return for callback in self.configuration_change_handlers[option]: callback(option, value) def on_gaps_config_change(self, option, value): """ Called when the option create_gaps is changed. Remove all gaptabs if switching from gaps to nogaps. """ if value.lower() == "false": self.tabs = list(filter(lambda x: bool(x), self.tabs)) def on_plugins_dir_config_change(self, option, value): """ Called when the plugins_dir option is changed """ path = os.path.expanduser(value) self.plugin_manager.on_plugins_dir_change(path) def on_plugins_conf_dir_config_change(self, option, value): """ Called when the plugins_conf_dir option is changed """ path = os.path.expanduser(value) self.plugin_manager.on_plugins_conf_dir_change(path) def on_theme_config_change(self, option, value): """ Called when the theme option is changed """ error_msg = theming.reload_theme() if error_msg: self.information(error_msg, 'Warning') self.refresh_window() def sigusr_handler(self, num, stack): """ Handle SIGUSR1 (10) When caught, reload all the possible files. """ log.debug("SIGUSR1 caught, reloading the files…") # reload all log files log.debug("Reloading the log files…") logger.reload_all() log.debug("Log files reloaded.") # reload the theme log.debug("Reloading the theme…") self.command_theme("") log.debug("Theme reloaded.") # reload the config from the disk log.debug("Reloading the config…") # Copy the old config in a dict old_config = config.to_dict() config.read_file(config.file_name) # Compare old and current config, to trigger the callbacks of all # modified options for section in config.sections(): old_section = old_config.get(section, {}) for option in config.options(section): old_value = old_section.get(option) new_value = config.get(option, "", section) if new_value != old_value: self.trigger_configuration_change(option, new_value) log.debug("Config reloaded.") # in case some roster options have changed roster.modified() def exit_from_signal(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Quit when receiving SIGHUP or SIGTERM do not save the config because it is not a normal exit (and only roster UI things are not yet saved) """ log.debug("Either SIGHUP or SIGTERM received. Exiting…") if config.get('enable_user_mood', True): self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0107'].stop(block=False) if config.get('enable_user_activity', True): self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0108'].stop(block=False) if config.get('enable_user_gaming', True): self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0196'].stop(block=False) self.plugin_manager.disable_plugins() self.disconnect('') self.running = False try: self.reset_curses() except: # too bad pass sys.exit() def autoload_plugins(self): """ Load the plugins on startup. """ plugins = config.get('plugins_autoload', '') if ':' in plugins: for plugin in plugins.split(':'): self.plugin_manager.load(plugin) else: for plugin in plugins.split(): self.plugin_manager.load(plugin) self.plugins_autoloaded = True def start(self): """ Init curses, create the first tab, etc """ self.stdscr = curses.initscr() self.init_curses(self.stdscr) self.call_for_resize() default_tab = tabs.RosterInfoTab() default_tab.on_gain_focus() self.tabs.append(default_tab) self.information(_('Welcome to poezio!')) if firstrun: self.information(_( 'It seems that it is the first time you start poezio.\n' 'The online help is here http://poezio.eu/doc/en/\n' 'No room is joined by default, but you can join poezio’s chatroom ' '(with /join poezio@muc.poezio.eu), where you can ask for help or tell us how great it is.' ), 'Help') self.refresh_window() def on_exception(self, typ, value, trace): """ When an exception is raised, just reset curses and call the original exception handler (will nicely print the traceback) """ try: self.reset_curses() except: pass sys.__excepthook__(typ, value, trace) def main_loop(self): """ main loop waiting for the user to press a key """ def replace_line_breaks(key): if key == '^J': return '\n' return key def separate_chars_from_bindings(char_list): """ returns a list of lists. For example if you give ['a', 'b', 'KEY_BACKSPACE', 'n', 'u'], this function returns [['a', 'b'], ['KEY_BACKSPACE'], ['n', 'u']] This way, in case of lag (for example), we handle the typed text by “batch” as much as possible (instead of one char at a time, which implies a refresh after each char, which is very slow), but we still handle the special chars (backspaces, arrows, ctrl+x ou alt+x, etc) one by one, which avoids the issue of printing them OR ignoring them in that case. This should resolve the “my ^W are ignored when I lag ;(”. """ res = [] current = [] for char in char_list: assert char # Transform that stupid char into what we actually meant if char == '\x1f': char = '^/' if len(char) == 1: current.append(char) else: # special case for the ^I key, it’s considered as \t # only when pasting some text, otherwise that’s the ^I # (or M-i) key, which stands for completion by default. if char == '^I' and len(char_list) != 1: current.append('\t') continue if current: res.append(current) current = [] res.append([char]) if current: res.append(current) return res while self.running: self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0012'].begin_idle(jid=self.xmpp.boundjid) big_char_list = [replace_key_with_bound(key)\ for key in self.read_keyboard()] # whether to refresh after ALL keys have been handled for char_list in separate_chars_from_bindings(big_char_list): if self.paused: self.current_tab().input.do_command(char_list[0]) self.current_tab().input.prompt() self.event.set() continue # Special case for M-x where x is a number if len(char_list) == 1: char = char_list[0] if char.startswith('M-') and len(char) == 3: try: nb = int(char[2]) except ValueError: pass else: if self.current_tab().nb == nb: self.go_to_previous_tab() else: self.command_win('%d' % nb) # search for keyboard shortcut func = self.key_func.get(char, None) if func: func() else: res = self.do_command(replace_line_breaks(char), False) else: self.do_command(''.join(char_list), True) self.doupdate() def save_config(self): """ Save config in the file just before exit """ if not roster.save_to_config_file() or \ not config.silent_set('info_win_height', self.information_win_size, 'var'): self.information(_('Unable to write in the config file'), 'Error') def on_roster_enter_key(self, roster_row): """ when enter is pressed on the roster window """ if isinstance(roster_row, Contact): if not self.get_conversation_by_jid(roster_row.bare_jid, False): self.open_conversation_window(roster_row.bare_jid) else: self.focus_tab_named(roster_row.bare_jid) if isinstance(roster_row, Resource): if not self.get_conversation_by_jid(roster_row.jid, False, fallback_barejid=False): self.open_conversation_window(roster_row.jid) else: self.focus_tab_named(roster_row.jid) self.refresh_window() def get_conversation_messages(self): """ Returns a list of all the messages in the current chat. If the current tab is not a ChatTab, returns None. Messages are namedtuples of the form ('txt nick_color time str_time nickname user') """ if not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.ChatTab): return None return self.current_tab().get_conversation_messages() def insert_input_text(self, text): """ Insert the given text into the current input """ self.do_command(text, True) ##################### Anything related to command execution ################### def execute(self, line): """ Execute the /command or just send the line on the current room """ if line == "": return if line.startswith('/'): command = line.strip()[:].split()[0][1:] arg = line[2+len(command):] # jump the '/' and the ' ' # example. on "/link 0 open", command = "link" and arg = "0 open" if command in self.commands: func = self.commands[command][0] func(arg) return else: self.information(_("Unknown command (%s)") % (command), _('Error')) def exec_command(self, command): """ Execute an external command on the local or a remote machine, depending on the conf. For example, to open a link in a browser, do exec_command(["firefox", "http://poezio.eu"]), and this will call the command on the correct computer. The command argument is a list of strings, not quoted or escaped in any way. The escaping is done here if needed. The remote execution is done by writing the command on a fifo. That fifo has to be on the machine where poezio is running, and accessible (through sshfs for example) from the local machine (where poezio is not running). A very simple daemon (daemon.py) reads on that fifo, and executes any command that is read in it. Since we can only write strings to that fifo, each argument has to be pipes.quote()d. That way the shlex.split on the reading-side of the daemon will be safe. You cannot use a real command line with pipes, redirections etc, but this function supports a simple case redirection to file: if the before-last argument of the command is ">" or ">>", then the last argument is considered to be a filename where the command stdout will be written. For example you can do exec_command(["echo", "coucou les amis coucou coucou", ">", "output.txt"]) and this will work. If you try to do anything else, your |, [, <<, etc will be interpreted as normal command arguments, not shell special tokens. """ if config.get('exec_remote', False): # We just write the command in the fifo if not self.remote_fifo: try: self.remote_fifo = Fifo(os.path.join(config.get('remote_fifo_path', './'), 'poezio.fifo'), 'w') except (OSError, IOError) as e: log.error('Could not open the fifo for writing (%s)', os.path.join(config.get('remote_fifo_path', './'), 'poezio.fifo'), exc_info=True) self.information('Could not open fifo file for writing: %s' % (e,), 'Error') return command_str = ' '.join([pipes.quote(arg.replace('\n', ' ')) for arg in command]) + '\n' try: self.remote_fifo.write(command_str) except (IOError) as e: log.error('Could not write in the fifo (%s): %s', os.path.join(config.get('remote_fifo_path', './'), 'poezio.fifo'), repr(command), exc_info=True) self.information('Could not execute %s: %s' % (command, e,), 'Error') self.remote_fifo = None else: e = Executor(command) try: e.start() except ValueError as e: log.error('Could not execute command (%s)', repr(command), exc_info=True) self.information('%s' % (e,), 'Error') def do_command(self, key, raw): if not key: return return self.current_tab().on_input(key, raw) def try_execute(self, line): """ Try to execute a command in the current tab """ line = '/' + line try: self.current_tab().execute_command(line) except: log.error('Execute failed (%s)', line, exc_info=True) ########################## TImed Events ####################################### def remove_timed_event(self, event): """Remove an existing timed event""" if event and event in self.timed_events: self.timed_events.remove(event) def add_timed_event(self, event): """Add a new timed event""" self.timed_events.add(event) def check_timed_events(self): """Check for the execution of timed events""" now = datetime.now() for event in self.timed_events: if event.has_timed_out(now): res = event() if not res: self.timed_events.remove(event) break ####################### XMPP-related actions ################################## def get_status(self): """ Get the last status that was previously set """ return self.status def set_status(self, pres, msg): """ Set our current status so we can remember it and use it back when needed (for example to display it or to use it when joining a new muc) """ self.status = Status(show=pres, message=msg) if config.get('save_status', True): if not config.silent_set('status', pres if pres else '') or \ not config.silent_set('status_message', msg.replace('\n', '|') if msg else ''): self.information(_('Unable to write in the config file'), 'Error') def get_bookmark_nickname(self, room_name): """ Returns the nickname associated with a bookmark or the default nickname """ bm = bookmark.get_by_jid(room_name) if bm: return bm.nick return self.own_nick def disconnect(self, msg='', reconnect=False): """ Disconnect from remote server and correctly set the states of all parts of the client (for example, set the MucTabs as not joined, etc) """ msg = msg or '' for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab): tab.command_part(msg) self.xmpp.disconnect() if reconnect: self.xmpp.start() def send_message(self, msg): """ Function to use in plugins to send a message in the current conversation. Returns False if the current tab is not a conversation tab """ if not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.ChatTab): return False self.current_tab().command_say(msg) return True def invite(self, jid, room, reason=None): """ Checks if the sender supports XEP-0249, then send an invitation, or a mediated one if it does not. TODO: allow passwords """ def callback(iq): if not iq: return if 'jabber:x:conference' in iq['disco_info'].get_features(): self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0249'].send_invitation( jid, room, reason=reason) else: # fallback self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0045'].invite(room, jid, reason=reason or '') self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0030'].get_info(jid=jid, block=False, timeout=5, callback=callback) def get_error_message(self, stanza, deprecated=False): """ Takes a stanza of the form and return a well formed string containing the error informations """ sender = stanza.attrib['from'] msg = stanza['error']['type'] condition = stanza['error']['condition'] code = stanza['error']['code'] body = stanza['error']['text'] if not body: if deprecated: if code in DEPRECATED_ERRORS: body = DEPRECATED_ERRORS[code] else: body = condition or _('Unknown error') else: if code in ERROR_AND_STATUS_CODES: body = ERROR_AND_STATUS_CODES[code] else: body = condition or _('Unknown error') if code: message = _('%(from)s: %(code)s - %(msg)s: %(body)s') % {'from':sender, 'msg':msg, 'body':body, 'code':code} else: message = _('%(from)s: %(msg)s: %(body)s') % {'from':sender, 'msg':msg, 'body':body} return message ####################### Tab logic-related things ############################## ### Tab getters ### def get_tabs(self, cls=tabs.Tab): "Get all the tabs of a type" return filter(lambda tab: isinstance(tab, cls), self.tabs) def current_tab(self): """ returns the current room, the one we are viewing """ self.current_tab_nb = self.current_tab_nb return self.tabs[self.current_tab_nb] def get_conversation_by_jid(self, jid, create=True, fallback_barejid=True): """ From a JID, get the tab containing the conversation with it. If none already exist, and create is "True", we create it and return it. Otherwise, we return None. If fallback_barejid is True, then this method will seek other tabs with the same barejid, instead of searching only by fulljid. """ jid = safeJID(jid) # We first check if we have a static conversation opened with this precise resource conversation = self.get_tab_by_name(jid.full, tabs.StaticConversationTab) if jid.bare == jid.full and not conversation: conversation = self.get_tab_by_name(jid.full, tabs.DynamicConversationTab) if not conversation and fallback_barejid: # If not, we search for a conversation with the bare jid conversation = self.get_tab_by_name(jid.bare, tabs.DynamicConversationTab) if not conversation: if create: # We create a dynamic conversation with the bare Jid if # nothing was found (and we lock it to the resource # later) conversation = self.open_conversation_window(jid.bare, False) else: conversation = None return conversation def get_tab_by_name(self, name, typ=None): """ Get the tab with the given name. If typ is provided, return a tab of this type only """ for tab in self.tabs: if tab.get_name() == name: if (typ and isinstance(tab, typ)) or\ not typ: return tab return None def get_tab_by_number(self, number): if 0 <= number < len(self.tabs): return self.tabs[number] return None def add_tab(self, new_tab, focus=False): """ Appends the new_tab in the tab list and focus it if focus==True """ self.tabs.append(new_tab) if focus: self.command_win("%s" % new_tab.nb) def insert_tab_nogaps(self, old_pos, new_pos): """ Move tabs without creating gaps old_pos: old position of the tab new_pos: desired position of the tab """ tab = self.tabs[old_pos] if new_pos < old_pos: self.tabs.pop(old_pos) self.tabs.insert(new_pos, tab) elif new_pos > old_pos: self.tabs.insert(new_pos, tab) self.tabs.remove(tab) else: return False return True def insert_tab_gaps(self, old_pos, new_pos): """ Move tabs and create gaps in the eventual remaining space old_pos: old position of the tab new_pos: desired position of the tab """ tab = self.tabs[old_pos] target = None if new_pos >= len(self.tabs) else self.tabs[new_pos] if not target: if new_pos < len(self.tabs): self.tabs[new_pos], self.tabs[old_pos] = self.tabs[old_pos], tabs.GapTab() else: self.tabs.append(self.tabs[old_pos]) self.tabs[old_pos] = tabs.GapTab() else: if new_pos > old_pos: self.tabs.insert(new_pos, tab) self.tabs[old_pos] = tabs.GapTab() elif new_pos < old_pos: self.tabs[old_pos] = tabs.GapTab() self.tabs.insert(new_pos, tab) else: return False i = self.tabs.index(tab) done = False # Remove the first Gap on the right in the list # in order to prevent global shifts when there is empty space while not done: i += 1 if i >= len(self.tabs): done = True elif not self.tabs[i]: self.tabs.pop(i) done = True # Remove the trailing gaps i = len(self.tabs) - 1 while isinstance(self.tabs[i], tabs.GapTab): self.tabs.pop() i -= 1 return True def insert_tab(self, old_pos, new_pos=99999): """ Insert a tab at a position, changing the number of the following tabs returns False if it could not move the tab, True otherwise """ if old_pos <= 0 or old_pos >= len(self.tabs): return False elif new_pos <= 0: return False elif new_pos == old_pos: return False elif not self.tabs[old_pos]: return False if config.get('create_gaps', False): return self.insert_tab_gaps(old_pos, new_pos) return self.insert_tab_nogaps(old_pos, new_pos) ### Move actions (e.g. go to next room) ### def rotate_rooms_right(self, args=None): """ rotate the rooms list to the right """ self.current_tab().on_lose_focus() self.current_tab_nb += 1 while not self.tabs[self.current_tab_nb]: self.current_tab_nb += 1 self.current_tab().on_gain_focus() self.refresh_window() def rotate_rooms_left(self, args=None): """ rotate the rooms list to the right """ self.current_tab().on_lose_focus() self.current_tab_nb -= 1 while not self.tabs[self.current_tab_nb]: self.current_tab_nb -= 1 self.current_tab().on_gain_focus() self.refresh_window() def go_to_room_number(self): """ Read 2 more chars and go to the tab with the given number """ char = self.read_keyboard()[0] try: nb1 = int(char) except ValueError: return char = self.read_keyboard()[0] try: nb2 = int(char) except ValueError: return self.command_win('%s%s' % (nb1, nb2)) def go_to_roster(self): self.command_win('0') def go_to_previous_tab(self): self.command_win('%s' % (self.previous_tab_nb,)) def go_to_important_room(self): """ Go to the next room with activity, in the order defined in the dict tabs.STATE_PRIORITY """ # shortcut priority = tabs.STATE_PRIORITY tab_refs = {} # put all the active tabs in a dict of lists by state for tab in self.tabs: if not tab: continue if tab.state not in tab_refs: tab_refs[tab.state] = [tab] else: tab_refs[tab.state].append(tab) # sort the state by priority and remove those with negative priority states = sorted(tab_refs.keys(), key=(lambda x: priority.get(x, 0)), reverse=True) states = [state for state in states if priority.get(state, -1) >= 0] for state in states: for tab in tab_refs[state]: if tab.nb < self.current_tab_nb and tab_refs[state][-1].nb > self.current_tab_nb: continue self.command_win('%s' % tab.nb) return return def focus_tab_named(self, tab_name, type_=None): """Returns True if it found a tab to focus on""" for tab in self.tabs: if tab.get_name() == tab_name: if (type_ and (isinstance(tab, type_))) or not type_: self.command_win('%s' % (tab.nb,)) return True return False @property def current_tab_nb(self): return self._current_tab_nb @current_tab_nb.setter def current_tab_nb(self, value): if value >= len(self.tabs): self._current_tab_nb = 0 elif value < 0: self._current_tab_nb = len(self.tabs) - 1 else: self._current_tab_nb = value ### Opening actions ### def open_conversation_window(self, jid, focus=True): """ Open a new conversation tab and focus it if needed. If a resource is provided, we open a StaticConversationTab, else a DynamicConversationTab """ if safeJID(jid).resource: new_tab = tabs.StaticConversationTab(jid) else: new_tab = tabs.DynamicConversationTab(jid) if not focus: new_tab.state = "private" self.add_tab(new_tab, focus) self.refresh_window() return new_tab def open_private_window(self, room_name, user_nick, focus=True): """ Open a Private conversation in a MUC and focus if needed. """ complete_jid = room_name+'/'+user_nick # if the room exists, focus it and return for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.PrivateTab): if tab.get_name() == complete_jid: self.command_win('%s' % tab.nb) return tab # create the new tab tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room_name, tabs.MucTab) if not tab: return None new_tab = tabs.PrivateTab(complete_jid, tab.own_nick) if hasattr(tab, 'directed_presence'): new_tab.directed_presence = tab.directed_presence if not focus: new_tab.state = "private" # insert it in the tabs self.add_tab(new_tab, focus) self.refresh_window() tab.privates.append(new_tab) return new_tab def open_new_room(self, room, nick, focus=True): """ Open a new tab.MucTab containing a muc Room, using the specified nick """ new_tab = tabs.MucTab(room, nick) self.add_tab(new_tab, focus) self.refresh_window() def open_new_form(self, form, on_cancel, on_send, **kwargs): """ Open a new tab containing the form The callback are called with the completed form as parameter in addition with kwargs """ form_tab = DataFormsTab(form, on_cancel, on_send, kwargs) self.add_tab(form_tab, True) ### Modifying actions ### def rename_private_tabs(self, room_name, old_nick, new_nick): """ Call this method when someone changes his/her nick in a MUC, this updates the name of all the opened private conversations with him/her """ tab = self.get_tab_by_name('%s/%s' % (room_name, old_nick), tabs.PrivateTab) if tab: tab.rename_user(old_nick, new_nick) def on_user_left_private_conversation(self, room_name, nick, status_message): """ The user left the MUC: add a message in the associated private conversation """ tab = self.get_tab_by_name('%s/%s' % (room_name, nick), tabs.PrivateTab) if tab: tab.user_left(status_message, nick) def on_user_rejoined_private_conversation(self, room_name, nick): """ The user joined a MUC: add a message in the associated private conversation """ tab = self.get_tab_by_name('%s/%s' % (room_name, nick), tabs.PrivateTab) if tab: tab.user_rejoined(nick) def disable_private_tabs(self, room_name, reason='\x195}You left the chatroom\x193}'): """ Disable private tabs when leaving a room """ for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.PrivateTab): if tab.get_name().startswith(room_name): tab.deactivate(reason=reason) def enable_private_tabs(self, room_name, reason='\x195}You joined the chatroom\x193}'): """ Enable private tabs when joining a room """ for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.PrivateTab): if tab.get_name().startswith(room_name): tab.activate(reason=reason) def on_user_changed_status_in_private(self, jid, msg): tab = self.get_tab_by_name(jid) if tab: # display the message in private tab.add_message(msg, typ=2) def close_tab(self, tab=None): """ Close the given tab. If None, close the current one """ tab = tab or self.current_tab() if isinstance(tab, tabs.RosterInfoTab): return # The tab 0 should NEVER be closed del tab.key_func # Remove self references del tab.commands # and make the object collectable tab.on_close() nb = tab.nb if config.get('create_gaps', False): if nb >= len(self.tabs) - 1: self.tabs.remove(tab) nb -= 1 while not self.tabs[nb]: # remove the trailing gaps self.tabs.pop() nb -= 1 else: self.tabs[nb] = tabs.GapTab() else: self.tabs.remove(tab) if tab and tab.get_name() in logger.fds: logger.fds[tab.get_name()].close() log.debug("Log file for %s closed.", tab.get_name()) del logger.fds[tab.get_name()] if self.current_tab_nb >= len(self.tabs): self.current_tab_nb = len(self.tabs) - 1 while not self.tabs[self.current_tab_nb]: self.current_tab_nb -= 1 self.current_tab().on_gain_focus() self.refresh_window() import gc gc.collect() log.debug('___ Referrers of closing tab:\n%s\n______', gc.get_referrers(tab)) del tab def add_information_message_to_conversation_tab(self, jid, msg): """ Search for a ConversationTab with the given jid (full or bare), if yes, add the given message to it """ tab = self.get_tab_by_name(jid, tabs.ConversationTab) if tab: tab.add_message(msg, typ=2) if self.current_tab() is tab: self.refresh_window() ####################### Curses and ui-related stuff ########################### def doupdate(self): if not self.running or self.background is True: return curses.doupdate() def information(self, msg, typ=''): """ Displays an informational message in the "Info" buffer """ filter_messages = config.get('filter_info_messages', '').split(':') for words in filter_messages: if words and words in msg: log.debug('Did not show the message:\n\t%s> %s', typ, msg) return False colors = get_theme().INFO_COLORS color = colors.get(typ.lower(), colors.get('default', None)) nb_lines = self.information_buffer.add_message(msg, nickname=typ, nick_color=color) if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab): self.refresh_window() elif typ != '' and typ.lower() in config.get('information_buffer_popup_on', 'error roster warning help info').split(): popup_time = config.get('popup_time', 4) + (nb_lines - 1) * 2 self.pop_information_win_up(nb_lines, popup_time) else: if self.information_win_size != 0: self.information_win.refresh() self.current_tab().input.refresh() return True def init_curses(self, stdscr): """ ncurses initialization """ self.background = False # Bool to know if curses can draw # or be quiet while an other console app is running. curses.curs_set(1) curses.noecho() curses.nonl() curses.raw() stdscr.idlok(1) stdscr.keypad(1) curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() theming.reload_theme() curses.ungetch(" ") # H4X: without this, the screen is stdscr.getkey() # erased on the first "getkey()" def reset_curses(self): """ Reset terminal capabilities to what they were before ncurses init """ curses.echo() curses.nocbreak() curses.curs_set(1) curses.endwin() @property def informations(self): return self.information_buffer def refresh_window(self): """ Refresh everything """ self.current_tab().state = 'current' self.current_tab().refresh() self.doupdate() def refresh_tab_win(self): """ Refresh the window containing the tab list """ self.current_tab().refresh_tab_win() self.refresh_input() self.doupdate() def refresh_input(self): """ Refresh the input if it exists """ if self.current_tab().input: self.current_tab().input.refresh() self.doupdate() def scroll_page_down(self, args=None): """ Scroll a page down, if possible. Returns True on success, None on failure. """ if self.current_tab().on_scroll_down(): self.refresh_window() return True def scroll_page_up(self, args=None): """ Scroll a page up, if possible. Returns True on success, None on failure. """ if self.current_tab().on_scroll_up(): self.refresh_window() return True def scroll_line_up(self, args=None): """ Scroll a line up, if possible. Returns True on success, None on failure. """ if self.current_tab().on_line_up(): self.refresh_window() return True def scroll_line_down(self, args=None): """ Scroll a line down, if possible. Returns True on success, None on failure. """ if self.current_tab().on_line_down(): self.refresh_window() return True def scroll_half_up(self, args=None): """ Scroll half a screen down, if possible. Returns True on success, None on failure. """ if self.current_tab().on_half_scroll_up(): self.refresh_window() return True def scroll_half_down(self, args=None): """ Scroll half a screen down, if possible. Returns True on success, None on failure. """ if self.current_tab().on_half_scroll_down(): self.refresh_window() return True def grow_information_win(self, nb=1): if self.information_win_size >= self.current_tab().height -5 or \ self.information_win_size+nb >= self.current_tab().height-4: return 0 if self.information_win_size == 14: return 0 self.information_win_size += nb if self.information_win_size > 14: nb = nb - (self.information_win_size - 14) self.information_win_size = 14 self.resize_global_information_win() for tab in self.tabs: tab.on_info_win_size_changed() self.refresh_window() return nb def shrink_information_win(self, nb=1): if self.information_win_size == 0: return self.information_win_size -= nb if self.information_win_size < 0: self.information_win_size = 0 self.resize_global_information_win() for tab in self.tabs: tab.on_info_win_size_changed() self.refresh_window() def scroll_info_up(self): self.information_win.scroll_up(self.information_win.height) if not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab): self.information_win.refresh() else: info = self.current_tab().information_win info.scroll_up(info.height) self.refresh_window() def scroll_info_down(self): self.information_win.scroll_down(self.information_win.height) if not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.RosterInfoTab): self.information_win.refresh() else: info = self.current_tab().information_win info.scroll_down(info.height) self.refresh_window() def pop_information_win_up(self, size, time): """ Temporarly increase the size of the information win of size lines during time seconds. After that delay, the size will decrease from size lines. """ if time <= 0 or size <= 0: return result = self.grow_information_win(size) timed_event = timed_events.DelayedEvent(time, self.shrink_information_win, result) self.add_timed_event(timed_event) self.refresh_window() def toggle_left_pane(self): """ Enable/disable the left panel. """ enabled = config.get('enable_vertical_tab_list', False) if not config.silent_set('enable_vertical_tab_list', str(not enabled)): self.information(_('Unable to write in the config file'), 'Error') self.call_for_resize() def resize_global_information_win(self): """ Resize the global_information_win only once at each resize. """ with g_lock: self.information_win.resize(self.information_win_size, tabs.Tab.width, tabs.Tab.height - 1 - self.information_win_size - tabs.Tab.tab_win_height(), 0) def resize_global_info_bar(self): """ Resize the GlobalInfoBar only once at each resize """ with g_lock: self.tab_win.resize(1, tabs.Tab.width, tabs.Tab.height - 2, 0) if config.get('enable_vertical_tab_list', False): try: height, _ = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() truncated_win = self.stdscr.subwin(height, config.get('vertical_tab_list_size', 20), 0, 0) except: log.error('Curses error on infobar resize', exc_info=True) return self.left_tab_win = windows.VerticalGlobalInfoBar(truncated_win) else: self.left_tab_win = None def add_message_to_text_buffer(self, buff, txt, time=None, nickname=None, history=None): """ Add the message to the room if possible, else, add it to the Info window (in the Info tab of the info window in the RosterTab) """ if not buff: self.information('Trying to add a message in no room: %s' % txt, 'Error') else: buff.add_message(txt, time, nickname, history=history) def full_screen_redraw(self): """ Completely erase and redraw the screen """ self.stdscr.clear() self.refresh_window() def call_for_resize(self): """ Called when we want to resize the screen """ # If we have the tabs list on the left, we just give a truncated # window to each Tab class, so the draw themself in the portion # of the screen that the can occupy, and we draw the tab list # on the left remaining space if config.get('enable_vertical_tab_list', False): with g_lock: try: scr = self.stdscr.subwin(0, config.get('vertical_tab_list_size', 20)) except: log.error('Curses error on resize', exc_info=True) return else: scr = self.stdscr tabs.Tab.resize(scr) self.resize_global_info_bar() self.resize_global_information_win() with g_lock: for tab in self.tabs: if config.get('lazy_resize', True): tab.need_resize = True else: tab.resize() if self.tabs: self.full_screen_redraw() def read_keyboard(self): """ Get the next keyboard key pressed and returns it. get_user_input() has a timeout: it returns None when the timeout occurs. In that case we do not return (we loop until we get a non-None value), but we check for timed events instead. """ res = self.keyboard.get_user_input(self.stdscr) while res is None: self.check_timed_events() res = self.keyboard.get_user_input(self.stdscr) return res def escape_next_key(self): """ Tell the Keyboard object that the next key pressed by the user should be escaped. See Keyboard.get_user_input """ self.keyboard.escape_next_key() ####################### Commands and completions ############################## def register_command(self, name, func, *, desc='', shortdesc='', completion=None, usage=''): if name in self.commands: return if not desc and shortdesc: desc = shortdesc self.commands[name] = Command(func, desc, completion, shortdesc, usage) def register_initial_commands(self): """ Register the commands when poezio starts """ self.register_command('help', self.command_help, usage=_('[command]'), shortdesc='\_o< KOIN KOIN KOIN', completion=self.completion_help) self.register_command('join', self.command_join, usage=_("[room_name][@server][/nick] [password]"), desc=_("Join the specified room. You can specify a nickname " "after a slash (/). If no nickname is specified, you will" " use the default_nick in the configuration file. You can" " omit the room name: you will then join the room you\'re" " looking at (useful if you were kicked). You can also " "provide a room_name without specifying a server, the " "server of the room you're currently in will be used. You" " can also provide a password to join the room.\nExamples" ":\n/join room@server.tld\n/join room@server.tld/John\n" "/join room2\n/join /me_again\n/join\n/join room@server" ".tld/my_nick password\n/join / password"), shortdesc=_('Join a room'), completion=self.completion_join) self.register_command('exit', self.command_quit, desc=_('Just disconnect from the server and exit poezio.'), shortdesc=_('Exit poezio.')) self.register_command('quit', self.command_quit, desc=_('Just disconnect from the server and exit poezio.'), shortdesc=_('Exit poezio.')) self.register_command('next', self.rotate_rooms_right, shortdesc=_('Go to the next room.')) self.register_command('prev', self.rotate_rooms_left, shortdesc=_('Go to the previous room.')) self.register_command('win', self.command_win, usage=_(''), shortdesc=_('Go to the specified room'), completion=self.completion_win) self.commands['w'] = self.commands['win'] self.register_command('move_tab', self.command_move_tab, usage=_(' '), desc=_("Insert the tab at the position of " ". This will make the following tabs shift in" " some cases (refer to the documentation). A tab can be " "designated by its number or by the beginning of its " "address. You can use \".\" as a shortcut for the current " "tab."), shortdesc=_('Move a tab.'), completion=self.completion_move_tab) self.register_command('show', self.command_status, usage=_(' [status message]'), desc=_("Sets your availability and (optionally) your status " "message. The argument is one of \"available" ", chat, away, afk, dnd, busy, xa\" and the optional " "[status message] argument will be your status message."), shortdesc=_('Change your availability.'), completion=self.completion_status) self.commands['status'] = self.commands['show'] self.register_command('bookmark_local', self.command_bookmark_local, usage=_("[roomname][/nick] [password]"), desc=_("Bookmark Local: Bookmark locally the specified room " "(you will then auto-join it on each poezio start). This" " commands uses almost the same syntaxe as /join. Type " "/help join for syntax examples. Note that when typing " "\"/bookmark\" on its own, the room will be bookmarked " "with the nickname you\'re currently using in this room " "(instead of default_nick)"), shortdesc=_('Bookmark a room locally.'), completion=self.completion_bookmark_local) self.register_command('bookmark', self.command_bookmark, usage=_("[roomname][/nick] [autojoin] [password]"), desc=_("Bookmark: Bookmark online the specified room (you " "will then auto-join it on each poezio start if autojoin" " is specified and is 'true'). This commands uses almost" " the same syntax as /join. Type /help join for syntax " "examples. Note that when typing \"/bookmark\" alone, the" " room will be bookmarked with the nickname you\'re " "currently using in this room (instead of default_nick)."), shortdesc=_("Bookmark a room online."), completion=self.completion_bookmark) self.register_command('set', self.command_set, usage=_("[plugin|][section]