""" Global commands which are to be linked to the Core class """ import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) import os import sys from datetime import datetime from gettext import gettext as _ from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase import StanzaBase from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.handler import Callback from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.matcher import StanzaPath import bookmark import common import fixes import pep import tabs import theming from common import safeJID from config import config, options as config_opts import multiuserchat as muc from roster import roster from theming import dump_tuple, get_theme from . structs import Command, possible_show def command_help(self, arg): """ /help <command_name> """ args = arg.split() if not args: color = dump_tuple(get_theme().COLOR_HELP_COMMANDS) acc = [] buff = ['Global commands:'] for command in self.commands: if isinstance(self.commands[command], Command): acc.append(' \x19%s}%s\x19o - %s' % (color, command, self.commands[command].short)) else: acc.append(' \x19%s}%s\x19o' % (color, command)) acc = sorted(acc) buff.extend(acc) acc = [] buff.append('Tab-specific commands:') commands = self.current_tab().commands for command in commands: if isinstance(commands[command], Command): acc.append(' \x19%s}%s\x19o - %s' % (color, command, commands[command].short)) else: acc.append(' \x19%s}%s\x19o' % (color, command)) acc = sorted(acc) buff.extend(acc) msg = '\n'.join(buff) msg += _("\nType /help <command_name> to know what each command does") if args: command = args[0].lstrip('/').strip() if command in self.current_tab().commands: tup = self.current_tab().commands[command] elif command in self.commands: tup = self.commands[command] else: self.information(_('Unknown command: %s') % command, 'Error') return if isinstance(tup, Command): msg = _('Usage: /%s %s\n' % (command, tup.usage)) msg += tup.desc else: msg = tup[1] self.information(msg, 'Help') def command_runkey(self, arg): """ /runkey <key> """ def replace_line_breaks(key): if key == '^J': return '\n' return key char = arg.strip() func = self.key_func.get(char, None) if func: func() else: res = self.do_command(replace_line_breaks(char), False) if res: self.refresh_window() def command_status(self, arg): """ /status <status> [msg] """ args = common.shell_split(arg) if len(args) < 1: return if not args[0] in possible_show.keys(): self.command_help('status') return show = possible_show[args[0]] if len(args) == 2: msg = args[1] else: msg = None pres = self.xmpp.make_presence() if msg: pres['status'] = msg pres['type'] = show self.events.trigger('send_normal_presence', pres) pres.send() current = self.current_tab() if isinstance(current, tabs.MucTab) and current.joined and show in ('away', 'xa'): current.send_chat_state('inactive') for tab in self.tabs: if isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab) and tab.joined: muc.change_show(self.xmpp, tab.name, tab.own_nick, show, msg) if hasattr(tab, 'directed_presence'): del tab.directed_presence self.set_status(show, msg) if isinstance(current, tabs.MucTab) and current.joined and show not in ('away', 'xa'): current.send_chat_state('active') def command_presence(self, arg): """ /presence <JID> [type] [status] """ args = common.shell_split(arg) if len(args) == 1: jid, type, status = args[0], None, None elif len(args) == 2: jid, type, status = args[0], args[1], None elif len(args) == 3: jid, type, status = args[0], args[1], args[2] else: return if jid == '.' and isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.ChatTab): jid = self.current_tab().get_name() if type == 'available': type = None try: pres = self.xmpp.make_presence(pto=jid, ptype=type, pstatus=status) self.events.trigger('send_normal_presence', pres) pres.send() except: self.information(_('Could not send directed presence'), 'Error') log.debug('Could not send directed presence to %s', jid, exc_info=True) return tab = self.get_tab_by_name(jid) if tab: if type in ('xa', 'away'): tab.directed_presence = False chatstate = 'inactive' else: tab.directed_presence = True chatstate = 'active' if tab == self.current_tab(): tab.send_chat_state(chatstate, True) if isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab): for private in tab.privates: private.directed_presence = tab.directed_presence if self.current_tab() in tab.privates: self.current_tab().send_chat_state(chatstate, True) def command_theme(self, arg=''): """/theme <theme name>""" args = arg.split() if args: self.command_set('theme %s' % (args[0],)) warning = theming.reload_theme() if warning: self.information(warning, 'Warning') self.refresh_window() def command_win(self, arg): """ /win <number> """ arg = arg.strip() if not arg: self.command_help('win') return try: nb = int(arg.split()[0]) except ValueError: nb = arg if self.current_tab_nb == nb: return self.previous_tab_nb = self.current_tab_nb old_tab = self.current_tab() if isinstance(nb, int): if 0 <= nb < len(self.tabs): if not self.tabs[nb]: return self.current_tab_nb = nb else: matchs = [] for tab in self.tabs: for name in tab.matching_names(): if nb.lower() in name[1].lower(): matchs.append((name[0], tab)) self.current_tab_nb = tab.nb if not matchs: return tab = min(matchs, key=lambda m: m[0])[1] self.current_tab_nb = tab.nb old_tab.on_lose_focus() self.current_tab().on_gain_focus() self.refresh_window() def command_move_tab(self, arg): """ /move_tab old_pos new_pos """ args = common.shell_split(arg) current_tab = self.current_tab() if len(args) != 2: return self.command_help('move_tab') def get_nb_from_value(value): ref = None try: ref = int(value) except ValueError: old_tab = None for tab in self.tabs: if not old_tab and value == tab.get_name(): old_tab = tab if not old_tab: self.information("Tab %s does not exist" % args[0], "Error") return None ref = old_tab.nb return ref old = get_nb_from_value(args[0]) new = get_nb_from_value(args[1]) if new is None or old is None: return self.information('Unable to move the tab.', 'Info') result = self.insert_tab(old, new) if not result: self.information('Unable to move the tab.', 'Info') else: self.current_tab_nb = self.tabs.index(current_tab) self.refresh_window() def command_list(self, arg): """ /list <server> Opens a MucListTab containing the list of the room in the specified server """ arg = arg.split() if len(arg) > 1: return self.command_help('list') elif arg: server = safeJID(arg[0]).server else: if not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.MucTab): return self.information('Please provide a server', 'Error') server = safeJID(self.current_tab().get_name()).server list_tab = tabs.MucListTab(server) self.add_tab(list_tab, True) self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0030'].get_items(jid=server, block=False, callback=list_tab.on_muc_list_item_received) def command_version(self, arg): """ /version <jid> """ def callback(res): if not res: return self.information('Could not get the software version from %s' % (jid,), 'Warning') version = '%s is running %s version %s on %s' % (jid, res.get('name') or _('an unknown software'), res.get('version') or _('unknown'), res.get('os') or _('an unknown platform')) self.information(version, 'Info') args = common.shell_split(arg) if len(args) < 1: return self.command_help('version') jid = safeJID(args[0]) if jid.resource or jid not in roster: fixes.get_version(self.xmpp, jid, callback=callback) elif jid in roster: for resource in roster[jid].resources: fixes.get_version(self.xmpp, resource.jid, callback=callback) else: fixes.get_version(self.xmpp, jid, callback=callback) def command_join(self, arg, histo_length=None): """ /join [room][/nick] [password] """ args = common.shell_split(arg) password = None if len(args) == 0: tab = self.current_tab() if not isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab) and not isinstance(tab, tabs.PrivateTab): return room = safeJID(tab.get_name()).bare nick = tab.own_nick else: if args[0].startswith('@'): # we try to join a server directly server_root = True info = safeJID(args[0][1:]) else: info = safeJID(args[0]) server_root = False if info == '' and len(args[0]) > 1 and args[0][0] == '/': nick = args[0][1:] elif info.resource == '': default = os.environ.get('USER') if os.environ.get('USER') else 'poezio' nick = config.get('default_nick', '') if nick == '': nick = default else: nick = info.resource if info.bare == '': # happens with /join /nickname, which is OK tab = self.current_tab() if not isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab): return room = tab.get_name() if nick == '': nick = tab.own_nick else: room = info.bare if room.find('@') == -1 and not server_root: # no server is provided, like "/join hello" # use the server of the current room if available # check if the current room's name has a server if isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.MucTab) and\ self.current_tab().get_name().find('@') != -1: room += '@%s' % safeJID(self.current_tab().get_name()).domain else: room = args[0] room = room.lower() if room in self.pending_invites: del self.pending_invites[room] tab = self.get_tab_by_name(room, tabs.MucTab) if len(args) == 2: # a password is provided password = args[1] if tab and tab.joined: # if we are already in the room self.focus_tab_named(tab.name) if tab.own_nick == nick: self.information('/join: Nothing to do.', 'Info') else: tab.own_nick = nick tab.command_cycle('') return if room.startswith('@'): room = room[1:] current_status = self.get_status() if not histo_length: histo_length = config.get('muc_history_length', 20) if histo_length == -1: histo_length = None if histo_length is not None: histo_length = str(histo_length) if password is None: # try to use a saved password password = config.get_by_tabname('password', None, room, fallback=False) if tab and not tab.joined: if tab.last_connection: delta = datetime.now() - tab.last_connection seconds = delta.seconds + delta.days * 24 * 3600 if tab.last_connection is not None else 0 seconds = int(seconds) else: seconds = 0 muc.join_groupchat(self, room, nick, password, histo_length, current_status.message, current_status.show, seconds=seconds) if not tab: self.open_new_room(room, nick) muc.join_groupchat(self, room, nick, password, histo_length, current_status.message, current_status.show) else: tab.own_nick = nick tab.users = [] if tab and tab.joined: self.enable_private_tabs(room) tab.state = "normal" if tab == self.current_tab(): tab.refresh() self.doupdate() def command_bookmark_local(self, arg=''): """ /bookmark_local [room][/nick] [password] """ args = common.shell_split(arg) nick = None password = None if not args and not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.MucTab): return if not args: tab = self.current_tab() roomname = tab.get_name() if tab.joined and tab.own_nick != self.own_nick: nick = tab.own_nick elif args[0] == '*': new_bookmarks = [] for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab): b = bookmark.get_by_jid(tab.get_name()) if not b: b = bookmark.Bookmark(tab.get_name(), autojoin=True, method="local") new_bookmarks.append(b) else: b.method = "local" new_bookmarks.append(b) bookmark.bookmarks.remove(b) new_bookmarks.extend(bookmark.bookmarks) bookmark.bookmarks = new_bookmarks bookmark.save_local() bookmark.save_remote(self.xmpp) self.information('Bookmarks added and saved.', 'Info') return else: info = safeJID(args[0]) if info.resource != '': nick = info.resource roomname = info.bare if not roomname: if not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.MucTab): return roomname = self.current_tab().get_name() if len(args) > 1: password = args[1] bm = bookmark.get_by_jid(roomname) if not bm: bm = bookmark.Bookmark(jid=roomname) bookmark.bookmarks.append(bm) self.information('Bookmark added.', 'Info') else: self.information('Bookmark updated.', 'Info') if nick: bm.nick = nick bm.autojoin = True bm.password = password bm.method = "local" bookmark.save_local() self.information(_('Your local bookmarks are now: %s') % [b for b in bookmark.bookmarks if b.method == 'local'], 'Info') def command_bookmark(self, arg=''): """ /bookmark [room][/nick] [autojoin] [password] """ if not config.get('use_remote_bookmarks', True): self.command_bookmark_local(arg) return args = common.shell_split(arg) nick = None if not args and not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.MucTab): return if not args: tab = self.current_tab() roomname = tab.get_name() if tab.joined: nick = tab.own_nick autojoin = True password = None elif args[0] == '*': if len(args) > 1: autojoin = False if args[1].lower() != 'true' else True else: autojoin = True new_bookmarks = [] for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab): b = bookmark.get_by_jid(tab.get_name()) if not b: b = bookmark.Bookmark(tab.get_name(), autojoin=autojoin, method=bookmark.preferred) new_bookmarks.append(b) else: b.method = bookmark.preferred bookmark.bookmarks.remove(b) new_bookmarks.append(b) new_bookmarks.extend(bookmark.bookmarks) bookmark.bookmarks = new_bookmarks if bookmark.save_remote(self.xmpp): bookmark.save_local() self.information("Bookmarks added.", "Info") else: self.information("Could not add the bookmarks.", "Info") return else: info = safeJID(args[0]) if info.resource != '': nick = info.resource roomname = info.bare if roomname == '': if not isinstance(self.current_tab(), tabs.MucTab): return roomname = self.current_tab().get_name() if len(args) > 1: autojoin = False if args[1].lower() != 'true' else True else: autojoin = True if len(args) > 2: password = args[2] else: password = None bm = bookmark.get_by_jid(roomname) if not bm: bm = bookmark.Bookmark(roomname) bookmark.bookmarks.append(bm) bm.method = config.get('use_bookmarks_method', 'pep') if nick: bm.nick = nick if password: bm.password = password bm.autojoin = autojoin if bookmark.save_remote(self.xmpp): self.information('Bookmark added.', 'Info') self.information(_('Your remote bookmarks are now: %s') % [b for b in bookmark.bookmarks if b.method in ('pep', 'privatexml')], 'Info') def command_bookmarks(self, arg=''): """/bookmarks""" self.information(_('Your remote bookmarks are: %s') % [b for b in bookmark.bookmarks if b.method in ('pep', 'privatexml')], 'Info') self.information(_('Your local bookmarks are: %s') % [b for b in bookmark.bookmarks if b.method is 'local'], 'Info') def command_remove_bookmark(self, arg=''): """/remove_bookmark [jid]""" args = common.shell_split(arg) if not args: tab = self.current_tab() if isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab) and bookmark.get_by_jid(tab.get_name()): bookmark.remove(tab.get_name()) bookmark.save(self.xmpp) if bookmark.save(self.xmpp): self.information('Bookmark deleted', 'Info') else: self.information('No bookmark to remove', 'Info') else: if bookmark.get_by_jid(args[0]): bookmark.remove(args[0]) if bookmark.save(self.xmpp): self.information('Bookmark deleted', 'Info') else: self.information('No bookmark to remove', 'Info') def command_set(self, arg): """ /set [module|][section] <option> <value> """ args = common.shell_split(arg) if len(args) != 2 and len(args) != 3: self.command_help('set') return if len(args) == 2: option = args[0] value = args[1] info = config.set_and_save(option, value) self.trigger_configuration_change(option, value) elif len(args) == 3: if '|' in args[0]: plugin_name, section = args[0].split('|')[:2] if not section: section = plugin_name option = args[1] value = args[2] if not plugin_name in self.plugin_manager.plugins: return plugin = self.plugin_manager.plugins[plugin_name] info = plugin.config.set_and_save(option, value, section) else: section = args[0] option = args[1] value = args[2] info = config.set_and_save(option, value, section) self.trigger_configuration_change(option, value) self.call_for_resize() self.information(*info) def command_server_cycle(self, arg=''): """ Do a /cycle on each room of the given server. If none, do it on the current tab """ args = common.shell_split(arg) tab = self.current_tab() message = "" if len(args): domain = args[0] if len(args) > 1: message = args[1] else: if isinstance(tab, tabs.MucTab): domain = safeJID(tab.get_name()).domain else: self.information(_("No server specified"), "Error") return for tab in self.get_tabs(tabs.MucTab): if tab.get_name().endswith(domain): if tab.joined: muc.leave_groupchat(tab.core.xmpp, tab.get_name(), tab.own_nick, message) tab.joined = False if tab.get_name() == domain: self.command_join('"@%s/%s"' %(tab.get_name(), tab.own_nick)) else: self.command_join('"%s/%s"' %(tab.get_name(), tab.own_nick)) def command_last_activity(self, arg): """ /last_activity <jid> """ def callback(iq): if iq['type'] != 'result': if iq['error']['type'] == 'auth': self.information('You are not allowed to see the activity of this contact.', 'Error') else: self.information('Error retrieving the activity', 'Error') return seconds = iq['last_activity']['seconds'] status = iq['last_activity']['status'] from_ = iq['from'] if not safeJID(from_).user: msg = 'The uptime of %s is %s.' % ( from_, common.parse_secs_to_str(seconds)) else: msg = 'The last activity of %s was %s ago%s' % ( from_, common.parse_secs_to_str(seconds), (' and his/her last status was %s' % status) if status else '',) self.information(msg, 'Info') jid = safeJID(arg) if jid == '': return self.command_help('last_activity') self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0012'].get_last_activity(jid, block=False, callback=callback) def command_mood(self, arg): """ /mood [<mood> [text]] """ args = common.shell_split(arg) if not args: return self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0107'].stop(block=False) mood = args[0] if mood not in pep.MOODS: return self.information('%s is not a correct value for a mood.' % mood, 'Error') if len(args) > 1: text = args[1] else: text = None self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0107'].publish_mood(mood, text, callback=dumb_callback, block=False) def command_activity(self, arg): """ /activity [<general> [specific] [text]] """ args = common.shell_split(arg) length = len(args) if not length: return self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0108'].stop(block=False) general = args[0] if general not in pep.ACTIVITIES: return self.information('%s is not a correct value for an activity' % general, 'Error') specific = None text = None if length == 2: if args[1] in pep.ACTIVITIES[general]: specific = args[1] else: text = args[1] elif length == 3: specific = args[1] text = args[2] if specific and specific not in pep.ACTIVITIES[general]: return self.information('%s is not a correct value for an activity' % specific, 'Error') self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0108'].publish_activity(general, specific, text, callback=dumb_callback, block=False) def command_gaming(self, arg): """ /gaming [<game name> [server address]] """ args = common.shell_split(arg) if not args: return self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0196'].stop(block=False) name = args[0] if len(args) > 1: address = args[1] else: address = None return self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0196'].publish_gaming(name=name, server_address=address, callback=dumb_callback, block=False) def command_invite(self, arg): """/invite <to> <room> [reason]""" args = common.shell_split(arg) if len(args) < 2: return reason = args[2] if len(args) > 2 else '' to = safeJID(args[0]) room = safeJID(args[1]) self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0045'].invite(room, str(to), reason) def command_decline(self, arg): """/decline <room@server.tld> [reason]""" args = common.shell_split(arg) if not len(args): return jid = safeJID(args[0]) if jid.bare not in self.pending_invites: return reason = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else '' del self.pending_invites[jid.bare] self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0045'].decline_invite(jid.bare, self.pending_invites[jid.bare], reason) ### Commands without a completion in this class ### def command_invitations(self, arg=''): """/invitations""" build = "" for invite in self.pending_invites: build += "%s by %s" % (invite, safeJID(self.pending_invites[invite]).bare) if self.pending_invites: build = "You are invited to the following rooms:\n" + build else: build = "You do not have any pending invitations." self.information(build, 'Info') def command_quit(self, arg=''): """ /quit """ if len(arg.strip()) != 0: msg = arg else: msg = None if config.get('enable_user_mood', True): self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0107'].stop(block=False) if config.get('enable_user_activity', True): self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0108'].stop(block=False) if config.get('enable_user_gaming', True): self.xmpp.plugin['xep_0196'].stop(block=False) self.save_config() self.plugin_manager.disable_plugins() self.disconnect(msg) self.running = False self.reset_curses() sys.exit() def command_bind(self, arg): """ Bind a key. """ args = common.shell_split(arg) if len(args) < 1: return self.command_help('bind') elif len(args) < 2: args.append("") if not config.silent_set(args[0], args[1], section='bindings'): self.information(_('Unable to write in the config file'), 'Error') if args[1]: self.information('%s is now bound to %s' % (args[0], args[1]), 'Info') else: self.information('%s is now unbound' % args[0], 'Info') def command_rawxml(self, arg): """ /rawxml <xml stanza> """ if not arg: return try: stanza = StanzaBase(self.xmpp, xml=ET.fromstring(arg)) if stanza.xml.tag == 'iq' and \ stanza.xml.attrib.get('type') in ('get', 'set') and \ stanza.xml.attrib.get('id'): iq_id = stanza.xml.attrib.get('id') def iqfunc(iq): self.information('%s' % iq, 'Iq') self.xmpp.remove_handler('Iq %s' % iq_id) self.xmpp.register_handler( Callback('Iq %s' % iq_id, StanzaPath('iq@id=%s' % iq_id), iqfunc ) ) log.debug('handler') log.debug('%s %s', stanza.xml.tag, stanza.xml.attrib) stanza.send() except: self.information(_('Could not send custom stanza'), 'Error') log.debug('/rawxml: Could not send custom stanza (%s)', repr(arg), exc_info=True) def command_load(self, arg): """ /load <plugin> """ args = arg.split() if len(args) != 1: self.command_help('load') return filename = args[0] self.plugin_manager.load(filename) def command_unload(self, arg): """ /unload <plugin> """ args = arg.split() if len(args) != 1: self.command_help('unload') return filename = args[0] self.plugin_manager.unload(filename) def command_plugins(self, arg=''): """ /plugins """ self.information("Plugins currently in use: %s" % repr(list(self.plugin_manager.plugins.keys())), 'Info') def command_message(self, arg): """ /message <jid> [message] """ args = common.shell_split(arg) if len(args) < 1: self.command_help('message') return jid = safeJID(args[0]) if not jid.user and not jid.domain and not jid.resource: return self.information('Invalid JID.', 'Error') tab = self.get_conversation_by_jid(jid.full, False, fallback_barejid=False) if not tab: tab = self.open_conversation_window(jid.full, focus=True) else: self.focus_tab_named(tab.get_name()) if len(args) > 1: tab.command_say(args[1]) def command_xml_tab(self, arg=''): """/xml_tab""" self.xml_tab = True xml_tab = self.focus_tab_named('XMLTab', tabs.XMLTab) if not xml_tab: tab = tabs.XMLTab() self.add_tab(tab, True) def command_self(self, arg=None): """ /self """ status = self.get_status() show, message = status.show, status.message nick = self.own_nick jid = self.xmpp.boundjid.full info = ('Your JID is %s\nYour current status is "%s" (%s)' '\nYour default nickname is %s\nYou are running poezio %s' % ( jid, message if message else '', show if show else 'available', nick, config_opts.version)) self.information(info, 'Info') def dumb_callback(*args, **kwargs): pass