# Copyright 2009 chickenzilla # Copyright 2010-2011 Le Coz Florent <louiz@louiz.org> # # This file is part of Poezio. # # Poezio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # # Poezio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Poezio. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ Defines the global config instance, used to get or set (and save) values from/to the config file """ DEFSECTION = "Poezio" from configparser import RawConfigParser, NoOptionError, NoSectionError from os import environ, makedirs, path from shutil import copy2 from optparse import OptionParser class Config(RawConfigParser): """ load/save the config to a file """ def __init__(self, file_name): self.file_name = file_name RawConfigParser.__init__(self, None) RawConfigParser.read(self, file_name) def get(self, option, default, section=DEFSECTION): """ get a value from the config but return a default value if it is not found The type of default defines the type returned """ try: if type(default) == int: res = self.getint(option, section) elif type(default) == float: res = self.getfloat(option, section) elif type(default) == bool: res = self.getboolean(option, section) else: res = self.getstr(option, section) except( NoOptionError, NoSectionError): return default return res def __get(self, option, section=DEFSECTION): """ facility for RawConfigParser.get """ return RawConfigParser.get(self, section, option) def getstr(self, option, section=DEFSECTION): """ get a value and returns it as a string """ return self.__get(option, section) def getint(self, option, section=DEFSECTION): """ get a value and returns it as an int """ try: return int(self.__get(option, section)) except ValueError: return -1 def getfloat(self, option, section=DEFSECTION): """ get a value and returns it as a float """ return float(self.__get(option, section)) def getboolean(self, option, section=DEFSECTION): """ get a value and returns it as a boolean """ return RawConfigParser.getboolean(self, section, option) def write_in_file(self, section, option, value): """ Our own way to save write the value in the file Just find the right section, and then find the right option, and edit it. TODO: make it write also new values in the file, not just what did already exist """ df = open(self.file_name, 'r') lines_before = [line.strip() for line in df.readlines()] df.close() result_lines = [] we_are_in_the_right_section = False for line in lines_before: if line.startswith('['): # check the section if line == '[%s]' % section: we_are_in_the_right_section = True else: we_are_in_the_right_section = False if (line.startswith('%s ' % (option,)) or line.startswith('%s=' % (option,))) and we_are_in_the_right_section: line = '%s = %s' % (option, value) result_lines.append(line) df = open(self.file_name, 'w') for line in result_lines: df.write('%s\n' % line) df.close() def set_and_save(self, option, value, section=DEFSECTION): """ set the value in the configuration then save it to the file """ try: RawConfigParser.set(self, section, option, value) except NoSectionError: # TODO, add this section if it didn't exist return self.write_in_file(section, option, value) # creates the configuration directory if it doesn't exist # and copy the default config in it CONFIG_HOME = environ.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") if not CONFIG_HOME: CONFIG_HOME = environ.get('HOME')+'/.config' CONFIG_PATH = CONFIG_HOME + '/poezio/' try: makedirs(CONFIG_PATH) except OSError: pass if not path.isfile(CONFIG_PATH+'poezio.cfg'): copy2(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), '../data/default_config.cfg'), CONFIG_PATH+'poezio.cfg') parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename", default=CONFIG_PATH+'poezio.cfg', help="The config file you want to use", metavar="CONFIG_FILE") parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", help="The file where debug will be written", metavar="DEBUG_FILE") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() config = Config(options.filename)